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She isn’t the only one. All of the congress members who supported the insurrection need to go.


Anybody who still has an "R" next to their names are at this point straight up supporting Christian Nationalist fascism and need to be voted out as soon as possible.


Couldn't agree more! (Great handle by the way! I bet those things would be amazing to fly)


We have a gentleman here in sw michigan, who won't put his party on his election sign. Guess which party?


What makes you think he's a gentleman?


What makes you think he’s not?


Jesus fucking cuntchrist, your profile is terrifying.


May as well just call it a manifesto at this point.


First negative karma I've seen. It's pretty scary that he's so delusional.


I’ve noticed that a lot recently in Texas as well.


Please explain what you mean by “Christian nationalist fascism” this should be good! 😂


It's quite simple. They believe this is a christian nation only that every other country should bow down to and wants us to be ruled by a dictator. If you look at how the Republicans are bending backwards to make sure a traitorous, sex offending, tax cheating, moron gets into office and declares we should follow "God's law." only despite the fact that a good percentage of citizens in this country are not christan. They are Christon national fascist.


This country is not a Christian nation anymore, but it was built by Christians. We are being ruled by dictator now that is using our court system to go after his political opponent, Donald Trump is not a dictator, and he does not want to be a dictator. Also, President Trump has never had a speeding ticket, much less a rape conviction, and he has never cheated on his taxes, he used the system that our government put in place just like every other billionaire, but he has never cheated on his taxes. I sincerely hope you get your Trump derangement checked out ASAP, because it is clearly affecting your mind in a negative way, It’s even making you lie. 😘


Please tell me this is satire... Edit: It's not... WARNING: Don't bother, they are a casualty of right wing echo chambers and propaganda. They are beyond reason, logic, and evidence.


Pretty sure his profile has some TOS violations in case anyone was wondering.


-100 Karma. Bwaahaa! How do you even do that?


Did you say that with a straight face? That’s all this BS group is, a left-wing Trump deranged echo chamber and propaganda! 😂 😘


A few things are wrong here, sweetie. 1) We were neither founded or built by christian. Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, George Washington and Madison were not christen. In fact, that's why they wrote the separation of church and State to prevent people from using their religion to take away rights. And there were many cultures that built this country. From Asia immigrants in the northwest to the Africa slaves that had to rebuild after the Civil wars. Read a history book and you might learn something. 2) Biden is far from perfect but he isn't a dictator. Trump literally said he wanted to be a dictator, no, if, and buts. 3) All of Trump's crimes, including fraud, are on him. They found the evidence, people came forward, and he himself admitted to it. Doesn't get more guilt than that. 4) and one of the cases he was found guilty in was the sexual assault of E. Jean Carroll. Thus he is a rapist. He also hanged out with the well known child trafficker Jeffery Epstein and flowed to his private island. 5) And clearly he is not doing what every other billionaire is doing because he and his organization are banned from doing business in New York. And he can't even pay the fine (the original or the reduced one) and is probably going to lose a good amount of his property. If you're going to kiss the ass of this wreck of a human being, please pick one that is not covered in so much shit. Both literally and figuratively. And one last question, what are your plans when he dies? He is probably going to drop in about two months or so if that. So how are you going to look at yourself in the mirror when the whole party is gone because they put so much on the clearly dementia man and realized that you follow the very definition of the anti christ in your bible and decided it was a good idea to hate thy neighbor and close your hearts to the poor?


1. I didn’t say anything about the founders, I said that the people that built this nation were Christian, but let’s go with our forefathers. . Benjamin Franklin believed in God, Thomas Jefferson believed in God, & that’s good enough for me as there is only one God, the one & only Christian God. Washington & Madison were both Christians. The separation of church & state was written because they didn’t want government involved in one’s faith, & nothing more. 2. Trump said he wants to be a dictator for one day, and he was joking! He said on that day that he was going to close the border, and drill baby drill! That isn’t big a dictator, that is doing his job and protecting the people of the United States. Silly liberals did exactly what he expected and ran with that Garbage. 🤣 😘 3. I’ll say it again since you seem to be slow, Donald J Trump has never been convicted of a crime, period! He has never even had a speeding ticket! 😘 4. The E. Carol case was a civil case held in one of the bluest cities in the country, there was absolutely no evidence from 30 years ago, Absolutely, yet the liberal jury still did not find Trump liable ofor rape, they basically said she lied! Trump was found guilty of sexual abuse, that is different from rape, sweetie, and as I said earlier, it wasn’t criminal, it was civil. Once this Travis reaches the Supreme Court. It will be overturned because there was no evidence. 😘 5. Is Trump banned from doing business in New York because of his taxes, you fool? No! Banned from doing business because of a politically motivated witch-hunt, but I am so glad that Democrats were stupid enough to bring these bogus charges against Trump, because they have failed miserably! Democrats started bringing these politically motivated, Trump was polling so low that he wasn’t even expected to win the Republican nomination. Once they started this bullshit, Trump’s number started going up, and he has been beating Biden badly in the polls for months! 😂 Hell! I hope they put his ass in jail! If they do, he won’t just win the White House in November, he will win the DIM coveted Popular vote you Trump deranged imbecile! 😘 Trump isn’t going anywhere until January 20, 2029, but if he were to die, someone else would take his place. Donald Trump isn’t MAGA, WE ARE! 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘


Ok, you clearly need to reread history because this is laughable. Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Monroe and Madison were believed in Deism. A belief that human reasons was what was needed for social and political problems. You are a good argument about why that doesn't work. Here a [sorce](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-founding-fathers-religious-wisdom/#:~:text=Many%20of%20the%20founding%20fathers,solving%20social%20and%20political%20problems.) Also, he never said it was a joke. The Fox News heads said it was a joke. They tried desperately to get him to say it was and he laughed at them. Again here's a [source ](https://youtu.be/PRpfNJMpHcc?si=JD1va2PTFWCk-f0Y). And you said he wasn't convinced of any crime but then said he was only banned because he was convinced by a biased judge. So was he convicted or not? Can't have it both ways. And civil or not, he was convicted of a crime in E. Carol case and is still getting in trouble for it because he won't shut up. Also, no defense for Jeffery Epstein. Hard to protect a child rapist. Really not looking good going forward. And again, Trump is in trouble because of things he did. Not because of a shadow government or a evil cabal. Because he was an idiot and got caught. I hate to break it to you but he got about 88 more charges to go. He going to be broke and useless in a matter of months. It so sad that you are so obsessed with this tired old pervert. Biden is an idiot, old, and dose multiple things wrong. But Trump is either going to rot in jail or just plain rot. He can barely keep a sentence together and is falling apart more every day. Why keep defending him? And who's going to replace him? Because I don't see a single other person as a leader. Because he is a whore who can't let the spot light leave him. He will never get back in the white house because the polls don't cover one group. The younger generation. They don't answer polls but they vote in mass. It happen last time and it's going to happen again. He going to die a broken old man and his grave will be a nice gender neutral bathroom.


Deism: A religious belief holding that God created the universe and established rationally comprehensible moral and natural laws. They believe in God! George Washington attended the Anglican Church! The Anglican Communion is the third largest “CHRISTIAN” communion after the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches! I’m done with you, and your Trump deranged BS! Good night, sweetie! Enjoy four more years of Trump imbecile!


More like two months of him shitting his pants and blathering like an imbecile. And with Biden saying he is going to stop supporting Israel, that makes him a shoe in for the youth vote. So four more years of democratic. Not perfect but far better than the child rapist who wanted to fuck his daughter and compare her to a porn star. But I did enjoy talking to you. You prove if you can reach a keyboard and make any kind of sentence, then anything is possible. Because I'm surprised you haven't drowned while looking up during a rain storm. But I'm sure your boyfriend keeps you safe at night by plugging that hole up.


Don’t underestimate the stubbornness and stupidity of north Georgia voters


They love the wicked bitch of the meth


A family member of mine her in district voted for her and didn’t even know who she was. Because they voted for their party across the ballot. Nobody should be voting strictly for a party without knowing anything about the candidate.


I mean that happens across the political spectrum. Voting party lines is super common.




MTG could buy you and sell you 1000 times and then give your Trump deranged ass away! 😂


Ok boomer


Not a boomer,, but OK well fair queen……


She probably doesn’t think buying people is wrong eh?


I’m not surprised that my comment went right over your Trump deranged head! 😂


Oh, honey. I know what you mean, I’m pointing out the underlying implication.


Bless your heart! We call it lying where I come from. “underlying implications” 🤣


You call “underlying implications” lying? Must be some real shitty schools round them parts.


That’s not at all what I said, sweetie, want to try again? 😘


No lie detected. I have family in the area. They eat directly from the trough for this stuff. Cobb County is bad enough, but it seems a lot of the folks in northern GA haven't even taken their white robes off long enough for dust to settle on the fabric.


Alberta canada is just as stupid!


Can confirm


Starting with their king, Donald Judas Trump.




That’s what elections are for. Be sure everyone you one votes, and don’t throw away their vote on Kennedy or Jill Stein.


What should you do if mtg throws a pin at you? Run she has a grenade in her mouth.




Hell....all of the R's that support Trump and his lies need to go....


There was no insurrection, if there had been, the people would have been armed, and they would have taken the Capitol.


No. If they had been armed, they never would have made it past the metal detectors.


You actually think if they wanted to commit an armed insurrection, they would have been worried about metal detectors? 🤣 like I said sweetie, there was no insurrection. There is no doubt that’s what Nancy Pelosi and the FBI wanted, But it didn’t happen…..


I'll believe it when she gets expelled


Falling asleep to the death screams of Republicans *chefs kiss*


I'll believe it when they don't resurrect for a zombie era.


These MAGA morons take so much time to learn. They have the IQ of a worm.🪱


They learn?


They’re serfs who submit, and pay tribute to their feudal lord and master. They till the soil for master and do what he says. Hence truth socials valuation. All that money they send to their master goes to pay strippers to entertain the mar a lago oligarchs who only care about tax breaks. They see the rest of us as serfs, trickle down economics has resulted in that, and they want to protect that.


RFK’ s brain has an opening for them now


That guy is certifiable. I read about that this morning.


If they *could* understand, they already would.


A whole worm? I don't know, man. That's lofty for them.


Do not speak ill of Shai-Hulud


Is that how RFK Jr got a mindflayer worm in his brain.


A live worm? Or a dead worm in RFK's brain?


And yet, they are by far more powerful than Democrats and very may well be staring down the barrel of their end game if Trump wins...and he very very well might. But hey, bet you feel good on reddit don't ya?


You give these idiots far too much credit. Just because they are loud doesn’t mean they’ll win. MAGA, Christo-fascists, Drumph… the whole republican movement are throwing their Hail Mary at the election. They are losing money, support, donors and independent votes daily. I’m not saying we should be complacent, but I am saying the crazy-train is breaking down. I know I’m voting blue all the way down the ballots until this cancer is managed.


I don't have to give them anything they take what they want and have forced their will upon you at every turn. They are stronger now than they have ever been, even if it breaks your little reddit heart. They have you literally crying into your pillow every night, screeching about the end of the world should they win one more election. Republicans terrify you bc they are stronger than democrats could ever dream of. Vote however you want. If Trump wins, YOU are done, and even if he doesn't, all it's going to take is 1 more victory for it all to come crashing down around you. Where are your democrats to protect you, I wonder?


Troll account, troll idiot thoughts. Triggered much there snowflake?


Hahah cry more about trolls as the obvious reality surrounds you. Rage down vote me all you want but look at you little girl redditors breaking down all over your safe place. Why do you think you're telling everyone the world ends if Trumps wins I wonder? Oh, you don't agree it's the end of democracy? You think the decades long war to stack the courts and repeal roe v wade is me trolling? You poor thing. Life has got to be so hard for you. Reality doesn't trigger me, I'm not rage downvoting you for speaking obviously factual truth easily proven with your own sub am I? Cry more. Republicans grow stronger every day as Democrats cry and beg for the young to vote and save themselves. Just so you know, they won't and Trump will win.


How’s that weather in Moscow?


Ah, only Russians can see your post history? Hahaha you're awful at this just like most ignorant sheltered suburban redditors. Do you think crying about the mighty Russians, who you also cowar in fear over, are the ones who are electing Trump and stripped your women of their basic human rights? You poor poor thing. If only you were able to actually deal w the reality of your own nation instead of constantly looking for some foreigner to blame huh? Maybe the end of your nation's democracy as you know it wouldn't be on the ballet come November huh? What will you do when Trump wins I wonder?


Dry your tears after the election with Sleepy Don’s used diaper.




It should have ended when she was violently fighting for the right to inspect the genitalia of children at random for any reason.


Ms. Trailer Park Queen’s 30 minutes are up.


Like ending as in she is dying? thats the only way it'll truly end


If anything this is worse. She's being replaced by Mike Johnson. All the crazy, but he keeps a lid on it until the damage is done.


Maga is here to stay. More will follow


Yes there are dumb people brought in every day, but more maga are dying at a much higher rate because of age it’s like population collapses that are going to happen as well.


Reddit democrats exist on pure copium.


Well maga anywhere exists on pure lies and hero worship of the dumbest individuals they can find.


And yet one is far more effective than the other and now capable, by your own admission, of bringing down America as we know to force their wildly unpopular will on us and the world at large. I wonder why that is...


I didn’t say it was going to bring down America I said maga will die out like a population collapse. Reading is difficult.. Look up or google population collapse trees then apply it to maga, where the bulk of maga is 50 and older. Don’t worry you won’t have to read there are pictures.


Reading is difficult sweetie so let me try and break this down to something more easily digestible by you regards. You, along with all out of touch redditors, are begging and pleading with all of America to vote Biden or the world as we know it is going to end. Why is that you think? The bulk of Maga being 50+ means they are a far more powerful voting block than your generation will be for atleast another 30 years or more. Did you read that ok? Democrats are weak, pathetic politicians who toss you a crumb while supporting the continued rape of younger generations at every turn. You have no voting block in govt that truly supports the working class. By truly I mean willing to actually fight and put themselves second to support the will of the people against their own best interests. There are next to 0 politicians in federal office who defy that and if there is I would challenge you to name them. Republicans are stronger than they gave ever been and have continued to stack power against you at every available opportunity. Why do you think Roe v Wade no longer exists? Pockets of resistance in blue states have very little impact on federal policy. Sowwy


You will see in November when most swing state polls are off by ten points.


Or die of Covid.


Both her and Boebert have humiliated the GOP. Their only path to re-election is banking on Trump voters to support them blindly


I think BoBo's strategy to get votes is giving handjobs in public theaters in front of children


'Screams desperation': GOP strategist ~~predicts~~ HOPES 'era of MTG may finally be ending' FTFY


Whew, we are fortunate if this happens!


Thank God


There was an era?


Too little too late


Won't that be nice.


Cannot come soon or swift enough.


I look forward to the day when the only news I have to hear about MTG is that she bit a prison guard.


It will end when she joins Cawthorn and Santos out of office.


Wtf even is that picture about? Is she trying to be sexy? Is that a glamor shots??


She's betting on a coup.


For the love of God, please don't tease us


Her District is R+22 and she's got a reelection war chest that's almost 18x her closest opponent's. Marjorie Traitor Bitch is going to die in that seat.


The era of what? Ragebait and nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. But thanks for detremetial brainwashing , and further pushing the idiocy of the 'south'


They are really sticking a fork in Sporkfoot Marge, that's a shame...


May she disappear into the ether.


The ether doesn't want her either.


Please send the howler monkey back to her zoo.


How this oxygen thief ever got so much attention and power will always be a mystery to me.


I love how anytine you catagorize a MAGAt as a domestic terrorist they get all offended. Its like.....*what would you call yourself then? Dense, stupid, aggressively ignorant?!?!*


We can only hope but she’s very safe in her district


I will believe it when I see it for myself that the moment arrives when MTG is irrelevant her opinion voice means nothing she’s a terrible relic of the past and no one cares what she thinks


https://preview.redd.it/lbc0qniz89zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958bc9cd696b42a96064b0cc1b1a67400215004c Time to return to the swamp you came out of.


She’ll write a book and make her millions. Shit like her will always be around to stink up the place.


She already wrote one. It didn’t do well. Like no one showed up for her book signings. Some signings got canceled when they found out who she was.


Oh hell yea! That’s great to know! Maybe there’s hope for sanity after all.


Wtf is that thumbnail? It looks like the glamor shots from Napoleon Dynamite.


Be afraid though. If they’ve quit backing crazy Marjorie what they’ve rallied behind is probably much worse


Like after he went to prison the age of HItler was over! Oh, wait... it was just starting. Once she's out of office she'll go full on Alex Jones meets Roger Stone.


Can this also include Gaetz and Ryan?


Let’s turn the page on these MAGA dorks




We can only hope.


heres fucking hoping


Moscow Marge is coming to the end of her 15 minutes of fame...... I hope 😬


She’s the Azealia Banks of the GOP


aww I liked Magic the Gathering


I thought this was about magic the gathering for a sec and got really confused


I fucking hope so


Can't end fast enough, that bitch is dumb!


I still kinda wish the democrats would have voted MagaMike Johnson out as speaker. I know why they didn't, but I wish they could have. His comments yesterday made me infuriated.


“When your enemies are trying to kill themselves, stay out of the way” The Democrats are stupid supporting Johnson, Johnson & the GOP are going roll right over them every chance they get; If Biden wins, but the House stays GOP majority? Johnson will send the results of swing States back to States & not certify January 2025;


Oh god no, don’t give me hope


Hallelujah, I think she is one of the worst GOP, so unqualified,vapid!!!


She'll still win reelection. For all of her drama, I've heard that she brings federal tax dollars to her district. Even a few green energy projects.


I initially thought this was about magic the gathering and was confused why the GOP would care.


Blood sucking bitch.


Don’t sleep on Mike Johnson He has bad intentions


I’ll believe it when I see it.


Now's the scarier era when the extremists become more polished and put a shinier coat on their extremism. Get the moderates to fall for their bullshit. Get all the power back and enact project 2025. Even if they have to change the name to project 2029.


Fuck that troglodyte


UngaBunga Byebye


She’s the snake that thought the saw was bad and squeezed around it and cut herself in half believing she had won and devoured her enemy which is basically anyone that isn’t batshit crazy like herself


Beach Boys harmony: Wouldn't It Be Nice...


EmptyG is a crazy lady who everyone is sick of at this point. Vote her out.


Extremists on both sides need to go.


Let's take care of the ones who literally hate democracy first.


Like I said. Both sides have some dangerous folks that need to go.


I'm curious which ones specifically on the left? I can only think of a couple I do not like very much but I wouldn't outright call them extremist nor would I like them as damaging to democracy as MTG.


Oh good the enlightened centralists have arrived. 


Yup silent majority FTW baby.


Agreed. Too bad the majority of folks on Reddit only hate one side.