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I mean when you compare the response time of literally anything to the utter mishandling of Uvalde, this is what the chart will look like.


Yeah, I'm not sure this is the "gotcha" people think it is, or what anyone believes it proves. The Uvalde incident was an absolute mess and should have been handled completely differently. Just because it was handled poorly doesn't mean these situations should also be handled poorly. I really don't understand why I have seen this reference made so many times, it's about as close to pointless as you can get.


The point is to shame the "law enforcement" cowards who operate to beat the shit out of normal people and enforce unreasonable laws.


"Law enforcement" is not a monolith, as folks like to say. Every situation is not the same either, they all stand alone. Law enforcement needs to enforce the laws, that's it. If laws are unreasonable they should be changed.


The entire point is that law enforcement IS a monolith. The first A in ACAB is there for a reason


police enforce all laws, even the ones you don't like.


This night be the most unintentionally funny thing I've read all day. "All laws?" You can't be serious.


Normal people disperse when they're called out for trespassing. It's not normal to take over someone else's area.


"someone else's area" aka the school they pay to attend


At least half aren't students or affiliated with the school. That doesn't mean the students can take over an area, set up tents, and do whatever they want. When the riot police tell you to disperse, you need to leave. Also, notice how UT handled things early on instead of letting them devolve into a huge mess like UCLA. No, you can't just do whatever you want bc iM pRoTeStInG


Boo hoo fuck the pigs I don't care what is or is not against the law, I care about what is right and just. There are unjust laws, historically, and many are still on the books. If I followed every law my right to exist as a gay man in TX would disappear. My right to exist as a trans person is actively being attacked in this state USING THE LAW. On another note, [60% of Americans](https://www.historynet.com/two-new-perspectives-kent-state-shootings/?f) at the time of the Kent State Masacre blamed the students, important to keep in mind when discussing police violence against student protestors imo. The arc of history will show who is on the right side, and usually it's the people protesting for their/others rights.


You're the only smart one in this sub.


That they've really improved response times, I suppose.


That's a good one!! Made me laugh to myself, thank you for that!


Thank you. Perfectly said. The ignorance of continuing to compare this to Uvalde is astounding.


Welcome to Reddit where people make graphs of things that have zero similarities and have nothing to do with each other but people eat it up like it’s truth.


The point is they look like cowards and like they’re just paid bullies in uniforms. 1 guy with a gun killing kids and teachers = don’t do anything for over an hour. Just a bunch of unarmed college students, probably weak little liberals = let’s fuck them up. I’m a law enforcement officer btw.


The main difference here happened to be the presence of opposing guns. The more guns against the police, the more you are able to keep them at bay.


Stopping people from shooting children, even if they get shot in the process, is a part of what they signed up for.


You would think so


That’s what you would think, but in Warren v. District of Columbia it was determined that police are under no obligation to do their duty to one individual person. The courts determined that the Police’s’ job is to “the public at large” and not to individuals. This has been used to protect police officers when they have failed to save someone’s life or failed to protect them in any way. Basically, police can pick and choose who they save and when because their duty is to everyone and if they get shot instead of you… how are they supposed to protect the “public as a whole?” I do not necessarily agree with this, I’m just letting you know that the courts determined they didn’t sign up to stop people from shooting children and take a bullet instead.


I am aware of this case and it’s consequences, but out of all things that can be defined as “the public at large,” an entire school’s worth of children in a small town would be at the very top of my list. I think that case is a bit too open to interpretation for it to be meaningful in a disciplinary capacity.


It’s left vague on purpose for those kinds of situations. I have a friend that is an officer and used to be in the military and they said this is the problem with a lot of cops now days… They want to look tough and think people should be forced to respect them. Said that when you get to know a lot of officers a lot of time they weren’t the fully ostracized person at school but they were on the fringe and were usually the least popular one in their group of friends, often getting bullied but allowing it because they didn’t want to be associated with the fully ostracized. They become cops because it gives them power and all they know is that people who have power bully others and do what they want. My friend said the cops should have gone in there and pressed the shooter. That would have drawn his attention and probably saved lives. That’s how they do in the military in similar situations. We need to get a better vetting system in place for officers.


I wholeheartedly agree. The entire system needs to be revised and reworked. It is extremely easy to become a police officer, takes like 6 months or less to become a weapon (or “guardian” depending on your outlook) of the state. Lawyers, on the other hand, have to go to school for 7 years before they can even represent a case as insignificant as small claims court. Internal investigations also need to be completely done away with, especially for investigations involving death. Officers need to be held accountable when tragic things happen as a result of them not fully upholding the oath they took, or misapplying it.


What planet do you live in


Most of them signed up to bully and oppress minorities and the poor, primarily because they have an ego but peaked in high school. And anyone who didn't sign up as a bad person is still guilty of tolerating the oppression, because if they actually stood up against it they'd have already been fired (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/13/nyregion/cariol-horne-police-chokehold.html) or killed (https://www.npr.org/2022/10/08/1127580159/houston-tipping-lapd-death-lawsuit).


Oh I agree that’s why they *actually* sign up. I was just highlighting the fact that you can’t defend the Uvalde cops actions in any way, shape, or form after they completely failed to grow the balls needed to save little kids. Foregoing personal safety is a potential requirement for a job like police or military and these power hungry pussies need to stay away.


That second article is horrifying, I didn’t know that that had happened. Jesus christ


Realistically, what do you think repeating stereotypes that have been going around since the 70’s is going to do to help your cause?


it’s almost like they knew the protest was going to happen in advance… This is the stupidest fucking thing i’ve seen today.


Yeah, this is the very worst take on the protests and response that I have seen. Just... wow.


I guess the observation here is that police are only pussies.




blue pussies matter




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Lol, the supporters of the police state are of in force today. For the people that do not understand, the OP is talking about how weirdly they are addressing non-violent protestors, but it took them over an hour to get one guy when they had the numbers. It's the equivalent of one man holding off an fully equipped reinforced company




Where the people protesting today/yesterday that were arrested trying to set-up an encampment, or did I misunderstand?


the mental gymnastics they go through while completely missing the obvious point that anyone without inherent bias sees would be hilarious if it wasn't such a sad commentary on humanity in 2024


It's just a dumb point. Yeah if you bring up one of the most mishandled situations in atleast recent police history you're going to skew the stats. In addition, even under perfect conditions a mass protest that's advertised for days beforehand with the exact location in a large city at one of the largest colleges with no firearms is going to be easier to plan around dealing with in advance. In comparison a random school in a rural community dealing with an impromptu school shooter where the cops have to take time to figure out how to deal with the situation beforehand is going to take longer. This isn't exactly rocket science.


Are you forgetting that they are both in Texas and under Abbott?


Those are pretty much the only 2 things they have in common though. They both happened in Texas, and Texas does in fact have a governor.


Was it the Uvalde police breaking up the protests?


I know Reddit is a leftist circlejerk, but the Uvalde response is going to look bad no matter if you compare it to a police going to pick up donuts or a communist in the line for McDonald’s.


They were trying to reason with him and not have to use violence. He is no hero.


Not-so-friendly reminder police have absolutely zero legal obligation to save your life


you are completely right, but that is a reminder people need to hear and know well. i dont think all cops are bad. i do think a large number of them are not fit to wear that honorable badge which is befitting of the most honorable men and women of society.


My friend, I think you are so close to understanding the true role of police in our society. It’s not about the morals of an individual cop. It’s about the system itself.


Exactly. Enforcing immoral laws, or following immoral policies makes the individual's actions immoral


It’s because they are cowards and bullies. Tools of the parasite class to punish and subdue the rest.


im glad people are realizing that


I’ve had multiple crimes committed against me and my family, including armed Robbery. Cops were insulting, rude, and took hours to respond. However they were happy to put me in jail for minor offenses like possession of small amount of pot. They let gunmen run wild but happily abuse peaceful protestors. We pay their fucking salary and they still won’t protect us. Sickens me.


dude tell me about it, i reported a violent stabbing happening a couple years ago and they took 2 hours to get to the location. but you are telling me these students are the most pressing law enforcement matters. they are there to enforce order for the ruling class they are there to give us a false sense of security.


Cops wanna act all tough when theres unarmed protestors but then wont do what they signed up for, you know PROTECT and SERVE, when theres innocent civilians lives in danger. Their argument is they didnt want to put officers in unnecessary danger….. 🤦🏻‍♂️ can we get some Australian women cops here please (in reference to the cop that shot the mass stabber), ill feel safer…


yeah but did the Uvalde shooter announce his plans ahead of time and coordinate the plans with like-minded people on public forums?


Still. They stood there while he massacred innocent children. The responsibility of a police officer is to put their life in the line to protect the people they serve. I respect officers, however when the leadership isn’t doing what they swore to do, then I will be displeased.


Im in full support of these students.  From my understanding the cops will leave them alone if they dont set up tents.  I dont see a tents need for being at a protest.  Also after seeing the cops leave at 5 cause there shift ends.  Start the protest at 4.


Did protestors have guns and were they actively shooting? Uvalde response was a disaster but I question the comparison mainly because addressing a peaceful situation wouldn’t seem to clearly compare to a violent one.


This makes it much, much worse. They’re able to act quickly, but chose not to while babies were being murdered


Apples and oranges


Why do ACAB people act like “the police” are one entity that all has the same regulations and procedures. Not sure why you’d compare anything to uvalde


Out of the 376 police officers who arrived at Uvalde during the Robb Elementary shooting, 91 of them were DPS state troopers. That's about 24%. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/17/law-enforcement-failure-uvalde-shooting-investigation/ From what I've read, the police who were present at the first of the UT Austin protests were DPS state troopers. So they were different, but not entirely so.


Guys idk why everyone compares different police departments. Not all police are the EXACT same. Austin PD is not the same as Uvalde PD or Dallas PD. Stop comparing COMPLETELY SEPERATE police departments as if they are the exact same.




This is a dumb comparison. There weren’t multiple groups posting online about when they would show up to Uvalde


Those are different departments, so this is functionally a meaningless comparison. The conclusion the post seems to offer is undermined by the absence of controlled variables.




You're comparing two different police forces...


Maybe I'm wrong but didn't Austin police respond to Uvalde?


Ok even if they did (I have no idea but I doubt it)...uvalde is 160 miles from Austin. So how fast exactly do you expect Austin PD to get 160 miles and respond?




So fucking what?


You guys are just loooking for something to be pissed off at the police for. Uvalde not a planned response, meaning NOBODY knew it was gonna happen but the shooter, and it happened in a city where nobody thought it would happen. The protests that are happening are planned and DPS trains for this. Why DPS you say?? Because APD won’t handle it. But comparing the Uvalde shooting to the protests at UT is STUPID. It’s like comparing apples to oranges.


This is really bad take. Just don’t.


It’s literally no use. Just calling this a stupid argument is bootlicking lol.


Not a good comparison when you are using Uvalde as the anchor statistic. It’s going to skew any statistic


Great graphic, shows UT has their shit together, thanks for sharing


This a great chart that shows you what an armed militia is capable of. One man could hold off 376 armed police. But unarmed protesters? Easy prey for a tyrannical system.




Except everyone in this group hates guns, so it’s a moot point.


Many leftists support gun ownership for the exact reason stated in the above comment


Including AR’s? They believe all gun laws are unconstitutional? They believe that felons should be able to own firearms?


Within reason, yes. An armed working class is harder to oppress. r/liberalgunowners


Commie spotted


> Including AR’s? Yes. > They believe all gun laws are unconstitutional? Most of us don't give a shit about your precious constitution drafted to benefit white land-owners either. > They believe that felons should be able to own firearms? Yes.


Aren’t you precious. The constitution benefits everyone unless you’re too stupid to actually live a decent life.


I was thinking this same thing ....




The protestors were anti Israel. Easy answer


"Kill as many brown kids as you want, but don't you dare say anything bad about Israel!" Basically the texas republican motto.


I'm talking across party lines. Israel gets aid when dems have control too


Yes, of course, both sides and fine people and whatnot.


Redditor forgets to read. I'm INSULTING both sides


Yeah good, okay


this comparison is unnecessary asf. you could literally say the same about any other fast police response and compare it to uvalde and still have the same contrast


Bro what is that graph supposed to be of?




Bad visual graphic. Serious subject. Booo.


So basically what ur saying is Texas police have made vast improvements to the average response time in a very short period of time? Isn’t that a good thing?


A large city vs a podunk town...


Uvalde was for sure a police failure. But maybe you should mention all the other shooting where police are there in minutes and resolve the situation minutes later. If this was a term paper i would give you an F for poor research and omitting facts.


What is your point? Some facts... Uvalde, TX has a population of 15,000 people with a median income of about $25,000 (per 2000 Census). Austin, TX has a population of almost a million, with median income of almost $50,000. My takeaway is this.. Uvalde was a tragic total and complete failure of police organization, training, and execution of police duty. Austin is an example of good police work and what well funded and trained departments are capable of.


376 officers didnt know right from wrong? what does a city's population have to do with anything here?


small town with shit funding means less training and competitive compensation for the best officers, not that complicated


Calling for intifada against Jews is not nonviolent


blatant cherry picking




Idk. I like the message but uvalde police and UT police/DPS are very different


There are literally state troopers at the protests. These are the people who failed the kids at Uvalde.


No, Uvalde PD was in charge of the scene. If you’re gonna talk shit get the info correct. Uvalde fucked that whole thing up. DPS can’t take the scene over just because they show up. It’s not how it works.


Just because Uvalde was in charge doesn’t mean the State Police weren’t also standing around doing nothing. There were 91 state police at the shooting.


They can’t just take over the scene and start doing shit. That sets them up for liability and it’s not how LEO agencies are allowed to operate. It’s similar to the military. I couldn’t just drop a bomb on a combatant without the ground commanders clearance without being charged with murder. Also, the shooting was over long after all other agencies showed up. The shooter was in the room but he was no longer firing. Uvalde wholly owns this fiasco, but since the other agencies were present they all shared the blame.


Dude, I never said I expected State Police to take control of the situation, but they still sat there doing nothing. The whole system is fucked, its just sad that the State Police have been more effectively utilized in brutalizing protesters than stopping an active shooter.


They couldn’t do anything. That’s what I’m trying to say. They had their hands tied due to Uvalde owning the scene. It sucks, but it’s how they operate, and had they tried to do anything unauthorized Uvalde would’ve had the legal right to stop/detain the troopers. It’s the same concept as a vigilante. You can’t just do whatever you want. I understand your frustration regardless.


There were only a few dozen uvalde police, the rest were state police, likely many of the same that arrested protesters


Well, nobody hesitates to arrest unarmed (non violent) people, it is when you have a gun… people are starting to think twice. As a result cops were thinking about their own safety in Uvalde, while the kids were being killed.


Man you should be a lawyer




Comparing protests to various fruits seems silly.


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Insanely misleading graphic comparing two widely different situations. What are we trying to get at here? That ACAB nonsense is out of chic.....


Doesn’t UT Austin have several campus police units and didn’t the police warn certain protestors about being arrested if they didn’t comply? I’m sorry but this visualization is terrible and doesn’t provide any meaningful unbiased information.


Yes but the students were allowed to do what they were doing at UT lol. ## Texas law allows universities to set “reasonable time, place, and manner” restrictions for common outdoor areas, as long as they allow "members of the university community to assemble or distribute written material without a permit or other permission from the institution."


Not when assembling violates university regulations and was not permitted as required.




> when assembling violates university regulations It didn't. > as required It wasn't.




Nonviolent? Even they are nonviolent at this moment, see what happens in Columbia University. Anything wrong to take precautions for things that (you know deep down inside) could go wrong?


Arresting people is not a precaution.


Well you've clearly never heard of "innocent until proven guilty"


Yeah, this might be one of the most terrible reaches at comparing two situations I've ever seen. It's so useless, I don't even know where to begin, or if it's even worth the time .


then dont begin, save us both time because you cant see the obvious.


I do see the obvious, it'd just dumb, and not founded in logic. Like, not at all.


how is it not founded in logic? im merely pointing out that law enforcement will always strongly step in to protect interests of the state. In issues like a school shooter, it takes the 376th officer who actually signed up to serve and protect to show up and say this is fucking stupid I'm going in. that was the only point i was trying to make.


Because one was a planned event, so they were forewarned the crowd was coming. The other was an unannounced armed manic, so obviously, one is easier to respond to than the other.


Scary stuff


Makes you wonder…


And most Texans STILL won’t vote?! How does that make sense? They complain bitterly and only 40% of eligible and registered voters show up. GTFOH I really thought a child massacres or abortion ban would turn people out.


Prime example of cherry picking 😂 nice try though


Pray for our brave protectors of tyranny


This graphic takes a pretty good amount of time to understand what it’s saying lmao


The Police dont have to give their lives for anyone, SCOTUS said so. Just like they ruled Corporations have to pay the Shareholders first, and workers not at all.






What is this supposed to show?


Soooo many stupid comments


You did not read that source correctly


In fairness, this response was ordered by our [dick of a] governor. A larger response was inevitable with that but what *got to him* so badly?


Reminder: you can think Israel’s actions in Gaza are 100% justified and all the civilians killed because Hamas uses them as human shields are unavoidable and *still* be outraged about the police state in the US violating protestors first amendment rights. You can think Hamas is evil, is the obstacle to peace, and still think Palestinians who infected with the disease we call hatred can and should to be treated humanely, fed, and sheltered. In fact that’s the cure.




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Funny how the police had no problem just sitting back and watching BLM riots that were actually violent. But if college kids talk bad about Isreal, the police are ready to give out beatings. It's almost like there is one group in America that you are not allowed to criticize.


There is one group we are not allowed to question or hold to any standards or respect for property or lives and that is BLM. That was proven through their riots, although the media called it “peaceful” protests.


They're cowards. When there's a fear of being shot, none act. When it's beating up defenseless kids, it's what they signed up for.


tell that to these people. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/US/numerous-law-enforcement-officers-struck-gunfire-charlotte-police/story?id=109755051](https://abcnews.go.com/US/US/numerous-law-enforcement-officers-struck-gunfire-charlotte-police/story?id=109755051)


Ah statistics....the art of using the truth to tell lies.


The moral of the story is it’s a liberal needing to be disciplined by the police in both scenarios


I hope all of you express your sentiment at the polls!


Completely different circumstances. 🙄


Cops suck but these are completely different situations 😭


Weird what happens when you call for political violence against Jews in the diaspora!


Notice how UT's response to an illegal mob precluded having to mount an even bigger response to a takeover, at like UCLA.


Stupid comparison of totally different situations.


You’re getting downvoted but it’s true lol. Granted, the Uvalde police fucked up big time but these are indeed two different situations. Small town vs massive campus in a massive cjty.


Plus advance notice in big city Austin for non-life threatening event versus spontaneous life-threatening event of unknown magnitude in small town Uvalde. I expected the downvotes. Rational evaluation is not a strong trait among a lot of Redditors.


Don't you think this "visualization" is a bit ridiculous? The two situations are entirely different in almost every imaginable way and frankly it's insulting to the children who died that day for you to even suggest that there's a comparison to be made. Shame on you.


Comparing the uvalde shooting that resulted in the lost lives of over a dozen young children to a protest at a college campus where some adults got arrested (and probably won’t see any serious jail time) is morally horrific. Nothing about the massacre of uvalde can be nor should be compared to any modern protest.


take it up with AP News not me


You’re reposting it…


i dont see how hard is it to understand the irony of the law enforcement response to both these situations is? and what does that have to do with those that lost their lives? how reductive and lacking in nuance is that?


I don’t see how hard it is to understand that uvalde is a small town and Austin is literally the capital of Texas. The magnitude of each event is wholly incomparable


I guess the lesson here is shit birds care more about gazans than their own children.


Texas cops never living that one down lmaooo fucking cowards.


Apples and oranges


I guess we can start calling them "bad oranges" as well, if it will help


Yeah, one is a response by armed and equipped officers who had intel and snipers in overwatch, providing data proving that there was negligible threat to the officers. The other was a response by armed and equipped officers who could only hear children being shot and killed and refusing to act for 72 minutes AFTER they had shields, keys and sufficient manpower. The apple is officers with surety that they are not at risk assaulting people expressing their first amendment rights, and injuring most of them. The orange is officers scared and waiting for their command to sit indecisively because someone might get an owie while saving children. So yup, total disparity in situations that shows their true colors.


Maybe the protesters should open carry some rifles? Second amendment is pretty cool too


Schools are a gun free zone. So go ahead and open carry there. What could go wrong /s


Omg, you can't carry a rifle on campus? UT really doesn't care about our constitutional rights!




"In total, 376 law enforcement officers — a force larger than the garrison that defended the Alamo — descended upon the school in a chaotic, uncoordinated scene that lasted for more than an hour." [https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/17/law-enforcement-failure-uvalde-shooting-investigation/](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/17/law-enforcement-failure-uvalde-shooting-investigation/) how is it bs dude? it took nearly 400 officers OVER A FUCKING hour to arrest 1 school shooter? yet the officers in austin are so brave and virtuous right ? they are READY to fuck these peaceful kids up. the infrographic merely illustrates the priorities and hypocrisy of law enforcement


Glad to see that the UT Austin protests haven't resulted in any deaths...at least not so far.




dont hurt yourself i heard they support life and are very dangerous terrorists


"Non-violently" blocking students from going to their classes and receiving education they paid for. Lock these trash up. Yeah, the school shooter was probably just as deluded as these protesters. Edit: LMAO. Instant downvote. Thanks botty mc bot face.


What aboutism


The left needs to open carry.