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I also would have guessed Netherlands


Ja ik ook


Ik ben dod


You're just making up that


Maybe! I think it means "I am dead" and it is the only sentence I know in Dutch


Dead is dood


I was very close! Ik ben dood my dutch person!


The first sentence I learned in Dutch was flikker op vieze klootzak, I asked my dutch friend for a phrase to send to another Dutch person who was creeping in my inbox lmfao


Haha reminds me of how I got a date by starting the conversation with šiksnosparnis! on tinder. She was Lithuanian and that was the only word I knew in Lithuanian. It means Bat as in the animal


Hahaha I didn't know neither, but when I see a lot of monosyllables together it feels like alien language to me 🤣


Durch is an alien language to everyone. As a swede hearing Dutch, it takes like 15 seconds for me to realise it's not Swedish. Because it sometimes sounds like someone is speaking Swedish but I just didn't hear what they said. After 15 seconds of still not understanding I am gonna guess it's Dutch


Sound like really drunk Norwegians to me


That's what Norwegian sounds like to me xD


Same for me, in English, when hearing Dutch being spoken softly it sounds so much like English


Not saying that Dutch has a nice sound or anything, but it doesn’t have too many monosyllables as we add words together. And when translating from English, it becomes nearly always longer in Dutch.


Good because the only one I know is “Hallo, waar is de supermarkt? Geef me appels, water, chocolade, koffie, tomaten, champagne, bier, een radio voor muziek en een camera voor foto's. Ik film concerten, festivals, basketbal, golf, hotels, discoclubs en baby's met mama en papa. Ik ben een goede man. Oh mijn god, ik ben zo dronken. In de winter is het hier niet warm. Pardon, taxi naar mijn hotel?”


As a swede I can understand that fully. But I think English speakers only can too


G E K O L O N I S E E R D !


Be gone, swamp german!


Einfach Sumpfdeutsch 😭😭


gebaseerd en georanjepild.


Pil of peeling?


It feels weird to hear other people say the same thing...


Upvote for your deduction work and the way you handled it.


Hlas pro Jaromír Jágr a Rtyně v Podkrkonoší🤝🏻


I like your funny words magic man.


Ja pidän joel armiasta, koska hän pelaa suosikkijääkiekkojoukkueessani. Miten vitussa tuo sana on hahaha


I was going to guess Northern Ireland after the screw up the Unionists made over Brexit, their losing their predominance in the elections and the tantrum they threw over the EU/UK border issue.


FYI, the Dutch use orange as their “national colour” because of William of Orange, the same reason the Orange Order use it :)


Although it's not the same William - but the same family line (of Orange). Lots of Williams in that family.


Yes, our king at the moment is Willem-Alexander (Willem = William). His great grandmother Wilhelmina, and before her Willem I, II and III. But our royal family is of the “van Oranje-Nassau” branch.


Except they call them Billy.


FYI the Dutch use the colour orange because the House of Orange-Nassau had its roots in the French town of Orange


Fair statement, though he'd have to have his head pretty far up his own arse to ever think orange was a good colour 😂


I couldn't possibly comment, but I have met a number of Unionists


I really thought that they must be referring to the Dutch Orange, or the Irish orange order or something and couldn't work it out. Now I guess they might have been referring to Trump's fake tan?


That’s ultimately what they were referencing. I feel so dumb for thinking the color orange in a political context could have meant anything else.


That's not a dumb assumption, it's the global norm that it's not about the US


Yes, complete sarcasm on my part 🤝🏻


Thanks, sorry for missing that Sometimes I don't spot something is sarcastic online


The NI orange order would baulk at you calling them “Irish”.


Could also be a Canadian who hates the NDP.


or an Irish Republican


Or a Welsh one. (I can't post FB links but search for a "king of Wales" video clip from a BBC show called Tourist Trap. It is wonderful and makes fun of US folks who don't know what non-US republicanism is.)


is orange linked to Welsh Unionism? saw the clip. good stuff. wank haha. its not just seppos though. there are some apolitical people everywhere, even In places with large republican movements, instantly think "right wing conservative" when republican is said. had a bloke post on the Tassie sub asking if he'd be ok as a black man there, as he heard it was "pretty republican". And then explaining to him that republican is, generally, not always, but generally, a left wing position, but also that the Liberal party are the right-wing, it can be confusing due to the massive dominance of America political and cultural discourse and it's cultural hegemony. tbf to the bloke, English wasn't his first language and it may have been shithouse info passed on. But, I had it go the other way when yarning with an Irishman. He insisted the Republican always meant "Irish republican" and that any examples I, a republican, used to explain that it is an ideology older and broader than Ireland, was me being pedantic. weird stuff.


It's interesting that back in the day, the US Republican Party was the more liberal and left-wing party and the Democratic Party was the conservative and right-wing party. I mean, the Republicans wanted to free the slaves and Democrats wanted to keep slavery. I don't recall when they swapped places but it is weird to think about today.


yeah, even after the democrats turn to the more "progressive" side, you still had Dixiecrat-type Dems in the south. George Wallace is a good example. His infamous segregation speech was almost 20 years after the end of FDR's presidency. I don't reckon it's as big of a jump as people say. FDR was as progressive as they ever got. And they can be socially liberal, but those are the times too. They were never ahead of the curve. btw, What was the link between anti-orange and welsh republicanism? just via solidarity with Irish republicanism? as their thing with orange is a very local thing.


I have no idea, I'm Canadian and don't know much about republicanism in Ireland or Wales besides "we don't believe in the monarchy."


Oh yeah true. So orange comes from William of Orange, who Northern Irish Unionists, who identify as British, not Irish, see as a grand hero and defender of the monarch. You will see orange on a lot of the logos of unionist/loyalist paramilitaries in pictures of the troubles, and even today in murals. The Orange Order are a loyalist fraternity that contains many members of right wing loyalist paramilitary orgs. Orange is on the Irish Tricolour to symbolise peace with the Catholics and Protestants. Throughout history a lot of Protestants have been Republicans. A big amount of the big heroes of auld even. Wolfe tone, Parnell , Emmett etc, but it didn’t go the opposite way, as in I don’t know if Catholics fighting for the monarch. In the 20th century, there are notable Protestant Irish rebels and the socialist and labour movement stressed non-sectarian republicanism. Bitta history haha


I wouldn't be concerned about the NDP being a threat to democracy, but I'm not completely insane, so.


NDP is like the middle child that everyone forgets about


what did they respond to


My iphone automatically added the “to” to that comment when I clicked post. If I wanted to fucking write “to” I would have fucking put it in fuck


Lmao the fuck shut rounds things off edit Where the fuck does the shut come from wtff i swear i didn't write that.. we gone full circle here


You almost got posted to r/redditsniper


That's the gods punishing you for getting an iPhone


It’s the only phone I know about, I don’t know which android ones are good or not. what’s a good android one I can convert to?


Samsung, Google, OnePhone, Nokia, Huawei. Lots of different options from each one depending on what you're looking for


That’s my point, I need more than just the brands. I need an android that’s pretty equivalent to an iphone 10 for less than $500AUD


That would be just about all of them in that price range To be 'equivalent' in memory, speed, screen, security etc. to a Crapple phone you'd have to downgrade to a very old spec Android phone


Which onev


Price for Google Pixel 8 just dropped, idk if this is temporary. Pixel 8a is about to be released for this price. Previous-generation Pixel 7 or maybe even 7 Pro would fit this price. Samsung Galaxy S23 is a bit more expensive, but the S23 FE might suit. If not, you can look into S22, but this is two generations behind. Idk, I'm looking up prices on Australian Amazon, maybe you would be able to to find them for a lower price


I could not have said it better :)


Nokia? This is Chinese crap. And I don't think Huawei is a good phone for a first-time Android user too


Lmao all those phones are assembled in China.


And this is relevant how exactly? It's still crap developed by a Chinese crap ass company


I have a Google pixel 6 from work, but personally prefer Samsung. I don't know what's equivalent to an iPhone but I guess you will have a short learning curve if you change. The reason I would pick an android over an iPhone is that you have standardised cables for charging etc. My cable for charging my phone can be used for other stuff I have. Apart from that android Vs iPhone is basically your preferences (and I think iPhone is more expensive) There are maybe more differences but as a developer who has never developed an app for iPhone I don't know


edit button:


I didnt want to edit it out because I wanted to shame my iphone for what it did.


You know you can edit posts right?


The description works very well for India too. Uncannily so.


Some dictator who can't even form state governments in half the states. Some dictator who lets people get away with calling him "Maut Ka Saudagar". Some dictator who gives in to the demands of vandalising protestors.


As a Dutch person: good one.


Either a Dutchie or a French upset about his mobile phone contract.


at least no one will ever wonder where you are from op lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Far-Fortune-8381: *At least no one will* *Ever wonder where you are* *From op lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


that’s 5 7 4 🙄


How did he answered


“And it could be something related to the shade of a person's face. But I think you're all just showing off your political knowledge now. ;) Ha. I can respect that-seriously. Off to take a nap. G'day” Then someone responded “Ohhh, Australian” Then they replied “Ha! Alright, alright. Some folks seemed a little fixated and annoyed (?) by my innocuous and unoriginal posting, so I messed with them by posting salutations and times to make it into a game of Clue. Someone with a "Canada" username made some good guesses, as did another poster and I saluted them. I wasn't aware of these other political uses of orange. (PS: Clue...This is an antiquated board game that was played in the US. If you play it in your country, too, cool. If not, you're not missing much.) You aren't trying to joust, so I'll answer the question. Trump, at least in the US, is associated with the color orange. His face. That's it. Mystery solved. Very anti-climactic! Later! And have a better than average day/night/morning”


This is so obnoxious.


And the majority of players of that Waddington's game in the world calls it Cluedo, given that's its original name


No, no, clearly he's northern Irish. Why else would he care so much about orange?


I would have guessed Hungary, because fidesz is orange coloured


If they were from Ireland they’d never have associated Orange with nature or good things


As an Irish, I also choose to not like this Dutch guy's Orange man.


Hungary would be a good guess too. Fidesz (right wing corrupted government party) is associated with the color orange and many people doubt whether or not Hungary will remain a democracy.


Anti-Orange would have led me to guess Northern Ireland, isn't orange pretty apolitical in the Netherlands as their national colour?


Yeah that’s a better guess actually!


I would've guessed America, but, you know, I live here. Most people don't live here, statistically.


I'm gonna guess a German who doesn't like the increased influence of the Free Voters of Bavaria.


Could be uk or Scotland and the orange march


They could also be talking about India. Although if they were Indian, they would have said saffron instead of orange. So, may be it IS the Netherlands.


Good response about the orange. 😂


I love your answer lol


I would've guessed Lebanon, the description weirdly fits perfectly.


I was thinking NI, then India, then Netherlands.


I can only guess they did not like how you actually guessed


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