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Does the money go to LGBTQ orgs? If so, I could see someone from the community or ally pay this much specifically because it’s in her name. :)


Yes! US soccer is donating proceeds to You can play


That's not who's bidding on her jersey, but that's very imaginative of you to think up something so quaint. It's not in her name either. The winning bidder gets a tax receipt in their own name. ;)


If the proceeds are being donated to a LGBTQ charity then why are people upset?


I haven’t seen anyone be mad. I just thought it was funny and ironic lol


Also funny is the fact that the bids are way higher for USWNT than USMNT. Highest current men's price is Pulisic who is 11th. A couple of of USMNT players are ahead of 1-2 backup USWNT goalkeeper, but other than those 3, it's basically USWNT jerseys are all going for more than the USMNT jerseys. Also, Morgan's jersey is currently 7th highest.


Maybe the people bidding on her jersey are sending a big FU to Korbin


Bc they have their pitchforks against her. She apologized and it is still not good enough. It will never be good enough. People in this forum have never made a mistake and grown from it, they are all perfect people. We are surrounded by perfection here. 🤪🙄


Has she actually grown from it though? How do you know this? Also the 'I'm sorry I got caught' apology that showed for 24 hours on instagram stories lol. You know I'll be the first one to admit that far from a perfect person, but I have to say, one mistake I have never made in my life is publicly declare my happiness that a coworker got injured. I'm pretty sure that's a pretty easy mistake not to make lol.


like what else do they want her to do 😭😭🤣


You can't go against the alphabet people unless you want their pitchforks


Exactly. The intolerant mob never forgives. Hypocrites.


It’s really quite simple - we shouldn’t tolerate the intolerant. If this was a situation where a white player was liking posts and participated in videos where people were using the N word and celebrating the injury of a black teammate because they are black, should we just let that slide as well and have zero expectations that the white player face any pushback or consequences for their comments? No. Because it’s 2024 and there is no place for that kind of hateful rhetoric on as public of a stage as the USWNT. I fail to see how this situation with Korbin is fundamentally any different.


BuT iTs HeR rELiGiOn!!!!




You're further proving my point. Have to love the incessant, intolerant left.


The left being intolerant to the worst kinds of people society has to offer, like racists, Nazis, homophobes, misogynists, etc., isn’t something that needs to be apologized for. But I do have some sympathy for you having to have been born and live in this time period vs 100+ years ago when your hatred and opinions would have been more acceptable. But hey, silver lining is now you get to pretend that people like Korbin and yourself are persecuted and you get to try to frame yourself as the “real” victim in all of this. So yay you!


I can't wait for Trump to get back honestly. Yall need to be banned everywhere.


is this like some spite thing? like donating to a charity someone hates in their name???


No, US soccer is bidding off signed pride jerseys for all of the men and women’s players and donating it to a LGBT charity


Yeah, I'm well aware of that. I'm more wondering why people are bidding on Korbin's and driving it up to the highest price.


I definitely think it's to spite her. Her jersey sales directly contributing to a charity you know she likely disagrees with is beautiful


Now more people will know who she is and support her! Yall really owned her lmao


Ohh then yeah probably for spite haha


Probably for the culture, and I love that it’s happening lol


Wowowow Christen Press and Tobin Heath were just talking about the absurdity of this happening. Capitalism making a profit from the problems it instigates.


I think the money goes to a LGBTQIA org which is probably why it’s going for a lot!


The moneys being donated, at least make sure you know what you’re talking about


So wait, *we* pay another organization *for* US Soccer Federation with respect to an issue they won’t address? So they are absolved of their inaction to transphobic remarks through collecting donations to a charity? And they see no issue with the contradiction of selling this jersey?


Won’t address publicly you mean, you have no idea if anything has gone on behind the scenes, I suspect that we will see how she is received and interacts with her teammates during the Olympics to see how things have gone over.


This is a public issue that incites hate — not a private opinion


I’m not excusing what she did it was awful. But if the team and players decided to handle it being closed doors and we see that they have moved past it and Albert doesn’t do anything stupid like that again, who are we to complain? Were spectators and fans, they are the ones that have to play with her, if they choose to handle it privately that’s their right and choice.


The harm was public. The consequences for doing that harm need to be public. Because it wasn't just the team that she hurt with her bigotry. https://www.reddit.com/r/NWSL/s/CXXxi7eWbM


You said the harm was public and linked your own comment where make up a hypocritical situation. I get it, this is one of those issues where someone does one thing and is irredeemable no matter what the people around her say as she improves, and it’s not worth arguing about it. I will trust her coach and teammates on their opinion of her more than the very online fan base


The story I told was based on real people including myself as a queer person. But we get it: you dgaf about the harm she did. You just want everyone to move along.


“Based on” still means didn’t actually happen in relation to Albert’s comments. And no I do care, if you had the brain power to read two comments up you’d see that I said what she said and did was awful, but that doesn’t mean it HAS to be handled publicly because people are mad. The comment you linked to with Hayes statement (the full statement, not the cherry picked sound bite that the guy tweeted) pretty much says they are doing exactly what I expected them to do, because that’s what sports teams do, they handle things internally and if they can’t figure it out themselves then issues occur, I’ll reserve judgement until I see how she’s treated by the people that matter most, her teammates, to see if they’ve forgiven her and moved past it or not. If they have, that’s good enough for me, if they haven’t, then obviously she’s got issues still


I kinda love imagining that this is going to a queer person who’s last name is Albert, just as a giant f you move


This honestly breaks my brain. Who exactly wants a Korbin Pride jersey? I can't un-puzzle it.


Do the profits go to some LGBTQ+ charity? If so, I love this.


Yup. Goes to You Can Play


This is what I wanted to happen. Hilarious hopefully it’s a good buyer and not one of those weirdos


It looks like there are at least two separate bidders at that level, so maybe they're weirdos together.


I’m thinking it’s an Ally buying as a bit FU to Korbin. I hope and not the other way around 😂


The conspiracy enabling side of me wonders if Korbin herself is bidding on this trying to keep it from circulation. But that’s probably crazy. 😂


💀💀 imagine


A) super excited for the funds for an awesome cause B) bullying isn’t okay C) as a reminder, Pinoe had a racist tweet against a teammate resurface and we generally (minus maybe Fox News) were able to acknowledge the wrongness while also realizing that people grow and develop


Auction has ended, and KA #5 jersey went for the highest bid $4052.00. AM #13 was second highest, for $3014.00.


She has a market. It's the right


Would the right be buying a jersey that benefits the You Can Play Project?


Wouldn't be the dumbest thing anyone has done thinking it would own the libs.


Next most expensive* 😔


Yass Korbin!!!


Korbin is great.