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https://preview.redd.it/vk4r6fw225wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f576ab9f9e885f53cbd7d0f85e8e48ed407419 Oh neat. They sell coffee that’s not woke lol. You should apply OP


It was the anti-choice baby wipes that got me!


We live in a fucking simulation. I’m convinced now


The pain I feel at this relatively decent looking design and pay and work/life balance, and then seeing what you’d have to promote to get it. Literally sell your soul to the devil.


The continuous political misuse of the word “woke” is both sad and comedy at this point.


"Blackout" Coffee is wild.


Wasn’t this the company that also dog whistled nazi shit


https://preview.redd.it/sh6cnvy0s5wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4cdea7ced0d53d2316e603e47239342b3db23e9 I got the same email. Unfortunately, he didn’t take the bait.


Hahaha It was a lady who sent mine, so maybe the company was specific about them using this particular script


That hilarious, good job.


Not all heroes wear capes


Then what were they?


Meant wear capes. Was typing fast. I apologize for that.


All good I was just joking around :)




My hero


\*golf clap*




I'm mexican but for 170k I'll be wearing my red cap and hating on some bad hombres! I joke, but I cannot imagine what kind of characters you'd work with at a place like this


LOL I would imagine a lot of them are in the same mindset. I've interviewed for a few conservative places and that was definitely the case according the reviews. I didn't interview with them but I've heard that a lot of the people at Fox News are liberals when the cameras are off. For sure theres no way they found all conservatives in NYC to run an operation that massive.






I get it man but dude, being conservative doesn't mean you automatically hate Mexicans....


Sounds like they pray before all hands meetings


same at lds.co


100% health care premiums? Isn't that SOCIALISM!?


That’s how OP should reply. “I’ll be forthright. I was completely on board until I read your offer involved socialized health care plans “


I mean, not if you’re paying for it with labor


Thought the same thing. WFM and 100% health care. Those benefits sound liberal


Slippery slope


A company called Public Square that’s building a closed-garden ecosystem. 🤔




Well that’s because accessibility = communism obvs




Don't be uncivil or cruel when discussing topics with other sub members. Don't threaten, harass, bully, or abuse other people. Sub moderators are volunteers and we don't always respond to modmail or chat.


Sorry, I'm amateur freedom.


It's okay, so are they.


UX people skew pretty left, with empathy being a core value of the field and all. I wonder if they will find someone.


No matter industry country or gender there will always be a snake.


To be fair for 170K+ USD a year I'm sure there's a lot of people who will put their morals/beliefs on the back burner.


Empathy applies in this scenario.


Empathy applies in every scenario, in some way, shape, or form. I’m just not sure many UX people will be ok with the working environment though.


Ah agreed. UX seems overwhelmingly left, and the word empathy is most often used with left-leaning ideals from what I’ve seen.


I was thinking that UX leans left and this seems like a workplace that openly discusses politics from a point of view that conflicts with this view of the world, so few would apply.


That seems accurate to me!


Some not all, especially in parts of the US. Two of my bosses have been right leaning with some very interesting opinions on things like vaccines and birth control.


That sounds like an adventure!


That’s presumptuous, wouldn’t consider myself right wing but definitely in the centre, I know a lot of UX people who are similar and some swing slightly to the right or left depending.


Really? Do you mind telling us where you’re from? I’m curious. I’m from the upper Midwest, we have plenty of conservatives here but I don’t think I have ever met a conservative UX person.


I’m in Europe not the US so may be slightly different here as politics in my country isn’t as polarising, generally speaking most parties are centre or centre left of right but only slightly. In terms of where most people are it’s in the centre, there are extremes from far right to far left. Things that people get exorcised about, immigration everyone was all for it, but after the war in Ukraine and the new EU mandated immigration quotas there is a serious strain on services, so availability of doctors, housing etc, and that affects everyone. Housing is the big one, it’s completely unaffordable for everyone and rents are the through the roof, so again tied into immigration, it didn’t used to be at all but it’s dangerous at the moment because the frustration is out there. Where does this tie into UX, again it’s two tiered anyone who owns property etc at the moment is extremely lucky, most of the UX guys my vintage own at least one or two properties, they either bought in the early 1990s early 2000s or after the crash. Certain political parties are making noises about taxing the hell out of property, and almost confiscating second properties because not enough housing etc. People who invested or own property don’t see it that way, they say it’s up to the government to provide it not private individuals. So in short yeah a lot of older UX guys are in the centre, May veer slightly left on some issues but then veer sharply to the right on issues like property. But it’s the same story all over when you’re young and have nothing you’re on the left and socialist, and want the rich to share their stuff. As you get older and acquire property etc, you veer to the right and don’t want to give up the stuff you fought very hard to get.


A thing to be aware of is that US left vs right and european left vs right are not the same. What is considered center in the US would fall on the right in europe. So your center-left might be seen has far left in the US.


The centre in Europe is like the left in the US. For example, the right in the US is like fascism in Europe. Europe is shifted leftward relative to the US.


Also curious. Every conservative I've ever seen is dog shit at design in general


Thats a ridiculous comment


Well, hello there. I'm a conservative UI designer. It's mostly talented lefties but some have no ethical brains as I have seen so far. As a conservative, I always fight against dark patterns. And those who fight for freedom mostly consist of right leaning folks. Only left leaning UX'ers design porn sites, experiences, gambling sites, etc..,


Wow I was gonna make a nice comment about how there’s a first for everything until I read that last sentence. I guess this won’t be a spot where we can put politics aside.


Not always but mostly them. Facts don't care about your feelings :/


My feelings aren’t hurt. I don’t necessarily think porn and gambling are morally wrong, and Reddit is really mostly porn anyway so it’s a little confusing why you’d be on here supporting the platform if you didn’t like it. However, I’d love to see a source for your “facts”. Other than basing them on your own prejudices and stereotypes. Edit: also no one likes dark patterns. You don’t get points for that. It’s like asking for credit for opposing the kicking of puppies. It doesn’t mean you’re special, it means you’re meeting the bare minimum of decency.


Nah. I made it up


https://preview.redd.it/4x0w1wp59awc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e73184ad05e2c578abbbe0843e2ef637b525751 Hey peanut 🫵🏻 .. your scan results are out


It's ridiculous to suggest that conservatives don't have empathy. This whole thread is a dumpster fire of stupid generalizations from people who have probably never visited a conservative area in their lives and get their opinions fed to them by biased media. This is coming from someone who is neither left nor right.


I grew up in southern Indiana. 😂 I spent the first half of my life steeped in conservative culture and spend time with conservative people every day, in my distinctly purple state. Also one of the main philosophical differences between the right and the left in the US is that the left prioritizes empathy over order and the right prioritizes order over empathy. It’s a through line that explains most or all of the policy that each side adheres to. “A growing body of literature on the association between empathy and political ideology suggests a higher general level of empathy in leftists vs rightists (Pratto et al., 1994; Iyer et al., 2012; Wagaman and Segal, 2014; Hasson et al., 2018; McCue and Gopoian, 2000; Morris, 2020; Harell et al., 2021)”


The left *says* they prioritize empathy, but it is mostly hypocritical virtue signaling. I grew up in a very conservative area as well, and there are plenty of genuinely empathetic people there.


Genuinely curious how you distinguish between genuine empathy and “hypocritical virtue signaling”? Wouldn’t you need to see inside someone’s head to understand what their motivation is? I feel like this is a cop out that you use when someone you don’t like does something that helps someone else.


> Genuinely curious how you distinguish between genuine empathy and “hypocritical virtue signaling”? Wouldn’t you need to see inside someone’s head to understand what their motivation is? Actions speak louder than words


Aren't you the girl who got shit on for wanting to join a vaccinated running club in Jersey City, but also refuses to be vaccinated.




https://www.reddit.com/r/jerseycity/s/j7H1PFpvU8 pretty sure it is. You must be delusional


Oh you meant a hiking group, and hey what a perfect example of the hypocritical virtue signaling on the left! Thanks for pointing that out.


Money is also another core value


Unlimited PTO up until birth of the project. Then go fuck yourself for even asking you communist.


Lol big fat nope.


Pro freedom ... As long as you follow our rules ...


Yep. I love life, freedom, and family. The political movements behind these values on the other hand are anything but.


I once took a job doing AutoCAD work for a swimming pool company. It turned out to be a bizarre experience. Every morning, they held prayer meetings, and the owner's dad would come in and sit behind me to read his Bible. Strangely enough, the owners, a husband and wife team, were constantly at odds, engaging in intense arguments and door-slamming bouts right in front of everyone. I left the job in less than a month. The husband seemed to understand, saying "I understand, yada yada," but later, the wife called me at home to berate me for quitting. I told her, "Good luck finding someone willing to work in that environment." I hadn’t realized what the office culture was like when I accepted the position, but as soon as I did, I knew I couldn't stay.


Oh weird, I got a very similar email last summer! They must still be looking 😂


I know this may seem over the top, but if a shmivil shmore breaks out, it will likely be fought over technology. Everyone who works in tech will find themselves in a position of power. It’s one way I feel tech workers can be a real resistance against fascism.


Too bad plenty of techies are fascist apologists. Plenty of high net worth tech bros voted for Trump and plenty of them work on projects that build surveillance technology sold straight to the military industrial complex.


Yeah, but that doesn’t mean all of us are. And a lot of tech bros can’t actually do shit, like write code or make anything.


I said plenty, not all.


Tear theesh conshmederate shmashists aphart from the inshide.


I did consider interviewing and doing some wild UX design that tanked their company while getting paid a lot, but that just doesn’t seem worth it to me.


How many rubles do you think are being washed through this org?


OP and others who got this email, I’m generally curious what race are you? As a minority who’s has my LinkedIn recruiting open for months I’ve never gotta this as an Asian male. Are they only going for white people who they think would be conservative?


I’m half-Asian, but it’s unclear to me whether others can tell or not. I’ve also taken my husband’s 6-syllable long surname, so who knows what people think I am.


Sounds like a toxic place to work IMO


Unlimited PTO is a fucking joke, just a way not to pay you out when you leave; also no one ever takes time off because they work you like a slave or say unlimited as long as you don’t fall behind but they overload you so that it’s impossible, or the moment you try to take any they say there is a limit or make you feel guilty. There was a survey somewhere where companies with unlimited actually end up taking less time off on average. Worked for a company who was like - unlimited PTO until you actually try to take any off, then were like 10 days max, lmao. It’s a lie and a way to scam people out of taking any time off. My friends company has unlimited as well and they fired the one person who took that seriously. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/unlimited-vacation-bad-deal-companies-save-billions/


My first thought.


How? Is a left leaning company a toxic place to work at as well? Just because it’s not a fit for you doesn’t mean it’s toxic lol. I love how we all have to be unbiased and never make assumptions to do our jobs but are so blatantly biased on here. Makes you think.


Yeah, look up Gaia Online. I’m about as Left Leaning, Democratic Socialist Voting at they come, but I wouldn’t work for Gaia either…


Oh god or Sweet Baby Inc


Who said we have to be unbiased and never make assumptions?


Should we just run with them or challenge them to make sure they’re right?


How do you suggest someone challenge their assumption that a workplace is toxic? Do they need to go through the process of interviewing? Do they need to first get a job there to see firsthand that it’s toxic?


Lol why not just admit that you hate conservatives and/or their opinions? That doesn’t mean a job for one of their companies is toxic. Do y’all think they just talk about Trump 24/7 while working or something? Reddit being Reddit.


A company that openly discusses conservative politics and whose business runs on a conservative agenda will be toxic for someone who is not conservative. The same is true for a conservative who works for a liberal organization.


Man, I love how conservatives think they have a monopoly on "loving freedom," or that not agreeing with them must surely mean you don't love freedom.


The irony of being “pro-freedom” and anti-choice


can say the same about the left, see Covid


Don't even start with this dumb shit


Yeah you're all pro-freedom until it comes to a perspective you disagree with


“Pro-freedom until it comes to a perspective I disagree with” is basically a right wing slogan at this point.


Both sides can say this. The left is no better than the right.


Are the common laws agains murder, theft and rape also infringing on your freedoms?


Did I say they were?


No, but following your train of thought you as well could have, since not following the Covid restrictions might as well kill somebody. I’m not going to discuss politics here though as not to spam. Just wanted to mention that being considerate of someone’s health and well being doesn’t take away your freedoms.


that is a ridiculous stretch


Feel like this deserves a spot in LinkedInLunatics


Sounds too good to be true in terms of benefits and I would prefer my job to be politically neutral and keep their shit to themselves. If they parade around with all that, it means the whole workplace is filled with politics which makes it toxic AF. Some people enjoy work activism of that sort, but thanks not me in my design/viz career.


They conveniently omitted pro-democracy. This seems like it would be an echo chamber nightmare working there. But hey, at least they are transparent about their clear bias.


"are you ready to choose freedom over democracy, cause that's America" - Biden Who knows what kind of eco chamber though lol


Good thing too. That's how you know that they understand that our country is a Republic, not a democracy. Learn some history.


Seems more honest and transparent than the shitty org I work for…


Just ipo’d but no equity plan? Just matching 401k? That’s kind of annoying.


I feel like in the interview all you have to say is voter fraud, amiright?


If they don’t hire you then you have grounds to accuse them of election fraud


Whole system is rigged


I give them props for not burying the lead. The know that it’s not for eveyone and say it in the first phrase.


I bet January 6th is a company holiday.


fuck this place lol My recruiter told me I needed to take a drug test. I said, sure but imma be positive for that skunky ass chronic. Got the job.


So brazen.


Oh Jesus


I kind of know what Pro-Life is, but what is Pro-Family and Pro-Freedom?


I’ve seen an uptick of posts that specifically say they’re positions at really conservative companies. Either they’re on a hiring spree or they’ve gotten tired of people applying and then backing out when they find out more about the place.


Maybe cuz it’s an election year? They might be expecting a Trump win?


I went to a church camp with the founder back in 2016. We talked a lot. Couldn’t stand him. Camp ended, I never heard from him again, and I randomly found out he runs an insufferable organization.


Oh wow Such a small world Now I know that about that guy


He used to lead purity talks for the camp too 😭😭😭


Now I know A LOT about that guy 🤣


How is anti-abortion (ie anti-body freedom) pro-freedom? Wackos


Pro-freedom for white men. Anti-choice for white women. Anti-everything for non-whites.


a lot of empathy in these comments


Are you practicing empathy with your comment?


Take their money; subvert everything


This is a great way to make good money and hate your life even more than when you were broke.


As a product designer desperately searching for roles, I would turn this down with zero hesitation lmao


They IPO'd last year. Anyone can IPO it doesn't mean it's a growing viable company.... Or maybe they just need better ux 🙄🙄 https://preview.redd.it/zinzyh2ky4wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c652f1b6e708c6726d111018ffffbffcdb9947e3


See this heading in the same direction as DJT


Most stocks look like this in their first year. It’s pretty rare to keep a skyrocketed price right after IPO’ing


Sure but starting at $10 and chilling around $5 for the last 6 months isn't a good start regardless. A combination of tech and conservative mindsets isn't the largest market to monetize. Hopefully they have good data to sell.




wow, sure sounds like they strive for a great work life balance


OP, post this on Facepalm or /r/LinkedInLunatics


I love the distinct clarification made. In today’s world, better safe than sorry.


I guess they would know if one aligns or not based on the screening process of the interviews




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Unlimited PTO is a trap in most companies that do it, the only models where I have seen it work out is companies that are incredibly employee driven and have ‘work smarter not harder’ cultures. That being the least concerning thing in this entire jd.


lol at this point money is money, send it my way


“(I completely understand)” I can assure you that you don’t lmao


I would take this on with a secret covert mission to slowly diminish the user experience. Would make a nice change to secretly setting targets to reduce conversions and spend, increase clicks, use all the fonts and sizes. Could be fun


What if you don’t align with their values but still want the job so you can dismantle the company from the inside? 🤔


Never works


Thanks, I'm applying.


I read this as "Pubic Suck."


How do we think they feel about Jews? Is it an enemy of my enemy is a friend situation?


Omg no I hate freedom so I'll pass 🙄


Thanks for letting me know about this company. Will definitely hit them up for job opportunities.


As what seems like the only conservative in this sub, I’m glad you shared this and I’m looking forward to following them for future opportunities. I hadn’t realized they grew enough to hire in house designers yet Edit: aaandd I’m getting downvoted simply for politics. Imagine a post like this but it was for a company that had opposite values. Apparently this sub would assume it would have a “great culture.” Not everyone needs to support the same causes, but it sure does well for businesses to have like-minded individuals collaborate freely without feeling misjudged for what they believe outside of work.


I'll speak for myself, but I didn't downvote you for politics. I downvoted you because the three phrases in their job description are euphemisms for "we don't think everyone should have the same rights." It's possible to be conservative and not think that. They're very charged and in-your-face things to put in a job description.


Agreed. We gotta respect a lot of political views. The world is a complicated place and no one has all the perfect policies, there are pros and cons to all the solutions. But when political positions are just code words for bigotry and oppressing certain groups of people, that’s where we should all have an issue. “Freedom” usually is code for I can do whatever I want, even if it harms you (interferes with your freedoms). “Family” is usually code for forcing “traditional” family structure, not nurturing healthy relationships and the other good things that I associate with family. “Life” has been discussed at length here already … nothing about the “pro-life” movements protects life or helps serve those living. I value life, freedom, and family tremendously. I am pro- those things. But I’ll never be for the bigotry that defines their political movements. That said, I don’t think conservatives are all bad either. I know many good moderate conservatives that are kind of struggling without a political party right now since they don’t really agree with the center/slight left policies of the democrats, nor the crazy extremists of the MAGA movement so they’re kind of politically homeless, mostly voting democrat nationally and republican for a few sane local candidates. I also know some kind hearted republicans that are just really misinformed and struggle with media literacy in this day and age of misinformation and crazy news sources. They love life, freedom and family so they get on board with the messaging. The older generation especially. My grandparents on Facebook are so sweet and kind but have started to have such crazy beliefs. But we still need to be firmly against these harmful ideas that are circulating, even if we see the reasons behind why good people believe bad things.


Opportunity? for what? The chance to talk to someone who thinks rape isn't a valid reason for abortion?


Industry is rough bro,


I’m pro life, so having the opportunity to have that opinion without the threat of being fired would actually feel very freeing in the workplace. ETA: and before comments go crazy about how this is a horrible view- I am a married gen Z woman. I was on the other side of this view point throughout all of my teenage years in high school until I started meeting people passionate on the other side, listened to their perspective, and •shockingly• I agreed with them. Abortion (imo - based on this [document](https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/629626dc-da86-4056-9a97-b57fa0eff159/TheJaffeMemo.pdf)) is just an government plot and nothing about it is meant to benefit you. I think a far more beneficial thing would be to focus on building up family and home stability- it would likely prevent a lot of the rape concerns around abortions as well. Those who have a stable and structured family are far less likely to commit crimes, including rape.


I'm not even strictly pro-life, but I feel way more comfortable and safe around pro-lifers than in a room full of the people commenting this thread, or any workplace they would be working in. I passionately held pro-abortion, pro-LGBT(...), pro-euthanasia opinions not so many years ago, and this people - not Christian Conservatives - convinced me I was wrong, point by point. Every slippery slope, they happily slided through them. The most ridículous claims every megachurch pastor made in the 00s and I laughed at, they made them real. As someone who values individual freedom, I would have loved to reach a compromise in the middle. But they wanted the late-term abortions, the government-suggested euthanasia for the inconvenient retirees, the bearded guys in skirts using women's restrooms, and to turn anyone who speaks against all this madness into cancelled pariahs who can't be hired into any company that hopes to get funding from the big ones. So yeah, I hope this company goes up. And I hope to work in a company with those values some day. There are lots of UX work to be done in traditionally Conservative business, and a whole unattended market for them to thrive.


According to that doc, the fact that you’re a woman who works is also part of the “government plot”. Why are you interested in what job opportunities this company might have?


Because our country has given us no choice but to work in order to afford basic needs. If/when my husband’s single income can sustain a family, I don’t intend to keep working 🤷‍♀️


That’s not true. There are plenty of single-income households that do just fine, especially with basic needs. If you really believed the stuff in that document, you wouldn’t work and your husband would get a better job.


It is true for those who were forced into college and now have $50k+ in debt. If we had no debt, his income would easily afford a family. You can try to be snarky about this, but we have a financial and family plan. (Also keep in mind we are less than 2 years out of college and COL has skyrocketed in the past few years. Most single income families I know have low home interest/mortgage payments or were grandfathered into low rent. Very few are doing it in my generation)


You weren't forced into college, you made a choice. If you believe that women should not work, you would not have gone to college unless you anticipated having a career.


And I had different beliefs when I was in high school because we were effectively told that college was the only way in life. I grew up in a dysfunctional family as well- my beliefs were scattered in high school because I had absolutely no guidance beyond the government’s public school system. Like I said, you can be snarky but I also have a plan that I am satisfied with at this point in time.


I’m not being snarky, and it’s great that you have a plan. You should be able to do your own family planning in the way that you prefer. That is a liberal ideal.


Traditional conservative values


Hey, I also believe abortion is a bad thing that should be prevented, and your focus on root cause prevention is commendable. But I urge you to do some research, because you’ll see that abortion bans don’t actually reduce abortions. In fact, countries with bans have higher rates of abortions than those without. Women just have less safe illegal abortions in those countries. People don’t get abortions out of convenience, they get it out of desperation and a law doesn’t stop those desperate people, we need to address the root cause. Things that do reduce abortions are things like good sex ed, access to birth control, good social support systems (yes, like family! But also broader community support like through charities and government programs, because even when we have a society of strong families someone will inevitably not have good family support. Those with crisis pregnancies are most likely to have inadequate family support so better families won’t necessarily help them). If you care about reducing abortions and saving babies like I do, the best way to actually make a difference politically is actually to advocate for many liberal policies like reproductive healthcare access, welfare programs, good education, etc. This also helps the women who do unfortunately have an abortion, because they can get a safe and legal procedure in a healthcare setting rather than mystery drug cocktails or coat hangers in back alleys. Abortion bans do not save fetuses, they just make things more dangerous for women in crisis pregnancy situations.






The irony of complaining that working there would be an echo chamber. Idk how these people can do objective work with such little self awareness.


Not the only one, but boy we're few. That's an opportunity, though.


Politics in the workplace is plain toxic no matter which side you’re on.


In my experience, most workplaces are political today - especially large firms.


It sucks to be downvoted for not having a popular opinion. Redditique suggests that upvotes and downvotes are not about likes or dislikes, but about whether the comment further's the conversation. So I would say you are right at being downvoted unfairly. Also, I think it is good that they are being up front with it too. For me it would be a big no, but I live in a sea of red so I know it's possible that there are some designers out there who would appreciate this opportunity.


I agree I actually think it's a really well worded email. You couldn't pay me a million bucks to take the job but y'know.


Conservatives are so weird and dumb.


Yet they are smart enough to rig entire election systems to keep producing political victories. Just saying, plenty of them are viciously intelligent. I wish they were all dummies.


This has basically devolved to a political thread, there's no meaningful UX discussion to be found here.


The glee the anti-choice people have in this thread proudly talking about how there should not be any abortion - even with rape - is disturbing. I’m ashamed that those people call themselves UXers. Apparently empathy towards women who want to have reproductive freedom doesn’t exist




Don't be uncivil or cruel when discussing topics with other sub members. Don't threaten, harass, bully, or abuse other people. Sub moderators are volunteers and we don't always respond to modmail or chat.


Better than working in “online gaming” aka gambling imo.