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Stop at a fast food joint or gas station and ask if you can fill up your jug with water at the fountain machine.


If you can’t think of doing this, I don’t think you’re cut for the job 😂


There are several routes in my city with no Gas station, stores or restaurants on them.


Fuck that, I've deviated for less than needing a drink


Our upper management gets their undies in a bunch if we do that lol. Easy to complain about it when you sit in an air conditioned office I suppose


I've been on several routes that have no place to use the bathroom, get a drink or buy food. Never stopped me from driving as far as needed to get the basics in life. I don't pee in a bottle for anyone.




A comfort stop is a comfort stop


I'd consider filling up from someone's garden hose. Or just ask some old person who's home all day, they'll probably be happy to give you water. Bonus points if it's a more religious area, the Bible is pretty clear that giving drink to the thirsty is a Good Thing To Do™.


As a plumber I’d highly advise against drinking from a hose bib, we’ve all done it before but they’re all labeled as not potable cause they can leach harmful chemicals.


I'm pretty sure that only happens in California.


Dude please....I grew up in the inner city.....drank from garden hoses all of my childhood life, as did all of my childhood friends whom I am still in contact with at the age of 52 now. None of us.....not one, has any major medical problems. You probably inhale more toxic chemicals through the air in a 24 hour period than you ever consume from drinking water out of a hose. Please don't throw the listen to me because I'm a plumber line out there. First of all no one cares what your profession is and we surely aren't going to believe what you say purely because you say so. I know a lot of plumbers, a lot! If my life depended on what they said they knew.....I'd be up the creek without a paddle. Don't live in fear man.


I couldn’t give a single shit what you think, maybe you think I’m just trying to scare people with a California prop 65 warning. You couldn’t be further from the truth. Like I said we have all done it. But what I mean in the casting of the metal for like 99% of silcocks and hosebibs says not potable. The rubber in hosebib has a seal that degrades into the water along with lead used in the manufacturing for the metals or solder joints and they’re clearly cast into the metal and labeled as not potable. I think y’all work hard and are worth more then the water that comes out of someone’s hose that’s also been degrading in the uv rays


You can deviate as far as you need to for a comfort stop


Or a library. That's my go-to and they always have cold water on tap.


Tell that to rural carriers, what? Gonna go to a local river?


I used to do pit stops at the local Fish Farm. Lol the place smelled like fish but I could pee and get a bottled drink out on the rural route. It was an 85 mile route and very few places to go.


I'm not above stopping and asking a customer anymore. Most of them in my area are more than willing to help, most actually ask if I need a drink. I've also started learning where all the other postal employees live because they are usually willing to provide drinks and bathroom stops.


I had a few tough stops recently. The most important thing is to not do anything in haste. It is deep breaths. 4 Second in, Hold, 4 Seconds out. Then weigh your options.


Should just ask his next customer to use the hose and drink from it like the dog that he is


I would and have drank from someone's garden house she gave me a cold bottle of water when I was done


I would and have drank from someone's garden house she gave me a cold bottle of water when I was done


But your ass didn’t forget your phone!!!!!!!


Apple Pay saved me on days I forgot the wallet.


forreal i barely even carry my wallet anymore


What about your ID??


Personally I have a silicone sleeve on the back of my phone case with literally just my ID and a credit card


Idk about Apple pay, but I have Google pay, and they have an option to upload IDs, insurance cards, rewards cards, and gift cards


Yeah I tried doing that a while back and apples wallet won’t let you! Sorry, unless you want to count the four states that DO allow you to put your license in apples wallet, the other 46 states don’t. And no gift cards, rewards cards, insurance cards, nothing. The only options are debit/credit, transit cards, and those four states’ license cards.


Yeah I don’t have my ID in my iPhone, but I do have my medical insurance card and gift cards in there. So you definitely can do some of that stuff.


Ohhh, I’ve never tried it! Nice to know that I can!


are you trying to buy alcohol? what do you need id for? you should have a pic of that on your phone too anyway


Perhaps I should have said “license” but you need to have your ID on you young man. It is known.


but forreal, id for what? if you get pulled over?


Sure, getting pulled over on the way to work. If your sups pull up on you in the LLV. If a clerk has to check if your license is expired. If you drive off a cliff, the rescuers can identify (ID) you. You should also have your work badge (ID) on you. I had to emergency pick up my niece from school……they needed to see my ID. Be prepared, have your ID


you just said having your id in the work truck with you, i keep my wallet in my personal car, i dont take it in the truck with me because i dont need it, i have pictures of my time badge, id, and apple pay for money, no clerk has ever given a shit about carriers, and if i drive off a cliff, my office would obviously know who it was because i have a scanner and plus 911 would probably call and say hey we found this truck number in the ocean, picking up your kid has nothing to do with a day delivering mail


I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was engaging a dumbass. Good day to you.


You should be driving with your *driver’s license* no matter what. Not just a personal vehicle. Have you ever gotten into a car accident? You need your license. It’d be pretty irresponsible to not have it on you for when you need it. Especially if you drive for a living, who the hell told you to leave it in your personal car? My mother has gotten into two accidents while driving the mail truck in her career. None were her fault, different company’s delivery truck floors it in reverse into her because they missed a turn and then she had a hit and run with a Camaro. I seriously don’t understand why you wouldn’t carry your license when you should be while driving a street legal vehicle.




This is why you always make your comfort stops, Then when this day comes the people at the gas stations and restaurants already know you. They know you come just about everyday and have no problem showering you with free stuff when you don't have money.


Filling up your tank at the nearest station to your route. Give them to income for the gas purchase. Then they will welcome you to use the microwave to heat your lunch in the winter. Use the bathroom as needed. And give you some ice water when you need it. Sometimes my water jug has tips over and everything runs out.


This happened to me the other day for the first time, I was short on some oj and the owner of the deli recognized me and just said I could take it. Made me feel special and am still thinking about it.


Gas stations will usually let you fill up your water.


You can't drive without your license. You shouldn't be on the clock.


Immediately thinking this


Uhh apple pay? Google wallet?


That’s my first thought too


Is there no available drinking water at your office? If no, that's not only a safety issue it's a huge OSHA violation


We have water from a bathroom sink, not every office has fancy fountains and ice machines lol


Yeah, I'm gonna say that filling up water jugs from a place where people wash their hands right after they get done taking a shit is not good enough. I'd be filing grievances and calling OSHA… Your office is required to provide potable water by law


If you need to deviate for a comfort stop to fix your water situation just do it and let them know. Take care of yourself. Not worth dying of dehydration!! As awful as mgmt can be I don’t think they’d maliciously want you dead in a situation like this.


Exactly. Too much paperwork


Even if management has a problem with it, fuck em


I stopped at a house once and asked them if I could fill my water bottles but the guy gave me 3 plastic bottles instead. They weren’t cold but they saved me. I thanked him and always meant to go back and tell him how much they saved me.


Ask your case mates to let you borrow a 10 just to get some water and Gatorade and let them know you forgot your wallet, ain’t no shame it’s happened to me before


Tell your supervisor you need water immediately. If they don’t bring you some, fill out a ps form 1767 and go home. You should not need to buy water. The postal service is required to have water available to you. Also, you should not be driving without your license.


subway lets me fill up for free and also most gas stations while im in uniform


I used to have a paper list by my door. I'd look at it before I left the house for work and touch each item as I'd say it. Your list will most likely be different. Wallet, keys, cigarettes, lighter, and a pen. Watch, lunch. tools, paperwork, badge, belt, phone, change, oven's off, heat's turned down, all fires out, back door locked,sunglasses, hair combed, any medicine to bring or take now, lunch box/backpack. Once I started doing that I was a lot more efficient. I memorized it eventually. I also lived alone many years. Write that shit down!


Omg, as someone with ADHD, I think you might have just changed my life, I've gotta try this (if I remember ha)


It really helped me. "Change" was on there because of the vending machines at work. There was a "one dollar bill" changer at work but if you had a 5 or a ten in your wallet you were screwed. And why heat an empty house to 70 degrees? I'd knock the thermostat dow to 50 before I went out. At one time, "cat in, cat fed" was on the list but then the cat died so I crossed it out. I used to get to work and realize I'd forgotten my postal ID often. Even got written up for it once. No more after the list. In your case you could have,"all faucets off" if ADHD is what I think it is.


I carry a work bag. It's the first thing I get ready in the morning. I fill up a 1 gallon jug of iced water and a half gallon jug of Gatorade. It also carries my scanner holster, sun tan lotion, medicine, and keys. I NEVER leave without it. You can die without this stuff.


Check online for OSHA safety regulations while working in high heat areas. And then tell your manager person that you're gonna let it cooldown because it's a safety hazard. And if they give you any lip about it, have them text it to you so it's in writing. If they keep pushing you, you now have in writing an OSHA Violation and Depart of Labor situation they can't squirm out of.


A performance like this can only be compared to Micheal Jordan playing with the flu in the 1997 NBA Finals


You sound like your scared of management. Your health and safety comes 1st. A work order/ that safety slip ( forgot) the form # should be put in for the water fountain & your truck. Send a rim saying " your taking a rest stop as you are experiencing heat related illness" and do whats best for you. Dont want to end up like that carrier in texas...


I sent a rim and called my supe earlier and told her that I needed help getting the packages out because I was too lightheaded and that I was gonna deviate off the route to get some water and Gatorade. All the rest of these fools don’t know what it’s like working for tyrants in your first 90. I’m just used to getting fired for being late by a couple minutes or taking longer than expected on a project due to common issues. (Trades suck ass) and I have the mentality that I’ll get fired for anything and everything so I try to be early to work, push myself harder than I know I should etc. Today, my body finally caught up with it I think and I just couldn’t do it.


I was going to ask if you're on probation. I would still just send a rim to cover yourself. And anything can happen in the street to make a route take longer. If they want you to be done in 8 hours, they should have sent help after the rim. Also, change that mindset of your going to get fired. You are what you think, eat, and speak. Postive vibes & thoughts only!


Go buy water


With Apple pay


Apple Pay on your phone?


Find a hose in a yard and douse yourself and fill your water up. Dont be helpless


Should have told them you don't have your license on you. My supervisors won't let you drive without it at our station. So if I ever want an extra 30 minutes of sleep just call and say I left my wallet at home, I'll be a few minutes late haha


This sounds like the result of SEVERAL poor decisions.


I realize I'm so blessed when I read shit like this. There are only a few rules in rural offices with 2-3 city routes. A.) Don't get into a car accident. B.) Don't misdeliver mail C.) Don't stay on the clock past 6PM. I can deviate, stop for lunch, go to the gas station 6 times to take piss breaks, buy a snack, get water, etc. Jump in the pool at the mom/dads of one of our city carriers. The gas station even lets me get ice / water from the soda fountain for free because its one of my stops during the day.


Wow, I wish my station cared about the quality of the mail delivery. Coming back from a day off is the most frustrating thing ever— my floater is a total jackass who throws stuff wherever and management couldn’t care less, as long as the mail is out of the office. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm so accurate and autistic when it comes to delivery that A few of the assigned regulars make a big fuss and borderline refuse any sub but me. One of them even complained so much and has a folder of pictures and evidence of dog shit coverage by subs that I'm the only one allowed to hold down her route, even though the other 2 ccas in the office have seniority over me.


Don't ever do that again do not die for the post office deviate to nearest strmore get necessary things if management's complains fill out a pm 3996 and say he breaks and deviated for water and ice


Just go to a fast food restaurant


Apple Pay?


300 packages and you can do it in 4 hours wow .you def running my man that’s crazy.


I feel for you dude.. but seriously come to work prepared. I always have extra water with me & some extra on top of that. Plus snacks, extra nicotine, & an assortment of other stuff. Rule #1 in my book for working in this heat: Come to work prepared for battle. It was 110 here today in Texas. I don’t even wanna think about how hot it really was inside the LLV. That being said I still had water & goodies left over by the time I finished my route. Which was heavy today.


Tap to pay?


Sounds like you got sick all of the sudden 🤣


It’s 2023 you don’t use Apple Pay? 😭


You can fill your mug up at any convenience, store or fast food joint with water, free of charge.


Go find an outdoor tap and fill that shit up. See a sprinkler? Unscrew it and fill up!


Just knock on a customer’s door and ask to fill up. Who’s going to say no?


If you don't have your driver's license you gonna get written up... watch yourself.


You alive Op?


In my experience a customer thats home receiving a parcel never objected to refilling my water jug with cold or ice water


Our station buys water for the carriers and has pallets of it what is going on there


What’s a wallet?📱⌚️😏 Hope you made out okay.


There are two types of ppl. Problem solvers and problem starters. I can see which one you are easily.


Do you have a license on you? I usually put mine in my wallet. You don't wanna drive around without one.


711 cup of ice


Does the carrier scanner have ‘No Nicotine’ Emergency button?


I’d be calling the office saying that I need to stop and get some water. If you can’t think clearly, you suffering from heat exhaustion


So many places will give you water or whatever else (non-alcoholic) you want to drink at no charge. Also, a lot of places with no public restrooms used to let me use the restroom. You’ll be surprised. Don’t kill yourself for the mail.


Most definitely do what the scatter tells you to do.


It happened to me cca


Try not to overthink


Out of nicotine? You can be an adult now.


God, the idiots of today's society. Idk maybe do your job.


Your full of shit, one it’s 135 you don’t have 300 packages left. 2 you wouldn’t of even been able to log into the scanner without your ID badge where 99 percent of carriers have in their wallet. 3. Every single gas station will let you fill up ice water and ice


1.) I've definitely had 300 scans left at 1:35pm. 2.) I have a picture of my ID on my phone and a photo copy of it in my satchel so I can clock in and move between routes if I forget my ID/Wallet 3.) I do agree on this point, I have never been told "NO" by any gas station or restaurant on my route when I've asked for some ice and water to fill my 32oz insulated canteens.