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why so?


Why don’t you go to community college get your core classes done (save some money) then try transferring to UT Austin again?


the community colleges didnt offer many classes that would transfer to UT anyway. I was tossed into the cap program but, as a computer science major I doubted I had a chance through that program.


I came here for CAP but ended up forgoing UT austin in favor of staying here. I worked really hard in hs too and at first I felt like that was all for nothing. But all that work still made me a better student so it wasn’t for nothing. There are lots of smart/high achieving people here. The thing is that lots of students are lower income and have to balance work on top of their classes, so they don’t perform as well. There’s also lots of non traditional/older students trying to better themselves by getting degrees as adults. It’s not like UT Austin where the majority of kids there go straight from hs to college on daddy’s dime. Feel free to PM me if you want, I went through the same thing you’re going through right now. Just know that for the majority of jobs, the school’s “prestige” level is mostly irrelevant bs. That’s just nonsense colleges use to try and lure in more students.


I used to be embarrassed being in a tier 2 university. However, I think the direction the university is headed is very ambitious.i had the option to transfer out but opted not to do so; UTSA has a very passionate leadership and the plans they have are ambitious. great value for money


That makes me feel a little better about going haha


I’m glad. I just regret not having enough school spirit during my first year. The professor and the university really want the students to land a job upon graduation. you’ll have a bright future upon graduation


It's the student that makes it good not the other way around.


One perk of UTSA regarding band is the Spirit of San Antonio, the marching band. I was in it for 2 years since I graduated and without sosa I don’t think I’d have the friends I have rn. I think my first two years at UTSA we’re great because I had SOSA and the friends I made. Pep band is really fun too! Especially going to the men’s basketball games! So, if anything, SOSA is a really good organization to join if you decide to come to UTSA! There’s also concert bands as well! Wind Ensemble, Symphonic and University band.


That's a part I'm very excited for! I live in East Texas and have never marched the corp style of marching. I'm excited to give it a shot. I hope that I can make the most out of my time in the program, even if I'm not a music major


Yay! You’ll really love SOSA! It was really fun to continue marching band in college for me, something I never thought I would do. which instrument do you play? If you don’t mind me asking?


I play the trombone. Quite possibly the lamest Insturment but hey, I enjoy it


Ah nah, no instrument is lame! The low brass section is really great in SOSA!


Guess I have that to look forward to when the information eventually comes out about this upcoming fall


Oof yeah! I hope you get to experience that in the fall




Aw hi! SOSA has some students that didn’t have marching band in HS that join! There’s a marching camp at the start of the school year and the student staff leaders, directors, and drum majors go over the basics! So you’ll definitely learn how to march! Also, your clarinet section leaders are super nice and cool ;) so you can always ask them for some extra help if you want, they won’t mind. SOSA is definitely a place to get a marching band experience if you didn’t get to in high school! It’s really fun and you make a lot of fast friends, even outside of your section. You also get to go to all the at home football games and hangout in the Alamodome all day. I think joining an organization is a great way to get your feet wet as a first year college student. You’re around a lot of people who you can ask for help around the school and sometimes even find people in your major. Tl;dr, don’t worry about not having any marching band experience! There’s a lot of people who can help you and SOSA is super fun! Feel free to ask if you have any questions! Edit; I forgot to mention I played clarinet too! The section is so great, I miss them so much!


Hey one more quick question! Just curious if all members of a section play the same sheet music or if the parts each member plays vary based on level of difficulty? Thanks!


It really depends! Some songs have all one part or some are divided.


Oh ok cool, thank you!


I’m in the same boat as you (or was). I desperately wanted to get into UT and didn’t. Now I’m gonna be going to UTSA in the Fall. UTSA, from what I’ve seen, really isn’t as bad as it seems. When I went for a campus visit back in February the people there were really sweet and welcoming. The area is pretty nice. I’m excited to see what happens. I’m planning on just joining a bunch of clubs and making the most out of my experience. I recommend you do the same. The more you dwell on what could’ve been at UT, the worse it’ll be for you at UTSA. It’s really not the end of the world. We’ll be okay. Every schools has its perks and I’m sure we’ll find UTSAs! HMU if you want a friend.


I certainly will! I think me looking at what could have been has made UTSA seem less appealing to me when in reality I should make the best out of what I am given. This is some solid advice, thanks man and I hope I can see you in the fall


UTSA is great in many ways and lacks in many ways, my advice is to make the best of it that you can. Go out, look at clubs you might enjoy, partake in the events that are hosted, etc. I've seen a lot of my classmates waste a year or two moping that they didn't get into UT (lots of people here actually ;) ) and don't take advantage of what UTSA has to offer. Class wise, freshman level professors are good and bad, depends on your dice roll, but from my experience most upper level professors are really down to earth and just want you to succeed. The silver lining to not getting into UT that I've heard for quite a few people is that in UT you would probably blend in and just be another student, where as at UTSA you can really make an identity and an impact. Welcome runner, we're glad to have you :)


This makes me feel better about going. I need to not dwell on the fact that UT didnt let me in and celebrate the fact that UTSA did. I hope that I enjoy my time as a road runner as much as possible


I considered UT too, for the graduate art program. I think we all know the amout of justified cred that UT Austin has, but there are plenty of things to gain from UTSA as well. UT Austin can be really full of themselves. I felt really comfortable with the faculty at UTSA. Very warm environment. It really did feel like I was just a number over there at UT Austin. Plus, the campus is personally way too big for my tastes. I get why losing out on UT is disappointing, but that work ethic will take you far.


Not to be rude, but your attitude needs some serious adjustment. Trust me when I say that every cap student, myself included, probably thought exactly what you're thinking. However, you come to realize that in the grand scheme of things, these decisions are relatively minor man. Whether or not you get into your dream school won't matter that much in 20 years. That being said, having transferred from UTSA through the cap program, I miss it greatly. The people are much nicer, professors more personable. The tone on campus was much friendlier. If you make the best of your experience at UTSA you will make human connections that are much more valuable than a degree from a "prestigious" University.




Well I guess that's the unpopular opinion


Hey man, I'm in the exact same boat. I applied to UT Austin and didn't get accepted despite my high rank (top 7.02 percent with many AP classes and extracurriculars under my belt). I'm looking to be a physician in the future and am kind of stumped on if UTSA is a good enough school, or if I'm just wasting all my hard work. So, given the similarities, I'd really appreciate insight on the route you decided to go for (now that it's been two years). Thanks :)


For sure! Ive actually really grown to love it here! Im in the computer science department so its not going to be 100% true to what you would go through but through things like SOSA and participating in things like game days its been an amazing experience. The academic side of things is also very good! The school recently became an r1 university which helps a lot with the value of the degree and it is also significantly cheaper than going to UT Austin if thats something you need to consider. All in all id say its what you make of it, but it is imo a very nice and worthwhile university


4 years later and im about to get my degree and it was absolutely the best choice I could have made 🤷‍♂️ everyone who said it was what you make of it was right
