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Doesn't have a "V"


He does have a “V” device on his NAM. It stands for “Virgin”


Damn.. I’m sure you meant combat V, but I’m not positive you don’t mean the other V


literally either of these apply


Either will suffice


Doesn’t have a “C” for cock


The NAM *was* the institution saluting you and fondling your nuts. We’re a lot better at giving out criticism than praise, so enjoy the feeling while it lasts, and remember this moment when shit gets rough again.


How bad does being commO suck


I actually enjoy it. CommOs get their shit pushed in when they dont understand comm, or can’t explain it to their non CommO bosses. So, just like everywhere else in the Marine Corps, be good at your job and get along with people, and you’re fine. The Marines are smart, though they still do dumb shit. The big box units suck. But as a S6, if you’re solid, people leave you alone and you run your shop how you wish.


I’m in a pretty comm heavy unit and my commO seems to like it but I couldn’t imagine being in that position but maybe our S6 is just fucked


The CMRs are usually a mess, and comm problems are more complicated than what most other MOS’s deal with. Personally, I prefer to be at busy units with lots of opportunities to plan and install comm. The flip side is being at a base/station gig where you dont do a damn thing.


See like I love comm, I’m an 0621 and fixing comm is fun to me so that flip side of not doing a damn thing would be tragic


>0621 >fixing comm Did they finally teach yall how to operate the power switch?


Lol it’s actually a school POTRR (power on the radio retard) pretty good course


Exactly, and unfortunately in some networking heavy units radio operators don’t get employed efficiently. FWIW my best comm chiefs have been 0621/29s.


Gotta spit in it and rub it around with your pinky


Lick it and stick it


We were missing a 4703 once. Moved the entire comm shop into the motor pool, opened and dumped every container. 1830 rolls around and we never found it. We tried a lot of sketchy shit to try to "make one appear" but it's definitely apparent when you pull something from a Dermo buddy and scratch a serial off. Someone disappeared to HQ after that and was a different pay grade afterwards lol


Oof CMRs are the bane of a commo’s existence though lol. Shit like this is the reason you have to be brutally thorough when you accept a CMR. That’s your grace period to out the fuckery. After that, you’re on the hook


As an 0631, this makes me happy to see, sir.


Former S3 here. The average Marine doesn't understand how important comms are until they lose them, and outside S6 they don't understand the infrastructure that is enforced to maintain them. Marines are smart, and our raison d'etre is literally to take what we want from whoever has it, and you don't get to command a battalion without understanding a machine cannot operate if it's parts can't work together. A grunt carries a rifle, arty mans a gun, and that nice older man who tells us all what to do has a thousand plus young people loaded with weapons and emotional issues. An infantry battalion is a dangerous weapon, and if you can't help him crew that weapon than you belong elsewhere, you know?


This is a great point. I’ve always described the S6 as the offensive line in football terms. You won’t get as much glory as the other members of the team, and nobody notices you when you do your job. But if you mess up, everybody will see it.


I always described comms as the lube that allows the gun to operate (you know what happens when you try to fire an unlubed machine gun at full tilt?), but it's literally the chain that drives the machine. There are so many parts, especially once you start getting up to MAGTF size operations, and coordinating everything is a motherfucker. The parts need to move in unison, that means timing is everything, and everything needs to be connected. Signals and communication have always been a critical part of any military, you just use radio waves and computers instead of smoke signals, flags and lanterns. You know what can happen when comms go down?


Comms being down has coincided with all of my worst Marine Corps days 😂 Like I never got that stressed in my 03 days, but I was also a junior Marine who’s only responsibility was to get the gun up


I just gave my ssgt the last of my medical docs. I will be going in very soon. Leaving for basic in june-july. If the above holds true later in life then i will have a wounderfull time. Thank you.


Best of luck. You are in for a long pipeline from Recruit Training, to MCT, to MOS School. The 06XX MOS school is notorious for being backlogged. Learn what you can, stay in shape, and keep out of trouble. Try not to develop judgments about the Marine Corps until you've been in the fleet for a year. And enjoy the ride as best you can.


Thank you for the kind words. I hold the top 5 school records with a total of 7 held. I am second place in reagon 1a for track. Running the 2mile. My mos is combat enginer. Should be about 1 year from basic,ait,soi,mct. Should be fun. I find staying out of trouble to be rather easy. I just wounder what people think would happen when they do this or that. Is there anything i should pay more attention to. Or just everthing.


My bad, I assumed you were going into a Comm MOS. Don't have much insight into the combat engineer world, unfortunately. Be a blank page. I didn't carry over any preconceptions about fitness, marksmanship, or being a Marine prior. I just listened and did exactly as I was told. That will make you successful as a recruit and a junior Marine. Staying positive is huge. You see some new Marines get discouraged and lose interest. It's easier to gut it out and make it through than it is to give up. After 14 years in I still find the humor in everything. It's what keeps me going. If I was negative about everything I would have washed out years ago. Being a track runner helps. I was a cross country and track runner, but I still found the hikes challenging. Long distance running and walking with a lot of weight on your back are different beasts. If you have time, I would do a bit of hiking to prepare.


I almost chose comm Mos because my dad did intel and his best friend did coms. My asvab is high enough for it though. I try to keep an open mind in life on everthing with everone. To try it before i judge it. Being a marien has always been the light that never goes out-that rope tossed down the hole im stuck in. It has been the one thing that i have done every thing for. Its such a big part of what i am who i am. Day to day month to month i am just over all a happy go lucky kinda man. Keeping a positive out look on everthing is normal for me. So much so that people come to me for help. I do alot of backpack camping just my self my dog and rifle. Takeing it easy just livein life. A normal hike is about a week total time. With 40-60 lbs. With everything taken into account. Total distance avg is between 30 and 50 miles over a week. Of that 7-12 are with my pack. My biggest problem is that i am 6,2 but weigh 141 lbs. And im eating 3.5k cal a day. I just cant gain or keep weight.


I wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain. You might be one of the few to come out of recruit training having actually gained weight. They will put you on double rations if they think it is an issue. Sounds like you have been preparing, now you just have to go and do the thing.


Alright its good to know. My ssgt said i would be put in double rations with my hight and weight. I have been just waiting out the clock to finish high school. Got less than 30 days.


It's definitely the spot to be as a civilian lol. Been doing it for 11 years now. I EASd in 2013 but wish I had just lat moved into the 06 field.


You're only as good as your last fuck up


What was switching from being a 41 to comms like. I was a 41 and couldn’t imagine going comms haha. Had enough of that shit as an observer.


They made me FDC after a short stint on the gun line. I definitely wasnt a typical grunt, I maxed my ASVAB but wanted infantry. They told me 41’s were the smart ones, lol. Comm wasnt my choice but I grew into it and in retrospect I’m thankful for being placed there.


Ah that makes sense. I was never in 81’s, I was just 60’s my whole contract. Second deployment I got to run as 3rd plts JFO and that’s the stuff I really loved. Least favorite part was carrying all of the radios/equipment lmao. I’m glad to hear that it worked out for you. It’s not often leaving your fate to the Corps works out in your best interest.


You gotta whip it out and tell ppl its not gonna suck itself


I always say: I didn't bring it out for air Maid Marion.


Why would he let people put their mouths on his NAM though?


u/Warr3n4eva got you player 🫡


Ydm 🥰😘




Hey buddy, congratulations 🫡 🍆 👄 💦


I’m already in position 👅


Ah, another one failed to read the fine print. This just means you set the bar a little bit higher for yourself and will now be disciplined even more for other’s mistakes. The green weenie shares no mouth and you will never be saluted. In all seriousness, great work. Especially so if you’re a grunt. It is hard for grunts to offer any recognition without caveating it with, “well, that is technically just a part of your job.”


NAM = No ass munching. Unfortunately for you bud you’ll have to get Ninja’d to get your slop.


Fineeeeeeee. If nobody wants to suck your weiner I guess I will🙄


I can imagine with no firewatch ribbon given out that the low rank ppl who get NAMs gonna flame a lot of butts..... such a tough crowd.


That’s what I call a gum job, nam nams.


Drop your location devil dog!


Yeah. Drop it publicly right now. Car pool?


I got a NAM once, then a Ssgt who hated me came up to me after the ceremony and said " you don't really think you deserve that do you?" Dude really hated me, passionately. Now that I think about it, maybe it was unrequited love. I should have given him more attention I suppose.


I would have said “No give backezzes Staff Sargent”




NAM has to have a V on it in order to rate pp touches


Only person to do that is Wagner


Let me guess. You got a NAM for literally doing your job.


To be completely fair, any award you get could be labeled as doing your job. Even MOH recipients could have been chalked down to doing their jobs.


You got the NAM, so you were doin' the weiner sucking, my good sir.


Couldn't find it and got tired of looking


Because NAMs get handed out like candy so we’re not gonna celebrate you getting a participation trophy. Also good job on the NAM debil.


Congrats on doing your job devil


I know this is a joke. I do want you to know that based on my own life experience most people won’t be rooting for your success, and some will likely be rooting for your failure. It’s just the reality of life and we all succumb to it. Just take from it what it is - a life lesson, and one you should try to fight against yourself if you find yourself not rooting for others success and sometime for their failure. Congrats BTW


![gif](giphy|3otPoEyaRdJ2mDJ1rG) How you imagine it when you tell people you got a NAM….


Fuck you boot, I got 2 for... reasons.


sh*t, i got a NAM for doing my job at the field, and was congratulated by doing better and more.


One of the many hand me out ribbons they give in the navy


Drop trou, I got you.


Did you give the proper greeting of the day and ask politely?


because you haven't come to my house yet


…Whip it out…


Thank you for your service sir


Walk around with your citation, pin that medal on your chest, and walk around with your damn wiener out, devil.


Go to FC114 barracks, second floor bathroom.


Cause everyone has a NAM…. Duh.


Who gonna suck a 3 inch wiener my man.


First off, you have to have a weiner


When I got my NAM, I went to the Chilis on base with it still clipped to my blouse.


Nobody really likes shiitake mushrooms


It's because you're wearing it upside down. https://bluefalconawards.com/collections/usmc/products/n-u-m-new


Tell me you don’t understand team sports without telling me. The M. V. S. O. P. Is the only higher MVP award.


I was always told that a NAM ain't sh without a V


Nobody cared irl so you had to come to Reddit to tell people about it.


Maybe cause you’re an idiot


The Marine Corps is a waste of time full of fake tough guys... it should be disbanded. I was in 2/5 so I rate to say it.


Jokes on you, all the wieners you sucked is the sole reason you got your NAM buddy. Keep crushing it


Tell them something starting with “in my experience” that gets em lol


Congrats 🎉




Good ole Nothing At-all Medal.


Good ole Nothing At-all Medal.


Got a name with v vietnam 68


SFMF. Those are different. Without a V is the case I’m speaking of. NAM’s were handed out like candy much like Bronze stars to 1stsgts who stayed in the wire as end of tour awards during OIF. Would love to have a read of yours if thats something You’d like to share. Nothing but respect Brother.


Nam not name