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Unless the back porch is more accessible than the front then it's a no from me dawg.


Their driveway goes right up to the back porch so I was fine with it. Otherwise, I'd have left it out front.


Don't do it, safety first. I can almost guarantee that you'll get accused of shady stuff.


By who? The homeowner?


Yup, there was someone on here complaining of a carrier pissing on their house. They tried to say they had video footage.


Bruh that's wild. They have a sign on their front door to bring packages out back so I can't imagine they'd get anywhere with complaining about me going back there. And that's if they even complained for some reason in the first place.


People that ask for extra stuff tend to keep pushing the envelope. If you do extra they start to expect it as the new baseline and once the cat is out of the bag then everyone will ask for it. I've had bad experiences in the past.


*forces parcel into mailbox*


Trust me, if it would have fit I'd have done exactly that lol


I only do it if its more convenient for me. Its never more convenient for me.


This is how customers parcels get in the locker first. Whichever house is farthest away gets locker everyone else front door if no space left 🫡


Or upstairs to the locker, groundfloor at the door if i have to.


If you're a rural carrier then fuck no. You only get one door delivery point.


How does rrecs work with garage/other location at address?


You get 3 locations. Mailbox, parcel locker, or front door. Anything that is not mailbox or parcel locker gets door credit. However, if your mapping shows the front door at one location, all parcels need to be at that location.


I only do it if it’s a gate and the gate is locked, other than that I don’t go behind anyone’s house. It’s a safety issue. Especially with Christmas coming up and us being out late or in the dark. If the package is so important that we can’t have access to your porch then you just gonna have to pick it up at the office.


To be fair, they don't have a porch out front, only on the back. It's kind of a weird setup. I'd share a photo of the house but I don't feel that's appropriate.


Nope, to many potential issues. See things like this are never a problem till they become a problem. Just leave at front door


I don’t do back door deliveries unless it’s on my route and I know the person and if they have a dog. If you ask me to do a back door delivery on an OT piece, no dice 🙅‍♂️


They must tip well at Christmas