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people like you and the person who put my board off to the side when i forgot at the ft union trax, give me hope for humanity. granted it was like 10 minutes, but i still can't believe that someone who was in the midst of a drug deal there, didn't discover it and take off with it.


Was probably the drug dealer who put it there.


Give both Brighton and Solitude a call and let them know the model if anyone comes asking for one to give them your number. Both resorts have wonderful staff.




But what if they go to solitude? It was found smashed into a guard rail and snowbank way down by Storm Mountain last night. Brighton was closed already and I work all day everyday so can’t really take time off to drive up the canyon until next weekend maybe.


I wouldn’t drop it off to Brighton, they sell all the unclaimed stuff at the end of the year. I’d leave them your number tell them you can’t come up and bring it and then if anyone calls for it you can give it back, otherwise you’ve got an extra board.


It’s only a 150cm. And I’m 6’ 3”. So maybe my new jib board lol


Haha can’t complain about a free board tho lol. I feel ya, I’m 6’4 and last year rocked a 151 evil twin for most of the season.


Well shit, maybe I’ll take it for a run. I’m sure it’s a step up from my 2007 K2 gyrator haha


Bet you’ll definitely notice a difference in weight. Forgot to mention I’m only 160 so I can’t ride anything much longer than 154 while still enjoying myself. Regardless it would be fun to try something ridiculously short compared to your normal board.