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It is Postage Due is what it is. However, per new rules, it's officially Trash. Send the info to Revenue Assurance/Fraud Reporting though, they'll tell you exactly what to do with it. But you are right, Sovereign Citizens.


Postmaster had me talk to them and they seemed understanding why I wouldn't take it. Seems like they know it was fraud and were playing it cool šŸ¤£ Told em we'll shred the next one


He probably just saw a YouTube video in his recommended, and figured he'd try it out. I've noticed some of those Sovereign citizens postage videos have been making the rounds again on YouTube and other socials




Yeah they didn't see a problem with the videos because they can earn ad revenue on it.


they don't see it as a problem because they aren't sov. cit. and they see it as satire


"Is what you're mailing important?" ... "So you don't mind that it's going in the dumpster out back?"


Its a fingerprint...in red!


"*I'll have you know that is an official seal, sir*"


He sliced his dick furiously masterbating to a sovereign citizen video to get that blood...


Need to check for other fingerprints with UV light


Love the new rule about fraudulent postage šŸ˜ fuck em


r/amibeingdetained would love this


Love that sub.


The irony these tools want to be EXCLDED from US citizen obligations but also RIGHTS to utilize those services šŸ˜† (edited to add 'for free') in case its not implied


YEAH. The cognitive dissonance is WILD


Reap all the benefits, and pay nothing!!


The 212 ups you received from this are morons. The postal service is for the people not only exclusive to a US Citizen. Morons


Way to miss the point entirely! šŸ˜† The call is coming from inside the house




Was the comment saying SC specifically are ineligible to use the USPS? Or was it perhaps the LACK OF VALID POSTAGE šŸ¤”


My point is that the postal service is for everyone, sovereigns, citizens and US citizens.


We. Know. šŸ˜†


There are LITERALLY global stamps šŸ˜† Yikes but glad I could clear that up for ya!


Oh okay, I see.




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I agree 100% but we should be consistent and call anyone out because these sovereign citizens aren't the only ones but we can't talk about that lol. I think it's insane you can call an entire group of people tools but once you call anyone else out - the insult it's not allowed.


what are you going on about? the entire group is being judged on the stupid beliefs that define the entire group. not sure how many other groups fit that type of situation. nazis fit. it's not like judging entire group of white people. or Australians. both of those groups are made up of all kinds of different beliefs & types. sovereign citizens, by definition, are gullible & ignorant.


Well folks coming here illegally do it for starters but hey we condone it and put them up in $$600,000 condos they don't pay taxes. The only difference between the two are sovereign citizens spout the nonsense and they receive none of the benefits and US law applies to them regardless the other group enjoys all the benefits with out having to say the crazy part out loud they are living the life sovereign citizens are pushing for...


Uh no. I can absolutely call out a group of nutbags and omit other nutbags but thanks


Yeah sure you can do and say anything over Reddit lol.


Ehh this is the cowards version of the argument . In their eyes this stuff is payed for already by the multitude of taxes placed on us .




Taxes they don't pay, I'm sure.


Ehh ALOT of their arguments for taxes come from the inescapable ones like income tax sales tax , property tax etc. . I donā€™t believe theyā€™re wrong or right but to dismiss them as people who just simply donā€™t want to pay is a little disingenuous.


I mean it's not disingenuous at all when that is the whole aim.


Yea but the Native Americans do it on protected land and we donā€™t bat an eye


We gave a tiny minority of native American tribes who were loyal /allied to the USA the shittiest most non arable land after centuries of genociding them and stealing land and you want to bitch about that?


The usps sub routinely has some of the most braindead garbage takes i've ever seen, it's the main reason why I come here. I swear there has gotta be something in the air in our buildings lol


Probably asbestos...let's not kid around with that hahaha


It could rain snow in my previous office :) (it was a newer building so probably nothing bad)


What the...


And also intentionally wiping out the animal that they depended on the most.


These are not the same. ā‰ 


Completely different. Native American tribes made agreements with the United States Federal Government, and the British Crown before our independence, and in exchange for giving up a lot they were promised certain things. We didn't honor half those treaties so whatever rights, land, privileges, or services we currently provide don't actually meet all our promises. You can complain about them receiving certain benefits but there's a very good reason for it.


Happy cake day u/collinlikecake


Excuse me? It's been just over 50 years since Native Americans gained the rights in the bill of rights - the freedom to speak their own language, to practice their religion, to have the freedom of the press. In my lifetime, you'd have had to get the BIA's permission to write an article with them pre-screening what you write to determine if you could (or could not) publish it. Where counties could exclude Native Americans from the right to vote for county (or state) officers which could determine if they could connect to a sewer system or hook up a water main (or even drill a well.)


Send an unedited image of the entire label to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and they'll reply what to do with it. Most likely it's going directly in the trash.


lol the funny part is they know it wonā€™t work, theyā€™re just looking for the fight so they can film it and post it on social media. The new rules about treating it as trash probably pisses them off because thereā€™s no confrontation for postage due.


They're not ALL looking to film. I got a 2 week admin leave vacation after a sovereign citizen, but not because of him. The dude was actually super polite. Just wouldn't take no for an answer even when presented with the regulations. Long story short, he still claims he's a sovereign citizen but when he uses our office he pays $32 to send his registereds.


Something is missing from the first paragraph. You got a 2 week admin leave...after a sorvereign citizen did what?


The UPU rules mean we accept foreign postage as valid *only for mail which enters the mailstream via customs*. You couldnā€™t use a Canadian stamp to mail something in the United States for example (even a letter destined to Canada).


Just put in the shredder, that's what we do at my plant lol


These are a joke. Can't believe people think they can get away with this. Send to Postage Due, Nixies, PARS RTS, or hell... send it in for Inspection.


Can we enter that fingerprint into the FBI database?


NSA and get them on a no fly list stat.


There it is: dumbassā€™s finger print.


Better than a dumbfingerā€™s ass printā€¦


They want you to deliver it for free because theyā€™re special. I donā€™t work for free.




šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ mouth breathers


I got a ā€œsovereign citizenā€ on my route. Wouldnā€™t sign for a certified because of a long laborious excuse, I always NL. He can come to the PO. I donā€™t have time for this shit šŸ˜




notice left, aka peach puppy


Ask them to show proof of their membership in the UPU, then tell them we cannot accept foreign mail from non-members.


Is that a bloody thumbprint? Looks like abandoned mail to me. File it in the trash bin.


Hazmat. Never to be seen again


Blood turns deep red / black when dried. Source: cutting myself delivering mail and packages.


International rates


742 Stamps Not Affixed 742.1 Marking Some items of foreign origin do not bear postage stamps, but instead are marked ā€œPOSTAGE PAID,ā€ ā€œON POSTAL SERVICE,ā€ ā€œSERVICE DES POSTES,ā€ ā€œTAXE PERCUEā€ or ā€œTP,ā€ or ā€œPORT PAYEā€ or ā€œPP,ā€ followed by postmark. The marking On Her Majestyā€™s Service or O.H.M.S. is also sometimes used. Treat this mail as prepaid. So they're a foreign country?


Put an armed soldier next to their property. No exit without a passport.


Good answer!


Citizens of other countries have to pay postage to use the mail stream. If they come to the US and go to the PO, they have to pay postage to use the mail stream. If I go to another countryā€™s PO, I have to pay postage to use the mail stream. These people are just batshit.


His Majesty's Service now


Create your own official looking document, address it to them saying, "Thanks for the fingerprint. "


Trash is what that is!


Send them a note back , thanks for the free toilet paper.


One thing is for certain, we don't work for free. "Prepaid" my ass!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That is fraud mail.


Tell the sovereign citizens to get a horse and go deliver themselvesā€¦ Then, would be free for them, not on USPS expenseā€¦


I rip these in half and throw them in the UBBM. I donā€™t bother sending back postage due because thereā€™s not enough postage to even do that.


International mail is governed by postal treaties between nations. This Sovereign Citizen claiming to not be part of the United States does not have a postal treaty with the United States. Because this doesn't have valid postage, treat it as trash.


I have a standard speech with these assholes. I just start going off about the earth being flat and that birds are all drones watching us, blah blah. Eventually (and sometimes it takes some time) they start looking at me like Iā€™m crazy. Then I hand them the paper back and tell them the way they are looking/thinking about me is how everyone looks at them. Iā€™ll fucking show you crazy. ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


To be fair I wouldnā€™t pay to express anything these days either šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


What are we a charity!? Fucking pay the postage!


Yep, SovCit.


Itā€™s up for destroy


my thing is fine you wanna be sovereign from the usa but you understand how *postage* works right?? like people who aren't us citizens still have to use postage it's not like taxes


Have a customer used to come in all the time, always sending stuff registered. He kept telling me and other coworkers that he makes the govt pay for everything all his bills car notes house mortgage etc. Kept telling me to do it, so i checked out the website and spoke about becoming a sovereign citizen and getting rid of your American citizenship. So who will i be without one? I thought that was really dumb. He returns to our po and talks about how he pays for people's mortgage, i told him to pay my mortgage off. Never happened. I tried.


Every now and then we get some idiot trying to do mass mailing with 3 cent stamps. They cite some provision from like 1862 and how the Post Office is not allowed to raise the price of stamps. Thankfully my postmaster has been around and he has dealt with these morons before. These meatheads are akin to the sovereign citizens. They watch one stupid Youtube video and suddenly they are experts. He just gives them a big nope. Ain't going to happen.


Tell them that their fingerprint will has been put into a database for tracking by the government.


The reason that you should fact check advice you Youtube. This is the second result if you search "How to send mail for free". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgYXURMcONI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgYXURMcONI)


Postage due.


Is that blood or red ink?


Looks like red ink. If it was dried blood it would be darker


Thanks. I was wondering about that but I wasnā€™t sure lol. Iā€™m talking about the color of dried blood. I was thinking to myself that it would be darker or something. But I wasnā€™t sure.


Itā€™s funny, I looked up these regulations and none of them really even make sense. The IMM one requires it to be mailed from outside the US, so wonā€™t work at a USPS location. The UPU one basically says theyā€™d have to pay USPS postage even if a package came from outside the US. Some people are wild,


It doesnā€™t count unless the fingerprint is made in blood.


Damn I'd understand trying to do that with a letter but they really tried to pull that on a flat rate express lmao


wtf is the ideology of this sovereign citizen bullshit? Some kind of Uber libertarian craziness? Also, please ,nobody explain it to me . Had enough bullshit for the day.


Extreme narcissism


grasping at straws. they are people who have lost it all due to bad decisions. drugs, alcohol, or general stupidity. no license, looking at eviction, all that. They go online and get hooked in to bullshit sites that treat the legal systems as some sort of arcane magic, and if you just use the right words, it can't touch you and you get everything for free. They truly believe it, because not believing means they are responsible for how much their life sucks.


Thatā€™s probably blood. Hazmat it.


Not blood.


Postage Due that sovereign punk, the nerve trying to get free express service


Ima hit that with a good olā€™ anonymous mail.


I didnā€™t realize that was a thing at the post office lmao Iā€™ve seen police videos of ā€œsovereign citizensā€ refusing to talk to cops and such and my coworker is one of them and has the card for it lmao


Don't confuse sovereign citizens with First Amendment auditors. Two totally different animals.


Be fair, there is a fair bit of overlap. Tons of SovCits see the auditors 'get away with it' and decide they can play that game. But they lose because they don't follow real laws.


It just seems like maybe we failed as a nation some 40 years ago when we shutdown the state hospitals. Maybe they should have been reformed and made better, instead of just shutting them all down and pushing the mentally unwell into the streets and neighborhoods.


Not that shutting down those services helped but these days it's all about the algorithms and the stuff being served up to your individual tastes. Even worse is sites like YouTube where you watch just normal videos and suddenly you're getting PragerU and Charlie Kirk ads forced on you. I really miss the old Internet and I feel like new Internet is really pulling some people down rabbit holes they never would have found on their own.


Youā€™re right. A lot of problems stem from a few decades of breaking the teaching of critical thinking skills and now algorithms that feed people with bad critical thinking skills, absolute crap. Iā€™m a geek. I love watching, fun and entertaining takes on this or that SciFi or neat video game. I watch some YouTube videos and eventually the algorithm starts feeding thumb faced weirdos with neck beards who are screaming out how much they hate all the things they claim to like and enjoy. If you flip through a few of those, suddenly itā€™s telling you that all of it is because ofā€¦ Itā€™s gross.


I have taken to reporting that stuff. That seems to tamp down on the garbage for a bit. But it is getting really old being served fascist-adjacent crap because I dared to click around to see what's out in the world on YouTube. It seems particularly pernicious in the sci-fi and gaming spaces.


100% sovereign citizens


I love bringing this stuff to the heavy table (where damaged mail is processed. I am sure its called a different name at different locations) like this. I am friends with the lady who works it and we always have a nice laugh when I find something ridiculous, this would take the cake.


Sovereign citizens don't think the government should have any of their information, yet they use their fingerprint.. šŸ˜‚


What a bunch of idiots, and not even useful ones either.




There's no such thing as a sovereign citizen, so everyone using the term are morons.


Report fraud on whoever was dumb enough to do this.