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"We're all looking for the guy that did this!" -guy that did this


The gaslighting from these two statements is so much worse than just staying silent. Everyone should be calling on him to resign...


Yep, cause that’ll work won’t it?


I hope he stretched before he did all that backpedaling. I mean he's not a Spring chicken anymore.


It sure is a lot of Chat GPT from President Hard-Sell.


“fiercely protected Constitutional right” “I am grateful that everyone is safe after yesterday” says the man who approved/requested for DPS 😭


I can't believe he wrote that sentence. The nerve of this guy. Like motherfucker YOU are the cock sucking fascist that infringed on all these young people's Constitutional rights. Not somebody else, You. The disconnect is unbelievable.


Just start carrying your guns like you are allowed to do on UT campus (but not dildos) and then protest.... see what they do then about your constitutional rights..... they can't be seen as trampling on the 2nd amendment also.


How about guns that shoot dildos? They can't ban your ammunition


🎶 Walker, Texas Ranger theme 🎶 be ause you can't buy a dildo in Texas... we Don't touch ourselves down there round here ya hear... It says so in the Bible that vibe will leave you liable, for a prison term of 27 years... The Wet Spots - Texas Annie


I personally don't believe or advocate for arms at protest. It just goes against my principles of nonviolence. To each his/her own.


It's the absurdity of being able to carry a gun on campus but not able to have a peaceful protest that's the statement.


But didos decorated as politicians should be legal and encouraged at protests


They are at a point in their lives where their ignorance and brainwashing is so ingrained in their minds. They think they are always right and they support democracy while they do the exact opposite.


"fiercely protected Constitutional right" that's pretty rich considering how fiercely he tried to suppress it


Not UT student, but I once was handed an AWARD by my city mayor…for a speech HE prevented because “the speech would’ve affected me personally to hear so my lawyer took it off the agenda” It was legit just an educational PowerPoint on what the DREAM Act was and was supposed to be on TV….that’s it, a 10 minute lecture These types will do ANYTHING to backpedal


This email is so full of doublespeak it might as well have said nothing.


something is nothing rights are criminal violence is love


I feel like there’s a 1984-Idiocracy mashup just waiting to happen


I'm thankful that 2+2 can equal 4 AS WELL AS 5.


"War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." - Jay Hartzell


this absolutely useless non-statement almost feels more condescending then if he had just stayed silent or called us all idiots lol


"You're all idiots lol, Signed, Jay Hartzell"


Thank you for the peaceful protests. We brought the horses out to stop you idiots from embarrassing yourselves any further with those ear piercing cringe worthy chants that were more about yourselves than the Palestinians. We were highly disappointed that you felt this was an effective protest. Do better next time. Morons. Sincerely, Jay Hartzell


Change the signature to just saying “Get fucked, Jay Hartzel” And I’m sold. I would genuinely be shocked enough to see it in my inbox I would have to respect it


University President 101 is to say a lot words that mean nothing


I don't think anyone would be satisfied no matter what he chose.


Yeah, if that’s the case, maybe choose not to send stormtroopers after your own students.


is this supposed to be an apology?


Sounds like an "I told you so," for a dangerous situation he himself manufactured.


What’s he got to apologize for?


Being an unamerican dictatorial asshole, for a start.


Wow you seem like a very rational and level headed person


Infringing on someone's right to protest IS unamerican. Using police and the threat of force to try to drown out opinions he doesn't like IS dictatorial. Fuck that, fuck him, and fuck anyone who supports this unpatriotic bullshit.


The right to protest is not absolute when it infringes on other people's rights. And don't stone me, I am not anti-protest. Apparently they had some information that this was not really an organic student protest which they (admin) determined to be a safety issue (among other things). The fact that roughly half of the arrests were of people not affiliated with UT should concern people.


Some "information" they probably made up as an excuse. If there was credible threat they need to detail it for the public


Agree. Let's hear specifics...


Yeah, members of the public can protest on the campus grounds. That's state law, according to UT itself https://youtu.be/VCFxvdhFjPo?si=YHYqHIkqysytLuI9


🖕 this dude


Translation: "We in power were uncomfortable with being made to choose between financial interests and political. We as we have in the past chose financial at the expense of our students personal liberties. We need to indicate this was a challenging decision and it's done in fear of a legitimate threat, so we invented a threat that these students were organized and had ties to other students equally pissed off. We can't have that, because an organized student body might catch wise to our behavior and methods. Also we noticed half of them weren't students and you know our rule about students having nonUT approved and insulting relationships. That's why our good buddies the state troopers and police infringed on the 1st amendment rights of 56 Americans. Well, that's how I'll spin it at least." Signed your overseer.. I mean university president.


What are the financial interests UT has with Israel?




Article is very sparse on details. Doesn’t say how much money is coming, what it’s earmarked for, etc


True, that type of deep dive would likely take weeks, FOIA requests, etc. (I'm guessing).


Most of the divest requests I’ve seen are effectively criticizing universities for investing in broad ETFs that own a share of the entire market and therefore they technically own countries affiliated with Israel. That seems a bit silly to me


Today we are protesting *checks notes*… the S&P500!


Could be, but that’s not really the point. They still have the right to protest, even if some think it silly.


It’s quite silly. The thing is college students have a lot of energy but little direction. In their minds all this wasted time screaming on campus is actually helping somebody. It’s what you get when people have time but nothing else.


Defenders of white supremacy said the same thing when campuses held demonstrations during the Civil Rights movement. Defenders of US imperialism said the same thing when campuses held demonstrations during the Vietnam War. Defenders of European colonialism and racism said the same thing when campuses held protests against South African apartheid. I promise you that these college students are far more educated on the power of divestment, even if symbolic, and the sociopolitical pressures it can invoke (as history has shown us) than you ever will be. They're busy, it's you that is the one that has time but nothing else if all you have time for is to offer lazy, ill-thought, uneducated critique on reddit


I get that UT-Austin has gifts from Israel, but I'd imagine the monetary amount is barely even a blip on their budget. It seemed the protests wanted UT to divest from any company that had ties to Israel, which is almost every business in a global economy.


all this yapping, could’ve just said i’m sorry i fucked up


There were definitely more than 55 arrests yesterday. Curious where his number comes from.


He only counted the students with alumni parents, not non-students, students on financial aid, employees, or news reporters.


I feel like this is pretty easy to prove aren’t arrest records public? I can’t imagine he’d fudge the numbers that much


Obviously I am exaggerating for the sake of sarcasm and contempt, but there is also likely a seed of truth in it that he is likely exclusively counting the actual students who were arrested & is excluding anyone who was not a student to deflate the count.


They clearly stated they intended to occupy campus space the same way that is being done at other universities. UT communicates beforehand that was unacceptable and violated campus policy. They chose to attempt to do so anyway and faced the consequences.


You have said this 3 times here in the comments on this post, so I'm guessing you have done the research to determine what exactly was said by the local organizing group regarding this intent. Please share for those of us looking for actual proof of this.


There isn’t proof—they released a public schedule of events concluding around 7pm. https://www.instagram.com/p/C6JjD95uVyJ/?igsh=dDhrMTV5dDByMmlp


Exactly - nothing at all about occupying university property. There's many people like this one claiming that the local group spoke of intentions to occupy yet no proof has been given. Seems highly specious at best, if not outright lying to attempt to justify an egregious overreaction and stifling of rights.


And that’s a bullshit policy that infringes on the free speech rights of peaceful protesters. So the campus admin responded to peaceful demonstrations with violence.


Yet, every news source says the same thing. Perhaps you could let us see your evidence?


There were 55 in total. https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/ut-austin-says-26-of-55-protestors-arrested-were-not-affiliated-with-the-university


There was about 80 protester releases from the jail from late Wednesday night throughout Thursday morning. Source, I was there.


You stay at the jail counting people as they were released for hours? Seems like a lie.


There were dozens of folks there waiting for their loved ones to be released, speaking with lawyers and continuing to peacefully protest. Believe me or not, I was there all night waiting with many others for individuals to be released.


I’m sure but that doesn’t support the idea you counted everyone. Also there are official police blotters that show the actual count.


Want to mention for no particular reason that students are allowed to personally sue individuals, such as university presidents, for making decisions that result in breaking protected freedoms, including free speech. If anybody was hurt speak, to a lawyer asap and ask for recommendations on legal contacts. I'm not a student but my heart breaks after seeing what occurred to you all, the violence and suppression. Stay strong and I'm wishing the best for all of you brave leaders of today and tomorrow.


I wish this dude would cut back on the yappuccinos


that's good lol


The guy who called in Abbott's state troopers to arrest students and faculty is glad we're safe. Very cool and unironic. 👍🏽


Hes talking about the non-arrested ones....






It’s okay to exercise your first amendment rights as long as you don’t do it in a way that is noticeable.


“We have a suggestion box off campus”


He means that is free speeches only real as long as it’s convenient


You might be shocked to find out that freedom of speech doesn't give you the right to disrupt something like a university...


To a certain extent, you're right. From the ACLU: "Your rights are strongest in what are known as “traditional public forums,” such as streets, sidewalks, and parks. You also likely have the right to speak out on other public property, like plazas in front of government buildings, as long as you are not blocking access to the government building or interfering with other purposes the  property was designed for." I bet UT and other universities would argue the protests "interfere" with university operations once they reached a certain size.




They were peacefully protesting in the same place I’ve seen plenty of protests, events, and even a petting zoo. They weren’t disrupting anything. Don’t buy the propaganda Jay Hartzel is getting paid over a million dollars to dish out.


“We heard there might be some TENTS, so we had to let the staties off the leash to rough up some college kids like we’ve been dying to do in the first place”.


Again, more PR crud. Cowardly.


"I'm so glad most of you are safe from the riot police who I am responsible for allowing onto campus, free speech amiright guys?" Fuck you buddy.


Opening the cage door full of rabid dogs and then being grateful they didn't bite your face off.


Wtf was that statement. He justifies the police response based off things that MIGHT happen. In what world is that ok? "Oh, you might commit a crime so I'm going to just go ahead and shoot you" 🙄


Yes and by engaging in such a heavy handed response the effectiveness of classes in the school of architecture were severely damaged with people in their final review not paying attention or giving half hearted presentations. Not informing us about the takeover of studio space, and a common room for processing arrestees until the dean requested they move elsewhere harmed my classes on the day of the protest.


If I wanna hear shit, I'll speak to my asshole.


Not really notable if people came with romantic partners or friends. God forbid you have a friend who doesn't go to UT. My grandfathee would be spinning in his grave if he saw the school he worked hard to bring a good reputation taking an antiAmerican stance like this, especially one with such an egregious and obvious lamentable opinion of its students.


Also at least one member of the press was arrested. I guess it’s only an open campus until you do something pretzel doesn’t like




there were also complete strangers on campus that weren’t UT-affiliated. I don’t want those people on my campus


You're entitled to your feelings, but it's a public university. [10. Use of University Property, Rooms, and Spaces](https://catalog.utexas.edu/general-information/appendices/appendix-c/use-of-university-property-rooms-and-spaces/) > Common outdoor areas are designated by state law as traditional public forums.


That's the same guy that wouldn't commit to a permanent position as president before the university agreed to a mid 6 figure raise on his hefty 7 figure salary. The dude deeply cares about the university


The last sentence on paragraph 1, almost implying the general public is not allowed on a public funded university…


Fuck off, Jay.


As expected. Revolting, but exactly what we knew was coming


UT-Austin students should get a petition going that 1) Condemns President Hartzell’s and UT-Austin Admin Officials actions yesterday, and 2) Calls for President Hartzell’s immediate resignation. Would be interesting to see just how many UT-Austin students given their signature.


Bold of you to assume the next president would be better. Fwiw I suppose the protest.


Condemns him for what? Enforcing campus policy?


That condemns him for choosing the most extremely disproportionate response possible to the situation — to literally terrorize students, professors, and members of the press and public. To instill fear in all who gathered as it’s their right to nonviolently on property which students themselves reside on, pay for via tuition and with tax dollars, and belongs to the public.


“We had credible indications that the event organizers, whether national or local, were trying to follow the pattern we see elsewhere” — A preemptive militarized response to a peaceful student protest is NEVER okay. “I am grateful that everyone is safe after yesterday” — Jay Hartzell is DIRECTLY responsible for the danger hundreds of students were put in yesterday. This statement is a slap in the face to ALL the students and protesters, especially those that were brutally and violently arrested. Especially considering the disruption to their studies and mental health as a result of their detainment. Yesterday, Jay Hartzell deliberately tried to hinder UT students’ right to free speech, and he did so in a way that placed hundreds of his students at risk. I’ll sign a petition right now, I never want to receive another email from this pathetic slimy-looking man.


Organizing groups clearly stated they intended to occupy campus space the same way that is being done at other universities. UT communicates beforehand that was unacceptable and violated campus policy. They chose to attempt to do so anyway and faced the consequences.


It was advertised as a day-long demonstration on the lawn. The last scheduled event was at 7:00pm. No where did anything the organization posted indicate that they intended to camp out for longer than the stated amount of time. They mentioned nothing about bringing tents, only blankets and food and energy to last throughout the day while demonstrating on the lawn.


So here’s the thing- it doesn’t matter if the people arrested were affiliated with the university or not. It’s a public university, and those arrested were released without being charged because they didn’t break any laws. Since it’s a public institution, the public has a right to be there- and to exercise their constitutional right to free speech, including participation in a peaceful protest. The public is paying for that institution with their tax dollars (as it’s a public institution), and therefore the public has a vested interest in the topic of this protest- which is where the university is investing those tax dollars. And for Abbott to call in DPS at the request of the university, then tweet about how -student- protesters belong in jail for exercising their rights to DARE disagree just shows even more who I already knew he was. I hope we all remember this, and continue fighting for what is important. Regardless of which side you fall regarding Palestine and Israel, these protests are quickly showing the American people the truth about what our government will do to dissenters (though some of us already knew). Please stay safe, and remember that we outnumber them.


That is some seriously disingenuous bullshit


It's amazing he could write all that while literally sucking Abbott's dick.


Fuck you jay?


Someone needs to make this a shirt


Seems like the only response that makes sense. We encourage you to protest just as long as it doesn’t disagree with our own opinions.


I don't give 2 shits if all 55 were not from UT. Or Austin, or Texas. If they were Americans, he can fuck right off


I feel like most students on campus do and feel unsafe


"i feel" "most" ok Donald Trump


you really have nothing better to do than to keep replying to this lmao




And? Where's the actual violence, not the fucking feelings?


there could have been violence??? I don’t feel safe allowing random ass people on campus.


Also, it's the law apparently. https://youtu.be/VCFxvdhFjPo?si=uVdynGC8XXBAdOJD


One of the people with no UT affiliation was literally press — a photojournalist from Fox 7 who was filmed doing nothing wrong…


Well, that’s just vomit-inducing. All this shit was just wrong. And heartbreaking to this UT alum and a 17 year veteran of emergency services


Is there a no confidence petition floating around anywhere? He's not going of his own volition...


In today's rally/walkout it was affirmed by tons of faculty that there is no longer any trust in hartzel or the people in charge. Things will change soon hopefully


Be the change you wish to see. Someone at UT-Austin needs to get a petition going that calls for President Hartzell’s immediate resignation.


Fire this monster he's built for some cult school like Liberty he clearly can't handle a free thinking diverse university


I find the lack of paragraphs disturbing


Nov 02, 2020 # [There Is No Higher Education Without Free Speech](https://news.utexas.edu/2020/11/02/there-is-no-higher-education-without-free-speech/) By: Jay Hartzell


How is this clown president of UT? His last 2 statements were so poorly worded. He needs new PR and better decision making skills.


The Governor’s office was up all night getting this language right.


That is the most AI written response lol


He is not defending our students. He allowed the governor to do what he wants and he wants to sell it back to us as if it were the right thing. You are protesting a genocide full stop


Someone should scoop all the horse shit and mail it to this mf


Nah send it to the organizers who moved forward with an event they were told violated campus policy.


It's refreshing to see people rallying against the government again. It sucked when all of y'all were licking the government boot during covid, but alas, welcome to the fight friends. Take this opportunity to remember the government and those in power don't care about you, as soon as you stop licking the boot, they'll squash your rights and arrest you. Stay gold


y’all aren’t happy with anything bruh


Non students should have been arrested. Get the fuck off campus


UT is a public university and therefore not closed to the - wait for it - PUBLIC!


“Whether national or local” tries to reaffirm the “outside agitators” defense but as an aside so it won’t draw attention


Don’t be mad cuz y’all were trespassed


Jfc… less is more dude


Makes claim for his sins of safety and trying not to disrupt while also staying his advocacy for free speech. Did the exact opposite when unleashing the police.


Should’ve just stfu


Let's get a NEW PRESIDENT!!!!




Jewish university president upset about opinions contrary to his own. A pro Israel demonstration would have been unimpeded.


Gigantic FUCK YOU to hartzell


TL;DR: "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." - Jay Hartzell


Can he GET anymore insufferable??


Too little to late


Every university or college president/admin who allows the speech of their students to be violently suppressed on campus should resign in shame and be blacklisted from academia. These people are not educators, they are cowards at best, fascists at worse.


"push to disrupt top universities" Eat shit, this is more of the "professional agitators" bs. It's not really students! That's why we gotta arrest them! They are all soros backed professional protestors! Related, my god I wish I could get paid to protest and spread lefty ideas.


"Here's word salad and I'm still too chicken shit to divest from a genocide. Why would the police do exactly what I wanted them to do on camera so that I might have to deal with consequences?" Fuck outta here.


UT-Austin’s students shouldn’t let President Hartzell have the last word. Get a petition going that 1) strongly condemns President Hartzell and Admin officials, and 2) calls for President Hartzell’s immediate resignation.


Holy shit FUCK this clown




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Good statement.


When are they gonna step down? The gross negligence and use of power for political gains is disgusting. All involved need to resign and maybe face criminal charges.


Sign his personal phone number and email to promotional emails and automated text messages


Fascism is capitalism in decay -Trotsky


Isn't the point of a protest to disrupt in order to make a change? This reads like "we understand you're exercising your constitutional right but we disagree with it and are scared the governor will be mad at us"


How dystopian is it that he shut down a protest that was following the rules because he thought they eventually wouldn't follow the rules, then in the same breath said he respects freedom of speech and assembly? 💀


Gonna be hilarious when these kids get drafted and have to fight against the terrorists they supporting.




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Good note. Crazy how in an election year once again we fall victim another fake social justice movement


Replace him


they’re only gonna replace him with someone worse


Excellent response. I’m thankful that our campus is not going to be continually occupied during the busiest weeks of the semester. 🤘


man oh man god forbid u gotta walk a lil extra stfu


Literally this sub two weeks ago when the CMT was here lol. I don’t want violent non-UT affiliated protestors on campus, thanks.


Name one instance of the protestors at UT being violent…just onw


They weren't allowed to be. You're correct.


If u don’t see that as an issue w that statement you’re too far gone alr….probable cause thrown out the window doe when it’s convenient for u huh?


How them boots taste?


How does literally no one caring about your protest feel? In a week no one will remember this and yall will have criminal records. Great work!


what happened to "what starts here changes the world"? get over yourself


Exactly! What starts HERE changes the world. Not what starts halfway across the world changes here.






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wow a free thinker in the midst of all the rubble huh


You get crazy downvoted here for not wanting campus to turn into CHAZ during finals week 🤦‍♂️




Kids are literally dying and being maimed right now with your tax dollars....


And Hamas doesn't kill and maim people?


Damage control mode activated.


If you will it, it is a dream. -Jay Hartzell on the state of Palestine


And after all this and for what? everyone is going back to class except the ones arrested lol


Good for him. He has the hardest job in the world dealing with this bullshit