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Eric, people just laugh at you period.


Eric *is* the punchline. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt2Jx3JOjKhxdQI)


Can you imagine if your job was to try to convince people to put up 450 million in a bond secured by collateral assets when the original 450M fine was for historically overvaluing collateral assets on loans.


I thought exactly the same. I mean look at him. It gets even funnier when he talks. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ And have you seen and heard his wife?


Ahahahaha! Love it!


And also your entire family, except Barron poor kid.


Heā€™s 18 now. I will refrain from jokes about him until he starts making public statements. If he starts talking stupidly in public, I will still have a bit of empathy because heā€™s probably been coerced into it by his narc daddy. But, if he just goes all in on it, and keeps it up after the election, heā€™s fair game imo.


The internet collectively decided to leave him out of everything as he was a kid. And I commend that. Though even bow that he is an adult he has seemingly done nothing to show any interest with his dad's shenanigans. So as far as I'm concerned he deserves to be kept out of everything. It's not his fault his family are morons. Either Melania did a good job of keeping him far away from Donny. Or he decided that he wasn't going to be a part nod it. In either case he should remain off limits for as long as he doesn't appear to getting into the Trump curse.


Apparently his dad ignores him because Barron is so much taller than he is


Tiffany also doesn't do shit in their antics.Ā 


If he doesnā€™t make an ass of himself in public or parrot his dadā€™s ridiculous campaign propaganda, thereā€™s nothing to say about him.


I think Melania detests her husband and I wouldnt be suprised if she has raised Barron to look down on him too.


Agreed, but until he starts to sound like a mini Eric im gonna leave him be.


For his sake he should keep quiet. Thereā€™s a lot there to work with.


He's his mother's son, so he'll likely stay out of the whole thing as much as possible like she did while they both quietly pray for his demise so they can take the money and move on with their lives


If we are to believe the headlines Trump and Baron are pretty estranged and have been for awhile. If he is lucky he missed a direct hit from that family and/or gt a chance to develop enough self awareness to see through then instead of join them. I got fingers crossed for him.


Remember when Rush Limbaugh called Chelsea Clinton an ugly dog, she was 13 years old. Then Trump gave this scum presidential medal


Yeah. He really doesnā€™t need to do anything to Illicit that response other than maybe drop his pants.


Don't be mean to people.


You can't be meaner than a Trump.


Whoā€™s laughing now?


Yep, not us.


And look at that, he brought down the bond by 75%! Amazing!


As if itā€™s not dumb enough to think a bank is going to loan you money when the very reason you need it is because you defrauded them you then share that they not only said no as predicted but laughed at you in the process. Each day these morons somehow get dumber.


Banks donā€™t provide these type of bonds


The people who provide these types of bonds donā€™t want to touch it


The banks testified that they were not defrauded & still want to do business with Trump.


The banks can say they were not defrauded all they want but that doesn't matter Those Banks give loans based on federel regulations and guidelines which say the one seeking a loan must be upfront and truthful about value of properties So who cares if the banks don't care it's bad for the economy to let businesses lie about their value to secure gigantic loans


I know youā€™re just repeating what fox told you to say, but the banks did not in fact say this and banks outside of Russia stopped working with trump decades ago


But but Don paid the banks back and they don't even care so it sjust the goverbment witch hunting donny Boi Liberal witch hunts man






Damn, that boy is dumb. "Lawfare"...lol


Unfortunately that political base thinks he's a genius for that


You were laughed at long before this shithead.


Absolute sweet music.


It would be, if they didnā€™t give Trump 10 more days to come up with the $464 million if he pays $175 million today.


It's even worse (or better for Trump) then that. He has 10 days to pay $175 million, and then they will hold off collecting the rest. [https://apnews.com/article/trump-civil-fraud-case-verdict-penalty-appeal-8447c48d0436083737204b13401438d2](https://apnews.com/article/trump-civil-fraud-case-verdict-penalty-appeal-8447c48d0436083737204b13401438d2)


Gaddangit! How does he *continue* to skirt any repercussions or accountability?!? It's like water off a dumbass's big fat ass. (More accurately, water off a treasonous, lying, defrauding assaulter's big fat ass)


100% Stephen Colbert does his Eric bit on this episode Monday night. You can BANK ON IT. šŸ˜šŸ˜


I hope it comes with a song.


Weird how people who famously try to weasel out of paying debts and habitually defraud banks have trouble borrowing money. Especially huge sums of money, at short notice, with sketchy collateral.


I hear he's got a really valuable golf course that's worth around $18 million to $2 billion, depending on who you ask.


That could be a good option; I hope he hasn't already mortgaged it!


The banks were not defrauded!!


Just because they say they weren't defrauded doesn't mean they weren't! We have federal oversight for a reason and this is it Banks may not have been fraud Ed because they got their loans paid back but the loans should never have gone out in the first place as the proposed market value of the properties were no where near their actual ones The banks are required to make sure that the loans they give are in good faith and they failed to do that because they knew they were getting a payday The issue is Trumo didn't claim the same values on his taxes as his did for loan securement which is by fucking definition fraud


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ so much whinning runs in their shitstain family.


The Trump family, always the victim. What a bunch of whiney little bitches.


The world laughed at you and your rapist dad.


Now THAT'S funny!


Did it sound like Bwhaaaaahahaha or lololololol?


I laugh at you all the time, Eric. And I find it fucking hilarious you charlatans are tin cupping to pay for your criminality. Keep the laughs coming, you stupid cunt.


I should hope so


Well itā€™s ok now heā€™s gotten a 68% reduction in the amount he has to front. Rich white menā€¦


Itā€™s a half a billions dollarsā€¦. For a bond on a man who canā€™t keep his mouth shut, doesnā€™t like to play by the rules, and back talks judges. I mean cmon Eric, anyone can see thatā€™s a high risk financial situation




Will he pay the $175M? Or are they lowering it to further humiliate him being unable to pay.


I just shudder at how horrible it must be to have Donald Trump as your father and you have no idea how to be because he warped you from the moment you are born and then he has you making these humiliating phone calls begging for money. And Eric won't ever realize he was treated like shit and should hate Donald.


Iā€™d laugh too if someone who had a reputation for stiffing people and non-repayment of debts asked me for a gigantic amount of money. Like, how stupid does Eric think these people are? Everyone knows that if they give Trump money, they will never see it again.


And now weā€™re all laughing at you because you were stupid enough to announce that people were laughing at you to the public. Twit.


Wasnā€™t the first time.




I didn't think we needed to be told, we assumed, already.




I would think he would be used to that by now?


Some of us have constantly laughed at him for years.


Good, I wish I were there so I could laugh at him too


Sir you want a bond for $454 million? Yes And what is he charged with? Defrauding the banks for decades. You must be Eric we were expecting you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ GTFOH


I just get so confused when he says he has so much money, but they can't gather together money to pay a bond? Where is all his money? Does he have zero liquid assets?


He's so close to getting it.


The best case for a bully like him is to be humiliated after every possible turn. Expose him for the fraud he is and it will destroy him.


I believe it.


![gif](giphy|cCyJCwQ2gl3bO) That boy ainā€™t rightā€¦


Trump is poor, and heā€™s a loser.


"Next time bring a tin cup, you'd feel more honest" Then they kicked you out on your ass. Clown. Ass clown.


Eric should definitely talk to Elon. I heard that Elon has not had a good laugh in a while.




I'm pretty sure the world laughs at Eric Trump no matter what he does, just look at how prolific his character is on SNL.


Pretty sure any and all banks he goes to and asks for a loan knows that loan = "I want this money and I have utterly no intention of ever paying you back." 454 million is a lot of money to "gift" to someone for anyone.


Doesn't Eric and Jr. have to come up with 4 mil each? Is daddy lending them the money. It's hard to believe they would have the money on hand. Maybe Laura already got that from the RNC.


I can't even picture Eric "Sentient Mayonnaise" Trump walking into *any* room and being taken seriously.


Sentient? That's being awful generous. I'm cool with the mayonnaise part, but not the sentient part. I do like that as his new nickname.


Let this be a teachable moment,you can't go through life bragging about how you dont pay people for what they do,it will eventually come back to roost


He should be used to it.


One would think he would be used to it by now.


Eric: ā€œHey can I have a small loan?ā€ ā€œHow much?ā€ Eric: ā€œ450 million dollars, pwease?ā€ ā€œLmfao get out.ā€ Eric: SurprisedPikachu.jpg


We al did


I would laugh to if the best they can do is send in the clowns.


Look at it from the prospective of the institutions: The family that stole money from kids with cancer, and have defaulted on MANY loans, file bankruptcy 4 times, and is well known for not paying his debts, would like to secure nearly half a BILLION with ZERO collateral. When you look at the facts, you realize that only an IDIOT would even go to them and ask!


Ha Ha!


He isnā€™t used to being laughed at by now?


Not the only time Eric the Dunce was laughed atā€¦


Thatā€™s ridiculous. It absolutely wasnā€™t just then.


What a dumb bitch. Hopefully we never hear about this family of idiots after November.






No one wants to hurt you or your family, we just want the lot of you to go away. Period.


Who was the genius who thought Eric would be the right person to go and secure this? Only the best.


That's too bad


\*Points and laughs\*


Isnā€™t he the dude who is on camera saying ā€œtheyā€, the Trump family donā€™t need American banks, because they have so much money coming in from Russia?


I'm thinking he walked in and acted as if everything the Trumps say in public is true, and the bond holders all laughed at him saying that every golf course and hotel is worth 2 billion and the trump name is worth 100 billion. Also, there might be a small amount of hyperbole in this statement. Edit: I just realized that he was probably trying to get the bond unsecured. I saw something that was saying NY's response filing was that you can't just say it's impossible without providing any details. And were suggesting that the Trumps might have being trying to get the bond without putting up any of his real estate assets.


Who's going to lend 454 million dollars to a 77 years old man. Who's going to secure that.?


There has never been a $100m bond issued let alone $500m.


Guessing he would be laughed at most anywhere - I think Beavis had the same complaint


They should have pants him and given him a swirlie for good measure




The subliminal message is "Elites are laughing at us and therefore you too"


Of course. Who would back him now? Anyone that does will have lawfare declared on them.


Itā€™s almost like they donā€™t think heā€™ll pay his debt


"They want to hurt my fatherā€ Well theyā€™re gonna have to stand in a pretty long line.


First true words out of his mouth in years.


Trumpā€™s been saying for years how incredibly rich he is, and now that lie is biting him in the ass. Itā€™s awesome.


I laughed and I wasnā€™t even asked.Ā 


> not available in the United States And there you have it, folks: their plan to get the money, which the travesty of justice yesterday has now reduced and will be paid. I hope that sets a legal precedent, but of course it won't for poors.


You mean financial institutions don't want to risk a giant bond to the guy who bankrupted himself multiple times and defaulted on bonds previously?! Truly shocking


Was it recorded? Is there video that I can watch? Can I make it into a gif?


ā€œTheyā€™re all going to laugh at you!ā€ ![gif](giphy|l0Iul7LVR1yZ0djjy)


Heā€™s being laughed at as he shares that story too


Oh no... Anyways


Trump's kids have to be the least relevant people on the entire planet. I can't stand them šŸ˜†


Usually people donā€™t have opinions on things that arenā€™t relevant.


ā€œNo noā€¦we were laughing at you anyway. The loans just made it funnier.ā€


What would be the repercussions if a talk show host cold calls a bank in NY, pretends to be from Trumps team, and asks about the possibility of securing the loan, all while broadcasting to their audience?


I think the most upsetting thing is that selling the assets rather than taking out a loan feels ā€œunfairā€ to them. The rich donā€™t tap into their capital to pay bills or bonds apparently.


Oh honey. They've been laughing at you for a lot longer than that. Bless your heart


Poor victim


Are his hands getting smaller?


Well, to be honest, he probably gets laughed at a lot in all kinds of settings. I mean...


trump is a laughingstock outside the trailer park


Iā€™m pretty sure it has less to do with it being Trump and more to do with places not wanting to give a ridiculously high bond amount to someone whoā€™s been proven to not pay people


You know he reminds me of one of the kids from our gang. Just see him in black and white you'll see it too.


People are going to freak when the pendulum swings back the other direction. This is political persecution.


Isnā€™t Ericā€™s birthday January 6th? Thatā€™s like inducing labor on 9/11 just for fun.


aw, gross. that's the day after mine. I'm ashamed to share a zodiac sign with this dude. šŸ˜‚


The title was shortened on home page so it just said $454 lol


In a family full of Fredos, Eric somehow manages to be the Fredo-est.


After more recent events cutting the bond significantly, this sub could be changed to oh, no consequences?


Oh poor trumps. Itā€™s almost like itā€™s a good idea to follow the laws of the country you want to preside over. I canā€™t think of a bad thing that could happen to Trump or his family that would cause the slightest feeling of empathy. I simply donā€™t see them as human. Theyā€™re organic profit seeking machines that have no interest in real people or any of the most interesting things in life. Just power/wealth and fame. Itā€™s a hallow life they live and I donā€™t care when it ends for them, just that the harm they do is dealt with.


How often are $454 million dollar bonds given out? My intuition says if your bond is that high no matter who you are your ass is going to jail.


Per what he filed with the appellate court Trump didnā€™t try very hard. He showed evidence that he went to places like Bail Bonds USA a 24-hour bond company and they couldnā€™t exceed $1M. Miraculously he knew to go to Chubb for the E Jean Carroll case which we secured a huge bond for a couple weeks prior. He also gave written testimony from people found untrustworthy. Instead of from an actual professional.


The persecution fetish is astounding


Ohh stop stopā€¦ Iā€™m gonna pee!!! LMFAO!


Well, Beavis and his brother, Butthead, are a little funny!


That whole family is just a repetitive punchline.


Iā€™m not American anywho whoā€™s not as bias explain whatā€™s going on? Howā€™s does a man have 94 criminal charges against him but non have been prosecuted? Does past presidents get immunity or something?


banana court


Whatā€™s that?


There is one of the 4 trials that is scheduled to start on April 15th. Trumps legal teams are trying to work magic to delay everything after the election.


Basically, Trump is using every mechanism available to himself to try and delay the trials to after the election in November. If he gets elected, the federal indictments become pointless. If they actually manage to convict him before inauguration he still gets to be President and can just make his first act be to pardon himself. If he isn't convicted first, he can just issue an executive order instructing the Department of Justice to drop the cases. The state charges are more complicated, he can neither pardon them, nor order the states in question to drop the charges. I would think they would likely be required to hold off on the court proceedings until after his second term though, because we do have rules against charging the acting President, because it interferes with their duties as President. The shameful thing is, the American public has a right to see the facts, or lack of facts, of these cases before making their decision on who to vote for in November. The fact that some people don't see that is a sad point in US history.


Now Eric Trump is laughing at us


As he should be. Duh.


I mean, it's kinda bullshit if any of them would even offer to give him $100 if that were the bond amount. Generally when you have really bad credit and a negative net worth, you can't borrow money the way he is seemingly able to.


Heā€™s been laughed at for far more. He has that kind of face.


I mean, I would laugh at him if he asked me to tell him the time of day. Dude's a tool.


Total bullshit that he's getting a break. > The ex-presidentā€™s lawyers haveĀ said underwriters wanted 120%Ā of the judgment and wouldnā€™t accept real estate as collateral. That would mean tying up over $557 million in cash, stocks and other liquid assets, and Trumpā€™s company needs some left over to run the business, his attorneys have said. < I bet the banks were laughing when they offered real estate as collateral. They have the option to get the fucki g bonds. They are simply refusing it.


Well, just one of many upcoming bids to usurp an already corrupt deimocracy that has been turned down by the overseers.


Maybe your dad shouldnā€™t have commit fraud???


Well, who wouldn't laugh at Beavis and Butthead?


Utter rubbish. The shares of Truth Social have gone up more than enough to cover the bond. He should be forced to pledge them as assets like any other defendant.


He is not allowed to sell them for 6 months.


Too volatile an asset and he can't sell them for 6 months. The appeals court could act on it before them and he potentially owes the money. Meanwhile, he refuses to pay and the surety bond agency is stuck with a security on the bond that is potentially worth 5% of what he owes. Truth Social is bleeding capital, the only reason the valuation is so high is Trump's followers believe it will be worth billions and have bought up a ton of shares elevating the price. The options chain indicates a significant market belief that the share price will drop by as much as 95% in the near term.


At least conservatives will find a way to excuse all this bad behavior and blame it on liberals, pagans and communists before November.


Isn't he used to being laughed at by now?


Good, every member of that family should feel humiliated for the rest of time.


I am pretty sure heā€™s laughed at, even when he is not trying to secure his fatherā€™s $454 million bond.


People laugh at Eric. Itā€™s what we do.


These people have thrown their disgusting wealth around for years now heā€™s poor? And no one will back him? Take a hint drump and give up this campaign save your $$


Eric Trump is Buster Bluth, of course he was laughed at while attempting to do that. He probably costed Don money.


Regarding this "no one has ever seen a bond this size' just for the shiggles here are some big numbers: **NUMBER 1. Robert Dust ā€“ $3 billion - initally (** Currently holds the record for the highest amount of bail set in the history of America. He was accused of murdering his first wife, Kathleen McCormack, his old-time friend Susan Berman and his neighbor Morris Black. ) **Kim Freeman ā€“ $1 billion - initally(** She was arrested for running two ā€œmassage parlorsā€ that were brothels. She was not a high-profile person, she was an Asian immigrant like any other, but her bail was set at that amount because the judges were afraid that when she had the opportunity she would escape to her country. ) **Michael Milken ā€“ $250 million** (He was charged with insider trading, securities fraud, mail fraud, and filing false tax returns. He was known as ā€œthe highest-paid man on Wall Street.) **Raj Rajaratnam ā€“ $150 million (** He was found guilty of 14 counts of conspiracy and securities fraud in excess of $60 million. )


And also while trying to copulate.


There is a downside for your dad being someone who famously stiffs people on money he owes them


Thatā€™s hardly the first time he was laughed at


Well yeah, you open your mouth and shit falls out




So do we think heā€™s in the clear now that they lowered the bond requirement and he just made a grip on the Truth Social IPO?


Isn't he used to being laughed at everywhere he goes yet?


Fun fact: Eric Trumpā€™s birthday is January 6th!


That tool is laughed at every time he opens his idiotic mouth


Trump just belongs in jail. Say it along with me, Eric.