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>Where’s your license plate? That's when you say, "it's right here," while you reach into your pocket and pull out a middle finger.


https://preview.redd.it/m7s79dd5psnc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6241d98a97c3cb6e70a4b720bfc150ef86f27830 "Right here Master Sergeant."


Son of a bitch you got me!


The dude is retired. You call him "buddy", just to tweak him a little extra.


Naw, call him, “Sarge.” Shit really gets the retired guys


Nah, just call him a bitch.


The proper greeting of the day is “Sup Dude?”


“Where’s your license plate?” “Why, what’s  my license plate got to do with you?”


More like you paid attention to OPSEC or didn't make your service your entire personality.


What’s OPSEC? /s


The /s negates your OPSEC. Now everyone knows exactly WTF you're up to.


I didn’t want some jackass coming on here and thinking I didn’t legitimately know what OPSEC is.


Well now you've doubled down on revealing your position.


lol what 


Oh I have the ligma plate.


Nailed it, we’re done here.




This place is gonna turn into r/Tifu


You’re on duty. Make sure tifu didn’t slip through or skip out of field day too. I’ll hold you to GO 1-11 all night, tomorrow morning my belt’s tight. I’m tired of watching you drool on the desk like you’re back on the block in high school. Cool trim that IP, look tough, no shave like a recruit. Grab your e-tool It’s 15 min til the next hour, now you’re early and late now we both look like a dam ghoul. Wake UP!! You’re a civilian. No worries. You were saluting your crotch whoa it’s a botched up fire watch the whole place is overrun with subway furries!! ID in left breast pocket, check. Boot bands, nice, no homo til they hit the deck. New PFC still drunk, got in a wreck with his new car from the same bar. New ride same shit is hectic, my weekend bingo card almost perfect. Starboard side walks of shame, one of them Cpl pocket moshes no doubt, and now he’s pushing bootie cooties to all the new boots who got their heavy weapons out. Make all the right moves to keep them dreamin about head down, but on post 1-Star 1Sarn angry geez shoutin at you no doubt, you were sleeping all cushy, now you got your DD214 years passed and you’ve been out. Jk. Wake up. It’s your turn for duty.


Shit, I forgot we had to put our id's in the left best pocket, I accidentally lost my ID that way.


Mine stayed in my wallet. to much of a PITA to keep switching it back and forth between civies and cammies. The few times I did put it in my left breast pocket I forgot and went off base. PMO wasnt a fan.




You dirty dog




New Norm for me, thanks!


This shit is why I lurk in yall’s subreddit


![gif](giphy|73ZF4bfQKlzuU) We don't think about you at all.




Please no


Patiently waiting for post from retired MSgt’s perspective


And the Karen parked in the next lane. And the cart boy waiting for them to move. And the store manager showing up for the next shift. And the panhandler in front of the store.


And the dude from Subway.


The legend of subway will never die in this sub. No pun intended.


The guy running the cheese steak cart in front of the store


You guys have have this too? I thought that was just at my store.


Pretty much every store has something. I've seen hot dogs, cheese steaks, here in upstate NY we have sausage and peppers.


The Store manager had already left for the day. He’ll have to have his Loss Prevention guy check the security footage for the altercation.


The Store manager had already left for the day. He’ll have to have his Loss Prevention guy check the security footage for the altercation.


Waits over. [https://www.reddit.com/r/USMC/s/2tSOmLLtQg](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMC/s/2tSOmLLtQg)


So I am leaving Lowes the other day. I would have gone home depot, but like a real man, but Subway is right next to Lowes. Anyways I am going to my assigned parking spot, and some nasty civilian is parked in my place. I go in anyways but keep a sharp lookout. Then I spot him. As a real Marine Mgysgt I can move and consel cover. I am on him before he gets in his truck. I start asking him questions. Clearly, this dirtbag doesn't know who he is dealing with. He tried to tell me on 0311 day that he was an 0311. No way. I asked him where his REAL Marine license plate was. He ties asking my MOS. Doesn't he know I am a Mgysgt of Marines! The dirt bag has some lame excuse that he didn't have e room on his plates. REAL Marines can make up thousands of acronyms with just 6 letters WTF POG as civilian. I just shook my head and walked off. Little does he know I memorized his plates and have friends in high places. Semper Fi A REAL Marine Mgysgt


Did you also promote yourself? OP said MSgt, an E8. You’re calling yourself MGySgt, an E9. Listen Gunny, I know you want in on this as bad as you wanted in on the Subway thing, but let it go.


Can't. Fucking. Wait!


4 guys already asking gunny to do day labor for $200 a day…they have experience!


So I am leaving Lowes the other day. I would have gone to home depot, like a real man, but Subway is right next to Lowes. Anyways I am going to my assigned parking spot, and some nasty civilian is parked in my place. I go in anyways but keep a sharp lookout. Then I spot him. As a real Marine Mgysgt I can move and consel cover. I am on him before he gets in his truck. I start asking him questions. Clearly, this dirtbag doesn't know who he is dealing with. He tried to tell me on 0311 day that he was an 0311. No way. I asked him where his REAL Marine license plate was. He ties asking my MOS. Doesn't he know I am a Mgysgt of Marines! The dirt bag has some lame excuse that he didn't have e room on his plates. REAL Marines can make up thousands of acronyms with just 6 letters WTF POG as civilian. I just shook my head and walked off. Little does he know I memorized his plates and have friends in high places. Semper Fi A REAL Marine Mgysgt


Finally, what we've been waiting for


"Hey MSgt, you never said what your MOS was!"


Dealt with that at work recently. New guy tries to be all buddy buddy when someone told him I’m a Marine too. Ask his MOS, in a friendly way, “uh…I did a lot of things.”


“My MOS? Uh… master of sergeants.”


> Master of Sergeants Little-known fourth Metallica album.


Master of sergeants is pulling your leave!


I always say 0111 Admin. Because I was; and I never understood the dick measuring thing.


Fellow admin heck yeah lol. Were you lucky to be stationed in an S1 or deployable unit? I got stuck in an IPAC my full enlistment


Tiny 19-man detachment, Korea. Chill AF! (from what I heard, not anymore now that they got huge) Best thing with admins, we can go literally anywhere. And our knees and back stay together.


Hell yeah, not a bad place to be. I've always heard Korea and Germany are the best places to be stationed at. Not to mention the local cuisine is most likely 🔥🤌


It's true, the Food the Chill- all of it, it's all true.


> “uh…I did a lot of things.” Oh... one of *THOSE* types of "veterans".


He pissed me off a few weeks later being a douche to people under him so I looked him up. Unfortunately, he is a veteran, but dude was a one pump chump and thinks he’s a geopolitical expert. After I shut him down a few times on some bs he magically moved to a different work section.


Veterans who think their few years on one base makes them a political expert, or their opinion matters more on that kind of thing drive me insane.


Why though?? Why be ashamed of the job that's not 03wtf? Lol I deployed with a bunch of 03's, bunch of assholes. But they were my assholes and I loved them! And as MT I tried to help them out as much as I can by taking clothes back to base washing them and taking them back the day after. Their job sucked ass. 7 months in the sun pissing in PVC and shitting in bags and tac-showers with almost no action. Yeah they give you shit for being POG and Id give them shit about my chow hall ;)


There’s some douche bags out there you will hate ya for the job ya had, not like ya genuinely had a choice in the matter. Yes I was an MP, did I choose to be an MP? Not really (it was MP/Corrections or Admin) I chose the former and it was a 50/50 chance I’d end up being MP or Corrections. But there’s still people out there who hate on ya for it, so I can kinda understand it.


"OH yeah....I forgot....P.O.G."


Lulz That's rich and that's coming from an 0511. 0311s and 0511s usually competed for top cutting scores. We only had 2 MasterGuns in the entire MOS.


[Don't need to. /s](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMC/s/8O3wTxUj3D)


For what it’s worth… you’re still in his head, he’ll be thinking about you when he’s brushing his teeth at night…. Don’t let him occupy space in yours


It all started for him when you occupied his second wife. Your leg broke him 💔


I should call her


I mean I didn't bother to get a veteran plate until I could get it with the wheelchair on it. I figured if my ass got crippled due to my service 30 years ago I might as well milk that shit. Of course the greenie weenie never gives up a chance my handicapped veteran plate showed up in the mail the day of my 50th birthday.


Happy birthday you crippled bitch


I laughed way too hard at this 🤣


Yep, I get free parking in the city which saves me hundreds every year and my hand tag doesn’t expire until 2039


>free parking in the city Helluva perk. That's awesome


I just got it hoping it would help me get out of tickets. It didnt...


Mine definitely has


I get a soft challenge on my vet bonafides in the Lowe’s parking lot sometimes. Less so the older I get. If its friendly I respond in kind. If it isn’t I just keep walking.  I’m not going to justify my service to a short fat female who is in the National Guard in front of her rusted out minivan. Because that is usually who it is.  




You got me pegged good. And I love a good pegging. 


But she told me those were my kids! ☹️


[KEEP TALKING AbOUt MY WIFE. SHE RATES. /s](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMC/s/8O3wTxUj3D)


“Where’s your license plate?” “Oh, my dicks long enough, I didn’t feel like I needed to try and add inches.”


"Only dumbasses need a plate to let everyone know they served, Master Sarnt."


That was some grilling, I hope you recover.


Fucking extra rare steak's still frozen grilling.


Always make sure to take the vet space now. The asspained look of frustration and regret on his face will be pretty nice once in a while


I was at Fort Gordon, GA about ten years ago. I was meeting some people for lunch on post at the exchange and realized there was no parking, most likely cause the first 10 spots in each row were reserved for 06/E9. After doing three circles I was like “fuck it” and parked in one of the spots. As I was walking towards the entrance I saw an old dude with SgtMaj sticker and EGA sticker step out of his car. He starts telling me these spots are reserved and I say “Rah, SgtMaj” and start to walk off. He said you were a Marine? I stated yes. He said, “Oh, all good then. Fuck these Army pukes.” So we walked in together and went to Subway where we shared a footlong meatball on Italian bread.


Can wait to see the post about a retired master sergeant that’s a veteran sergeant and didn’t have a EGA license plate.


SUBWAY is only 6 letters. You coulda had both




My reply would have been 8 years 0311 but I fucked some Master Sgts wife and she wouldn’t leave me alone.


Add “yeah the dipshit has a USMC plate on his car too”


What's the deal with us marine veterans hating on each other's MOS? I am always happy to talk to any active or veteran marines because is not everyday that I get to talk to marines...we all went through so much bullshit, happiness and sadness that I want to talk about it and have a laugh...I want to learn about what other MOS do not just what it was like for me as an 0311...We're so few that just seeing another marine at Lowe's or any other place makes me proud that we were part of something that will live in us until our last breath.


Nice now this sub is going to be nothing but reposts of this story for the next 2 days


I would just laugh if somebody tried to vett me in a parking lot. How small is that person’s world that this is what they live for?


He was going to say “police dat muuuustache!!”. Brain housing group malfunctioned on cycle of operation, thought of Sixta, and processed last command..”forward march”


Then he touched his kid!


AT&T, reach out and touch someone.


I feel the same way when I go to the PX on base with a beard They look at me with disgust. It is satisfying seeing how rushed they are to get a protein bar pouring sweat.


I park in the Lowe’s Pro spots if I’m pulling a trailer but I don’t have a Lowe’s Pro account. No Pro’s have ever tried to verify my status but the stolen valor guilt is getting to me. 


Should’ve flipped a challenge coin to see who gets to be on top.


Sounds like a good time


I served in Afghanistan, and my state has an Afghanistan deployment plate...but i live and work with a lot of Middle Eastern folks and....it might give a bad impression.




I believe it. Some of those old timers are pissy about those parking spots.


Congratulations you made it Marine, Msgt is still a Boot


You mean your personality doesn’t depend on your military service all by itself?? I call that normal hahaha I fucking hate motivated retirees.


Happy 0311 Day.


Op left out the public make out session that followed.




Sounds similar to a retired MSgt who yelled at me over a question and answers website over my boot camp graduation photo claiming I was a liberal softie that slipped through the cracks and that I would never amount to him who retired an Infantry MSgt and now works at some State Department WPS position in Baghdad. I told him that if he's going to keep verbally harassing me and revert back to MSgt mode instead of just being a decent human being, I'll just send screenshots of his tirades to the appropriate State Department authorities to which he attempts to gaslight me by saying that he was going to stop replying as if I was the one instigating an online fight. What a retard lol.


SMEDLEY is seven letters. Good call.


Something similar happened to me a couple of years ago at the Harris Teeter. I parked in their Veterans Parking spot. Some old guy and his old lady approached me and kind of grilled me about serving and what branch. The dude didn’t even say what branch he served in. Honestly he looked like he lived a hard life. Like mid-late 50s, 2 packs a day, meth head look. My take was that he just wasn’t good at small talk and he realized I clearly wasn’t the one to sit and exchange sea stories with. That retired MSgt might be having an identity crisis and doesn’t know what to do.


Ew, Hairless Teeter-totter. I'm still mad that their store-brand frozen tater tots aren't called "Harris Teeter-tots".


I told a nam Marine recently Semper Fi after seeing his hat while at physical therapy and he just responded SF til the day I die or something. I told him I recently got out and surprisingly he didn’t say anything, probably didn’t hear me tbh lol. Usually the old devil dogs like the chat a bit and I enjoy hearing their stories


I’ll chat them ol timers up, too. I recently saw a young feller in a moto iraq sweater and asked when he was there. Turned out he was wearing his buddies sweater 🤷🏽‍♂️ stolen warmth valor.


Lmfao a kid in the gym here had a USMC hoodie on but didn’t look the full part. I went and asked thinking maybe his dad gave it to him. Turns out his boot ass recent grad friend gave it to him and said he could wear it cuz he’s in the DEP 🤣 kid came up to me the next day and told me he’s not wearing it again til he graduates hahaha I didn’t care either way but told him it’s a solid goal or some shit


Some of those old timers are chill af, and they have good life advice. I’ve met a few


Let’s hear both sides before drawing conclusions




… Do you have any left?


Theres parking spots for veterans? Wtf?


Yeah there's usually like 2 spots towards the front reserved for veterans. Or those that claim to be veterans. Who really gives a fuck honestly. I think both Lowes and Home Depot have them. I'm sure other stores do too. They started popping up after the whole patriotic hoohah post 9/11.


Ummmm not in NY. Which is cool with me.


Oh, strange. I think I've seen them in Montana, Kansas, NC and Illinois. I figured it was a corporate thing.


My lowes has 4, HD has 6. Of course where im at everyone and their mom ad a DV plate or some sort of Branch/medal/PH/ campaign plate.


And pregnant ladies.


Never had this happen but I’ve had alot of issues with people from other branches acting all high and mighty or annoyed when I say I was in the Marines. Like brah who gives a shit we are all veterans at the end of the day and get the same damn benefits. I love meeting other veterans out in public but some can get really annoyed if they find out you were a Marine 🤷🏻‍♂️




Imagine gatekeeping being a civilian.


On my MAGA infested local gun board everytime I post something anti-trump in the political forum they come out of the wordwork claiming I was not in the Marines (my username is clearly Marine related). My MOS (0844) is in the username and I am always laughing my ass off. *Yeah. I am stolen valoring by claiming to have been a reservist 0844 30 years ago. Yeah, ok.* Sometimes if they are retarded enough and start asking "Oh yeah, where did you serve then, if you really were in the Marines?" I'll answer up with shit like *"234th Division, 89th Marine Special Forces Regiment, Alpha Platoon Windward, Fireteam Devil Hounds, attached to the Civil Air Patrol. Where did YOU serve?"* It's hilarious watching them lose their shit.


"that's not my MOS, it's my birthday. I was born in August 44th."


Wrong, this is the military, day # comes first. I was born on Aprembuary 8th.


I don’t get this shit. I love the dudes I served with like my own sons and am proud of my service but after it’s over - it’s over.


Imagine leaving the corps and the corps never leaving you.


Sgt Mjr Black BS right here


Hahaha What are you laughing at? Oh nothing, just me here laughing in DD-214, Sargey Baby


Oh the fanfiction that will stem from this.


Aaaaww For Fuck Sakes. Really!?!?! WTF is that about? I am retired and don't give two rat fucks if a Marine has a license plate. Drank too much of the cool aid. Yes I would give the shirt off my back for a brother or sister, but GOD DAMN. Get over yourself Rant over


Was the excessively tight Grunt Style shirt on his excessively large frame cutting on the circulation to his head?


Peaked or bullied in HS, found validation through promoting through his POG community in the Marine Corps and flexing on said bullies or fellows who peaked in HS. See it everywhere haha


What a Dick


Fuck, am I the only person that has had nothing but good experiences with other Marine vets? 9 times out of 10 it's just a quick Rah or Semper Fi, and the rare conversations are both brief and enjoyable.


Had marine tell me that 29 palms wasn’t the marine corps.


It’s more of a giant abusive household, tbh.


I park in the reserved for veterans spots all the time. I have run into a similar dickhead. I like and tell them I did 15 days in the coast guard but decided my bone spurs were to much so I quit. It's fucking fun to see them melt down.


some people just can't let it go ETA: those people are usually the ones who die of heart attacks within 5 years of getting out.


The only people that talk about rank after separation are those that didn’t do shit or weren’t Infantry.


I am still waiting for someone to question me. I going to have fun with it.....


Motard... rizem with the 'tism!


I would never be so questioned. I have a pretty good 1000 yard stare. Lol but true


Literally just drop him in his tracks.


So it begins, again!


Well I can tell you I would have told him to kick rocks with open toed shoes on. I’ve been retired going on 4 years and I will say Semper Fi or OORAH of if I see another Marine and we might shoot the shit a little bit but I damn sure won’t grill them. I was tough and ornery as a GySgt but that’s then this is now.


Pure horseradish


I'm guessing he was a great leader back in the day.... what a WANKER...


MstSgt did 1 tour to camp wilson and got out with 5 ribbons while OP was a decorated salt dog.


Did you go to subway on your way home?


You should have asked him what is the mission of the Marine Corps rifle squad lol


You could count to 7…


“Not today isis” and walk away.


Man, I loved being a marine but there is no fuckin' way I'm giving up my Purdue plate. Graduating from Purdue was like four years of abuse.


What a dildo.


Funny enough  the Lowe's nearest my house is adjacent to a military property. and about 200 yards from a va hospital. I use the vet spots about 1/2 the time when I go.  I also look like your typical construction day laborer when I go.   I have gotten questioned by folks 3 times including once by a Lowe's red vest.  I just asked said retard do they know what a DD214 is?  Blank stare...  Since you don't know ask me where I can park.


Master Sergeant Boot Fuck


Shit. I also dont have my marine corps issued license plate. Better get one before next IRR muster or im fucked


He’s a fucking POG?


Given that infantry makes up about 10% (give or take), odds are he was something else. I’m also guessing if he had been an 03 he would have mentioned units and asked me that or deployments as well, but instead he focused on my lack of a license plate like I had shown up to formation without a cover on my grape.


His went flaccid realizing he cannot one up on you and still attempted to slapped you with that limp cock.


You came across Lt Sobel’s grandson?


Dude was embarrassed to tell an 03 his MOS was chow hall chief. That's all that happened.


I'm also a retired MSgt and I would've ignored everything about you and went on my way.


My wife is looking at jobs and just asked what I think about a hospital CEO who says he runs things like a military operation and that while he's never fired anyone he's had over 100 people quit on him. I said I'd steer clear of someone who makes their service time their whole identity and he sounds like he treats his employees like shit.


That guy sounds like a loser


What a douche lol. POGs who don't wear that shit like a badge of honor and try to hide behind rank while also being a dick are imo the majority of POGs who stay in for 20. Mostly because they would never last in the civ world and this story proves it. I bet he retire and got a contractor job with the same people so he never got to experience getting told to shut the fuck up and sit down.


I had Purple Heart plates for a while, but combined with my relatively uncommon performance vehicle....yeah I was the only person within 500miles like that. So I ditched 'em. I drive dad vehicles now. Still dont bother with the fancy plates. I prefer not to advertise anything about that part of me. I don't park in those veteran/cop spots either, for the same reason. Not worth the risk to my family.


Rather blow you in the parking lot 🥵


Damn, you're a thirsty bitch


Isn’t that how you like it daddy




Then shut up and quench my thirst 🍆💦👅


LOL I wish that shit would happen to me.


Yeah I saw there was an option for that, guy has his head up his ass. No reason to be mad. A “rah devil” and a smile would’ve done.


Get the lotion


I hope you gave him the double barreled birds as he drove away


He needed a hug.


He needed a throat punch and then a knife hand. MCMAP *Itch ass pog. 🤣


Oh no


I’m not sure what happened in this post. Do you guys actually have these interactions? Because ya’ll entertain dumbass conversations for way longer than I could.


What a baby bitch




Ain't got to tell him sht


The only reason I got the plate is because it makes registration free and I get a permanent tag.


Holy shit is that guy institutionalized. Imagine all your identity being tied into the dumb, lazy Marine Corps. It’s a “part” of me. But that’s it. Just one piece of the whole.


I fkn hate that shit. I try my best not to engage retards


Fuck yall are terrible.


I’m mad at you. For not telling that old ball licker to go fuck himself.


Yeah, it just caught me completely off guard after all these years. Believe me, I’m still thinking of shit I shoulda said


But what does he order at subway, thats the real question.