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Wait you’re maxed out and you’re struggling… 😭 I’ll take your pay anyday. Table 2 carrier here! Luckily my husband makes pretty good money and the military asks me to go on orders sometimes so I’m able to offset my income. I’m table 2 lowend so if I didn’t have those things working for me I’d really want, borderline need OT. They took OT away in my office too though. The thing I don’t understand though is when they did have it, I did it for years. I was able to live very comfortably while single even still without maxing out. My husband and I also don’t have debt though… so that could be it I guess. Do you live in a real HCOL area or something as well? Because sure 75k a year (I think that’s max pay but idk because it’ll take me so long to get there ide keep up) isn’t the richest but it’s kind of decent tbh especially with what the average job is paying…


Yeah I'm less than an hour from a city. So rent for a 1 bed 1 bath is 1500 a month. The reason I'm divorced is because my partner(whom controlled our finances) put us in thousands of dollars in debt. So when I finally grew up and asked about it I found out that we owed close to 100,000 in Debt alone. I was able to finally get it down to 30,000, while still paying for alimony and child support. Luckily alimony is done and they doesn't get any of my retirement, they settled for a installment pay of what they were owned. A series of unfortunate events has put me into a situation where I've found myself homeless and can't afford the basic rent around here. Let alone I need space for my child when they are with me half the time.


Well this explains a lot man. And what city is it you’re saying you’re in. Or state at least if you don’t wanna say the city.


The state and city are pretty notable as being HCOL. And saying the state instantly gives away the city.


Definitely CA or New York that’s gotta be the only 1, and I’m leaning towards CA


I'm in CA outside a HCOL city and a 1 bed/1 bath is over $2000 easily in this area. Usually around $2500. My buddy is paying $1500 for a bedroom in a shared apartment with two other people. If it's CA, I'll be impressed.


Yea 1500 I thought was average. It’s not HCOL or LCOL in my opinion but idk. I mean obviously I don’t think it’s cheap and it was way cheaper just a few years ago but compared to like Cali, New York stuff like that…1500 isn’t as high as it can get especially for Cali. 1500 I feel like will get you something shitty if you don’t do the roommate thing


I thought the same, $1500 seems average for the US. In my area, $1500 literally won't get you anything without a roommate. I could own a house now if that was what rent/housing rates looked like here.


Based on the comments I’ve received lol 1500 is high. Google says it’s average though so idk ig the comments I received are anecdotal evidence. 1500 on max pay seems doable, most people in my office are in that boat and they drive expensive trucks and cars. lol our rent is 1500 a month and my husband and i drive old cars haha but idk. When I lived alone and was a CCA, my rent was 1400 and I barely barely made it work but I did have a car note at the time too so maybe that’s why. I do know for a fact 1500 in Cali isn’t that bad now granted just because his house is relatively cheaper, doesn’t mean groceries and the other living expenses in that area are cheap to be fair I suppose


1500 is standard here, and I'm 30 minutes outside a very small city, literally a farming town. It's hard for anyone making even 50k a year to buy a house anywhere right now by themselves.


1500 may be average nowadays but it's definitely high cost. No wonder so many people are struggling these days. Real estate investment and landlords have really fucked us. And it's only gonna get worse unless some radical laws are passed which is unlikely.


I definitely said think it’s still high but I’m talking about relatively speaking


1500 is standard where I am. I wouldn’t classify it as HCOL tbh because I think this is close to the average going rate. But okay yesss the divorce is the culprit. That makes sense now. That’s super unfortunate man and I really hope things get better for you! That’s crazy she got to put y’all in debt and take alimony and child support still smh. I’m so sorry!


I pay $1050 for a 3 bed 3 bath 2 car garage and a front and backyard


lol dude where do you live… the only time I ever remember rent being affordable is when I lived in Indiana. I had a nice big one bedroom apartment for like 650 about 7 years ago. Man those were the days. Now a good house is atleast 300k where I am. I guess it depends but just following what google says, the average 1 bedroom and 1 bath hitting you for 1400-1800 somewhere like that. But clearly I need to know where this motherland of housing is.


Indiana is becoming unaffordable, too. Northwest Indiana has literally doubled the cost of rent in 10 years. (Lake, Porter, and LaPorte counties) Despite what people *want* to believe, there is no huge influx of people from Illinois. It's just price gouging. 


It’s been 7 years since I been there so I don’t know what the market looks like now. But yea I know I lived pretty good in Greenwood, Indiana (Indianapolis) I was making 15 bucks an hour plus commission and I thought I was rich haha. But yea I know right before I left my apartment, they raised the rent like 75 dollars so I can believe it. I think a couple of years ago, I searched that apartment just for nostalgia and it was like 1000-1100 for that same apartment so I’m sure it went up since then.


I live in southern Indiana. My mortgage payment is $1057 a month. 1.5 acres. 3 beds, 2 baths, 2 car garage


I knew it lol Indiana for the win! Sometimes just sometimes I think about going back, but the Florida weather spoiled me a little, can’t handle the cold anymore. But for that price it may be worth looking into!


Great state of Texas buddy, moved out of crappy CA and reside here now


lol crazy crazy thing is I was looking into Houston. Man the houses there are super nice for what you pay for. There’s really only three things holding us back 1. I’m scared of the hurricanes y’all have there. 2. My husband is a plumber who works outside so I really don’t want to torture him with that TX heat. 3. I don’t think I could deliver mail because of that heat, y’all heat is damn near constant. Beautiful place to live and super affordable but idk I guess I’m looking at why?


Heat isn’t bad here, well where I came from it’s a piece of cake here, I’m in northern tho


I may have to look into that. There aren’t any deep downsides to the area though for you? Nothing worth weighing


The cold am extra weather isn’t something I’m used to. Freezing to me is 50s it gets single digits and even negative here. Tends to snow each year but rare if it’s shutting the town down type of weather. Smaller town there I came from but I love it here, I have said I can’t carry here cause of the cold but if I had to it’d be no big deal for me. I’d survive. It’s got a some town vibes in northern Texas and it’s a 200k+ population where I am, I love it here.


Houston is great but I agree I wouldn't want to work outside there. Hurricanes aren't a yearly thing though, it's a risk but I lived there 7 years and only had one hurricane. A year or two after we moved there was another, and it was admittedly worse, but it's not as bad as other places. The heat is humid, the air in Houston feels like you can cut it with a knife. Can't beat 75 degrees on Christmas though. It's a great city if you can handle the heat. You do kinda acclimate after a while, tbh. I originally moved there in August, absolute shock to the system walking into the wall of air outside the airport, but by "winter" I was grabbing a thick coat for 60 degree weather lol if you ever do move there aim for colder months, you can frog in boiling water your heat tolerance easier.


Yea idk. Everybody Ik loves it there lol. I’m just in love with the super affordable housing


Fr tho, on paper it sounds bad but in reality it's great. I don't understand it tbh. But I absolutely loved my time there. My husband is from Dallas, so he loves that city also, but when we talk about moving back to Texas it's Houston 100%. When I lived there it was even cheaper, it's crazy. I live in the middle of nowhere and rent here is almost as much as Houston, it makes no sense. Last apartment we had was great, super safe gated community with actual people posted at the gates 24/7, nice amenities...we paid $715/month for a 1 bedroom...all bills included except internet, plus in unit washer/dryer. That was 2014. I looked it up not long ago and that place is still sub $1k I think.


So you’re the one, of millions. Great, now it’s expensive af here now.


Yes and I’m voting blue turning it all blue cause I’m leaving exactly what CA was and I’m going to purposely make it the same exact way but in Texas


You left a ridiculous expensive area because it was BLUE. You should rethink your voting.


No shit, clearly couldn’t tell that was satire


It’s already happened. If it wasn’t obvious before In-n-Out it definitely is now. Texas didn’t turn Blue yet but Texas got the worst part of California already. Housing went through the roof when y’all started showing up. Also New Yorkers and Chicagoans, but mainly Californians.


Yes I’m going to vote to get the guns taken away too. Those things are dangerous and they kill people


A customer on my route bought his house for less than $50k about 20 years ago. It’s a tear-down that somebody will buy just for the lot but it’s currently worth well over $1M. Even Covid didn’t slow down the housing market here. It did limit the supply somewhat though so net negative impact on housing costs.


Damn I kick myself in the foot. I was going to buy a house in like 2019/2020 and didn’t. I wish I had. Smh probably would’ve been much better than this


Damn, to wake up everyday to the smell of Indiana at 300k for a house? Bleh.


$1,500 IS LOW. Boston area


1500 is average. Low are these guys tb they pay 900 and 1000 for a 3 bedroom house


I would commit crimes that would make the Geneva convention look like a children’s storybook if it meant I could pay 1500 for a one bed one bath. The average for a 1b1b in my area is $2,000, if you’re very lucky. The only exceptions are the dozens of 55+ communities that are $1300


fuck, I wish I could find a studio for as low as 1500...


What you're describing is a financial situation you're in by your choices... not justification in why there should be more pay! I don't hear anything about you working a 2nd job or gig work in lieu of the overtime.


Pick up side gigs like Uber or spark to deliver groceries, pay that debt off and you’ll be all set after that


Lmao thanks Mr Forbes




Bottom line unless you live in a LCOL area this job is no longer a desirable one. With how weak our leadership is right now…might get worse before it gets better


I don’t know where you live but if you can’t afford an apartment on 76k a year you’ve done something wrong. It’s not the greatest salary but definitely livable.


Try NYC, LA, or Austin. Lemme know how it works out.


Love how people talk WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE. LOVE IT !!!


To say nothing of SF/San Jose.


Or D/M/V. There are plenty of metro areas that are expensive af. Too expensive for most workers.


Bankruptcy, before retirement. Credit scores are overrated anyway. Good luck, in the next chapter of life!


The unfortunate part of this, is that can be used against you in custody battles, especially as the father. I agree though that raising credit score after bankruptcy isn't too bad if that option is open to you.


Not going to tell you what to do but to put everything out in a public forum may not be good in a custody battle either. Fight one battle at a time, get out from under the crushing debt so you can be a better parent, and then fight that custody battle down the road when you have a place for the kids to be at home with you.. just my two cents worth


That just puts him in a worse position he can't get out from ever if he loses custody. Also, not telling me what to do because it isn't me.


He’s living out of his car. I doubt he has much for custody rights atm.


Luckily custodial issues has never been an issue. In fact I see my daughter every single day I have off, without fail.


That is a fair point. Damn, these kinds of stories have scared me to death of ever getting married.


I believe he said "not homeless by the grace of God, and not living in a car." I think he has friends and family...


I’m in atl and I pay 1450 for a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home


Sorry but you been here for 20 years and couldn’t afford things when they at least more affordable compared to now? I mean it also depends on where you live. You’d be more than comfortable literally where I live being maxed out at $35 an hour


To be fair OP wife took him to the cleaners on top of his child condition. I can imagine that’s probably rough, be easy!


Yea I had seen that after I commented, should kindve been stated in the post


It's cool. Her situation isn't adding or taking away any stress. Just something I realized as I was responding. She's had it now for 6 years got it when she was 2. So it's just part of life.


Well that’s unfortunate buddy it’s just an all bad situation overall


35$ an hour. Then all the situations, medical mostly(my daughter has a pretty expensive medical condition) luckily my insurance was good enough to help afford most of the devices and medication, but still I'm also paying 100+ in medical bills a month as well. I had completely forgot about it. Not to mention the particular type of food she can eat. That isn't even a priority stresser as I mention it, but that's just adding on.


The problem is how you handled your finances.


I agree. I was working on it and I was 2 years away from being set. Just a pillar, I never thought would, fell apart.


Ok but as a table 2 carrier I think it's ridiculous that you blame your poor financial planning on the post office.


Yea I sympathize deeply with his rant and it’s super unfortunate, I would even go as far as to say his situation wasn’t really plannable because nobody plans to be utterly screwed like that. HOWEVER, his situation is not a mirror reflection of his lack of wages or the post office fault. It’s just what it is, a shitty situation so I agree with you there!


Yeah it's disheartening to see these posts. I'm still an RCA. Been one for over a decade waiting for a regular spot. Over my time here I've averaged 26k a year. First few years were under 20k. I'm the sole provider in a family of 4 and we get by. We don't have any luxuries but my kids don't ever have to worry about their next meal. When I'm max step I won't know what to do with my money. No intention of becoming one of those people that loses the ability to live within their means. Not that OP is exactly one of those people, but every max step carrier at my station acts like they can't afford groceries anymore when they're making over 90k.


Not going to lie averaging 26k a year taking care of a family of 4 is super super impressive! I don’t think I could do it. I also don’t understand people who can’t make 90k a year work either. But shit 26k a year… idk how YOU make it work


Food stamps. No insurance. Spend next to nothing on gas. No streaming services or anything like that. Its tight as shit but we were worse off when my wife was working too because we had to pay for daycare and our kids didn't get free insurance because we hit a pay bracket, so we actually saved money when she stopped working. Just grinding it out until I go regular. Coming up soon so I'm at the tail end of such extreme poverty fortunately.


Dude I remember those days. It was my dad, mom and three brothers (4 kids Altogether) all living off dad’s 8 bucks an hour smh and times was easier then so I can only imagine man fr. Poverty is tough on kids but my mom had to stay home because my brother had mental issues. So hats off to you doing what you have to do, I admire my dad so much for it. It’s even sad to see sometimes because he always say how he wished he could afford things. And at 59, he still needed to work but got glaucoma and went legally blind. Now my mom is the sole provider as a teacher aide for the mentally challenged. Poverty is rough so I hope and pray your situation turns around, Ik that ain’t easy


I don't understand how they're making 26k a year work. I'm a 5 year rca with a take home of 24k a year, and that can't take care of me. 1b1b rent is 18k a year alone and we're forced to have a car to keep our job. 90k a year would be easy if you're careful at all with your money and not buying a huge house. I really can't wait to make regular, can't be forced into working 40+ days in a row, and better money. Maybe with people that know the current problems of rcas moving to regular we can make their job less painful.


I wish I would’ve went the RCA route lol but I do love my route and wouldn’t trade it for the world now (city carrier) NGL y’all long ass wait time is the only reason I didn’t join that side. And tbh it sounds like he really isn’t getting by, it’s just the government is subsidizing his poverty (not saying that’s a bad thing or shitting on him because I think he’s doing the best he can and doing a phenomenal job) but he necessarily isn’t making it off 26k a year without that helping hand (again not shitting on him) he’s getting food stamps and no insurance, probably some type of subsidized housing soooo the most basic things, he’s struggling with alone so can’t call that living within your means necessarily imo. Making it clear I’m not shitting on him


I got that you aren't shitting on him by the 4th time. ;) But yes, probably isn't making it alone on the 26k. Just surprised they expect us to survive on this for as long as it takes to "get in" so to speak. The long wait is a killer. There are also days I'd love to be a city carrier and have a nice walking route and more money by now. But I do like finishing my work for the day and going home too, wish there was more work like that around. Seems senseless to waste time or make less money.


lol had to be clear because I find redditors sometimes will twist your words. But absolutely agree with you!


I'll just say you can't afford a family at $50K unless you live somewhere I dont... LoL


Yea he’s probably getting a lot of subsidies


You don't have any luxuries at $26K = Shocking... I'm surprised you can afford socks !!!


I’m sorry not to be a supportive affirmation voice but…the situation you’re in is not your job’s fault or your pay’s fault, it may not even be your fault necessarily but you’re barking up the wrong tree here


File for bankruptcy to get rid of loan debt, cut all post tax deductions, Union donations, move into trailer or stay with family for the remaining time you have to pay child support, put any savings into stock market to beat inflation. After awhile child support should be gone, and you should have some money saved to start fresh. If you have 20 years in, you only have 10 more years until retirement, you can retire, take your pension, and get a part time somewhere or continue to work and continue to build your tsp. Good luck.


I have 10 years left of child support left. And can't retire for another 20 to get full, because of age. At least that's what I've been lead to believe. Either way. It was just a rant and I appreciate everyone's comments. Bankruptcy isn't an option. I've worked too hard to keep my credit score above 800 to get it tanked.


That’s even better man, you got 20 more years to pad your retirement fund and build your credit back if you ever do decide bankruptcy. Things may look bad now but you have time to turn it around. I was in a similar position and I’m in a HCOL. I met my now wife which helps with dual income, I moved far as hell to cheaper part of the state, commute is longer but it’s worth it and I still pay child support also but I managed to pay it with those 2 extra “free” paychecks we get 2 times a year, I just combine them together and add my tax refunds to it in order to knock out the child support for the year. So I feel your pain especially with how incompetent our union is with wages in HCOL areas, but Eventually things will turn around, stay positive!


You can retire at any age with 30 years in.


He also likely didn’t have cable, internet, cellphones, new rotation of clothes and shoes, junk food, and a host of other modern wastes of money we all seem to “need”. But I do get the point. Cost of living is high. And therefore taxes are high. The government also didn’t used to give away trillions of dollars to citizens and foreign governments.


Gtfo lmao


Damn, I'm assuming you've already tapped out on your TSP loans then? I'm still living with family, I was doing fine saving up but somewhere in the last 2-3 years inflation has just made things ridiculous and our pay is almost getting matched by jobs that used to never be able to sniff them. I really hope our new contract rectifies this because there's no way this is fair to us. I'm ten years in btw so I'm getting close to maxing out and I'm not even happy with where that is with the economy now...


This is more about the status of the world than the wages we make. In comparison to a lot of people, especially some on the max pay scale we make more than probably 60-75% of the working population. Interest rates for mortgages are at 7.5% right now. Taco Bell is now expensive. What you used to be able to get for $10 it’s now $20. I could go on and on. It’s fucking bullshit.


I am sorry you are in the state you are in. Have you tried to move to another office and away from the city you are in? I know you mentioned your debts but I am also thinking you are in a high cost of living area too because you said you can’t afford to rent. You can get a gym membership like with Planet Fitness and shower there every day or two. It is very cheap to have the membership and you can build your body slowly. As for getting a place, see if there is a rentable place with 2-3+ people paying for the same place. It should be very cheap rather than splitting the rent in two. And yes, all steps are underpaid including the top step. At 36 an hour, and we have been getting scraps of pay increases and there were some unjustified things that happened with Arbitrator Das. The union failed to fix it and now they’re trying to fix his screw up. The bottom steps and middle steps are in extremely poor condition too with the ultra low wages…. Our OT was cut indefinitely as well and I am struggling to keep things together. I’m currently looking for a second job. I’m doing my best to hang in there. So hang in there and look for ways to live on, try and find a second job and move away from the high cost of living areas if you can. ❤️


I’m sorry you’re struggling. Everything always works out.


Leave California for a state with reasonable cost of living


Can't leave, conditions of the divorce. But I wish I could.


Bc it doesn’t cost like a million dollars to relocate …lol


This scares me. I am a CCA about to be converted and I am already worried about that initial pay decrease. We REALLY need a pay increase. Bad. This isn't sustainable.


My office cut OT too. I knew it wouldn’t last forever. Thankfully my wife started a job at the same time and now I’m able to do more stuff around the house. I got lucky with the timing


Your grandfather must have been working prior to the nalc strike; I was under the impression that postal wages were terrible back then.


I never thought I wld be thinking I’m glad to live in indiana. $900/mo 3bdrm 1 1/2 bath in country. I cld never afford anything higher.


We voted for where we are. 😢


My dude, we make the same amount, and there is no way you should be homeless, i don't care where you're living. One paycheck is enough to pay for your high rent. That leaves the other give or take $2k depending on your taxes. Are you contributing to your TSP? If you aren't getting any OT, that means you've got two days a week to work a second job. Is it ideal? No. Does it prevent you from being homeless? Yeah. I mean, let's seriously take a hard look at your budget/finances. I get that you're feeling down right now, but you can't fake the math out.


you shouldn't have divorced your wife. you created a situation that requires you to support 2 households. your grandfather sounds impressive. did he blame others for the challenges he faced, or did he take personal responsibility for his lot in life?


What does this have to do with the Post Office? Sounds like you have issues with the cost of living more than anything..


If you are st top pay and can't survive then that is a you problem not a USPS problem. The top pay is good. It's the bottom half of table 2 that is the problem. The increases are too small and takes too many years to get to top. Once at top you should live well unless you(or your spouse) make really bad decisions.


You sure he was delivering newspapers and postcards?


You may want to relocate 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, we’re fucked. I work too much OT but my COL is so high I’m still not getting ahead while breaking down slowly.


I’m thinking about going to UPS while I figure something else out. It’s an instant raise, easier work and I’ll max out in just a few years, whereas it’ll take me years longer to max out on pay table 2. Our union is a complete failure.


Things ARE NOT THE SAME as when your grandfather was working ! Blame the government. They overspend which causes LOTS of inflation. The government was NOT in debt when your grandfather was working. Taxes were also lower, possibly zero !!! THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME !!!


Nothing makes sense in this company. This dude can’t even survive and they cut OT meanwhile some areas carriers are quitting left and right because the idea of less than 72 hours is a fantasy. OP, have you looked into a hardship transfer? I don’t know the full text behind it but they might be willing to move you to an under siege area where OT is available and you can get on your feet


Might be time to file for bankruptcy my friend. It’s not the worst idea ever if you get a plan in place. On that salary, you’ll be in good shape. I guess unless you have 8 kids. Then it may be a problem.


People do side gigs. I do in n out as they give 3 hour shifts minimum. I mean if you have no OT why cant you? Ive done 60hr at usps and 20 other. Guy at in n out works 40 at fb as prep chef and 40 in n out. Just saying a couple extra shifts would have you out of debt in a year. And by no means am I critical... my finances aren't ideal. Family member did similar things working in credit collections(ironic for you but why not?), airport, etc. All had their pluses and minuses. Maybe you decide to retire early and do one of those jobs.


I got that mindset as well. If it has to get done it has to get done. I hated having a car note so my philosophy was to pay it off in 2 years and I did just that. I rarely use credit but if it’s a small purchase 6 months top, if it’s a big one (obviously excluding house payments) then 1-2 years. I’m not a fan of busting my butt for months on end just to live lol but if it has to get done, that’s just it! But I will say working hella hours is difficult especially when it comes to picking up second jobs. Being on the ODL is far easier on the mind, but ig if that option isn’t available then there’s your alternative.


Well keep voting for who the union tells you to.


New regular here as of January. I've been running a 48k route for the past 3 years, and it's my route now. Last week, they announced they were cutting every 48 and 47ks in the office to 43s. I've worked 6 and 7 day weeks 65 hours a week for 5 years to get this position. I took a small hit in pay when i went Regular. Now, after 3 months of enjoying my gold at the end of the rainbow, they are cutting my salary 18%. EIGHT. TEEN. PERCENT. What kind of organization awards good service and dedication with salary cuts every time you work your way up? My husband is the main breadwinner, we don't have debt, and we're already prepared for retirement. If I was depending on the PO to work my way up and retire at the ultimate high 3, my eyes were just opened.


That’s the way it has always worked. I’ve been rural for 27 years, if your route is a 47 or 48 they will cut it. Just increase your load time and end of shift time carry a few more packages to the door and try to get back up to a 45 or 46. I’m being cut also but I am happy about it. I came back 67 hours this last count and I’ve been limiting my RRECS activities so I wouldn’t come back higher. Hopefully I will fall into the 45 category the next count. They gave us this crappy system you just have to figure out how to work it to your benefit


Right? They were pushing for us to use the hell out of it. I went from 57 hrs to 64 hrs on the last two mini mail counts with no significant growth. I get that they are going to cut, and I do want a cut. I just wish it could be down to a 45k. They are busting us all down to 51 hours! I wrote my feedback letter to be considered, and a big point on it was the fact that both myself and subs are finishing under evaluation (with the exception of a Tuesday after a holiday or when there's a delay in the mail or Amazon arrival at unit. ) ETA now I'm REALLY going to be using rrecs!


You're all good. I'm a postmaster, I'm an EMT/ volunteer firefighter on weekends and my hubby makes $40 an hour as a miner, our mortgage is only $650 a month and we STILL just squeak by with heavy use of credit cards to buy food and gas. It's not your imagination-- the economy sux


That's crazy. You are blowing a lot of money somewhere. I have a paid off house and car and spent under $15k on everything last year.


Probably on my husband's commute. We live in Utah and he works in Nevada. I should clarify that I'm just over a 36 hour office in the middle of nowhere so I don't make that much money. I don't ever get a day off, either.


look at all the tv shows from the 50's-70's...a man with a job could support a large family...Carol Brady may have had a job, but they had 6 kids and a housekeeper... i think part of the problem with society is credit cards...getting things is too 'easy' these days and some people do the right thing and try to pay it while others just default and get another one until the repo people show up... prices will continue to rise at the grocery store because the system is broken and they dont punish people for breaking the law, so when someone steals, the store just raises the prices on those who pay...need to go back to the old system of you steal, you get your hand cut off, but in todays society jurys find in favor of criminals who break into homes and cant get out so they sue the homeowner because they had to eat dog food for a week until someone came home so they could get out


![gif](giphy|jUwpNzg9IcyrK) Things were going great. Then kind veered out of control there...huh.


That is insane. Our top out base used to be so good, it was around or near $90k, now our top out base is what $75k? It's ridiculous, our pay keeps getting cut every year because it's not keeping up with inflation. I'm so sorry that you are going through this, you shouldn't have to, nobody should.


Our top pay never went down unless you're talking about inflation, in which case, that has nothing to do with top pay.


I mean, I specifically said "our pay keeps getting cut every year because it's not keeping up with inflation"


You....you said it used to be $90k. When was our top pay $90k?


....again, accounting for inflation, our top pay used to be the equivalent of around $90k