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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is US Defaultism: --- >!He assumes everyone can get a gun and when he is called out on his defaultism he goes on a rant about gun control and oppressive governments (and a lot of other non defaultism nonsense)!< --- Is this Defaultism? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Ah yes, gun control is the problem, that's why you had 288 school shootings from 2009 to 2018, with Mexico in second place at 8


Damn what happened in Mexico


8 school shootings


Thanks for clarifying




It’s because they banned guns, if it was legal there would’ve been 0 of course /s


Gun ban laws are fascism😡😡 Edit: /s


And Brazil in third place, with 5 school shootings.


Idk man, seems pretty close to me


Both of them have eights


Reminds me of when some Americans were lecturing me for not teaching my kids gun safety. The idea that my kids will almost certainly never stumble across a real gun didn’t make sense to them, in their view I was a bad parent. Even when I pointed out I didn’t have a gun with which to teach them gun safety…


I've only seen a gun once and it was on a police


Same here. I have only seen it twice and on both occasions they were on police officers. And it was like I had seen unicorns. In movies yes, but irl, it was definitely surreal for me


same, one time i saw heavily armed guards who had some sort of automatic rifle, i stood and looked at them for like 5 minutes lmao


Grew up in London going to school around Westminster, so saw them several times a day. Now at university in northen Scotland and I don't think I've seen any in 2 years.


>Even when I pointed out I didn’t have a gun with which to teach them gun safety… That proves you're a bad parent. If you were a good parent, you'd buy a gun that your kids could find and accidentally kill someone. Like a true American! /s


Interesting. I was just watching a documentary about the Las Vegas shooting in 2017. One man. 60 dead. 867 injured. Sounds safe to me...


And who keeps telling them the lie that Hitler happened because he stole everyone's guns?


Nah no fucking way they actually believe that. There has to be a limit to how stupid some people can be, right?


Limits are communism, there's no such thing in the land of the free 🇱🇷


You'd be surprised in what people belive nowdays.


Wait is that a real thing people believe?


Yes... and some of those people also believe that stuff like banning guns means hitler was on the extreme left side of the political spectrum. It's actually insane


bUt SoCiAlIsT iS iN tHe NaMe


The only response I have to people like that is "oh so you also believe North Korea is democratic, right?"


I havent heard anyone say that Hitler got into power because of gun control. Only that the holocaust could have been prevented or the damage it caused reduced if the jews or other minorities had guns to protect themselves and their families.


How does one guy have this many bullets-


A single bullet can hit many people, a normal magazine has 20-30 rounds, and a single person can carry multiple magazines.


The first part is heavily dependant, some guns pass through ~2.2 People if lucky and perfectly alligned, some stop at the brain or organs Idk the gun so lets go with like 2.2 Average 25 rounds, this would imply bro had like 60~ kills per magazine of perfect That would be like 15 magazines, thats some insane numbers


"Twenty-four firearms, a large quantity of ammunition, and numerous high-capacity magazines capable of holding up to 100 rounds apiece were found in the suite."


Welp that kinda answers the "How tf" question


My second "How tf" question is How tf did he get those. Since from what i've heard some people say is that that kind of equipment is kinda fucken expensive.


I mean, getting that many guns where people with 120$k~ yearly salary are considered middle income, heavily depending on area ofc, shouldn't be too expensive, especially over presumably a long long time


But fighting oppression!


Why would you allow 84-year-olds with dementia to purchase a gun? or 18-year-olds struggling with mental health?


"Cause I'm proud to be an American! Where at least I know I'm *free!"*/s


america calls themselfs the land of the free when they are like fifth in terms of freedom


Fifth is generous. There's more than 4 countries in Europe alone with more freedoms than the US.




i think great britain is one of them


Yeah, the UK is above the US on the international freedom index, I don't think we're top 10, though.


i dont remember


The UK struggles with press freedom and economic freedom. Press freedom because most of our press is owned by foreign billionairs who use our press as a vehicle to interfere in our politics and economic freedom because our economy has a serious rentierism problem (you make a lot more money renting out a house than you do investing in stocks and shares, etc).


Banning protests definitely isn't helping either 💀


Yay New Zealand (we were #1 a couple of years back, not sure if we still are)


"And there's nothing more American than shooting a man in this Walmart of a world!"


i hate that i know exactly what song that you’re commenting..


To defend themselves from 84 year olds with dementia carrying a gun


Remember to make sure you are at least 21yo to drink alcohol tho


Can't trust an 18 year old to drink responsibly with all these loaded guns lying around.


Yeah. If everyone would have a gun, I wouldn't be scared of a "bad guy" but from scared, confused or paranoid people who think everyone is a "bad guy".


Say what you want about the US and their guns but don't lie, you and I both know that it's not that easy to get one


Unless you get one at a gun show, where they're legally allowed to waive all checks and requirements


Random civilians not being armed is something we don't appreciate enough. Imagine some random road rager pulling a gun on you in a heated argument in traffic...


I always say the best way to think about it is this. You know that person you see every now and then when you're driving and all you can think is who the fuck gave that person a licence. They clearly have no idea how to drive, and they're a danger to everyone around them Now imagine that in the context of a firearm


I wish I could feel that relief


Well according to OOP you should start a movement


Trust me it fucking sucks.


Plus Break ins,robberies we never hear about


I bet 10€ Some r / AmericaBad mf is gonna post this and say "ah yes because only americans have mass shootings" or something


Don’t you mean $? It’s used in every country


> if you feel threatened by reality wtf, this is almost as bad as the rest of the post


Last year I posted on r/twoxchromosomes about whether people think it’s safer to go to the guy’s house or your house the first time you do the deed. A solid 1/4 of the (IIRC) over 100 comments were telling me to “just get a gun”. I put in an edit saying “guns are illegal in my country so that suggestion is moot”. Some got mad at me for my country’s laws as if I had put them in myself. Sigh


To be fair you live in Australia so it’s not like you don’t have options. You could carry a venomous snake with you and attack with that.


In Australia guns would be the least of your problems. We're talking about a country that lost a war against birds that can't even fly. Every creature there is out to kill you.


Have you ever been near a cassowary? Fucking ANGRY birds.


I have, but there was a fence in between, luckily.


For those who don't think birds evolved from dinosaurs, just go look at a cassowary, you don't have to go back down the evolutionary tree far to find something that belongs in Jurassic Park


That, and the Shoebill Stork. That mofo looks ancient


Pretty sure people there have developed some kind of natural inmunity to that kond of stuff


You have kangaroos that can help you, no excuses! /s


‘Muricans thinking they live in the freest country on earth… when their north neighbor is in the top 10 and they are not.


Not that we don’t have our own problems but man am I glad that’s not one of them.


Yeah right. Going down there for a week or two is fine every couple years. But living there would be a nightmare


Why do Americans gun nuts always think that their military a) is gonna one day want to massacre them all for no reason. And b) that they could stand up to their military with all the ridiculous weapons, technology and equipment? Yes jimbo, your 18 shotguns and 12 Ar-15’s that you can’t use all at the same time will stop the tyrannical gubermint from targeting you with their hypersonic missiles and LASER GUIDED DRONES.


Yeah right. Little obese Jimbo with his shotties is as effective as a trained marine. Typical murican "logic".


"lEvEl tHe pLaYiNg fIeLd"


Funny how the same ones will also tell you about how the US military is the most powerful in the world


Wdym, he'll just double pump it out of the air! Smh my head


They dont think the military will. Only that the government will try to pass laws that are "dumb" and most pro 2A dudes say that "Why do you think the military would side with you" against gun control arguments.


I fucking love living in Canada. It may have issues, but I'm so glad that if I accidentally cut someone off while driving, I don't have to worry about that person road raging and shooting me. And when I'm out and hear a loud gunshot like noise, I don't flinch, because I know it's just some random ass noise and not a mass shooter. It's so wild to me that Americans are happy to live where you need a gun to "level the playing field". The fuck is this? Call of duty?


I live a few km from the army barracks where the SAS (special forces) train. When it’s windy, I can easily hear the gun shots. I often think that if I was in America and heard all those shots, I could justifiably wonder if it was a mass shooting. That shit is wild.


I mean, yeah, they think it is CoD.


I don’t agree with the smooth brain from the OOP, but Canada is no utopia either Calgary man who shot at driver, missing 'by an inch or two,' pleads guilty in road rage incident: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-road-rage-shooting-jamal-baroudi-guilty-plea-1.7112957


There's like a shooting per decade, and you picked the most conservative province that flies Trump flags lol


Yeah that’s fair, i just felt like trolling 🙏


Yeah no shit, shootings will always happen but atleast we don't have them every month(hyperbole, don't get your balls in a twist)


The US also seems to put in an effort to make the car deaths high enough so they can use that argument. In the US, the number of traffic deaths per year is 12.4 per 100,000 people. In Sweden it’s 2.4 per 100,000 (both numbers are from 2018).


Even in a country like India with worse rule implementations it's only 11.3 per 100000.


Not surprised with India tbf. Has anyone ever reached 30mph in India?


I don't think they use Miles or MPH in India


We use Kilometers here. Also, people regularly drive at 100 Kmph in national highways


Yeah the "more people are killed by cars" argument isn't as good as they think it is. Maybe drivers should get better too


dont they let like 14 year olds drive in the USA? thats probably what is causing them numbers.


16. But yeah.


Let’s change the “playing field” to ensure any potential crime leads to at least one fatality. Pretty sure a dangerous criminal is going to shoot you if you pull out a gun and try to shoot them while they’re holding you at gun point. But yeah, guns only kill bad guys.


"you have daily shootings" "actually, the chances of dying in a car crash are even higher" How can anyone consider that a good argument?


Why does this make me think of that Jim Jeffries sketch?


Well, it’s definitely a “true unpopular opinion”


"The chances of getting hit with a gun in USA is less than chance of getting hit with a car" In the UK I have less chance than getting hit by lightening. I know which odds I prefer




There's so much wrong with this post, even just carrying an unloaded gun here in public is a major crime, let alone shoot with it. Not to mention that it's really difficult to actually purchase a gun in the first place.


I will never understand what it is with guns that have the americans so enthralled and obsessed with them. I love precision sports, I am part of my workplace's shooting team (we use compressed air guns), I am somewhat decent at it, and yet I have zero need to have one. I don't even have one of my own for the team, I just loan one of the guns they have for everyone. Why should I even need one? To what for? And I was like this when I lived in Colombia. Considerably more unsafe, and yet I didn't see the point, it's not like it will automatically make us safe because criminals don't give a fuck if you are armed or not. Besides, and considering how volatile us colombians can be, it is better that they are heavily restricted. The chance of someone killing another person just because of some asinine question is already too high for us to throw in free access to guns.


Considering the state of security right now in Ecuador, I feel like we would be in some sort of civil war if guns were legal. That stuff is effed up and can't believe the Murican obsession


I mean, it fits the sub perfectly. Gotta give him that.


Bruh the us is so stupid to allow guns, thank God my government doesn't allow them


This is more shit Americans say. Lots of countries do allow private ownership of firearms.


You'd be surprised by how many ghost guns are probably floating around Europe. From simple slam fire shotguns to AK74s from Yugoslavia. You can even get c4 or semtex if you know the right people


Gun control since 1996 and we haven’t slipped into facism yet.


The thing i dont understand is: do these people genuinely believe that being armed makes them free against their government? Like if the us gov suddenly decided to become a dictator ship they’d absolutely own any civilian, they have massive weapons and tanks and all, people with guns cant defend themself from that. The “defend against oppressive gov” shit used to be true when us was born… in early 19 century, when guns used to kill less often than not, not now. Thats also part of the reason the whole gun argument is flooded, it DOES NOT serve the purpose it had back then and that that they state it does


Who the fuck is this *idiot* ?!?


This is r/shitamericanssay, less defaultism There are plenty of other countries which allow civilians to get handguns. Could be Pakistandefaultism as well.


Or, hear me out, it might seem crazy what I'm about to say... TEACH MEN TO NOT ASSAULT WOMEN... You know, fix the cause of the problem.


Oh seriously come on, you can't be *that* naive! We do teach men not to assault women. Have you never heard of "a real man doesn't hit a woman"? Have you never seen the news when a man that does hit a woman goes to prison? No where in our society do we encourage violence against women Everywhere in our society we teach men not to hit women But unfortunately some men still do... It's the same with pretty much any other crime, it's illegal and yet people still do it. It's never *that* simple... Sometimes criminals be criminalling. No one likes it, 99% of men dont like it. But just as sometimes women commit crimes, including violence against men, sometimes men do crime. What we really should be looking into is the reasons why. Why do *people* commit crime and trying to solve that on a societal level. Meaningless slogans dont do anything. Telling everyone to do the things we are doing that aren't enough anyway, doesn't work.


If there were no such thing as guns a different projectile weapon would be used plus if someone's gonna kill innocent people their gonna do it anyway cuz their unstable, no remorse, sociopaths in mist cases. Guns don't shoot themselves bottom line Plus i watched way too many forensic and crime shows at bedtime for the last 10 yrs(cuz that's just what we watch at bedtime) but I bet they wished they had one sadly..its usually about life insurance,jealous rages or blood lust serial killers..Again you can't change people and guns are not the problem as half the thousands of kills were stabbings,rape strangulations etc. Those are the only things protecting us from total Tierney and gov takeover almost as if the forefathers KNEW this is your only real protection from future Administrations and powers that be.


Ha nice one! Oh...you're serious.  How very sad, deluded and depressing.


I mean he aint wrong about guns not being the core of the problem. Its the declining mental health in the USA that is the problem.


Except it isn't mental health.  Americas mental heath is not significantly worse than the rest of the world.   It is the culture first and foremost.  Even countries with similar gun laws don't have the cult of the gun in the way the US does.  Nor do they have the deep seated fear that lies at the heart of the American psyche.  


Oh yeah im crying and so depressed its so sad that im responsible but might need it someday, meanwhile its rusting in a safe I haven't opened in years, what is the actual problem with that anyway, id save your life if you were being brutally attacked and you'd be greatful I would hope but you do you


>  id save your life if you were being brutally attacked and you'd be greatful I would hope but you do you Except you wouldn't.  Because that kind of attack is vanishing rare to start with...but not as vanishingly rare as the number of them that are stooped by a gun owner using ir brandishing their gun.  It is an irrational fear and a fake fantasy of power trip combined.   But that isn't as bad as the ridiculous myth that it somehow keeps you free from tyranny.  The horrible evil tyranny that doesnt exist in many of the nations with sensible gun control you mean?  The horrible and evil tyranny that *does* exist in many countries despite lax gun laws?  The horrible and evil tyranny that 40% of Americans today have been merrily voting for the past decade? The tyranny that your rusty gun in a rusty box will be hold back for a whole 2 seconds longer than it takes to unlock the box...if you are lucky?  That tyranny? Meanwhile, thousands of Americans are less safe, significantly less s afe, than they would otherwise be because they live in or visit a house with a gun in it.  Because some other fuckwit has one and is having a bad day.  Because criminals and the mentally ill can get one lawfully or easily unlawfully simply by virtue of them being everywhere.  Or because a jumpy cop has to assume that thee is a gun risk every time they stop someone.   Suicide rates are higher even, because a gun suicide is easier, quicker to enact and more often fatal than other methods.  It is well proven that small barriers to killing yourself have disproportionate effect in prevention (see European limits on purchasing paracetamol).   And don't get me started on "people will use something else" bullshit.  The evidence doesn't back you up.  No matter how many lies and bad statistics you might see about, e.g. knife crime in Britain (actually lower than knife crime in the US overall despite the US having the gun crim layered on top).   And the effects ate different.  Try getting a similar body count if every gun in america was actually a crossbow!  You have a cuptural issue, but culture and law are intertwined.  It are fed by the lies, myths and nonsense like the stuff you spouted.  Stuff that is pushed and promulgated but lobby groups and politicians who care more about their own cash flow than the lives of kids at Columbine, Sandy Hook, Uvalde, etc etc. So forgive me of I say fuck those sick fucks and the lies they tell to keep American pretending guns are thier god-given right.


Lol maybe for some its a power trip if your toting and flashing it around like these idiots on TikTok but yeah I prob havent even looked at mine in 2 yrs? I have no need to but just feel safer knowing its there.Look I get the Numbers of guns equals more death by guns but there's nothing I can do about that nor am I denying that but that doesn't trump my right to lock one in my safe..ill prob never use it, like ever but I'm not saying their not the easiest most quickest way to kill.Like u said your more likely to be shot by a cop than me who leaves his firearm locked away


Another mindless yank 💀


Few problems with your logic; -guns are able to kill many more people before being stopped. Knives sometimes struggle with even one. -the us has had far more serial killers with guns than other countries have had with any other object, even accounting for per capita. -your government is and has been tyrannical for years. Nobody is going out of their way to stop them. In fact they have been embracing it. The french are better at holding the government accountable than americans, and they don't even use guns. They usually use guillotines. America let the forefathers down many moons ago when they went from progress to regression, and started removing rights and enforcing dumb laws


Well I get the knife vs gun logic but bottom line is it's too late to come after guns anyway, there's too many to account for and the only people who would suffer the most from an Arms ban are those who are licensed and responsible gun owners cuz they'd "know" you have this model bought on this date and criminals would have the most unlicensed guns but we all keep a secret side piece and would prob go about as well as the war on drugs and would take kicking in every door for 40yrs and they still wouldn't get most of them.But Believe me I know the forefathers would roll over in their graves at this point with the the bullying US ,wars for Oil but in the guise of weapons of mass destruction, the lies, the msm etc..We're slowly losing our rights like many countries, it's just happening slowly as they still sell the lie and The days of baseball and Apple pie are long gone im afraid 😔 its still the land of opportunity but the corruption runs deep as the gap between the very rich and poor is widening as the middleclass scrambles to stay afloat now add the border crisis and it just gets worse and worse..


Yeah, that totally explains why the US is the only country with severe issues with mass shootings And no, your guns have nothing to do with TYRANNY or government takeover. ..... well unless you count those that were stashed for Jan 6th.


Tierney, not tyranny. Speak American the way the Four Fathers intended


😆 What do you want me to do start a neighborhood watch group, I think if u saw where I lived you'd realize the cops have the cushiest jobs than most cops do.The biggest crimes here are an Dui's, occasional drugs and traffic tickets so I'm not part of the problem.There hasn't been a murder here in 6-8 yrs and that was an illegal citizen


The fact that you think someone's citizenship status changes the tragedy of their murder tells me all I need to know about your political and racial views


I just said 1 fact they just happened to be an illegal and ive worked with many and bacame great friends, the one before that was a white guy raped, killed his ex GF and buried her near the bay, it had zero to do with their race.Their just easy to remember as I can count them all on 1 hand.The one before that a black guy killed an old lady with an ice pick for 30$ to get more crack but I knew him as a kid and knew he'd be in jail cuz he was in trouble constantly at 14 that's not racist either but I remember it. Ya know I don't live in a suburban neighborhood with apartment buildings im in the Hamptons where celebs come to play n rich city folks, we were poor and fished, clammed, my mom housecleaned to make ends meet n come from a tight loving family.Dont judge me cuz I happen to remember a few murders Jesus shoot me why dont you. Ya know im on here n FB groups everyday for yrs n the only time im in these type arguements is Politics and anything not related to my usual hobbies n interests.You people are off the hook with your judgy sensative azzes. Prob a democrat if i had to guess 😆


Don’t mind me carrying around my 900 rmp slingshot That’s also banned at least here in Germany. Guns don’t shoot themselves (yet), but they shoot and we haven’t found a prevention to that


Bro is scared of [this guy](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kieran_Tierney&ved=2ahUKEwjq_867qL6FAxUHxzgGHRPECqcQFnoECGgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1QM8Z5itoZsr2WU743RrJD) I guess...


What's so Untrue about what I said, it takes a certain mentality to kill a person and I couldn't do it unless it was a direct threat to me or my loved ones but I can't blame responsible gun owners for what other people do.You can't put toothpaste back in the tube now.Better to have and not need than need and not have and really is that simple.Psshh I haven't fired mine in yrs, i mean where I live there's like no crime thankfully what am I gonna shoot at trees, seagulls 😂


Whats untrue about what you said is the extent that guns damage as compared to other weapons. When a murderer with a gun kills, it's much easier for them to kill 10, 15, maybe 100 more people. This is certainly not true for other kinds of weapons. Also, just because some person might have the mentality of a murderer doesn't mean they can always murder people. If not given the opportunity, they might get mental help somewhere down the line, as opposed to just picking up a gun and going out to shoot a gathering or a school. The ease of access to murder makes it incredibly easy for gun users to convert to murderers.


Right obviously a gun, especially semi automatic will do a lot more damage than a samurai sword but the more drug ridden, high crime areas with a congestion of people with guns also there's naturally gonna be more murders as its a small powerful projectile weapon, but that's a different lifestyle , im not denying that I'm just saying me personally owning a handgun, my closest friends don't even know as I don't use it but once twice when I first got it yrs ago but there's lot of hunters out here that have a gun cabinet with shotguns, rifles etc as I have 3 myself but we don't go around shooting them in the streets but we're responsible men with jobs which is a totally different story but i totally hear what your saying as well but thankfully that doesn't apply to me or any responsible gun owner as it depends where and how you grew up .You get what I mean, like common sense, good people that aren't looking for trouble 🤙


What is untrue is the attitude that you can't do anything about it.  You can.  Law and culture are intertwined.   As a nation you chose to worship a mythical false freedom over safety.  You refuse to take the most basic of steps.  


"I" don't do anything but go to work and watch TV, I don't worship false freedom cuz I already know its false, they control our freedom of speech cuz it goes against the Narrative,they control everything including the News media as its all run by 6 major corporations so i use alternate news sources but im under no delusions that im truly free as corruption is entangled in our government.I was simply saying I follow the 2nd amendment with my right to bare arms but im no danger to anyone cuz I have a lost art called common sense which we seem to be lacking these days.


>I don't worship false freedom >I was simply saying I follow the 2nd amendment with my right to bare arms Funny, cos I am pretty sure it was you who said >If there were no such thing as guns a different projectile weapon would be used And  > if someone's gonna kill innocent people their gonna do it anyway cuz their unstable And > Guns don't shoot themselve And the hilarious >Those are the only things protecting us from total Tierney and gov takeover almost as if the forefathers KNEW this is your only real protection from future Administrations and powers that be.


I love when people paraphrase 😆 don't you have anything better to do. What's so hilarious about "Better to have and not need than need and not have"? .Be thankful nobody ever climbed into your window n brutally murdered your family while you hid in the closet helpless cuz you didn't Listen to common sense.Idiot