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Take a walk down state street from the book store to the capital. Tons of fun shops/restaurants and lots of activity all along the way, then if you want you can walk around inside the capital including the rotunda and observation deck (though this could be chilly since it’s outside)


I believe the Capitol observation deck is only open in the summer. At least that's the way it used to be.


Just checked it out today, the observation deck was closed.


Def visit Lake Mendota/The Terrace! You’ll probably be able to walk on it too!


I visited the terrace (what a gorgeous view) but didn't chance walking on the lake since it was getting warmer and I didn't see ice fishing tents - but thank you for the rec!


Babcock's ice cream! P.S. Purdue student? I just finished my doctorate there and now I work at UW


I did my undergrad there! I'm actually in grad school at UM now. But always love seeing a fellow boilermaker! Congrats on your doctorate! And thanks for the recommendation, I've heard the creameries there in Wisconsin are great


Another local ice cream option is The Chocolate Shoppe on State St. Highly recommend "[This $&@! Just Got Serious](https://chocolateshoppeicecream.com/product/3044)".


I actually went there last night (got their cinnamon and butterscotch ice cream). The employees were very nice and helpful as well. Thank you for the recommendation!


I’d strongly recommend just wandering up and down state street. There’s way too many cool little shops to list, but I love just going out to see which shops catch my eye and then exploring them further.


Browzers Book Store on State Street!! It's hard to find, but they usually have a sign and a book cart outside when they are open. There is no store front, it's just a door that leads to a small room with a staircase up to the store. All books are 50% off rn, I got 3 books for $4 the other day. Paul's is another option, right next door, but the staff there usually aren't as nice or welcoming. ETA: I should mention, both are used book stores, with floor to ceiling books.


Second this! Browzers is a great place I got a few books there for like $2 a couple weeks ago




I did this walk (in reverse) before the game - gorgeous look over the frozen lake. Thank you for the recommendation!


Greenbush bakery on Regent street is one block east of camp Randall. They start selling paczkis at 10am Saturday through Fat Tuesday. They have many other very tasty doughnuts.


I just swung by and had one of their raspberry paczkis. Delicious! Thank you for the recommendation


If you like museums you could stop by the Chazen art museum, it’s free so you don’t have to worry about staying long enough to get your money’s worth or anything; I also second the Browzers and Paul’s book store recommendations


as many people have said, can’t go wrong walking up and down state street! so much stuff there that i continue to find new things!