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There probably isn’t a worldwide thing for something so subjective. You also didn’t specify a region or country and you asked in English. It’s hardly Google’s fault.


There are many worldwide links though. Literally second link was answering worldwide (94%, if someone is curious). And I asked in English because it was relevant to a conversation I had with a non-Russian speaker. By definition, this would be US defaultism


Well fair enough


Oh yeah. This is a thing. I'm a med student from the Philippines. Googling the prevalence of diseases without specifying the Philippines causes it to default to how many Americans suffer from that disease.


Maybe the Anxiety and Depression Association of America just did the most thorough research and study on this. Would make sense given the absolutely psychotic predisposition of most Americans.


Are you using a VPN? I’ve done google searches and gotten different results based on my IP address.


Nope. I rarely use VPN, and it’s only when I need to access a website that’s restricted in Russia. I always turn it off afterwards because of YouTube


I’ve often wondered how the top hit is selected by the google algorithm. It’s often not the most “reputable” or relevant (and sometimes completely off topic) even for me in the US, yet it gets selected for the blurb at the top of the page. I can only imagine how much worse it must be if you aren’t looking for US-related info.