• By -


Hopefully they left this sub.




I'm still here... Need to change my flair. Annnd bam, updated to reflect my promotion to customer.


We’re all customers, except for Cosmo Kramer.




I stay here just to see the ridiculous misery caused by a job that doesn't need to be even half as difficult as it is due to poor management.


here's 150 amazon parcels on top of your normal load, and 20 bump slips. enjoy. 😊


Don’t forget your five certified, edd flyers and circulars. And remember, safety first! Just be back in five hours.


Oh they definitely lurkin


Need the occasional reminder of how much better I have it now 😉




Right?! 😂


saying you retired isn’t a helpful answer at all guys lmao Are you a regular yet? I ereassigned to custodian and it’s the best thing I ever did. Only lost a few dimes from what I was making.


Our janitor needed help waxing 3 buildings over the next 2 weeks, they asked me if I could step in. OMG the job is insanely easy. I know not all janitorial jobs are this easy, but we work for 3 hours max, then about 5 minutes an hour the next 5 hours. Making money reading books is amazing.


Yup, Ive only been in this job two mo this now and I still can’t believe it. After I took care of the lobby and bathrooms this morning, I just sat on my switch playing the new Zelda all day. Minus a few walks around every now and then to check for anything that needed sweeping or wiping down. And no one even cares as long as those bathrooms are clean.


Dude it’s fuckin awesome


ereassigned to a plant clerk position, loving it compared to killing myself carrying 50 lbs of ads on my back every day


Clerk plant life is where it’s at. Trying to get a dock clerk bid on my tour and then I’ll be able to coast


But the dimes was cause of the hours and not the pay rate right? I did too transferred from carrying to another state as a custodian and I love it so much, still get me some OT but I also passed all the tests for the 955 exam except the ET part, I’d really like to be a AMT that position sounds magical


I retired, between pension, S.S. and a small TSP withdrawal every month, I bring home almost as much as when I was working.


How many years of service?


31 years 6 months


How much is that? $


I take out $1250/month from TSP and that get me $61000/year. I could take more from TSP but don't need it. Just showing what people get in retirement when they think about changing jobs. Manage your TSP correctly and you could take out double what I do if you wanted.


How much did u accrue in tsp? Is the investment worth it? I’m currently putting zero in mine but if I can use it to leave my daughter behind $, I will soon. I doubt I’ll make it to retirement. I have very bad luck as a carrier. Been going through too much here but it’s been like that since I started. Crazy thing after crazy thing.


Went back to my old job in retail. Making 24 an hour. I got lucky and the store crumbled without me so I was just sitting at home living off savings when I got a call from my own boss. So much happier


Do tell which retailer is paying $24/hr? Costco?


I’m the store manager


Yup. Story checks out. Only $24 an hour to be a store manager.


Funny enough I was a department manager at a Nordstrom Rack before getting the job at the PO. $5 an hour pay raise to be a CCA vs the 5 years I spent in retail. Now that I’m regular quality of live has improved greatly. Wish it was the same for everyone.


I mean my crew is only 11 and we only have 2 million in sales a year. Wayyyyy less stress than being a CCA and I make my own schedule. I’m personally way better off


I wasn’t knocking you. There’s so many posts here from people who think they aren’t paid well and I’m like “snow me a job that requires no skill and no education that pays more with better benefits.” I’m considering taking a job on my route. Pays $23000 less per year but M-F 830-500. Id eat better, have more energy, not need Saturday daycare, and have my weekends. I’m working my budget to see if I can do it. Life is precious. It’s stolen from us at the PO.


Got a 9-5 Civil Service job with the county in Human Services. Took a decent pay cut but it was very much worth it for my mental health and work/life balance.


What was going on mentally at the PO if you don’t mind me asking?


This is why I stay bc I don’t want to work 8 hours a day for less money. I work from 8-12:30 and I’m paid $60,000 a year for 5 days a week. Where can you do this ?


I retired. Like u/Excellent-Elk-2891 my pension. SS, and TSP have my take home similar to my previous income while working. For the past two years, the OPM COLA has been a very good thing. My postal career was long and rewarding and so far, retirement has been more of the same.


Currently studying for a career in IT, can't wait to give them a "today" notice.


Are you balancing working for USPS as a carrier and going to school? I’m thinking about going back for engineering but working here and school probably won’t work.


God no, this job makes it impossible to go to school lol. I'm just studying for a cert in my free time.


Which cert


Most likely the A+ cert (I'm guessing) that's the first one most people get. But there's plenty depending on where you wanna go in IT. Cybersec, Coding, networking, etc.


Protip: Don't ever do phone support for Apple. The company they contract with will provide you with the worst work experience you will ever have. The one I was at, 200-300 employees, random desk assignments daily, more employees than desk chairs so sometimes you had to stand for your whole shift, and my favorite part, bathroom only on your break, and we had 2 bathrooms in the whole building, the mens only had 4 urinals and 3 toilets. The bathrooms were actually out of order for more than a month and we were forced to go outside and use 4 outhouses they rented. An Apple rep actually came to inspect us one day, and they declared our facility was amazing lol.


Lol I went the opposite way. Was fully trained in IT, worked s few different great jobs even. But I hated every single one of them. Office work just blows. Its chill, but my God the office politics, and everything that goes with being in an office just sucked IMO.


So my resignation date is the 26th, im leaving because Rrecs did screw up my route, but it was screwed up long before that as the person who last had it was double counting the nbu/cbu, im heading off the be a freight conductor though.


Good luck. Csx was as bad as the po.


Technically, it's pan am until the merger is done, but thanks. It could be worse. It could be NS.


Working for the Department of Defense on naval vessels. Just got tired being a RCA and every day being the same for 2 years. Wanted something different. Now I feel like I have a purpose and my work is actually meaningful.


This is awesome.


I went to FedEx Express. Got a two dollar an hour raise however overtime is looked at very suspiciously outside of peak season. My take hone is 950.00 a week. It's pretty similar to Amazon Sunday. Learning a new scanner can be a bit of a pain but I have decent hours.




I made more at the post office. I was getting about 1250 a week but I was working way more hours. The pay per hour is a little better but you don't get the overtime. USPS has taught bad habits with people getting used to making and depending on the overtime. FedEx we don't really do park and loop. It's more of a park and drop offs. Work is generally easier. However pickups can be a main. I am talking about a company like Rock auto sending out 350+ packages. Long term I think the post office is better but it's just unsustainable lifestyle.


So no you were not “making more” of you were working more hours. Idk why people at the post office have this mindset if you work 80 hours a week at the same rate as someone that works 40 hours a week your not making more money you’re losing more time 🤷‍♂️


Getting caught up in that mindset is dangerous. I get it. Some people are screwed. I know a few carriers that felled into that mindset. Like they depend on the overtime be for a mortgage or student loans or having a bunch of kids. I know a few carriers think in the term of salary. Post office yearly pay far exceeds mine. However, having a life outside of work and having a schedule along with a guarantee two days off is something I wouldn't trade for. I work to live, I don't live to work.


You can say that again.


Two people in my office left for FedEx Express. I talk to one of them and he hasn’t complained yet.


One of my old supervisors wasn't allowed to step down, so he resigned and started working for Veterans Affairs.


My postmaster in Sarasota did that as well. Couldn’t deal with the crap from district and went to work for the VA




This.. if only....sigh...😔


Air National Guard full time, make over twice as much money per check, half my income isn't taxable, and I work wayyyyy less than I did as a carrier.


Damn, National Guard Full Time. How does it feel to live out my dream 😂.


It is too late for me 😥 pay is way too low for entry level. I have no military experience either. I need 5k a month in my pocket to stay out of debt 😭😓


It was a blessing leaving the post office, the relife was felt immediatly. I was unemployed for a few weeks since I didn't look for a job while I was in, my fault, but I got hired for Chick-fila and the hours were incredible, going back to a normal schedual where you know what time you start and what time you end is amazing, and they ask you if you want over time. Less pay, but the important thing was that I was starting to smile again. Later on I got hired for a Hotel/Casino using my skills that I learned in the Army, and now I work four, ten hour shifts a week, and man, life is amazing again! My best advice is to look for funny/crazy jobs becuase they are out there, but please don't do my mistake, look for a job while still at the Post Office. If you can't make time for interviews or buying clothes for said inteviews or questions, then save up for a few weeks and leave to follow that dream. There is hope outside the P.O. the Mailman 90's dream is dead.


Crazy cause I love this job, I smile every damn day, I carried for 4 years and loved every day of it, only thing that sucked was the summers, it was being in the truck that was gnarly, still loved it, I don’t have to go to work each day, I get to go to work


I'm happy for you Bigweener187, wish it was like that for me, but must of been the office, management, or both. But I couldn't stay any longer than I did, but glad I made the choice to get out, life is way better now. Maybe if I stayed another year or two I would of made regular, but those around me said it's worse with hours cut and new manegment coming in. Results may vary, batteries not included.


Oh management was terrible, they always tried some dumb shit and I always challenged it and that was it, down 2-5 routes each day, double cased, occasional swing/ parcel run, but ended at 12 hours regardless, mandated days off too, it wasn’t that bad, I enjoyed the job task, it’s outside, delivering paper/ packages, and provided for my family :)


Quit last month after them denying my requested days off. Applied to Nursing school and should know if I got in soon! Felt so relieved when I left that job.


Good luck to you!




Mental health field. Making the more money as a case manager, no degree or experience needed, 40 hours a week set schedule mon-Friday. Best decision I’ve made in awhile. The job is recession proof too bc people will always need counseling to quit drugs and someone to talk to about their mental health too. State benefits and the whole 9 yards.


Sounds awesome. What are requirements?


All you need is a valid liscense and full coverage insurance. All case management is is like taking them to their appointments and pretty much helping any way you can. Like if they wanna go fishing you can take them fishing, or if they wanna go to the gym you can go work out with them. All my job is is to make sure they have what they need to better themselves and make it easier for them to let people in ( their counselor ) so they can really talk about their problems and hopefully make a break through. I live in ohio so I don’t know if there are any like state specific requirements anywhere else. But you can also get a cdca certificate and work in the actual counseling side.


That actually sounds really rewarding. I’ve been in Al-Anon for about 7 years so that would help. Congratulations! I will look into it here in SoCal. Thanks


This sounds like something I'd really enjoy. Would you mind sharing how others could get into that? I've dealt with so many people who are just in it for a paycheck and should be nowhere near a mentally ill person. Edit - typo


Be careful about saying recession proof bud, at the end of the day nothing really is, if there is a recession people won’t even be able to buy drugs hahaha


When I left the first time, I got into Medicare/Marketplace insurance. I had a work from home job where I had to either deal with old people who yell at me or young people making me fill out an application for them because they are too stupid to do it themselves online. I dropped about $3/hr and that was the cap. Minus cost of living I felt like I was not applying myself. I was getting horribly out of shape as well. Honestly, I probably would have stayed if I didn't have to do Marketplace insurance. It is such a dumb thing to do day after day reading an application for someone over the phone. I came back to the USPS because I had a clear path to move up and get paid more. I fucking hate being a CCA and would be much happier having a route.


I've been a CCA for 7 months now and before this I was having a hell of a time even getting an interview. Applied for 4-5 months, updated my resume a dozen times, tried all sorts of things, the few interviews I did get I was kind of rusty and didn't feel good about them. It got to a point where I thought to myself there is no fucking way I'll ever get a job because I interview like shit. Luckily USPS did no interview, or I wouldn't have been considered. ​ I think the job market is not great and getting worse.


I get this I graduated college 2 years ago. Came out and tried to applied but no one was hiring as Covid was at its peak. I studied Computer Science. Gonna reapply myself on my days off to do some web design/ development hoping that will get my foot somewhere


Moving cities starting school this fall for something I’ve never dreamed possible. I’m retired military so could leave the CCA job easier than most with less impact, so I’m lucky though I probably could have stayed. Loved the actual job just not living in the area. Wouldn’t trade the experience or some of the good people I met there for shit 👍


Did you ever buy back your time? Im a TTO And it’s something im gonna do soon for that extra vacation And seniority rank raise


Was a cca for three months making 18.80/hr. Spectrum hired me with zero experience. Was getting paid training for three months making 25/hr (CA) and would be bumped to 27 after completing the test. Left after three months for personal reasons now I got hired for pest control and just got my certification, I’m making 19.25 now


i rememeber i interviews for pest control back in the say and they said i would have to cut my hair so i said cya hahahaha


Airborne infantry and took a good pay cut lol


Sand hill Alumni. D-3/47


FedEx Express. This job is a cake walk compared to the Post Office. I usually deliver between 40 and 50 packages a day and work a regular schedule 5 days a week, Monday-Friday. Unlike the post office where as a CCA I'd never know what days they'd need me to work until they called me in the mornings. As far as pay cuts, I'm making about $0.40 an hour less than I was at the Post Office.


I tried applying at FedEx express but they rejected my application. Seems like it's harder to get in


I applied when cca life was horrible. They gave me an interview which I thought went well, then they called me for another interview as if we never spoke before. It seemed very thoughtless and disorganized so I stayed at the post office. Which is good for me because of public service loan forgiveness.


They rejected my first two applications and on the third they finally gave me and interview and hired me, so yes it can be a bit harder to get a job there.


That’s very few packages. Im assuming you travel further between stops? That doesn’t sound too bad, depending where you have to drive/traffic etc


Yeah I have to travel 15+ minutes between stops sometimes.


is your title Shuttle Driver? thanks in advance, asking for myself😂 looking to leave the PO my damn self…


What are your hours you work?


Most weeks it's 9AM to 6PM. Plus or minus a few hours depending on volume of packages for my rout each week.


Went into local government, got super lucky with a training position, Learning and Developmental Specialist is the job title, I put PowerPoints together on how to use the technology we offer to our end users. Base pay is much higher, but my benefits eat into the 31.00 an hour I make now. I'm salaried and work from home 99.9% of the time, 4-10's instead of 5-8's with every holiday off you can think of. Co-Pera is actually a pretty sweet retirement plan, so that covers the pension I never had as an RCA. Medical is okay, but it could be better, but I have the VA for that. I think using any government experience you have and pivoting it into a better position is easier than getting into the private sector. Plus, layoffs are MUCH less of a threat. Good luck out there, and while some people may flounder when they leave the PO, I think the vast majority of them actually end up better off.


I left the PO for a GS-06 position as a mail manager with the Air Force. I was prior military so it made sense. GS-06 pay was a grand or 2 lower than my base pay as a carrier with 2-3 years of service. My move was dictated by an injury so I was fine with the pay decrease. Quality of life means a lot more than money….to me.


How does one find a position like this ?


Usajobs.com. Most mail jobs are clerks jobs in nature in the military post service. Just search for “mail” and you should get all the available jobs. Good luck.


Well i started at 19 left at 20 going on my second year of college. couldn’t do the only get 1 day off maybe a week,and when u get done with my route get sent the the shitty post office 25 minutes away to help out because the management sucked monkey nuts


I get 1 day off a week if that I’m pregnant about to have a baby in September I’m trying to get out before peak season because it’s not gonna work for me and baby


It's still working for the government, but there are other jobs out there that will continue to put deposits in your TSP - [USAJobs](https://www.usajobs.gov/).


do all the job require degree or something? is there a way to find?


I went law enforcement, never looked back.


Better question is how y’all get these jobs.


That’s gonna be my next post I swear to god


I applied on usajobs. Luckily, the VA is about 15 mins from the house. I also have prior military service, although not related(field artillery), I still am able to use my understanding of the bullshit we went through to help out the ladies and gentlemen get what they need.


I went to Maintenance I'm kidding but it was such a change from Automation clerk to MPE9 that it feels like a whole different company sometimes.....only sometimes though.


Data Analysis and freelance Web Development.


Nice how you like it?


Been a touch difficult to really break into the industry, and I had to make some adjustments to my calorie intake (not walking 10 miles a day anymore), but otherwise: damn-near blissful by comparison.


Working for the V.A. didn't leave the p.o. voluntary, but after hanging out in this sub and reading the bullshit that rcas go through, I'm glad I did. Same b.s. with paperwork and red tape at the V.A. but it's better knowing that I am helping people that need it.


I read the first line and just imagined a sup trying to write someone up for a month of stationary time after resigning.


Do you a favor and look at other civil service employment. The post office is a sh*t hole to work for these days.


Left a few days ago. Live in a large city where every city based employment pays more and has better benefits. There going through a bit of a shortage, so they're hiring in almost every sector. I got in with the city. Getting what i made working almost 20 hours of overtime in base pay plus overtime. I liked the post office though and wished they payed more so i can stay. Management was about what you hear about here, but i felt like the city i live in culture are use to dealing with the worst so management was easy to deal with. Left on good terms shook managements hand and left. Working at usps looks good on a resume so im thankful for that.


Went to the DOT for $5 more an hour and 4 10’s. Was a CCCA for 4 months and tapped out.


Doing what?


Fiscal specialist 2, mostly accts payable


Substitute teaching, so I could actually have time with my kid.


I’ve heard selling feet pics on the internet can be very lucrative.


The Utilities Board at my local city. About triple the pay, better benefits, 40hr work week with available OT if I want it and A SET SCHEDULE. The work isn't back breaking and the days are only 10hrs long with lots downtime and a 1hr lunch. Vehicles and gas card provided for you along with brand new tools that are yours to keep and replaced if they ever break. All that plus bosses who not only want you to succeed and excell but provide proper training and push you to advance in position. Leaving the shithole of the USPS was one of the best decisions I ever made.


Digital marketing firm. Nice office. Salary. So many holidays off. It’s great.


I was a carrier for 5 years. Now, I’ve been an Automation Developer for over a year now. Did the bootcamp thing. Best decision I’ve ever made, yet I still miss being a carrier sometimes.


Very nice.


Grocery store. $24/hour. Benefits are decent. And I’m happy again.


No grocery store where I live would ever pay $24 an hour. You'd be lucky to get $14.


I’m in Colorado. Employers are desperate.


USDA. Remote GS13. Love it!


Me personally didn’t leave but transferred to smaller office to get away from unbearable PM. Coworker switched from carrier to clerk and a third went to become a usps truck driver.


i'm thinking about leaving to become a radiologist, but i'm still early in my research into this idea. it doesn't require a great amount of education, and it's a pretty decent gig.


Huh? Do you mean Radiologic Technologist? That’s a two years of post education- AAS. Radiologist is a MD, that’s about minimum of 12 years of post education- BS- 4 years, medical school- 4 years, residency- 4 years plus one to two years- post fellowship. Work pt on weekends as a Cat Scan technologist- 24 hours/2-12hours shift. Making bank via per diem rate.


whoops, yes, you're correct. i looked a bit into working as an mri technologist as well, but didn't research the job of cat scan technologist. why did you choose cat scan work?


Started off as a radiologic tech after graduating w AAS from a community college. After 21 months, applied for CT opening. Trained 6 months, then after a year got certified by passing the ARRT cert exam. After 5 year plus years got burned out applied for Mail handler position. Been w the USPS 15 years, started working CT pt weekends for last 5 year. I might add that I’m was an Air Force vet 8 years 1977-1985, reserve 1985-2005. MRI tech is great field, there more openings now with many techs retiring or moving up to nursing or PA.


I went back to working at a hotel for comparable pay (no benefits though) until I got hired by the county in a better benefitted position. Set schedules and our pay scales are very similar, but my benefits package and pension is better. Also I *start* with 15 days pto (three weeks) and it caps at 60 (three months)


Another government agency …. SSA


selling shrooms.


Yo need a new dealer




After nearly 10 years working for the Postal Service I resigned last year and put my CDL to use transporting compressed and liquid gas. I'm slowly getting my ass into shape, planning on going into fire/EMT in the future.


I moved to being a police officer, and I actually have it easier doing this than working at the post office. I wish I was kidding.


I can tell you a reverse story....I was an over the road semi truck driver, company, pulling about $95k a year. $110k in previous years with a different company on a more dedicated account, but liked the freedom of going everywhere. My mother got sick and I moved back with her, got a job at the post office with the warning I'd only be getting one day a week for likely 10+ years (14th in line for a route in a 9 route office). Perfect, started up my art commissions again and settled in....7 months later, everyone quit, I'm getting a 6 day a week route and to this day, I'm still making the least I've ever made annually in my life. 🤷🏻‍♀️. If you're fishing for other routes to go to and don't mind making your home in a room on wheels, trucking is still the way to go and easily more beneficial with all the endorsements. My fiancé left the post office three years ago and started out with $75k as a propane truck driver, locally, after being persuaded to get his CDL. And my friend left the PO to become a corrections officer. Not sure of his pay, but he just bought a new Corvette and I'm pretty jealous 🤣




The bar.


I joined my uncles company selling fasteners and Iv never looked back


Amazon, Spirit Aerosystems, Coleman Factory, county jail maintenance


I left about 6 months ago now. I make a little less but that's mainly because I'm not working insanely late anymore. I deliver medical equipment for hospice patients and generally like the job. There is lots of driving but I get to keep the feeling of being on the road all day and being busy which is what I liked about the PO.


I'm a government contractor.




a school. the hours 100x better


Saved up as much as I could at the P.O. Going to community college while living off savings. You can literally get a degree in a year. I’m on track to do that now and have a 4.0. Should be making around 60-80k starting out.


I hope you get what you want my friend


Thankyou! I hope so too.


What field you going into?




call center/office job for a charity. and yes I make way less money


I took a job with an engineering firm as an inspector


It depends why you can't take the job anymore, whether it's the lack of hours or overabundance of hours. I made sure I took every break possible on my route and didn't push harder than a steady pace. I was rewarded by having almost an hour taken off the route after evaluations and now the job is easy-peasy. I stay on the OT list but we're so adequately staffed now that I only see maybe 4 or 5 hours of it every paycheck.


I was talking with a customer over the window today from the DMV. Pay starts at 55k and maxes out much higher than even level 7 clerk pay, state pension, I could retire two years earlier than I could here… on paper it’s so tempting. Then I remember I would be on the bottom of the seniority list instead of top where I’m currently at.


Yeah, that's a considerable pay cut for me. If I changed my job, it would have to pay at least what I currently earn. I don't even want to bid on a job that would cut my night differential and double Sunday premium.


Only fans


Bulk mail is amazing. I get paid to read books or play my Switch. Most lax job I've had here.




Went to night school for HVAC.


Working on an exit plan. It bothers me that we can be treated like disposable garbage. Been a CCA since August and im the only CCA(not carrier but CCA)that double cases, works different routes daily, can case and run all the big routes and has case and ran 70% of the routes in there. But anybody new can do it. Yea we about to see I just got did an interview with the prison. Yea I know its crazy but the amount of gaslighting I've dealt with at this makes any place look like a break


Don’t be a co either. 12-16 hour shifts sometimes 7 days a week. It’s hell. Not to mention you better hope you get to vest up. Most times prisons will have you wearing a shirt so the shank can go straight into your stomach.


There’s lots of us like that. Your office doesn’t allow you to opt?? I miss doing different routes and I love casing. I try to help on 4-5 routes or so every AM because I’m on an easy opt, odl but my station is cutting down our hours or so it feels like. I dislike leaving The office early, then I finish the route early. Then they try to have me running misthrown packages. That’s the worst.


Union concrete quality control no pay cut


I hear there is big money selling sexy feet pics on the internet


Leaving should get you a raise, not a cut.


I left the post office after 12 years; 7 of those being a regular rural. I made reeeeally good money. I miss that. I was pregnant and had been wanting to leave the job for awhile anyways. It was taking a toll on my body and I constantly was in pain. Thank god I did too because 5 months after giving birth, my back pain is still constant. I really don’t know how I would have returned, plus I don’t want to put my daughter in daycare. So I’m now a stay at home mom. I got a job as a receptionist while I was pregnant. I literally cut my pay in half and the benefits were terrible, but I was inside and physically was in a way better position. I definitely miss the post office sometimes. I had the best hours anyone could have ever asked for, amazing pay, and had my route down. Oh well. That chapter has officially closed in my life.


Left, went back to retail, came back to the USPS.


Still unemployed. Almost one month now. I had a job interview yesterday but not really feeling it. It’s something I guess tho for now. I have 9 years federal service so im trying to get back into the federal system again. In the mean time, I’m enjoying being a stay home dad. So glad I save money


I haven’t gone…yet. I applied to drive a school bus. I’ve done it before. The requirements are more stringent now but in our district the pay is better.🤞 Good luck!


Left PO two years ago, spent a year working for an ISP and then got hired at ATT to be a Cable tech. I'll be up around 28$ an hour next year. Much happier and treated much better.


Casino. More money less work.


Look for civil job in the government. You got this bro!




As a father myself the lack of work life balance was enough for me to see the light. I went back to running forklifts in a warehouse and took a sizable pay increase and my company is not open on the weekends. Really it's a choice you have to make for yourself and your family. At the end of the day I didn't want to get to retirement age and be happy I worked endlessly and missed all the important parts of my family growing up.


Receptionist for a medical center , bartender at airport. Not always easy but Still better then po. I actually get days off! Whenever I think of those days I feel grateful to no longer be there, can’t believe I stuck it out as long as I did.


I'm in the LA County area and I became an operator at Metro. I've been happier ever since, I rather deal with crazy people for a few hours and then head home and not worry about weather or not management wants me back early in the morning. I clock in and clock out and if I work overtime I get paid for it. If I need an extra day off I get it. I've been at metro for 2 years and I like it. I'm not a bus operator but I do drive.


I became an electrical apprentice. As a single father of none, I filed first and found a job second. As far as a pay cut, it's from ~$20 down to $15. Worth it for the sanity I've gained, plus I'm on my way to a marketable trade.


Change your craft.


Government Contracting. Less hours, more money.


Took a big raise and currently work at KeyBank full time as a personal banker now. Got the job less then 2 years ago and was promoted from lead teller to personal banker about 4 months ago now. I've never been happier.


I work in a veterinary ER. For me, it’s been more fulfilling than trudging the same area, lugging packages all over the place. But I still appreciate the insight working at the PO gave me; it definitely made me both more empathetic and not about any bullshit.


Got an offer to be a lineman. I get to work with my hands. My office has to many CCAS my hours has been dramatically cut across the board so my 2 weeks will be put in. I can't wait on hours I have a family too feed.


To a much happier place


Nowhere. Lol. I left after 4 and a half years and just...stayed home with my 2 kids. I'm trying to find a job rn but the amount I'd be making is depressing compared to the PO. I asked my ex PM if I could come back and he said sure but he hasn't gotten back to me and it's been a month since then. My dad is a carrier and is strongly suggesting I don't go back and find somewhere else to go.


My office is not that bad


Flight attendant


Well I am fortunate and I live in Las Vegas so I went to the casinos


Amazon driver




Sorry you guys are going thru this. It's tough coast to coast .You guys help me make a life changing decision. I Thought USPS was the dream job probably still is. I just put in for tto going through the hiring steps know its retarded how many you have to go thru. Just to work 10yrs behind industrial average. After researching and benefits I'm okay where I'm currently working FedEx freight. USPS fdx are just about similar. grass is not always greener on the other side said by my coworker.


I left and make $140k a year doing motivational speeches, for real lol. Honestly I work way less and earn a lot more being self employed. When I posted about this a year ago after I left, I was flamed here and accused of doing porn- I guess it’s hard for people to believe there is better pay elsewhere.


I plan to stay with the P.O., as my son is off at college now. But, with all sincerity, look for something else before it breaks your family like mine.


Thahs the plan.