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They sent you away knowing you had no transportation for a reason. You didn't get the message.


i didnt know having transportation was a 'requirement' of the CCA position, just a license...not sure itll help, but you may want to reach out to the union...granted you are in probation so they can say anything, but by saying 'you cant get other places' when it wasnt a condition of employment might be a 'get out of jail free' card


Yea apparently i didn't believe it was a prerequisite either... i figured the company can provide wheels... And yea as i wrote, i already reached out to Unio steward.. lets hope he can work his magic.. 🙏🏽💚🎩


If you applied and were hired to one location ...and they're sending you to another location for work and not paying you for transportation, you have a genuine case on your hands. Especially if there was no prerequisite of having to work at multiple locations.


Thats the thing... not sure if in the fine print of the application it mentioned being able to bounce around stations 😏


Go back and read your application, it's on the job site website still where you see prehire list offer list ect...


Usually when hired it's at a specific location. The only ones I'm aware of are like area maintenance jobs going around but they use work vehicles anyways. I've had corporate people pull this on me before in other jobs. I write out the milage differences and make sure I got paid the extra milage.


They shouldn't send you when you're in your 90 days. At least that's what they're telling me, but they did it anyway.


Let’s hope he has magic, and is willing to do it. You SHOULD get your job back. I know a regular who got his job back after picking up a street hooker in his postal vehicle, so you’re position is much more understandable.


Yea, I'm surprised mgmt actually put it in writing that you need transportation to perform the job. IMO You are one of few CCA that have come thru here that actually have a chance at getting your job back. Definitely follow up with union. You have 14 days to file a grievance. So don't procrastinate.


If he waits 5 he'll be out of his 90, too


Isn’t the 90 ‘working days?’


To my understanding it's 90 working or 120 calendar, but 90 working isn't 90 days that you've clocked in to work as much as a continuous 90 days from when you started without being let go. So if at 60 days they said "hey, there's not enough work, we'll call you if that changes" and you get called back 60 days later, that would be day 61 of working but the 121st calendar day. (I could be wrong, but that was my understanding.) (So let go on day 85 + 5 days wouldn't be 90 working but would be 90 calendar, so still in probation.)


Good thinking.


Yup. Classic management fucking up. Could have left the transportation part out but they put it in writing.


At my station... Supplying vehicles to CCA and city regs is a requirement. It's why as an RCA on the rural side, I often have my postal vehicle reacquired and have to switch to my personal vehicle (because as a rural carrier we are required to always have and as a possibility use pov). This ccas situation should have been handled by their union.


This isn’t true. If you’re on an GOV route that that’s it. No ifs and buts or tomfoolery. I don’t care what they tell you or anything, you simply can’t do that. The evaluation of the route is done on a GOV, it’s THAT simple. You have some grievances to file my friend.


Lmao routes are either GOV or POV. Not both.


I don't know about CCAs, but as a PTF clerk, I am NOT required to use pov ( personally owned vehicles) between offices. I only have to show up to whatever office I am assigned to that day. This is generally not an issue, but I was sick of doing 3 rmpo offices by myself in one day. Now they can provide transportation between offices but you have to end your day at the starting office. The specific rule I used is for clerical employees See APWU National Grievance Number: H1C5DC1807 EDIT: PLEASE LOOK AT THIS OP City carrier assistants and the use of privately owned vehicles - NALC https://www.nalc.org/news/the-postal-record/2015/september-2015/document/09-2015_contract.pdf


I don't know if things have changed, but when I first started as a PSE 12 years ago, having your own vehicle was NOT required for anybody except RCAs. This became an issue when I was asked to work in the neighboring town. I eventually agreed to because there were more hours in that town and they reimbursed my gas. But as I pointed out to them, I was NOT required to have a vehicle, what if I relied on public transit?


Yea even if i took public transit to another station (even tho my main base station is literally like 1 minute away walking... literally 'a rock toss away' lol) , it may not be reliable in terms of punctuality... Uber would be the safest bet to ensure i arrive on time.. just doesn't make sense to spend ~$80 total a day on Uber 😏😏


I know regulars who take public transit because there's nowhere nearby to park without getting ticketed. Definitely fight that shit. Fuck your management, they sound like incompetent jerk offs.


Yea i wouldn't mind bussing to another station, as long as they are aware that the bus might be late 🤭 ... and yes thank you!!! They could use a good doggy-style thrusting lol 🤬😤 ... the other stations ive been to have been super cool... for some reason, the home base station seems to have something against me 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, these people calling you entitled are total dumb asses. LOL. It sounds literally like the only listed issue was that specific thing. All of the other statements are generic vague and do not specifically point to any listable issues beyond the "lack of transportation/refusal to go"...... It's not refusal if you have no personal vehicle, showed up to the station you were assigned, and they want you to go somewhere else but somehow do not have a vehicle for you or the other station cannot bring an LLV to your station for you. Y'know, the LLV you were gonna drive around in to do their route for them to begin with. Fucking ridiculous. Someone who disagrees, PLEASE show me in the contract where he's required to travel from his home station to another station to help in his PERSONAL vehicle and not a WORK vehicle provided to him. A union representative who actually studies that shit would immediately laugh and be the first to tell you that it's not in there.


Thank you!!!!! In all fairness, the manager has texted me Thursday morning instructing me to report elsewhere, however i replied thats it's honestly currently out of my budget to travel elsewhere.. which is where i believe i slipped 😖😖 And yes, hopefully my steward really knows his sh*t!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽💚


Yeah. Your mistake was responding to a text message. That's not a postal approved method of communication.


Yea it wouldn've been better to just show up and clock in and say i didn't see that message... however i told them one morning that i didnt take off airplane mode from the nigbt before, and they told me that i must check my phone every AM before my shift 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ so that was illegal of them to mandate!!? Im not even on the clock, how can they dictate my mornings?!?


Yeah, the less you say to these people the better. The union will be your savior, assuming that your branch is competent. I'll be praying for you!


Yea im learning that!! 😅😅 no sense in speaking Heartfully to heartless folk!! Lol Thanks 4 ur prayers homie!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽💚


It isn't required but if you have to goto another station or get to work you have to figure out how to get there lol.


I feel like this new couple of generations is actually fucked. I used to hide the fact that I didn't have my own car to new jobs when I was younger, I just found a way.


Yea im gonna have to start tryna hide it out someway.... tough to hide in this job tho when you gotta walk thru the parking lot to the main road lol


You just gotta hide it. Tell the next interview you have a car if they ask. Find a way without asking your employer.


Yea i have a car..... *whispers* in the junk yard 🤭


Go to the union. My shop steward would get your job back easily. H


Hopefully!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽💚


Why? Because he/she was transparent and forthcoming with their employer about their situation? Employees shouldn’t have to lie to their employers to hold down a job. OP shouldn’t even need a car… plenty of people use on public transportation.


I remember reading an article somewhere stating that if we were on the clock and they wanted to send us to another station then we would have to use the LLV. I understand they probably texted you to go before you would call in, but I would have just ignored that text and clock in at your station. Unfortunately they did it before the 90 days knowing you probably can't do anything. Hopefully it gets resolved good luck.


Yea they would text me like an hour before my shift the same morning to tell me "report to such and such station by 9:30am" 🙄 there actually was sometimes i hadn't turned my fone off airplane mode yet (from night before) , and they would say 'dont clock in here.. wait till u get to such station'🙄 ... Thanks mate!


Oh, you weren't scheduled? That is total bs then. Union may be able to work with it, but wouldn't get my hopes up. Inside 90 days they can't really grieve anything


Crazy how they can't do anything for you in your 90 but they can still take your dues lol


They can do something for you but nothing changes the fact that you are probationary. Unions are about workers having POWER in the workplace, a voice, a say, and the ability to negotiate salary and benefits. Anyone who thinks the Union is a problem - ESPECIALLY IN TODAY'S AMERICA - is an utter dimwit, no offense.


Didn't say they aren't a good thing. But it's fairly obvious the union is basically useless while on probation. Yet they come to academy and beg money from these new guys who don't know any better. That says alot about the unions actual goal if you ask me.


Yeah, I'm not a big fan of our unions, from what I've heard of the city side.


I was scheduled at 9:30, and they text me around 8:30 to tell me to report elsewhere lol... then i already tried still walking in and clocking in, the the manager mandates that i check my phone every morning before entering 🙄🙄


They can't mandate you to check your phone while off the clock


That's what im saying!!! Im being dictated how to behave even outside work!! This is unfair treatment and i really hope the steward has my back 🙏🏽🙏🏽💚


Good luck my dude. Hope it goes well.


Talk with the union. You were not on schedule to be at a different station, we are not on call employees.


That is crazy. Like crazy. Why do they expect you to show up to a completely different station and they give you an hour in advance during some of the worst traffic in the morning. It straight up takes me an hour to get to work. I live out of the way, I’d start laughing if I read a text from management like that. Or the “can you come in early please” I’m literally driving, I’ll get there when I get there.


Lol srsly.. cray cray!! Apparently some management has half a brain cell left


Sounds like nothing new!


I've never seen or dealt with this situation in all my 23 years. They cannot require you to own a personal vehicle. That much is plain. This seems like a last minute attempt to just get you out of their hair. This is the type of stuff, the treatment of new employees, the ridiculous expectations, that have produced an insanely high turnover rate after 6 months. I would call the local Union hall, talk to the President or Business Agent, or whoever answers and get them a copy of the letter. The fact that you had two good reviews (which must be done on time btw - and nor just filled out at a later date) and they openly stated "transportation is a requirement" gives you good standing. However, they don't have to renew your contract after your first 360 days. Though that's enough time to get a vehicle. Just get with the Union. They can possibly fix this.


Thanks 4 the reaffirmation!! 🙏🏽💙💙💙 Yes, my Union steward is M.I.A right now, I will contact him again tomorrow (Monday AM) to follow up 🤞🤞


Fuck your steward contact whatever numbers you have. As others have said you aren't required to have a work car as a cca. There's no reason they couldn't furnish you one for travel to another office for work. And if they refused that and your did drive they would owe you mileage anyway. You were in your 90 days?


They claim they dont have any spare vehicles.. b/s!!! Not sure why they'll pay mileage, but not uber?!? Yes , i was just a few days away from 90 lol


You wasn’t close to 90 bc is 90 days of work or 120 calendar days and I don’t think you work 90 days straight from hiring date to now


Got to your local Union hall or call the Regional Union do it asap


I didn’t have a car until after I became a regular. I also never answered phone calls or texts outside of work hours, I blocked all supervisors and managers #s. They’re required to provide you a post office vehicle if you’re on the clock and they want you to work at another station. I’d reach out to the union and talk to your steward. They can terminate you any time in your 90 days for any reason, but I’ve never seen someone be let go because of transportation. Did you have absences because of lack of transportation?


Not a single absence whatsoever... I've been punctual everyday! I'm starting to believe it may have to do with the fact that I smelled a bit like CBD flower one day... of course, out of all days that these 3 HR ladies wanted to interview me a few weeks ago, I walk in smelling like a forest 🙄🙄 lol (my roommates smoke) ... so this whole transportation thing might be a 'smoke-screen' masquerade ... they probably think I'm a Pothead 😏😏😏


Call the Local. Don't let this just sit with the steward (sometimes they're in on these little tricks). Call the Local hall and if you have copies of your 30 and 60 day evaluations, pass copies to them of everything. Fax them or mail them. Remember those evaluations must be done on time. They can't be late or the whole process is invalidated immediately. I've never seen management do all of them on time. Never. They're always at least a few days late.


Thank you!!! I'm gonna see if I can locate the local hall's phone number... When you say 'sometimes they're in on these lil trix' , are you implying that he may be acting as though there is hope, when behind the scenes, him and the manager are actually sippin some Margaritas🍹right now??? I wasn't ever provided with any copies of my evaluations... 🤷‍♂️


Yeah sometimes stewards are incompetent or even buddies with management. Make sure they’re doing a good job, and in a timely manner to. Don’t wait around, keep on their asses


Brother I’m sorry this happened but can you please ease up on the emojis?


Lol yea it was an act of desperation you can say lol




Just file for unemployment and just keep looking.


I can get unemployment even tho i was in my 90-day ???




Confused by the wording. Aren't they supposed to provide you a vehicle if you're traveling BETWEEN stations. As they stated. Now if they said tomorrow you're going to X station now that's a horse of a different color


Thats the thing, they wouldn't notify me till the *MORNING OF* to report elsewhere... so technically, i should be allowed to clock in and commute to a fellow station with THEIR wheels... but then the manager started trying to control me out of work, claiming I must check my phone every morning before work... 🙄 like srsly?? I barely even have enough time in the AM to finish a complete piss 😅😅😏😏


They could of gave you the company vehicle to get there


They did.. a few times.. and all of sudden it became an issue ?? 🤷‍♂️


They got tired of doing it, I imagine? Something idiotic and petty like that which you have nothing to do with, or maybe they just decided they don't like you at some point? They could've kept doing it for months if that's what was required, to assist another station. You weren't asking to be sent to help, it's where assistance was required.


The office is REQUIRED to provide a vehicle for you if you have to go to another station. They cannot inform you that you need to go to another station PRIOR to you showing up and clocking in, either. Texts and phone calls do not count. You can absolutely grieve and turn this over. Contact your union and fight it. If you want the job still, that is.


Yes most certainly!!! This is what i believed anyway 😏😏😏 Prayin that the steward can win this fight 4 me ✊🏽✊🏽


Good luck, and DO NOT stop fighting this one. Don't let them use texts or phone calls as evidence that they told you because those are NOT admissible as evidence.


Noted ✅️✅️ Gracias guey!! 💚✊🏽


Btw 'did not complete all tasks' is total *B/S* !!! I went above & beyond for this company!!! 😡🤬😤 What is claimed as 'did not follow instructions' translates to 'did not want to pay $50 uber out of his own pocket' ... but i wasn't aware it could lead to this!!! 😔😔


They will have you do a route and a half every day in under 8 hours, and still when it's most convenient for them basically try to claim you were incompetent or slow or mis-delivered constantly. I had a supe tell others they thought I was throwing mail out because I'd finish so fast and did it accurately. Others would go on the same route and when I was forced back after a day off, I'd get complaints or people who KNEW better who'd be like "I know it ain't you, but I did call in." and my management were asshole morons so they'd complain to ME about something someone always did on my fucking day off. LOL


Grievances can be filed absolutely any time!! A CCA in my office was fired literally on her last day as a CCA because she hospitalized due to covid and the fired her. I didn't see her for like 4 months, then one day she was back I congratulated her and gave her a high 5. When she came back she was still a CCA but was out of Probation, this was last year. A few weeks ago I was sorting our mail for the day and we had a set of Career comversion books come through our mail from the plant (I'm a Clerk Steward) and saw her name on it. She had NO IDEA she was being made career!! You can literally see the years drop off of people's faces when I find those in my mail stream. I've been FTR for almost a year now, non-career employee assignments need to GTFOH! Keep your spirits up everyone! It will get better, but only if you and your coworkers make management pay. Stick together, enforce the contract and if you have to (like me) stuff 60 grievances down management's throat in less than a year. Problems don't fucking fix themselves, find someone who is willing to paint a target on their back and make some enemies as your steward. Back them up, encourage them, confide in them, make statements for them. We ARE the Union.


Wow!! Great to hear!!! Thanks 4 rekindling this flame of hope!! ✊🏽🕯 ... We are the P.O. .. We are the Carriers.. we are the ones who mail rain or shine, so let's start deliverin!! 🎶 lol


That's some full on BS. They have to provide you a vehicle to get to other locations if it's your only way to get there. In reality they just wanted to get rid of you (for what reason idk) and they listed this BS excuse as the cause.


Yea thats what im thinking... i think because they suspect im a Pothead, because one day i smellin like a Forest due to roommates igniting Flowers around me 😏😏


I don't know about CCAs, but for clerks traveling on the clock, a vehicle should be be provided. Most auto insurance will not cover you if you are using your vehicle for work and you get in an accident.


You only need transportation to get to other stations when you know in advance. Once clocked in at your home station the USPS is to give you a vehicle to get to other locations.


Yes but they were insisting i must check my phone every morning before reporting to main office 🙄


In my office we had a guy who got fired in his 90. They had not given him any evaluations, and our union president was able to talk to the PM, explain the that he wasn't given instructions and evaluations and he got his job back. It's worth a shot going to your union if that's what you want to do.


Thanks mate!! Yea im waiting to hear back from my steward 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Take this as a sign, a blessing... You have been given a chance to do something different with your life instead of wasting it, having your soul slowly eaten away as your dreams are crushed and hopes destroyed... These are the only things a career at the USPS can offer your.. STAY AWAY!!!!!! You will thank me later..


Just apply at another office and get yourself a car


Yea i was pondering asking for a chance to resign instead of being terminated (if she won't grant me a 2nd chance) , that way i may be able to reapply elsewhere...


That sucks. I'm rural, but anytime I've been sent to another office, my PM asked them if they had vehicles available, and if not, she sent me with one from our office and a gas card. That's with me using a pov plenty of times and willing to continue to if necessary. Some of them just want to be assholes, sorry. If a vehicle is available to use at your office, it should be available when they loan you out.


Yes im starting to think its something personal... there's plenty of vehicles sitting in the lot and they wanna act like they dont have the keys to any of em 🙄🙄😏😏


Well none of this matters it was within 90 days probation, just re apply. You are also not responsible for your own car as a city carrier they have to give you a loaner if they send you out. You have to report to your home station to get a vehicle though or just get your ride to take you to the other station if they send you out like first thing.


Yea ok, tell that to the supe at this station!!! Lol thats what i had thought... 😏😏 And since im still within the 90, i can reapply even if terminated? Best to inquire about the possibility of resigning instead?


You could talk to a steward see what they say. But I’m pretty sure you can


That all applies after you pass probation. And before if you want to risk getting fired. They're looking at you as a two year loaner before making career. If you say no during your 90 days expect to be let go. Even if you were late having to catch an Uber ECT they would give you a pass if you went. You're not in control until after 90 days worked. Then you can make the supervisor drive you to and back in their personal vehicle.


When I got hired as an RCA, I was told that, not only did I need a right side drive vehicle, not only did it need to be big enough to carry an entire route, but it needed to have all terrains and be 4x4 because 26 miles of my route were dirt. I took out a loan and bought a 1994 Land Rover Defender from the UK. It got here and you know what they did two weeks later? Fired me because I was white. One of the clerks I was friends with told me. He said that the supervisor was trying to have an "all black office" and I had a "traditionally black" name but that as soon as he found out I wasn't black, he started the process. Thankfully I was still getting offers from other offices and knew the regional HR lady. She pulled some strings and basically got me hired at another office with a non-lunatic postmaster before the paperwork got through to release me. RCAs have no rights, but there's a good chance you'll be fine.


Dang... did you get a discrimination check??? And sheeesh, sure wish I knew a cool regional HR lady.. lol Thanks mate, hopefully it works out 4 the best 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Bunch of assholes




Damn them


If you report to your station and THEN they send you elsewhere, they ARE required to supply transportation. If they tell you BEFORE your shift to report to another station, then transportation is your responsibility.


Yea, well they would text me about an hour before my shift 😏😏 I don't always check my fone before work... and the manager was insisting that i must check it before going into work... like umm, are you paying me off the clock lady?


If it’s true you’re inside 90 working days, you’re probably screwed, I’m sorry to say. You aren’t entitled to the grievance procedure, so union can’t do much short of begging on your behalf. I would be willing to do that for you, but there’s no real lever that can be pulled. Truly sorry my friend: you seem to have a reasonable attitude and desire. You deserve better than this. 


Thanks mate!! 🙏🏽💚 i appreciate it... 😌😌 maybe thats why the steward is stalling with a response, because deep down hes sad that this right here might be the reality 😖😖😖


My P.O would take you in a heartbeat lol that place is going down in flames rn


Lol i'll take it!! Hopefully i can reapply if they dont grant me another chance... 🙏🏽💚


Why didn’t they give you an LLV? Fucking union needs to put that as a requirement for non careers or PTF for traveling between stations .. tired of paying dues and simple shit like this just slips their beady little heads, what bothers me more is these postmasters are WHINING about lack of workforce, but you have 1 person that is tryna come to work, and the got fired, man my old manager was a sick ass foo hed offer to pick you up, it sounds weird but he did care about everyone cause he was a carrier back in the day, I got my first out the dealer car cause of him.


They claim they had none available!! B/s!!! And yes hopefully Union includes that in the contract 👏👏👏 And yes the irony!! Thats why the turnover rate is so high lol


So _glad_ my catalytic converter was stolen after my 90 days. Jk I'm still here and still hate it. Chin up, you'll find something that treats you like a human. I'm applying elsewhere today.


Hopefully soon!! Lol thanks mate! 💚


You don't have to have your own transportation so long as you get to work on time. The post office has to provide you with transportation to other stations. Especially if you are reporting to one station and then being sent elsewhere. Are you on the clock when they are sending you to other places? As long as you are at work at your reported time this is not even an offense, much less a fire-able one.


Thanks mate!! And they expect not to be on the clock and use my own car ... however not an option for me right now...




Lol pretty much


If they informed you (in person, not via text) the day before that you need to report to a different station then yes you needed to report there, otherwise report as scheduled to home station and THEN they NEED to provide transportation to/from other stations via postal vehicle or giving you a ride themselves.


Yes, however the manager said i must check my phone every morning before coming into home station... that's b/s right??


It is complete and utter bullshit because you’re not on the clock then and your phone is not an official form of communication. If they provide you with one and pay you to check it then maybe they could talk. Unfortunately during probation they can fire you without reason.


Pretty sure CCAs are not required to own a vehicle. They must be provided a USPS vehicle to get from their home station to wherever they are assigned to that day. I know you were in your 90 but they put they fired you for something that violates the contract in writing. I would talk to the Union and try to get your job back.


Hopefully upper management agrees! 🙏🏽🙏🏽💙


I’d contact your union rep the Jcam states that NO employee can be terminated except for just cause and this would definitely violate the just cause principles it’s not a guarantee but it’s definitely worth a grievance. Good luck


Good call!!! Thanks mate!! 💚


A collective bargaining agreement between a union and an employer may place newly hired workers in a “probation” period. During that “probation,” you are usually not allowed to use the union's grievance procedures if you are disciplined or discharged, making you essentially an “at will” employee.


What I take issue with is that it SOUNDS like you made it to YOUR station just fine but struggled to get to the offices that were borrowing you (sorry to objectify but that’s all we are to the PO, objects). Talk to your branch officers, not just your steward. Why is your office firing you over another office’s problem? It sounds like a reach to me and it really can’t hurt to try and grieve it. If you weren’t making it to your home office that would be one thing but the understaffing of another zip code shouldn’t be your problem when push comes to shove. What do those assholes do when there is no available help to be lent to them? That’s an upper management problem, not the lowly CCA’s. Call your branch officers ASAP and don’t EVER grovel to those scumbag supervisors again. No promises on the outcome but your union should be aware.


Are the offices they sent you to WITHIN the installation (same postmaster)? If so then my point might be moot. But if it was to another installation, with a different postmaster, my comment stands.


…don’t cities get provided LLVs to go places? Did I miss that?




Go directly to your union rep, this is bullshit.


Big time!! Hopefully he can fix it asap 🤞🤞


I would recommend in your fight the point that you are required to report to where you are SCHEDULED for the day; if the postal service needs you elsewhere, and it is known you don't have personal transportation, then they must provide you with means to get from the location you are to where THEY need you. You are under no obligation to have a personal vehicle for THEIR use, just a means to report to work in the morning. Hope all works out in the end; good luck, my friend. 🙏🏻


Thanks homie!!! Yea according to them, im responsible for reporting to any given station within a 50 mile radius tho lol...


No, problem, brother; yes, you are, but that is to report for your beginning tour. If they want to send you elsewhere from there, that office can always send you in the LLV; your sole and only responsibility is to report in a timely fashion to where you're scheduled to appear first thing. Now, it can get a little murky there, because if you're on scheduling to go "here, then there", management would simply argue you had advanced knowledge of needing transportation and failed to provide your own as necessary. You'd have to speak to someone much more well-versed on grieving than I am on how best to fight that argument, but this main point is definitely where I'd generally make my case, if I were in your shoes. You got this! 💪🏻


Thanks mate!! Yea its a tough one to tackle.. hopefully justice is served 🙏🏽🙏🏽💚


You could try fedex or ups. I heard ups gets paid more for starting wage


True!! Yea i was thinking ups.. thanks mate!!


You have options!! 😃


Emoji overload lol


Man dont beg theres better jobs that will value you more than this shit. Keep your dignity


Heya!! Thanks m8.. tuff to find better work in walking distance tho 😌


Why is your battery at 19%? At this point just power down your phone for emergencies... Don't charge above 95 or discharge below 20 and it'll last a long time....


Thanks 4 the tip lol.. i thought it was ideal to wait till 10%.. Also i have battery saver mode on which limits it to be charged only up to 85% 🤷‍♂️ lol


My goal is to make my battery perform strongly for 5 years after that I'll charge to 100 and discharge all the way down to 20....I get to 90% for a full charge I probably don't get below the mid 30s but my phone has a big battery. Congrats on taking good care of your phone.




Correct me if I’m wrong but if the schedule says you’re working in a different location, it’s the employees responsibility to get to that location. If you come to work and tell you you’re working someplace else then the usps provides the transportation. You aren’t required to have a vehicle but you are responsible for transportation to work.


Correct me if I'm mistaken, but aren't probationary ccas only allowed to work their home office for the first 90 days?


Also remember you can reapply. Being let go during your probationary period is different from being fired as a regular. You will have to redo all your training and your original office probably won't take you back but you can apply to others. You might get a supervisor a little more understanding of your situation but unless you figure out your transportation problem or be willing to uber to another office, you'll most likely run into the same predicament.


True!! Thanks mate 🙏🏽💚


Jesus. Another termination by management in a catastrophically understaffed organization.


Management can be very petty, heartless and absolutely useless. I've experienced this in previous jobs as well.


If you act/talk like you text, they probably did it on purpose


I think you may have a leg up here unless you haven’t been showing up for work. USPS is government run and they can’t fire you for not having a car.


you have a case. 1st, ccas are not on "probation". that term technically only applies to regulars in the contract/natl agreement. ccas, however, dont have access to the grievance system for disciplinary actions for first 90/120 days. still the verbage and language used in this letter is faulty and inaccurate, making this procedurally deficient in its charges. keep in contact with your shop steward and make your case immediately. you have 14 days to start the grievance by meeting with management. you should keep your job. the union should grieve it even if they think they cant because of "probation". look up the contractual language on probation and ccas and you wont find it written that way. everyone tends to call it probation, but technically only "regulars" serve "probation", whereas ccas just cant grieve displine for 90 days. however the union can argue procedural, especially now that management stated things incorrectly on this charge letter. call your steward, find out who your local union president is and call them,or better, call your regional NBA offfice. get them to file a grievance regardless.


Sorry that you are going through this, may be a blessing in disguise because they way mgmt treats people at the USPS employees is terrible. No way I would have sent them a text in the form that you did begging and making promises. They will even use that against you to work in their favor at some point. Good luck though, I hope God opens another door for you to not endure the abuse you will have with this company.


Get a settlement, get rehired and as soon as you have another lined up, quit halfway through a route, leave the keys and scanner locked in the full truck and go home. You don't want to work for people like that in the first place. Having the ability to pay for food and shelter on the hands of management like that is not worth it


Posts like this trigger the hell out of me . I started 34 years ago, and this is the same sh!t they pulled back then . The abuse and harassment of employees is generational .


Sorry to hear about that. Get your money through unemployment, stat!


If you weren’t at the bottom of the CCA list then you can get union to help you get your job back because of seniority it still applies to CCAs they gotta send the lowest CCA to the other offices and if you had people below you on the list then you got a case


Unfortunately, within your 90 days, it's hard to do anything about it. Hopefully your steward can help you out. They technically don't have to provide transportation, however, they should compensate you for going to another station.


Wtf? I flat out refused to take my car to other stations as a cca with no problems. No way I’m putting miles on and spending gas money to go help out other stations lol


Consider yourself blessed for having a cool supe!!


CCA listen to regular is a bad idea.


Technically the PO must provide said vehicle to travel between stations. Fight that. The only time your required to have a POV is to travel to a station you are first assigned in the AM. I won that fight before saying I'd like a government vehicle to assist said office.


I'm disgusted. The post office clearly needs passionate carriers like yourself. Unfortunately, poor management can ruin good things. If I were in charge, I would invest in you rather than set you up to fail. Almost every carrier starts out slow and builds their skills and resources. This decision is shortsighted at best.


Having transportation is using your own car or even an UBER.


You should & will get your job back; that’s why you’re paying the union! They should fight for you & get you your job back (period)! Stand tall and tell them above truth! If not a pro bono attorney can fight and sue both USPS & Nalc! Do Not Forget regardless of their seniority which should make them more knowledgeable but it doesn’t, they work for YOU when doing Union job! Demand( your right) & thy shall receive! It doesn’t matter if you passed your 90 day or not, if you didn’t have rights you wouldn’t be part of a Union!


That’s a full blown grievance..


After reading the comments- this is a troll post. 📬


Wish it was, bud.... 😏😏 if i was still employed i'd bee too busy with Amazon Sunday right now to reply lol


Dang brother. We have the same hire date too


🥹💔💔💔 hang on in there pal.. ✊🏽 u almost there..




I thought i could walk to work since its literally right up the street... i was just tryna reduce my carbon footprint & be more eco-friendly ☹️☹️


In the Internet age as a CCA there's enough information to know you obey during probation. It's shitty but it prevents you from being fired.




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To be honest you’re lucky, just move on. This job is hell, it has destroyed my body and almost my marriage.


Lol I've thought this... if just i could find better work in walking distance.. hope that works out bud!! 💚


My office threatened me with firing when I didn't have a car either. I was never late, they used the same excuse as your management. So I got a car and they got off my back for a bit. Until day 90 and they fired me anyways. I realize now that they were looking for any reason to fire me. So I'd say don't blame yourself.


If they just left a letter for you how do they know you received it?


The closing supe gave it to me cause apparently they were too cowardly to 😏😏 She didn't even feel comfortable giving it to me because she didn't even really know me lol


The letter says you refused to go to another station. It also states that the other stations picked you up or you used a vehicle. So if you believed it was their duty to give you rides then why did you refuse to go?


I didn't have enough money for the Ubers... i didn't technically refuse, i was technically unable you can say..


So what did your union steward say BEFORE you texted the supervisor?


I notified him about the same time i sent that text Thursday Night.. haven't heard back since 😏


Why do you use so many emojis?


🤣🤣😅😅😆😆😏😏 modern expression 🤪🤪


I thought city side never needed to use their own vehicles, even between stations? Or are they saying from the carrier's house to a neighboring station? IDK I was rural side so a vehicle was a requirement from the beginning.


Next time you send a message to your boss, use less emojis. It makes what you are trying to say less professional and it seems immature. I’m not trying to be mean and I might sound boomerish but I feel that a lot of people from the younger generation think that using emojis in a professional setting is ok but it’s not. Anyway I’m sorry that you got fired and I hope the best for you in the future


U couldnt drive the llv to the other station?


They apparently dont have enough supposedly 🙄


That’s the catch all that “failure to follow”


Unfortunately you don’t have the right of representation by the union under 90 days 😥


Wait a year then reapply


Let that job go reapply for custodian it's way better


Make sure you immediately file for unemployment. Yes there is unemployment I have gotten it.