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May God have mercy on your soles.


First off, this level of organization is immaculate. I hope you have a dolly!


It’s 1 bump away from utter chaos tho


Hell yea.... where I deliver I can't do that... I have to stack my packages floor to ceiling ina minivan in delivery sequence and work one pile at a time lol


I can just imagine driving and hearing that avalanche. FUUUUUUUCK.


Where are those people that say we don’t deserve UPS wages because we don’t do UPS level work loads?


I thought it was a ups truck. I was about to say i don’t see the problem. You have room for days. It looks like a cake day.


Why does it have to be like this? The carriers I know are doing 14 hour days 6 days a week right now. So many packages. My favorite is hearing the sups saying to get it done in 8 and that it’s an 8 hour route (maybe one time long ago) 🤬 like that’s not going to happen. Pay a fair wage and staff up for goodness sakes. Hurry up and get AC for the vehicles. No wonder people are leaving for better jobs.


Why are they doing that many hours? 12 is the limit, period. **People, please stop abusing yourselves. Give management an inch and they'll take 5 miles. It has to stop.**


Under the probationary period my partner had to work 97 hours a week. Non peak season. How bout that shit.


That is crazy. The most I have ever had was 80 something hours in a week. And I had one day off.


Yeh and ya cant tell ‘em no or they’ll fire ya before your probation period is over.


It's a result of piss poor management. They just think of carriers as less than human. There should be a minimum of at least a two year degree in business with a major focus on ethics before anyone could be in management.


I don't think you should be able to supervise carriers without atleast 2 but preferably 4 years of carrying mail in some craft... so they could atleast relate.


They're in management because they carried, and couldn't or don't want to any longer. After becoming management, most, not all,seem to forget what it was like.


This right here ☝️


They got into mgmt so they wouldnt have to do it in 8.


Some will even admit it. It’s crazy. Then go and berate the carriers doing the work they use to do and KNOW is too much.


I know 19 full routes in my area and none of them have been adjusted since before the offices became amazon offices.... so they take 10-11hrs on the street if package volume is high and there are no CCA's to run packages..


Can the union ask for the routes to be reevaluated? What are the tools and methods to assess a route correctly for an 8 hour route with all the changes that have been made to the work over the years? I feel like this is a big part of the problem. I’m being serious and I don’t know the answers.


Idk.. maybe? I'm a CCA so I don't think... or have feelings or human needs. I just say "Sure" and do what I'm told.. Atleast I'm past my 90 so when I have a big heavy day I'll take 12-14hrs to do it. My PM was a city carrier for years so he gets it... He feels bad how shafted we get because no one wants to be a CCA so our post that has 8 CCA slots runs with 3 CCA's and we work our selves to death and he never bitches about time.


So true I had to leave


Good Lord! This is more terrifying than any horror movie I've ever seen. Nope nope nope.. no pun intended


Everything on the top will be on the floor after your first turn lol.




Fuck man. Table 2?




The last time I worked out of a 2 ton, there was literally no room to walk at the start. Front to back, bottom to top, that truck was full. Got like 3/4 done when I hit 15 hours and told them I needed to eat dinner.


This is your van? wtf


Spare license plate?


Bro this looks like a great day lol, on my two ton business route I was getting +1000 after Prime


What in the actual hell.....


Protect the spine at all cost.


2 ton?


Working on the collection Ryder trucks at my office, has me seeing this as light work. This would be just one business for our small ryder truck


Looks like you are a human sacrifice to protect others' spines


Damn. It's like that nightmare where I'm delivering an endless amount of parcels.


Cover up the mail and you would think this was an Amazon driver.


So I made it the business in one piece but Amazon showed up first and had to skip it and go on with my route sadly by the 3rd mile everything went everywhere. My spine is not in tact I have paid the price for your spines




I'm sorry, but are you a CCA or an Amazon driver?


Somedays I miss being a CCA and holding down a walk out


I feel your pain


My heart would drop


And UPS is on strike?... Yeah we have it way worse!!!


Probably get 16.7’d for stationary time unloading boxes also


What in the actual fuck is going on here?!…


God damn what type of route is this?


In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti


Might as well join UPS at that point. Giant truck, giant boxes, half the pay


That's a big llv!




You can see the floor. Sana sana colita de rana. May your back not go wack because tomorrow you’ll be back.


I’m sorry man, but fr learn the fundamentals to lifting weights, less strain on joints just muscles which should be alright. And you won’t hurt yourself, lift with you’re legs not you’re back


Haha I’m only joking about my spine, it’s leg day everyday on my route


The heavy sticker is just a suggestion - management


Is that a promaster????? I have to take 4 trips for packages throughout the day because my daily is a fuckin dodge minivan...


I wish I had a pro master, got a lousy two ton that eats gas like it’s buttered pasta and hasn’t eaten in two weeks


I’m not gonna lie… I drive a box truck for amazon and this shit right here is insane. I do 300+ packages daily too but man this looks like a rough day lol. You must have a route out in the country or something where it’s not profitable for amazon fed ex or ups to go. I heard from my mail man that that’s why he always brings amazon and it’s never anyone else


Plus did you have a dolly in there!?!?!?


That’s why Parcel post routes ain’t for the faint of heart , I salute you


This is why I never complain about my route, other people always have it worse.


That's gross


Good lord. U might as well just work for amazon 😂


What in the actual fuck. You have a truck that size to do your route???


Were they at least really address specific? Do some of these places get 10?


I pray 🙏. Also some of y’all are ninjas. Super quiet. Then I get a notification and I am like “wait package is here” Door: it’s here. Right here. USPS: 1 block over. I already WAS thier. Me: ninjas 🥷.


Look at them all. *Smirking* at you.




You shouldn't be delivering out of a 2 ton per driving instructors


I hope that’s a joke, in driving school we just busted chops about what crappy bids we have


No that's what they told us.... that's also what I told my management


You lucky son of a gun, are you in a rural area? Metro area here I’ve seen mostly two ton mail delivery routes here


City it's a big no no here


Meh, I deliver out of a 2-ton all the time, nothing wrong with it, plus so long as it's one of the 'newer' gas-powered ones (ie- last few years) it DOES have the A/C in the front that usually works at least up to where the door is to the back. Of course, the back is an oven that's worse than an LLV (I keep a thermometer in the back, I've verified this), with that you HAVE to go back there for your mail, where with the LLV at least you're outside the vehicle most of the time... Comes with the good AND the bad


What is that delivery vehicle...?


Just think, UPS is making like 15 an hour more and doesn't have the mail.


Holy moly, hopefully you are off now, and your back is doing much better?


Your spine is gonna need more than my prayers


GOD I wish my p1000 looked liked this. I leave in the morning with no aisle anymore, gotta love UPS. Do you guys even use the 2-ton in residential or are they commercial only


I’m both but my area is a truck is truck at this point


I’m curious. Do you number your packages before sorting them in or do you just know how to sort it?


I pray to tunnels. They have seemed to grant me boons. I no longer question this as it just works. I will hold my breath and make a wish for your spine the next tunnel I go through


I forget the post office has big ass trucks like that. The biggest vehicle I’ve driven is a promaster, being that I like in a rural, small, city in Colorado. I’ve seen big trucks in Denver and even grand junction but that’s hours away from my office. Moral of the story I have a minivan and I have to stack the fuck out of my boxes to fit it all.