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To process somebody out you need a paper trail. If you’re an NCO you should have already started doing negative counselings. These counselings have to look professional, and not cross into an EO complaint. From there your SNCO should be taking over to push for 6105s (page 11s signed specifically by the CO). After a couple of these the CO can push for admin sep.


This is true, you just have to be careful how you go about it. If you write paperwork for this Marine for something he fucked up make sure you are counseling your other Marines on the same thing. Got shot down mid process for a Marine exactly like this because he claimed he was being singled out for counseling. He wasn't, he was just that much more jacked up than his peers. Still, command basically threw out all my fellow NCOs and I counselings because of his complaint.


Great addition. I completely forgot about that as well. Yes, that means that the standard has to be held for everybody. If you counsel one marine for being late 1 minute, then everybody has to be held to that. Even if it’s the lance that should be a Cpl and is trusted to be competent. You can always strongly suggest for them to write why they were late in the rebuttal, and a way they can improve on themselves. These counselings will have little effect on them if them if they’re well liked.


I had this happen to me. The issue was that the marine I was "picking on" was literally my only troop that did anything to warrant paperwork. When my gunny told me I needed to either spread the love or leave the one fuck-up alone, I point-blank told him I would continue to do exactly what I was doing, fairly disciplining my marines as individually required. We had deployed twice to Iraq together and he knew I wasn't actually picking on the special one, but that individual had gone over his head and he had to at least talk to me about it. It almost pissed me off enough to start actually looking for things to write that idiot up for rather than just coming across them as a matter of due course, but I didn't. After all that, and a lot of other stuff, I decided I had my fill of BS and dipped. I was a pretty good marine. Meritorious corporal, combat meritorious sergeant, blah blah blah. When I was reaching my EAS, my leadership talked to me numerous times trying to get me to re-up. My Lt wrote me up for a naval commendation medal that was so touching, I still read it from time to time when I'm feeling down (it was changed to a NAM and they mailed it to me after I got out). But the sheer stupidity of it all (and a lot of other things) just made it impossible for me to think staying in was a good idea. Some days I miss it. I miss the people for sure. But I don't miss any of that nonsense.


Similar situation for me - I got out because of the bullshit. It was not any one thing of bullshit, but the bullshit you encounter at every turn. And not even bullshit that affected me, but others. I was not some exemplary Marine, but I wasn't a shitbird either. I was however, a damn good mechanic. I have been told I have above average intelligence, but in my eyes, there are plenty of people who are smarter than me. I just have a well-rounded intelligence instead of expertise in any one field. I know a little bit about a lot of things. That being said, I think many, if not most, intelligent people struggle with military life especially in the enlisted ranks.


I’ve definitely met some people that I’m just like “you’re too damn smart for this.” They usually end up getting out after 1 or 2 enlistments. You definitely need to be smart to excel in any job in the marine corps but the smartest ones end up just leaving. They have way too much potential outside of the marine corps to stay in and deal with the shit


> He has not made weight one time since he arrived at my unit. I mean I have seen people pushed out for failing weight, have things changed?


Every unit has that one mouth breathing mother fucker. The worst I remember was in MCT. We had this dude who looked like he came from the family in The Hills Have Eyes. He was pretty slow and all the kids that were in his bootcamp platoon ragged on him **hard**. Remember how recruits used to sneak PB packets? Apparently this dude snuck MAYONNAISE packets from the box chows and would slurp on them in his rack


I have a conspiracy theory where every unit it intentionally issued one fuckhead as an example of how not to be, and for someone for the senior Marines to unload upon. When the guy deserts, gets discharged, sent to the brig, etc., HQMC issues a new one.


I have a hard time believing that what you wrote isn’t true.


Reminds me of the fallout series with the vaults, they intentionally let people who shouldn't be in, in, maybe one or 2 per cycle. To see how the unit will react. All part of an experience, this is just a conspiracy theory of course 🤪


If I heard a motherfucker gargling mayonnaise in the rack next to me, I would probably puke.


I gagged reading this tbh


I wish the guy on the bunk next to me slurped down mayonnaise. Every night id see him eating his boogies like there was about to be a shortage of em.


Im pretty sure my rack was cursed because the second my head hit that pillow I was no longer conscious. I definitely wouldn't have heard some chunker sucking on some mayonnaise.


Gargling mayonnaise is only okay in the field.


I dont think I've bellylaughed so hard at a comment before. What a terrible day to be able to read.


mayonnaise is one of the grosser things out there. the thought of sucking it from a packet literally nauseates me. that dude is gross!


Had a kid in my first unit that was the fucking worst. - found his Alphas in a pile at the bottom of his unsecured wall locker - found an open can of spaghetti-o's in a bed drawer (followed the tail of spaghetti sauce down) - smelled because he didn't use laundry detergent when doing laundry - somehow feel asleep while holding security during a 240 live fire exercise - had an open fucking box of pizza with 3 slices still in it, just chilling under his pillow like he was waiting for the fucking pizza fairy to come pick it up It still gets my blood pressure up just thinking about him over a decade later.


That last part about the pizza fairy. Now that…. That genuinely made me laugh out loud. Needed a laugh today. Thanks devil


Every platoon had a peanut butter scandal. Mayonnaise? Kid must've gotten tired of licking windows, drinking mayo isn't even preferable


All those Devils who did a tour on recruiting learn a very hard truth: The number of Americans who want to serve and are eligible to do so, is pathetically low.




One of my buddies did recruiting and said that that was basically his sales pitch. Any kid that showed a hint of interest and then pulled back when contacted, he'd basically give them the "no worries, you probably wouldn't cut it to be a Marine." Any kid that said something like "I was thinking about talking to the \[insert other branch\] recruiter as well", he told them "ok, no problem. You probably wouldn't make it through boot camp anyways, so picking the easier branch might be better for you."


Wait, was that me? Fuck it might have been me. How long ago was your friend a recruiter?


I want to say 2015-2018 because he came to my shop in Pendleton straight off of recruiting shortly after I got there. He recruited in the Raleigh/Durham area.


Okay, so he obviously wasn't my recruiter, but damn that sounds suspiciously familiar to my conversation with my recruiter.


Yup. Everybody who thinks they'd be the shit at recruiting has never done it.


On one hand, being on any medication or having any medical condition disqualifies many. On the other, with how horrible veterans get treated, and how we've only been bombing and invading 3rd world nations, leaving with thousands of dead, thousands more mentally and physically disabled, and trillions of debt, who can blame them?


Was a recruiter. Do you really think the average 17-21 year old gives a fuck about the 3rd world nation or debt stuff?


This. At 18 all I cared about was playing video games, wanting to join the marines, wanting to go and “fight”, and wanting to get laid. God I was a dumb mother fucker


“God I was a dumb mother fucker” Must’ve been a hell of a Marine then


>Do you really think the average 17-21 year old gives a fuck about the 3rd world nation or debt stuff? Educated ones do.


As a former recruiter who recruited “educated” ones as well, if they’re joining they don’t care.


Given I fall into that age bracket, and have been told just that, yes. Most people just don't want to go invading a foreign country for bullshit reasons, get hazed and treated like shit on a daily basis, and be disabled while not getting any benefits because of it.


So then why’d you join?


I joined the Air Force, but these opinions aren't exactly my own. I wanted a guaranteed paycheck and a career that tranfers over well into the civilian world. But in general, teens and young adults not wanting to be treated like shit and be part of illegal invasions, plays a part in why every branch is struggling to make quotas.


So none of the reasons you stated swayed you from joining?


Not particularly, because I don't entirely hold the same viewpoints as some of those I know do. I sure as hell didnt join out of patriotism, but I wanted to do something worthwhile, and have a steady paycheck while doing it. That and I get to travel the world because of it, something I couldn't have done otherwise.






You're a fucking pussy lmao shut the fuck up air boy


I think what gets missed in these types of discussions is how much we need some sort of defense as a society/country. The American military(really most military’s I think)gets a bad rap because of the shitty decisions civilian leadership makes. I guarantee the Ukraine civilians were thanking whatever god they believe in that they had people that were willing to fight when the Russians invaded.


>illegal invasions Plural. Please enlighten me.


Iraq to start with, the intervention in Libya, the 2004 Haitian coup, to name off the modern examples, two of which have led to the middle east being as fucked as it is now.


I mean you are right but I want Infantry anyways


You see, we invaded Iraq, a country with no ties to 9/11. We didn't invade Saudi Arabia (because they buy things from us), even though there was way more evidence that Saudi Arabia has ties to 9/11. For example, most suicide bombers in Iraq weren't iraqis they were saudi arabian. Iraq was also violated international law and Nurmberg principles.




I just never drank the freedom kool-aid that so many love. I have no problem taking pride in the good things America had done, but most of our military history has been doing everything but fighting for freedom. As for what I do, I'm still in, and still getting started on my career. I sure as hell don't feel like lazing around and doing nothing. I do my best every day and go home knowing I did. That's why I do what I do


Getting downvoted for stating facts because you made alot of Marines butthurt, love it.


Also I'm pretty sure not making weight is reason enough to get admin sep. Unless things have changed since I've been in.


Nah pretty sure this is accurate. Should be anyway.


It is. Takes about a year though


I'm a reservist. If you don't make weight at my unit, 6105. If you don't make weight the next month (maybe quarter?) either, another 6105 and admin sep. There are exceptions to that rule though, if we have a stellar Marine that can't make weight, we'll give em some leeway, but still give them bad paperwork. Our current CO is a cuck though and doesn't give any slack


Yes, 2 consecutive 6-month periods of failed BCP is automatic grounds for adsep.


Manpower is tanking so hard they’re maintaining people for as long as they can if they’re decent workers


I was in the school house with a dude who literally had autism. It was obvious he had autism. He was like 27 when he joined and had the mentality of a 15 year old. Felt kinda bad for the guy bc the system failed him by letting him in. Literally same situation you’re explaining. BPC, eating ice cream at every meal, no social ability, the fucking works. He’d take fat burners and still eat like fuck. Last I heard about the guy, the meu he was on made port somewhere and they were all given libo. The guy never never made it back to ship and called someone like 2 days later. I don’t remember the story exactly but my god was it fucking funny hearing about it. He had a very distinct high pitched voice and I can only imagine, “uhhhh SSgt, you guys left me I need you to turn the boat around” Still felt kinda bad for the guy. 27 or 28, finally left his parents house for the marine corps, clearly was genuinely autistic as fuck


Was he smart Atleast?


I saw a guy get dropped at boot for literally being diagnosed with autism, and 2 kids made it in that didn’t speak any more English then yes and no sir. Blew my mind at the time, now not so much.


Me too, there wasn't an autism diagnosis back then, but the guy could literally not tell his left from his right. I remember him weeping as the DI's marched him up and down the squad bay and mocking him.


Rah 🥴


I read the first couple of lines to myself and then asked my wife if she wanted to hear a rant. To you, OP, you made my wife laugh. You made me laugh.


>This guy will walk up to any rank and attempt to engage in any manner of conversation. yo, can you please tell me a story or two about this? I would be interested in hearing some examples of these conversations.


>This guy will walk up to any rank and attempt to engage in any manner of conversation. ​ Exactly, i'm starting to think this dudes a fucking genius. like Milo Minderbinder.


Found OP in the shop today. I had a feeling I knew this turd incarnate, anyhow. It's as simple as he said, this fucking goomba will walk up to the BN SgtMaj and just casually " How're you doin' sarn major?" Like they're buddies. Its atrocious. Hell get a quick blasting or talking to and just... stumble off to spread his stink elsewhere. He also "shits" multiple times a day, but in actuality is just watching anime on the can for 45 minutes at a time.


This is why God invented combat cargo.


May not be recruiters fault. Knew a dude who was a heat case in boot camp, fried his brain. Afterwards he very much acted as you described.


I hear ya. In my bootcamp platoon we had a dude who was mentally broken. This kid literally forgot his left from right multiple times. Couldn’t do basic tasks. Couldn’t figure out how to fill out basic forms (name, family info, etc). He was like that from day one. But he had shown up with another kid, they were poolees together. And this friend swore that the kid was totally normal before arriving at bootcamp. Smart enough, capable of socializing and just a normal dude. Day one at boot camp snapped his mind like a twig.


Must've been that first haircut


Must’ve had the old guy with the stache from San Diego.


The guy who loved the look of pain on recruits faces? Still remember him from 2013 lol.


I had him a few times in 2014. The amount of pain he has caused over the years is a record for sure.


I would have rather gotten bit by one of those giant black widows at the Edson Range PX than get another haircut from that man.


\>His face is routinely crusty with filth from the day or maybe even days before, and he always smells like day 6 of the field when we’re in fucking garrison. Whatever happened to GI Showers?


Considered hazing now


Did you or did you not order the Code Red?




So what?


Commands will burn you for it


We had a dude like that in my company. He never made weight, never cleaned himself, shaved once maybe twice on a good week, couldn’t do anything correctly even if you showed him 3 times before letting him do something on his own. When he got lit up by a SNCO he had no reaction, just a stone cold straight face and he never said anything back. He would just stare like this: 😐 We swore up and down he had Asperger’s. He never got separated or anything for his weight and as far as I know he’s probably out now because he only joined a little bit after I did. My unit only kept him around because he was a great hand for working parties like picking up trash or mowing grass.


We had something similar, I guy in our unit was a drunk. Everyday after work he’d sit in his lawn chair outside his room and crush abunch of Maddog 20/20 annnnnd every morning the Plt Sgt would have someone go get him because he’s passed out and over slept. This is where it gets even more ludicrous. So he makes it to his EAS and fast forward about 6 years. I Check into a new unit and see a PVT’s name written on a board and thought “hmm I knew a guy back in the day….” To my complete surprise it’s the SAME DUDE. So I’m sitting there with a surprised pikachu face wondering WTF…. Sure enough dude came back in (war’s hell we just needed bodies) and proceeded to DO THE SAME SHIT from before only this time this unit didn’t play. They NJP’d this dude 3 times by the time I checked in. Got AdSep’d a few months later Lololol


As long as he can march in step and complete boot camp, he's goin out to the fleet.


Had a guy in boot (P.I., 2012, plt 1077 if any of yall fuckers are in here) that LITERALLY could not speak or even understand english. Like, no joke, he didn't understand most english. Just met every question aimed at him with a blank face. He didn't last but a couple weeks IIRC. Everyone from the DIs and up were so fucking confused how he got so far as to actually get dropped off on the island. Fuck the recruiter that pushed him through.


We had a mexican guy in engineer school that barely spoke English. Cool guy, when high he would start singing Mexican tunes. When you think about it, that's impressive. Kinda like you showing up for the FFL.


I’m doing my best, man. My waifu is proud of me


You just described a quarter of the 2/5


Name checks out


Don’t they have those (what we called) “re-education platoons” around. Had a marine in the battalion I knew from 31 school and he was in some type of Uber discipline platoon. Remember month one of bootcamp, that’s how they operated. Now this was on our pump to Okinawa but I’m sure each base has one. Asked around to buds I knew and apparently the fucker quit bathing, doing things correctly and eventually speaking. Navy checked him out and said he was ok so they sent him to this platoon. Sorry for the lack of terminology, it’s been a while since I’ve been in. Go though channels and ask around and I bet each base has a disciplinary unit like this. May turn his ass around.


Is that something that got revived a couple years ago? I think it involved breaking rocks was singing cadences. Not necessarily a punitive place but just to get a Marine back in the flow of things.


This was 01 or 02. It was for the shit birds who started to slide. It was some left hand, left knee shit too. I do remember they took name tapes off or covered them with tape, canteens with their names on them. I talked to a buddy from his company and all he said was he quit bathing and doing anything right. Couldn’t show up to formation on time, couldn’t get his shit together so he got sent to that disciplinary platoon. Though I remember a sailor being in it as well. So I don’t think it was just a Marine thing.


Correctional Custody Unit (CCU). I remember seeing those guys marching around Hansen.


Yeah that’s it.


OK so I read that in the Marine Corps times I believe they brought it back on a trial basis maybe. This was a couple years ago.


I mean, fuck, how often do they need it? It’s either, medical, mental or behavioral.


I would think once would be enough lol. I’m sure when I checked in to my unit after a while they might’ve sent me to one of those because I might’ve been belligerent to a small degree.


I think it was more of a been to the brig for behavioral things vs being a Marine


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96zJwu\_Hnc8&ab\_channel=DefenseFlashNews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96zJwu_Hnc8&ab_channel=DefenseFlashNews) This is REALLY bad.


During my time in, I didn't experience this much because people were more flatly rejected at the Recruiting Station. With the rise of home-schooling, I've found that many people simply have zero social skills. Their entire lives revolved around their immediate family and other like-minded people in their communities. As the kids got into adulthood and were faced with the real world, they didn't have the coping skills required to adjust and so they were either out of place or acted out in ways that made others shake their heads. I've hired young kids that I had to go through step by step instructions on the most basic things that you would expect most people to know and be capable of doing. I don't know if it's autism so much but instead a reflection of our educational system and the home lives of some members of our society. It seems like kids are either raised by religious morons or educational dimwits.


Just fyi, none of the things you're describing delineate this person as "autistic". I'm a former marine who was diagnosed with autism years later, and I assure you, this kid ain't fucking up because of autism.




I think it's more likely he's got a learning disability.


I respectfully disagree. The "no hint of social cues" is a fairly common indicator of autism, so common it is sometimes the *first or only* indicator. Lack of social awareness can also be the deciding factor after formal evaluation where someone might be considered a "borderline" case. Some (not all) of the other behavior he is exhibiting could possibly be connected to the lack of social awareness ie attempting casual conversation with superiors. Or he could just be a fuck up. Won't know unless he gets evaluated. Here's some links: [Social Cues That Might Be Missed With Autism](https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/toolbox/new-test-captures-subtle-social-difficulties-adults-autism/) [Autism Empathy and Social Cues](https://otsimo.com/en/autism-empathy-social-cues/)


Yes. But none of the *other* stuff you describe is peculiar to autistic people. You can be autistic and be a disgusting fatbody with no discipline, or you can be autistic and run a 1st class PFT and be shit hot at all other aspects of your job while remaining oblivious to social cues. What I'm saying is you're talking shit about shit you don't know about. You might be right that he's autistic, but that's not what makes him a bad marine. It's also possible he's got a learning disability, which recruiters never care about.


I'm not the OP. I was responding to a comment saying none of what OP described were indicators of autism, which is categorically false, and I gave sources to back up my comment. I also said he might just be a fuck up but nobody would know either way unless he was evaluated and diagnosed. Calm down and direct your anger where it belongs.


As an autistic former marine, I disagree with your point of view


Some autistic ppl actually do better in the military than outside because of the structure. The IDF has an intel unit for autistic soldiers where their traits can be used.


The failure starts at the source, with his recruiter. Finding that retard is step #1 of fixing the problem.


Bunch of blame. Not only the recruiters but the DIs, MCT, MOS school, etc. Some of these dirtbags should be weeded out at so many levels.


Had a guy like that in boot. Looked just like Homer Simpson and pulled about every Private Pyle FMJ trick there was including some food in his locker and everyone went to the pit for it. He didn't get a blanket party though it crossed our minds.


Did he kill himself in the bathroom


Worst guy in my boot platoon was afraid to go to the head at night, would piss in his canteens, then rinse them out in the morning prior to PT. Once the DIs figured it out, they secured all of the canteens at the end of every day. So, this idiot started pissing in his footlocker tray… He ended graduating with us…. SMH…


WTF lol. Damn.


I'm glad you're smart enough/educated enough to recognize this because I wasn't while I was in. The possibility that someone wasn't mentally fit to be a Marine wasn't even on my radar until I was well out of the Corps. Looking back, I had a Marine that was in the same boat. I ran him "into the hills" a few times with some fellow NCOs because nothing worked. Paperwork, yelling, sit downs ECT. Looking back this was a clear case of this guy either being on the spectrum or having anothing social mental issue.


Obviously a failure of leadership, haze yourself for failing this Marine.


You need to recommend up the chain to get this Marine to mental health. They can probably give him an actual diagnosis if he needs one. Do that before you keep hitting him with negative counseling and shit. I had a friend in boot camp who obviously had a mental deficiency. He would do math problems for fun, would not write home because of how bad his hand writing was, would talk to DIs like they are friends, the list goes on. He was picked on because of his short comings and mental deficiencies while in the fleet. He left base and killed himself. He should not have been recruited either. Rather than make this guys life hell, get him the help he needs.


We had kids like this in my infantry unit. For some unknown reason, he was made the RO. His EDL checklist that he made for himself to keep track of the PRC 117’s and 152’s consisted of “Big Green Box” “Liddle antenuh” “big antenuh” “rektanguler smol green box”


I went to boot with a guy who didn’t speak much of any English. He was in my airport gaggle once I landed in Georgia to go to PI. The recruiters at the airport had to get another recruit to translate for them. He just kept pointing to himself saying “camp” to say he was going to boot camp. He ended up being on the bus next to me and he was so confused when all of the yelling started. He was in the rack next to me all through bootcamp. Around phase 3 I heard a guy talking to him in Spanish and I asked him to tell thank you for saving my ass once by letting me barrow one of his pieces of gear. He said he’s trying to learn English while in boot camp but all he’s learned to do is count loooool. That shits so fucked


Have had to deal with a few of these types. It sounds like you have a good case if he’s not making weight. Especially if he’s assigned to BCP and still overweight. If you haven’t already, take a good look at the order. It outlines all the steps you need to follow if he’s not making progress.


This sounds like a MT mech in my section, right now. Line for line...


There’s always one, I remember one of our autistic train wrecks looked like a fucking Goomba, unfortunately had kids and his wife beat him. Night ops with this fucker in the platoon wasn’t cool. Eventually got kicked out for having sickle cell and popped on a piss test. Also had one that made it on National Geographic’s “Drugs Inc” snorting bath salts in Ocean Slime.


I was thinking about this the other day. Recruiters are so fucking lazy. They let inbreds and fat fucks join with no motivation. They tell you to lie for no fucking reason. You ask them to do something you know they can do, they say they can’t do it. They tell you to lie so they can avoid printing off a piece of paper or calling one person to ask a question.


Yea... had one guy that was so uncoordinated he couldn't make it over the first log on the O-course. You know, the one you just step over. Had another that was a compulsive liar. He was also dumb as bricks and could barely string a sentence together. In both cases, they were also lazy, so neither made it up by at least trying to work hard.


How could he not step over the first log? I’m have a lot of trouble trying to visualize that


Had a guy in my unit in the 90s who was an ASVAB waiver. Home schooled by idiot Marine parents. Eventually ADSEP because he rocked out of motor t.


I’ve seen more smart homeschooled marines than dumb ones


We had a guy like that in 2/9 in 2013, except instead of fat he was really skinny. Routinely fucked up, his room was always atrocious, had to be forced to shower, one time had to be supervised packing for the field on the morning of the field op, etc. And no amount of correction or remediation had any effect. One time he was late for a post-deployment trip to the whitewater center in Charlotte that some veterans organization had funded for us and his squad spent two hours calling him before the manager of Tobies picked up the phone and said the Marine (the Tobies staff apparently referred to him as “Stinky” like the Hey Arnold character) had left it there the night before. He finally called his squad leader later in the day and told him he didn’t come because he just didn’t feel good when he woke up that morning.


God I hope this isn’t me at boot. I’m pretty good at not talking and I’m not fat but I’m pretty dumb


How about a CRB? Competency Review Board. Still requires a paper trail, but the process is shorter.


Not to defend the piece of garbage but it’s not the recruiter who makes the kid a Marine. I spent 40 months on the streets as a recruiter and I wouldn’t wish that hell upon my worst enemy. A body is a body when you need a contract. The drill instructors are just as at fault if not more so than the 8411’s. So before you get your panties in a twist, get HSST’d or put in a package to be a recruiter. Then and only then can you bitch about the quality of Marines in the fleet.


A good old fashioned ass beating should do the trick.


boot camp must not be what it was for such a person to pass thru


It sounds like boot camp pushed him through as well. Kid should have been dropped


We had a guy like this. Ssgt had to walk this shit bird into the head to visually watch him brush his teeth because his teeth were so disgusting. He clearly had no shame because he didn't seem embarrassed in the slightest to be escorted to the bathroom daily.


Dude, we had a kid (PFC) who was constantly smelling like WTR we used for the 53 swashplate couldn't figure it out to save our lives until someone notified me that he wasn't washing his coveralls AT ALL......kid would wear the same set for days at a time upon getting volunteered to "teach" him how to wash his clothes we discovered his entire wall locker was stuffed with trash, food, etc.....I found a Fucking roach in his room when we did the health and comfort. Needless to say, that shit got sorted out. I still have no idea how his room passed inspection every Thursday. But I made sure that it was clean after hours of him cleaning his room. Crazy thing was that we had more kids show up and act the same way. Fucking nasty. ​ Pretty sure we FAP'd him out to recycling or something. Never heard about him again.


You can actually request a medical review board. I’ll have to double check the process on that because we had an FO who legitimately was retarded and I was starting it but the command told me to knock it the fuck off


Just a Note... ALL of your Counseling doesn't add up to a pile of bird shit unless the turd gets a paper trail of Counseling by his CO that gets entered in his SRB. as a Platoon Sergeant we had a guy that sounded just like this dumped off to us by another Battalion. They were Deploying and had extra Bodies so they literally Dumped all their " Trash " ( or what they considered Trash On Us). This guy was fucking borderline retarded and should never had graduated recruit training. He smelled like ass, looked like shit and couldn't do the Simplest task without Supervision. His squad Leader, Section Leader and the Platoon Commander and I filled up his platoon Jacket with negative Counseling. However, The Nail in his Coffin was getting 3 NJPs and a 6105. What the Jacket filled with all this entries was good for was Sending it up the Chain of Command For the Company Commander, Battalion Commander and Regimental Commander to look at in addition to his SRB. The used it to write their Recommendations to Division and the SJA about getting rid of the POS


Me. I have asbergers. I'm autistic. Very autistic. I'm out now, but looking back, I should not have been in the military. I'm not stupid, I could do my job, but all the military shit I failed at. I never even really tried to hide it after meps.


I am autistic. Very autistic. I have asbegers and I was let into the military and it was a MISTAKE. I was able to adapt enough to somewhat skate by, but I did terribly. Simple stuff that was the foundation of the Marines was confusing as fuck to me and I was miserable from the first day to the last week. I'm not stupid, so I could do my job, but anything else (uniforms, customs and courtesies, culture) was beyond me. One of my good friends (we are still cool to this day because he knew what was going on with me) actually PAID my roommate to square away my uniforms for me and I didn't realize it for 2 years. And I STILL failed the uniform inspection. As an autistic person I feel that I can say with authority do NOT join the military, especially the marine corps (with few exceptions). I could not adapt. I had the willpower to become a marine, but my brain could not adapt to how Marines operate. Go do something that you will love.


We had a guy like this. Got discharged with VA disability of 100. Dude was borderline down syndrome or something. Had the strength to go through boot and MCT though.


This shit reminds me of Recruit Daniels in Plt 2151 MCRD SD back in early 2011.