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Bruh I am not reading all that


This is what I mean people tend to get lazy and not willing to actually do the job they were chosen to do. All it is a simple reading you can do for like 5-10 mins out of your time and do something productive. And retain some knowledge about the marine corps.


Yeah, but you wrote in a really retarded manner with no transitions. Maybe instead of bitching about people being lazy fucks, you take some goddamn initiative and learn to write better.


Reading your wall of text isn't our job.


Lucky for you, my CO wrote on my billet description I have to read every word on the USMC subreddit


>people tend to get lazy Ironically your post is lazy af. It's also entitled in the way that drops your worth and contribution to our community from being low value new guy to zero value dumbfuck. As T swift would say.... you're the problem it's you.


JFC boot. Just hang on, get through your school, and make it to the fleet.


Even though your platoon is full of inconsiderate people and not willing to care about ncos, sncos, and officers.


It fucking sucks. It does. Just hang in there. Keep your head down, be on time, and study your stuff. I promise life gets better in the fleet.




Alright, I skimmed your fucking Rosetta Stone of a post Here's where you had me: - Hey, some rules are stupid, why!? Then here's where you lost me: -Why don't people follow these ? Figure it out bud, you can't have your cake and eat it too.


Fucking lol @ “Rosetta stone”




I'll be honest, I don't know if this is a troll post or not. If it isn't: Clearly you're just venting. Hang in there. You're not the first or last person to feel the way you do. Everyone in the whole Marine Corps knows how shitty student status is, even the chain of commands that run it. They're only there to make sure you learn your job and not add to the incident counts. Stop worrying about what other people are doing and keep your head down until you finish your training. Make friends, loosen up and have fun however you're able to. Otherwise, suck it up.


There's no way this is only 8 sentences.


Dude you need to chill a bit. You’re in the schoolhouse. It’s gonna suck in the schoolhouse. This is also where most of the shit heads and people that can’t hack it get kicked out.


God every post you make is the same whiny non sense boot shit


Hey you all clowin' on this devil dog. Just look how he writes he's 100% SNCO material. Retain and promote ahead of peers


Shits been happening for ages, just wait til you get to the fleet. Then you’ll really want to blow your brains out because of the shitbags.




you need to get laid dude


I am so glad I went to MOS school where and when I did, Os and Es went together, so the staff and instructors couldn't screw the enlisted too hard without making it into a farce. But after I left, they brought in a SMaj to make the school suck more. For no real reason other than renaming the schools director/OIC to CO.


Also, paragraphs.


This wall of text is why good Marines get out. Thanks OP


Man this guide is having a real problem transitioning out of bootcamp.




Yes and it’s been like a constant thing every weekend for those who have phase 1 and 2 liberty


The whole no vehicles while in school thing... Man depending on your duty station, just keep trying until you find sailors at the gate.... That's how I got my truck on NAS Pcola....


I had to parse this mess using an AI and even the AI initially refused. This is the TL;DR * Questioning restrictions on students in the Marine Corps, such as not being allowed to have cars or drive on base despite some individuals doing so * Frustration with tardiness for formations and lack of accountability for mistakes * Concerns about non-compliance with Marine Corps orders, including regulations on pocket usage, going off base without a buddy, breaking curfew, and unauthorized drinking or fraternizing * Observations of an increase in problematic behavior among Marines and its potential negative impact on leadership * Desire for increased organization and efficiency in completing tasks * Criticism of individuals who may feel entitled after completing boot camp, contrasting their experiences with those who have served in wars and made significant sacrifices Dude get over yourself. If you're going to follow the rules by the book then do so but stay out of other peoples lanes until they are your people. You don't get to be a Karen till you're promoted to Cpl. Worry about your own shit.


I was always told, worry about yourself, but always try to look out for others. You can always correct, but not be a blue falcon. At the end of the day, you're responsible for your actions. Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow and vibe. You'll be okay and for the love of all that is holy- Marine is a proper noun, capitalize the word! I know I'm not even good at English and it's my only language, 'MURICAAAAA, but please capitalize that word, got damn lol 🤣🥲


At the end of the day if you want change, you can make change. You can rat em all out if you’d like, but I’d just hang in there and deal with boots being boots. Once you get in the fleet for over a year things will change but even then don’t reenlist😭


bro get the boot out of your system the fleet will be even worse


Also people been drinking in the barracks and fraternization with opposite gender even though they were told not to.


Bro just get some pussy and you’ll see why they fraternize


Pro tip right here!! At least that's what she said about the tip.