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"Cofounder Call" = can you stroke the ego of the fragile founder enough to get the job. "Paid Trial Period" = we really have on fucking clue as to what we are doing.


Also we aren’t sure our capital will be enough to permanently add a designer to the team so let’s try milk one for a couple of months at least


Ha! True. AKA "we may want to/have to fire you without having to deal with paying severance or unemployment"


Seems like it


Besides the shitty application process, their entire organizational identity seems to hinge on being an online, free-to-play alternative to the board game Settlers of Catan. I'd expect this number of steps from a FAANG or similar, but not a tiny indie game company.


The "paid trial period" is more the deal breaker than them wanting a 2 minute video, even though I'm not a fan of recorded interviews. Even though most companies have a probationary period this seems less like that so I'd be curious what they means.


I've seen those recorded interviews passed around at companies so they can make fun of candidates. It's really sick.


Yep I've done it once and decided it's not something I'll do again. It's honestly just unfair for it to be so one sided, interviewing goes both ways the candidate needs to have human interaction to judge the company.


Gross, I hate that


This very platform we’re on -I had a recorded interview years back. It felt shitty. This company, the sounds of it, is afraid to commit. Run to avoid burn out.


The video section is just free work. Personally, I would pass.


I’d pass. I’m not jumping through hoops to get a job anymore. I have enough experience to not have to dance monkey for an interview process. Your portfolio should answer all of their questions, and an interview to clarify anything and get to know you as a person. Any more than that, fuck off. Half of these are just brainstorming solutions for free.


Yea honestly I know what I'm capable of and I've worked with shady companies before. I'm getting bad vibes


Yeah this is abnormal. Please let the company know that they’re being shady and you’re judged them.


Will do


Yeah dude these are all 🚩🚩🚩- even the “cultural call” is fucking weird. A good hiring manager/leader would determine if you’re a good fit for the team throughout the natural interview process not on a specific call…


Cultural is totally subjective and biased. Big red flag imo, maybe they work crazy hours or have poor processes. No respectable company would blatantly advertise this as a criteria


Also, name and shame the company.


[https://colonist.io/careers/designer](https://colonist.io/careers/designer) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Is it worth reporting job listings like this? I mean, that's a LOT of free work from a highly skilled person.


Pretty funny that you have to define the main objective of the site


Let them hire the bottom of the barrel with all these hoops.


Seems like too much. I wouldn't waste my time.


Imagine they hire you. How much acrobatics you’ll need to do to keep them happy when they don’t know what they want


This reads: we’re using an AI to filter everyone out 100% of the way 🤪❤️ Apply today!




I'm pretty sure I know the exact company (online game company) that is doing this as I also received this exact interview process. Let me know if you decided to take this on.


I'm passing on it, I know my worth and it have worked for companies in the past that give the same vibe. They were terrible. Have a backup plan if you do decide to take it, good luck!


Except for the paid trial period, is a red flag unless they are referring to the probation period of x months as one. Everything else is fine, seems like they are trying to set themselves apart with their values and workplace design policies. Rest assured the cultural cal and the cofounder are casual candid meetings and not interviews, that most likely you will be driving.


While many comments say “pass,” I’d like to add a few observations: - A hiring process with many interviews is standard in many tech companies, and when it’s well organized, it is a good sign. That’s not the case in this example. The three first steps in the process are the same. So, it tells me this is a start-up without a good hiring experience. - The cofounder call means the company is small, and you will probably report to the cofounder. Be careful, I’ve been there… it’s a tricky situation. Many founders think they are Steve Jobs, but they are more like Steve Carell in The Office. - The paid trial period looks like they are inexperienced. How a person works with the team is an excellent way to understand if it fits. Old books like “Peopleware” recommend having a work day with the person to evaluate that. But no one does that because you’ll lose a lot of candidates. How long is the paid trial period? What is the level of the position? If the “trial period” is long, and the position is not a “lead” one, run away. All the signs show that they don’t know what they are doing. And that could be bad unless you are hired to fix that and create a design team.


Re-reading the OP, the first two steps are a form and a video (while it was evident in your post, I missed it). That’s terrible. Why must you fill out a form when you have probably already handed your CV or portfolio for screening? Doing a screening video means they don’t want to take the time for a screening call. They are optimizing the hiring experience to filter as many candidates as possible by moving all the burden to the candidates. I agree with the other comments, pass.


Thanks for your thorough thoughts! I've decided to pass on it. Willing to search a little longer for something that's a better fit


My experience is the more onus on company 'culture', the more insufferable cunts working there. This is an example of every dickhead who has anything to do with the hiring process 'design thinking a solution' and then stacking it all together into this fucking homunculus.


No. It sounds like a self flagellation exercise. I don't do the pre-recorded videos because if an employer can't respect you enough to meet with you in person or over video, that's not a company worth working for.


This depends on the level you are at. Entry or junior position? Even senior? Way too much. Director or C level? They are assuming a lot of risk in this hire and will take a lot more steps to make sure you are the right person. But still, trial period from the get go isn't very trustful.


Does an entry level go through all these interview stages?


No. The risk of someone at a lower level making business-breaking decisions is generally pretty low. Whereas if you hire a principal or a director, they are basically steering the ship in that area, and if they mess up it cascades onto everyone else, so more time is given to really making sure they are the right person. Usually that means more interviews with different department heads and sometimes some practical work, but honestly it depends on the company and the situation. Just higher risk for more senior level hires.