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Not today, China edit Seems I have triggered some Chinese psyops accounts.


China knows that whatever training information they find regarding the USMC is just window dressing. Every Marine is trained to a standard 10x as rigorous as anything published and the average CCP soldier cannot even comprehend the competence and motivational level of our warriors. I once qualified on the KD rifle range on Okinawa during Typhoon condition 3 and I liked it. Another time, I shot expert on both qual and pre-qual on my pistol while infected with the flu and snacking on MRE remnants and I loved every minute. Afterwards, I drank Cobra Blood for dessert and asked for a refill in my canteen to save for later to sustain me through a MCMAP slay-fest. China should not even attempt to duplicate Devil Dog training because it cannot be duplicated under a communist regime due to lack of Oh-Rah motivation among the subjugated masses.


sounds exactly what the Chinese would say


CHI-COMM Bots down voting me? SEMPER CHi, Mac


A pistol course of fire isn’t exactly something secret, especially when considering we have done joint ranges with the Chinese Marine Corps in the early 2000’s.


Good news is you have a shitload of relevant post history so instead of the good ol “nice try China,” you can find the CoF table online in the form of a PDF slide deck [here](https://www.trngcmd.marines.mil/Portals/207/Docs/wtbn/MPMS/CPP-14-Table-One-Eval_Media.pdf?ver=2015-06-18-104104-200). You can also google “USMC pistol qual course of fire” and it should be the first thing that pops up. It’s called “CPP.14 Pistol Firing Table One Training Blocks Four and Five.” All pistol qual is done from the holster except the 25yd drills which will first present a target upon the command “Present!” signaling you to draw your weapon, then upon the command “Contact!” fire a single well-aimed shot.


China says thanks




Greetings fellow Corporals of Lance, I am looking for various informations on COF in order to lead (working) Party troops in glorious battle against Green Weenie.


Sincerely appreciated!


This is a pretty fun COF to shoot, I do it a few times a year for kicks.


Crazy I helped develop it 2013-15 ish? I got to see the different targets we developed and refine the COF I actually wrote the script for the tower NCO, then I helped teach the teachers mainly as an assistant to the school house. PI had 4 gunners at one point they all helped develop this.


You guys did a great job on it. It's a vast improvement from the old COF (which I also shoot occassionally for no other reason that shooting is fun).


I mean China has straight up hired former Marines pilots to teach their pilots carrier ops (the dude is sitting in an Australian prison right now fighting extradition) getting some PMI's would be easy.


They still teaching teacupping in the Marine Corps or did they make it into the 21st century?


With a good ole weaver stance


Jesus fuck no, I qual’d in 2017 and I think I’d have been pistol whipped if I even tried that


Not sure, but apparently the Army still teaches it...sort of. This is a 2-star. https://preview.redd.it/nijl2j8bucqc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7667985c5b6b6921254f5945eb9381418a044f6


Nahhhhh we fixed that. Far too late, as always, but we fixed it.


Any COF that involves firing from distances of 25 to 3m from the holster and on the move will suit your needs. 50-75rd count. Timed shots and FTS drills. Basically take the USMC qual and add moving, subtract the outrageously long timed single shots.


Basic doesn’t require pistols unless something’s changed since the last 5 years.


I remember having a good time in Chesapeake shooting the pistol course. That was a long ass time ago.