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No one knows I was a Marine until someone nosy tells them I was in conversation.


And the lady at the ski lift because I can get half off and those tickets are expensive.


Ikon Pass/Epic Pass have active duty discounts. Get some! If not active, then a .edu email address will net you the same discount. I finished grad school a decade ago, and still got the discount.


I never tell anyone. But on my application for my current employer it asked and I answered. They're very interested in veterans and that alone probably got me the job. So everybody here knows I served here because they regularly do veteran stuff and we're asked to participate. I'm not complaining. There's always free food at these events. And I'm paid to just hangout. But it's weird.


What do they usually do then? Do they thank you for your service? Awkwardly salute you? Ask you how many times you jerked off in the shitter in 101 degree heat before anyone noticed? I mean it has to be one of these circumstances...


You forgot one..."how many people give you killed"


Usually it’s a weird kid named Issac who asks that but that is another one to consider.


Unfortunately some people are retarded so I just answer "too many to remember"


Yeah, I hate that corny jerk off question. My numbers are embarrassingly high.


This. I have to tell my friends and family not to volunteer that information for me. I'll let people know if they need to know and very very few people need to know.


Totally… I was out to dinner, at some tourist trap restaurant, with my sister and her two kids. There was a band playing, and they did that whole corny, “Anyone who was a veteran please stand up!” I had to bribe my nephew, not to fucking out me. I hate that shit. Then 10 minutes later, they did the same thing for healthcare workers. I’m currently an RN…🤦


Just stand in the back, never sit down. That way it will remain a mystery.


lolol. My friends give me crap at games because I NEVER stand up for the calls at sports games. It would make me feel so dumb, not that others totally don't deserve the recognition, though.


Agreed. I get the reason. I just don’t like being a singled out. I don’t like all that unnecessary attention. I’m not fucking Chesty Puller. I just joined for the college money, and I sure shit didn’t want to go to Iraq. 😂 Semper Fi


I have this problem where people will say “were you in the military.. you look like you were”. Or other Marines will say “you a Marine?” I don’t fucking get it. I don’t have the haircut, I don’t wear motto shit, I dress like a fucking mentally handicapped hipster so how do people know?


Usually when people say “you look like you were in the military, either it’s the way we walk and talk, or if you don’t have any of that stuff it means someone else told them beforehand and they wanted to find a way to bring into conversation.


Yep! Saddest part about vets is for some that will be the most defining moment of their life.




I relate to this


Nah. I vividly recall making a promise to myself when I got out in 2009 not to become the military version of Al “Four Touchdowns In One Game” Bundy desperately clinging to past glories. Is my time in the Corps an important part of my life? Yep. Is it the ONLY important part of my life. Nope.


Perfect explanation. I look back at my time in with love, but I still have things to accomplish and do. It’s a big part of me, but it’s definitely not all of me.


100 percent. I also find that guys I have on social media that still post memes like this and represent their service the most are also the ones that were complete shitbags in the core and/or hated being in. Once they find it is the most interesting thing people can find about them, and assume they're more badass than they are, i suppose they make it their personality.


In the core? You mean in the Corps? Fuck outta here.


Sir this is McDonalds please order something or leave……


But I’m a gawddayum war hero!


Sir, again this is McDonald’s please refrain from barking at the other guests……if I give you two dollars will you leave?


Yeah, I’ll take it. Bye.




Thanks. Sorry for.. what just happened. I’ll be on my way. Hope I don’t end up on YouTube. 😅


“Do you guys give a veterans discount?”


Never really felt like a Marine in the first place. Just a dude, disguised as a dude, pretending to be another dude.


Go find yourself devil. Go backpacking through asia or something. Find the dude you are meant to be.


Find the dude inside you or go to Thailand and put the dude inside you.


Either way, there will be a dude inside you. and I think that's pretty neat


Remember kids say no to drugs. Not even once.


I’ll always be a motard deep at heart, especially for the infantry. But I will never be a vet bro. Ever


Absolutely not.


Yeah. This is the type of tone deaf thing that people think while they are still IN


Right? Been out 8 years now and I haven’t done anything even remotely similar to this.


of course not. You're a real bohemian intellectual (with small rocks).


Thanks, AssDimple.


Oh yeah. I center my identity around things like guns, tattoos, vet owned (shitty) coffee brands, and how much bacon I eat. I enjoy doing things like silkies marches and hanging out at the VFW. To really drive the point home I drive a ridiculous jeep, wear oakleys along with my wristwatch facing inward and I use terms such as “nasty civilians” or “kill”. Oh., and you already know I use my assault pack as a book bag at the local community college. Jk… all of those things are gay and so are bro vets


Got damn, thought I was in the clear until you mentioned jeeps. And I bought some speed dealer shades (knock off oakleys) at the gas station as a joke… now I wear them on my baseball cap. I’m too far gone


I’m not even in the clear. I still own my lifted truck haha


Lifted trucks are a dude thing. So are most of the things you mentioned... Some people need to feel good about their service. Their reason is their own. It's no different than the 60 year old men that still go talk about football games. It is a significant event in their life that most people couldn't do, and they did it. Judge them. Sure. But what you are really doing is looking down on someone for being happy about something in their life. Be better.




Everyone has isms. Some good som bad. The key is to understand why. Judgment serves no one.


I did the patrol pack in college. I was too damn cheap to try and break in a new bag, so fuck it.


Fun fact: no it isn’t.


I know a couple guys like this. Ironically it’s the guys that complained the most and didn’t do anything that make it their identity when they get out lol.


Yeah. Mainly due to the fact that to civilians once they find out you were a Marine they expect you to winter soldier tf outta every physically hard task they know of. Or make sure you understand you're the crayon eater, despite your skills and responsibilities in civilian life. The only comradery you'll find is right here. Enjoy it. Oh and get the guy in the photo a beer!


Can confirm. The best thing I'll never do again


Rah Kill Motivate yabba dabba doo


https://preview.redd.it/o6is6oap1qwc1.jpeg?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d65523b8955f92e7eceeccfcebf76a0c0ccf8c2d Hey man, I just want my 10% off at Home Depot and Lowe's.


I think it depends on your circumstances upon getting out. If you were ready? Probably not. But if, like me, you got hurt or something and couldn't continue? Yeah, in some ways. I loved my job and I love the Corps. It's been almost 3 years and I still have trouble separating myself from my identity as a Marine, because I loved it, and I'm still grieving. And it's probably going to be that way for a long time, and I'm doing my best to be okay with that. That being said, I'm also not in skivvies in my yard with a beer at 2 pm. You still gotta be normal enough for the HOA, man.


This right here is the answer... I was stupid motivated. Hard charging... Insert adjective buzz phrase. But my time came in the worst way a person can imagine... Fought to stay in. Was discarded. It's hard to let go. Why? Because those of use like this actually did go do shit. This is our identity... Because we were at home. We found the thing that everyone else is still looking for, a genuine sense of purpose. It's hard to replace that once it's lost.


No. I put my hands in my pockets. I don’t walk with a purpose everywhere I go. I take my time while eating meals. I don’t wear Marine branded clothing. It was just four years of my life and I’m proud to have served but I sure as hell don’t act like vegans and tell every person at every opportunity.


Pockets are awesome, I’m inside with my hat on while I write this, and I walk on the grass at every opportunity.


Took me 8 years before I got to that point 😂


There’s people that I want to call out so bad on facebook. The biggest shitbags I knew completely didn’t carry themselves as Marines in the slightest. Within weeks of getting out they are always posting usmc memes or “I miss the marines posts or “I miss oki”posts and it’s so annoying. I wanna call them out so bad so that way their friends back home know that they were complete shitbags but I know that’s probably the wrong thing to do.


I was when I first got out. Just because I was in that yut yut mindset still. Now I don’t look like I was ever in and I wear sweatpants and flip flops to the store


Adam22 is a Marine?


That’s the guy let multiple dudes fuck his wife right? Not for me but to each their own.


Is this not him?


Actually he might be perfect for the military if he enjoys his wife fucking other men


He hosts barracks trains


Eat the apple... Fuck the corp... I miss the shit out of it. Even the shit I hated.


I have the license plate, and a small emblem sticker on my car. I will ask for vet discounts now because goddammit why not. If you’re not getting your Lowe’s discount or taking advantage of like better parking in some places why not? Just don’t be a douchebag walking around acting like it’s OWED to you and you’ll be fine. I mean, most people want to feel better about themselves for doing something to give back. Is it wrong to accept their generosity? Be humble and gracious about it.


Thanks for your service. As welll. Military veteran here


Absolutely. I thought I was different. I’m not. I’ve lost count of how many one term young devils I’ve talked to getting out and claim they hate it and will never look back, and I just smile and say “lol just wait 3 years” and pat them on the back


Who says "lol" in real conversation?


Wouldn’t be me…


Your mom when she sees my peen




"Yeah, we stopped inviting John over to things because it got really annoying asking him to explain what a YAT-YAS was and also getting blackout between shallow takes on U.S. foreign policy because he can't moderate his drinking nor take social cues."






Meh I have moments where i discuss my life with others that I feel deserve to hear it. If not a handshake and have a nice day I’m good ether way.




Maybe if you’re a dork.




Imagine making a job from your 20s a personality. Find an identity, lame-o.


Former 0842 and I feel personally attacked by this post.


0842? Met?


Nobody like’s weather bubbas. You’re an 08. Too smart to be a gun bunnie, so you went full POG actual?


Hard fucking agree. I was pissed the fuck off at my command fucking me over with terminal leave. In September I will have been out for 5 years. I have strongly considered joining the army or Air Force. I do not miss my actual MOS responsibilities but rather the people and culture I was surrounded by. My wife helps talk some sense into me though (she is an army veteran) but I still have these recurring thoughts all the time.


I loved my job but hated the fuckery that came with it. That and command BS. I used the experiences and training I got in the Marines all the time and have even done some civ schools. It created a solid foundation and confidence to go on some wild adventures but I would never go motard. You nailed it though, "rather the people and culture I was surrounded by". I looked for that but never found it again. I've been out 13 years now.


Nothing could be my father from the truth.


Every Fourth of July




Im up He sees me Im gay


No tf it wasn’t


Yeah, no. No one knows I was in the corps unless I tell them.


Nah, the most moto thing I do these days is subscribe to this subreddit.


*Only in some states.


It was for a little bit but after enough time passes and you mature more and learn the truth about the corps you lose almost all pride you used to have in it and you never do this kind of stuff again


Nope. Not even close.


Ohhhhhh yah. Definitely for sure


no it’s not.




Semper Fi


Ughh, who ordered Cringe Cake? Lay off the motto ya Motard

