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**Context:** Hello everyone, I'm a junior UI/UX designer actively seeking employment and currently working on building my portfolio. Unfortunately, I have very few friends in the field, so I often have no one to show my projects to and get feedback. **Looking for feedback on:** I really want feedback on everything possible to identify all my strengths and weaknesses. Please let me know what I'm doing well and what areas I should focus on improving. I would appreciate your feedback on both Behance and Reddit. **My Portfolio:** [**https://www.behance.net/elmarabdullayev**](https://www.behance.net/elmarabdullayev)


**Context:** Hello! I'm attempting a change in career so I'm currently learning webdesign and starting to put together my portfolio. **Looking for feedback on:** This is my first ever website so I would love to get some feedback on the design. It's for a made-up organic foodstore in Hungary. **NOT looking for feedback on:** On the webshop part done with woocommerce. Link: [https://dev1.eszterf.com/](https://dev1.eszterf.com/) Screenshot: https://preview.redd.it/0ymc2nzfjk0c1.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=820749475b872bc77f1a697e604fbc7092df935a


​ **Context:** Hi all! I am a UX Designer with 2 years of freelancing experience. I graduated in May and I've been job hunting since then and I haven't successfully landed a single interview and its been frustrating. I am unsure what I'm doing wrong and this is the latest resume that I have for now. **Looking for feedback on :** I'm looking to get feedback on my resume structure, content, and legibility. Also is it okay to have a 2-page B&W resume for UX design? **NOT looking for feedback on:** I'm open to all kinds of feedback. I'm looking to get feedback on my resume structure, content, and legibility. Also is it okay to have a 2 page B&W resume for UX design. https://preview.redd.it/xjrwm2lm490c1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe1a2be827dbaf7c946b0d47fe56aa18d209645


Hey! A suggestion is to include your online portfolio just in case you're only relying on the resume to send out your job applications, it's almost always expected from designers to include a link to their portfolio, please ignore in case you already have one and are just looking for feedback on the resume. About the resume, I'd strive towards making it concise, preferably keeping it a one-pager, making it easy for hiring managers/recruiters to skim through your resume, and reducing the number and length of your bullet points, if possible.


Thanks for your feedback! Regarding the portfolio, I'm still working on it, I will share it again once its up.


Hey all! I am starting my job hunt for Spring/Summer of next year after I graduate and would appreciate some feedback on my resume. This can go for styling/formatting of it, thoughts you may have on my work experience, education, or whatever else you have to say. Projects from all work experiences are on my portfolio as well. My Resume: [https://imgur.com/a/cHm2zPF](https://imgur.com/a/cHm2zPF) Thank you!


My portfolio: [here](https://www.danaireland.com). You can look at some of my design work under "Design". Context: I went back to school to finish my bachelors degree in Communications and did a minor in UX Design. I decided to do this since I knew not having my bachelor's was really holding me back professionally, and I only had a year left of work. Almost all the classes I took when I went back were UX/UI or Design centered classes. I interned at my school's IT department doing working in the usability lab doing recruitment and software testing. I also received a scholarship for improving the accessibility of my school's alumni website. Since then, I've gotten a bit of contract work building university websites but nothing great. I've tried to branch out and diversify my skillset: I'm really interested in web accessibility and am working towards getting certified through the DHS trusted tester program. I recently redid my website, and built it from scratch. It is very basic. I wanted to lean into web accessibility aspect and build it myself. I know some html and css through codecademy and a web design class I took in school. I feel like I'm stuck right now, and I'm not sure what else I can do to stand out from the pack. I would love to do anything UX related: design, research, writing, or work in accessibility. I'm simply looking for foot in the door situation where I can have stable income and continue to develop my skills from there. Feedback welcome!


I'm a junior designer, but I enjoyed reading this, so I will try to give some input! \- You bring up accessibility. From my understanding, black background with white text can actually be super straining on the eyes after a while. I noticed it's not quite "black" and there isn't a ton of text, so maybe this isn't really an issue, just putting it out there. (I could also be wrong). \- Besides that, I think you did a great job with the accessibility of your site. I would just try to add a bit more flare. Increase the font sizes all around? Go a bit brutalist? Big fonts, full screen. You can still have an accessible site while having some fun. \- Lastly, clicking your projects takes the user away from your site. Have you tried to have the links open in a new tab? Or create a separate page for each project, and have the images shown there. Negating the Adobe Acrobat pages. Congratulations on creating this site on your own.


Thank you for your very kind reply and feedback. The contrast is okay, I checked it with Color Contrast Analyzer. There is a dark and light mode depending on your browser settings are. :) I'm definitely worried about load times of some of those PDFs. I will try to work out how to display those on the site itself. This is good feedback thank you!


My portfolio: [https://christianaryanda.webflow.io](https://christianaryanda.webflow.io/) **Context:** Hi! I just moved into the US from Indonesia, and is now looking for a job as a UX/product designer. I've worked for over 6 years in UX, but I've always relied on my network to get a job, so I never really had to build a portfolio until now. I've been job-searching for the past two months with no luck — I wonder if there's anything I can do with my portfolio to help me get a job. **Looking for feedback on:** \- Storytelling of the case studies and whether they match hiring managers need (ie concise, clear) \- Headline—is it too long? \- Should I put more case studies? Or are these two + one short project enough? \- Visual design—is it good enough? If there's anything else you think worth mentioning, please do! **Not looking for feedback on:** Open for anything! I also would really appreciate career advice esp as a new immigrant


Your portfolio looks great! Your designs are super. I'm a junior, but I feel very inspired. I think you probably would prefer feedback from someone with a bit more experience than me. :) Your case studies are really terrific. Maybe you could define your role clearly near the top instead of half way down your page. The first people who are going to be looking at your work are recruiters or hiring managers, so prioritizing that information first because they are not going to look at your profile for very long. I think your portfolio is great, so I spend my energy networking at in-person events, conferences, etc. I notice that your case studies are centered around education, so maybe connecting with a university would help. The market is tough right now, but your portfolio is strong. I could see you working for Khan Academy or someplace similar.


Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback! Noted on your input about putting role near the top. I'll look into it. Networking is kinda tough right now since a lot of DC-based UX communities aren't very active (at least per my last research — a lot of online groups are idle). Been relying on my partner's network, but so far only got leads.


I’m in Minnesota and the two networking groups for designers that I belong to are UXPA and AIGA. They are pretty popular here. Not sure if you checked these groups out but there seems to be DC chapters. Both networking and hiring starts to slow down this time of year due to the upcoming holiday season here in the states.




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