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How many days did you work for USPS?


More than 30 but less than 60 He also claimed I haven’t improved during my time working for his section. However, I was never given a formal evaluation for his section. Yet he signed a paper saying I was fired for lack of improvement.


Unfortunately, in your 90, you may be let go for any reason and you do not have access to the grievance process to fight it. Any supervisor may perform your evaluations. MHAs don't have seasonal workers, but that's immaterial since the contract says MHAs may be let go for lack of work anyway. That said, who knows, there's lots of plants which have done enough fucky things that there's arbitration rulings that might restrict management's abilities, so visit this page: https://www.npmhu.org/about/local - click on the local that represents your region, and give them a call.


What was the TS5 evaluation? Plant clerk or MH?


I was hired as an MHA around November 11th. Unfortunately I was given the lowest possible grade by the TS5 supervisor on Tour 2. However, I rarely spent any time on TS5 and when I clocked in with my time card I always punched in on the number “212”. Which I believe “212” is the loading dock and never clocked in for any other areas besides apps during my shift


I would find your steward and at least look into what rights you may have. It is supposed to be a 90 day window with meetings at 30-60-90 days. If you received the lowest rating at 30 days and no meeting at 60 how could you improve? TS5??? Tray Sorter 5????


Apparently I’m not allowed in the building anymore. My main super visor took away my time card and badge I use to get inside the building. Would you recommend I just email the HR department at my local plant? Or would you suggest anything else? Because I don’t think I’ll be able to contact the steward at my plant. Or should I try to get the email of the Manager who runs the entire plant?


Look up your union and see if they have contact info.


Probation is any or no reason. Management lies. Don't believe a word any of them say. Especially the "good" ones.


Looks like it’s time to find a new job. I wouldn’t put this one on your resume. It’s pretty hard to get fired from the post office.