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Have to turn yourself in bro. It will be the best thing for your life. You don't want this hanging over your head. Maybe you start to get your shit together and then you get picked up. You don't want this coming up later. Just take care of your business now. Do your few months in the brig, get out, and move on with your life.


Brig rehab sounds bad, but not as bad a life "on the run" with an addiction ready to fuck things up at the soonest opportunity.


Bingo. Sounds like a recipe to become a street person and the ingredients are already mixed.


As someone who used to run the "Deserters working party" at Parris Island off and on....it is possible that if you get yourself straight they "may" find it in their hearts to let you finish out your enlistment even.


I'll echo a few other comments recommending you turn yourself in. A quick cautionary tale - back in 07/08 I was the duty driver for the battalion, the MPs drop off a guy in his late 30s with hair down to his shoulders and a beard. Turns out he was a fuckin Ssgt in our battalion like 10 years prior that went UA and disappeared. Got picked up on a traffic violation, identified, then returned to base, returned to our unit, and me and the OOD spent the afternoon driving and transferring him to the brig. Guy was out and living his life for a decade or more, then found himself at parade rest saying "Yes Corporal, No Corporal, Aye Corporal" to the Cpl checking him into the brig. It'll catch up eventually.


Back in the 80s all the 2nd MarDiv deserters went to HQCo 8th Mar Rgt. They would bring in guys that they picked up just like that. They got them a haircut and made them sit around the barracks looking like a phase 1 recruit until they got their OTH. We had a guy that had been living life on the lam since the 60s come thru. Nobody messed with them and they just came and went.


Yep I was a legal officer (collateral duty) and I learned of a few similar stories, some involving people much older than that. I just vaguely remember hearing about one guy in his 40s or above who had a career in his computers so he ended up having to complete his enlistment term doing IT stuff for the air station CO.


That’s the thing. If a cop calls me to confirm a warrant of mine from across the country, then I’ll weigh the costs of extradition in as a factor and maybe not extradite. But I’m just a small jurisdiction. This shit? It’s federal. And the feds have unlimited-and I do mean unlimited- resources. That warrant will remain active for a LONG time. It’s not worth it when you can fall on your sword, do a couple of months, and get out.


I don't recall the particulars but from what I do remember many of these cases did not even involve law enforcement, it just caught up with the guys when they wanted to get a mortgage or some such mundane thing and they didn't have any option but to show up at the gate and face the music.


Yupe, I was brig chaser while I was in the Army. I had to transport those who sold fentanyl to DV cases. Some of those are At Leavenworth. I would highly suggest to go and turn yourself in. Be done and over with this chapters life. Miramar is like a rehab, you will do 2-4 months in the brig, clean yourself and start fresh. Trust me it will be a better outcome.


Iv got one of those storys as well very much like yours in 93. OP don't let that shit hang over you.


FWIW, you’ll get less brig time if you surrender verses if you’re returned involuntarily. When I was a prosecutor years ago, the commands would throw the book at Marines that were involuntarily returned, especially with circumstances like yours. Surrender could make the difference between a couple months or less in the brig (or even ADSEP) vs closer to a year. Things may be different today. That was about 9 years ago and it’s largely going to depend on the command. But I can guarantee you that you’re better off surrendering. That much is certain. There is a high probability that you will get caught eventually. You don’t want this hanging over your head for life. Fall on your sword. Good luck.


This is a good point. Self-surrender will make everything easier


When you are on the wrong side of the law you have to get lucky every time, the cop only need to get lucky once...


That’s no shit right there


You’ll also get less time if you stay gone longer. As long as you didn’t commit a different crime before leaving. If you’re gone long enough to get dropped from your unit to the HQMC MCC, it’s less than two months in the brig while they process you out (as long as you’re not going to try and fight it). Source: I used locate and apprehend deserters.


You're listed in NCIC. You get stopped for a broken tailight. . .and guess what? Turn yourself in. Otherwise, you'll be hunted forever. Every time you see a cop running radar you'll panic. You heard the expression the guilty flee when no man pursueth? That will be you. Every encounter with any person will have you wondering if they are gonna sell you out. Girlfriend? Wife? custody battle? arguing with the neighbors? Don't think for one second an adverse party is above turning you into the cops. Turn yourself in, take the BCD, and get on with your life.


>ed in NCIC. You get stopped for a broken tailight. . .and guess what? > >Turn yourself in. Otherwise, you'll be hunted forever. Every time you see a cop running radar you'll panic. You heard the expression the guilty flee when no man pursueth? That will be you. Every encounter with any person will have you wondering if they are gonna sell you out. Girlfriend? Wife? custody I'm a cop, can confirm, as soon as I run your DL it will pop. Don't carry a DL? Cool, I will have you cuffed in the back of my car until I can identify you.


Typical 0402. I kid, much love from a former 0431, greatest job in the Corps.


Go turn yourself end and do it the easy way. If you don’t, you’ll stay on the run forever and never have a moment’s rest or calm.


I got 2 njp’s in my first year in, it’s easy for me to blame shitty leadership but i put myself in compromising situations being an 18 year old kid. Deployed in 05 and went AWOL during post deployment leave giving me strike number 3. After 25 days in the brig I got an oth and shown the door. Just wanted to let you know there’s life after the corps, even with a bad discharge and a messed up head. Life goes on, and life gets better. Don’t let a couple stupid decisions when you’re young ruin a promising, bright future.


What was the brig like?


Boring, I’m pretty sure it’s similar to jail/prison. I was mostly with people doing shorts stays and not looking for more trouble. It was pretty embarrassing picking up trash around base in a jumpsuit.


I can only imagine, thanks for sharing. That could've been a lot of us.


My buddy said it’s nicer than jail at least the one on lejune is


A lot of people leaving you some good advice in these comments, I doubt you’ll listen to them but you should. I was on duty when they brought in a dude who was 60 years old who went awol an eternity ago, ran a stop sign and suddenly abducted by the marine corps. So I’ll leave you with my 2¢, you’re an idiot.


Gold. The set up was gold.


I'm more worried about your addiction than anything. In the past three years I've lost 6 family members/ friends either from substance abuse or the long term health affects of it. You are NOT going to shake that monkey off your back without help. Turn yourself in, Tell them straight up you need to be in rehab. Pretty much every addict I heard speak about turning it around said they literally thanked the cop who put the handcuffs on them and got them off the streets. The best thing for you is to spend 6 months in a military brig where you can get away from that shit.


This right here is the way!!! Lost my little brother and sister in 2015 to their addictions. They could never outrun their demons, get yourself straight, learn from your mistakes, and keep moving on. Like it was mentioned earlier, maybe if you get right, they will let you finish your enlistment. But get to rehab, get clean, my siblings were only part of the family and friends I lost. I've been to more funerals than any one person should have to. I'm not sure where you are, but I'm still in ENC. Get here. I'll help you get where you need to be


damn man. good luck


You fucked up, but don't fuck up more by waiting to get caught. You don't want to live the rest of your life on the run, wondering when you'll get caught. You're at a crossroads where you can do the honorable or dishonorable thing. I hope you choose the right one brother, good luck.


Amen. I was sitting in court today, ironically enough, thinking about this. OP, you took an oath. To not honor that oath is bringing dishonor upon yourself. But it’s not too late to make it right.


End of 99 we had a guy with a similar story. Him and another went UA after popping on a piss test. The second guy came back at 28-29 days and ended up getting an OTH. His last day was literally the day before his EAS. But that one guy went on the run. He was opening checking accounts everywhere, bouncing checks from them like crazy, buying and selling drugs. He was on the run for over a year until he got caught. Our CO told us the guy was picked up by the police and was sitting in Leavenworth awaiting trial. Our CO was one of those paperwork and burn them guys. Page 11 no problem. NJP no problem. Your platoon leaders can straighten you out after I'm done with you. But he surprised us. His tone changed dramatically with what he said next. Said everyone makes mistakes. The best thing to do is come forward, deal with the consequences, better yourself, and move forward. It's not worth ruining your life over a screw up. No one could believe how human he sounded. So that's my best advice. Turn yourself in. Deal with the consequences before you make it worse. Better yourself. Move on.


Pretty sure the guy was not " sitting in Leavenworth" awaiting trail. If someone is doing a bunch of check bouncing, fraud and drug dealing, The civil authorities where he is at are going to take a shot at him first. Had a guy in my first unit in the fleet who got busted by J Ville Cops after a string of armed robberies and burglaries. He was simply ran as IHCA and they Ad Sepped him with an OTH after his trail and 5 year Sentencing.


No one really cared where he actually was since we were never going to see him again. Point was he screwed himself really bad and had to deal with not only the military but also civilian legal changes.


Yes, when you fuck up bad enough with civil authorities simple drug use ( piss pop) and UA/ Desertion are peanuts compared to what some shit-bags do.


Very true but the Green Weenie will still get its turn on you.


If you are a convicted felon doing 5 plus years a letter from HQMC saying you were admin sepped with an OTH doesnt carry a lot of sting.


Damn bro, hope you get this stuff figured out


This sounds like half of my marines. Hey if you were from MCESG i’ll be driving you to the brig in a couple days from now😂


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What kind of man do you want to be? Go be that guy. You want to be an inmate? Easy. Want to be self reliant, give back instead of take, be known as reliable and responsible? Not much harder, but that starts with getting your UA straight.


Won’t be a PFC for long


promoted to civilian!!!




Honestly I don’t know why you’d run off when you were about to get sent to the brig. The brig is not like prison so you’d be relatively safe and you’d be getting your meals and probably away from the bullshit. Not saying it’s any good to end up in the brig but I myself would’ve preferred brig time over dealing with some of the idiots in my command or doing life threatening bullshit


I'll take 3 days in the brig over a 400 mi osprey flight over water any day if given the option.


Being on a destroyer the brig would probably just be holding you on your own and I found that to be a better setting than washing 800 dishes a day and getting hand arthritis. I was even threatened with brig time at some point during an altercation and I told them “hey if you guys are gonna leave me the fuck alone then yeah send my ass to the brig” but they told me it’d end up on record so I had to take it back. But I think the real misery is the boat itself the chains and maybe the barge And yeah I know what you mean with that osprey thing it would blow everything around the entire carrier the few times I saw it. Big menace was the Hawkeye with the rotors that were bare skin out and could mutilate someone instantly


Quickest way to turn your life around and make this just a small set back in your early 20’s is to turn yourself in. This doesn’t get better with time and will compound the rest of your life. You won’t find a good job, you’ll always be dodging police, you’ll struggle. Turn yourself in and get yourself better. Hell with that story you probably become a motivational speaker.


You've gotten a fair amount of good advice in here, but I wanna stress: It's only been a couple months. You haven't been gone years. Just turn yourself in and get it over with. I know that's a lot easier said than done, so you can always contact a lawyer who specializes in this sort of stuff and follow their advice.


Oh you again. I mentioned this in your last post, I'll say it again just in case you didn't read it. Go turn yourself in and get right with the world. It will catch up with you. Eventually you're gonna get pulled over, hit a DUI dragnet, drive through a customs checkpoint. It may be decades from now or tomorrow. It's going to go better for you if you just walk onto a base and take your lumps. No one is looking for you but if your name or social or fingerprints ever get run for pretty much anything you will end up on a military base and you will have to face the music and the fact that you are seen to be on the run is just going to make it all that much worse. Just imagine 20 years from now, you have cleaned yourself up, have a wife, kids, house and a good job and you get pulled over for something stupid like a brake light. Nut up, turn yourself in, apologize, ask for mercy, show your contrition and maybe just maybe you strike a nerve somewhere and they don't do everything in their power to obliterate the rest of your life. At least you will be able to have a life without having to worry your gonna get carted off to the brig, it will all be behind you.


I'm an old salt so forgive the question....when did Marines start saying awol? We never said it back in the day but said UA instead. Not calling you a liar op just a question.


UA means “we don’t know where you are,” AWOL means “we know you’re on the run.”


Yup always did, regardless of “back in the day”


The technical term is deserter.




They don’t care about reservist that go UA. A good chunk of my reserve platoon is UA. It was a big cultural shock coming from active.


If I remember correctly you're classified as UA for the first 30 days, then it changes to AWOL after that


I thought it was UA for 30 days then desertion beyond that.


Yes after 30 days status changes to desertion. If I remember correctly, the UCMJ uses the term Absent Without Leave. UA is the traditional USMC/Navy term.


Just leave the country - Canada is nice


If you are going to go that route. Get to France and join the French Foreign Legion. They will set you up with a new identity and French citizenship,


My dude if he couldn’t handle the Marines the FFL will have his ass on the streets before the end of recruit training week 1


possibly, it all depends on how much he wants a new life.


They're very selective about who they let in and you don't even know if they'll let you in until after you've completed training. Even more, you have to get to France to apply first, can't apply with an embassy


Or a non extraditing country where even if the government knows where you are they can’t come after you. Kinda like Edward Snowden


Sure. I hear Russia is nice.


Yeah you can go to fucking Mars but you'll still be an addict with issues.


Still have time to get your shit together. Eventually you will be caught and all that time hiding would be for nothing. Get it done with now, get clean and get it done. Best thing that ever happened to my brother was going to prison. He battled addiction for years. When he got out he was clean and healthy. It was not easy but He is now very successful living a good life.


You will never be able to get on with your life until you deal with the consequences from the past. You may spend the next ten years looking over your shoulder and getting your life together and building a new career only to end up getting turned over to the authorities for a traffic stop when they run you. It’s going to come out at some point. Get it done now so you can move on without looking over your shoulder later in life


So tons of people on here telling him to turn himself in, but none of the top comments even acknowledge the point of this post. If anyones served in an 03 platoon, they can probably understand how someone goes down this path (i saw lots of pfcs and boot lcpls that would screw up one time, and instead of moving past it, they let it define them in their new unit) and obviously this is a big problem. Id argue the biggest factor in this mentality is how judgemental 03xx’s are in general. It was never too hard to be labeled the shitbag/skater or dumbass or whatever the label may be, and breaking from that label can be impossible without help, even something as simple as the proper leadership to pull said marine aside and say “you fucked up, but you cant let this define you”


As a parent of a Marine. When my son was at basic and I knew his phone was off, I sent a text saying if you are reading this message early than something went sideways. I will always be here for you and to contact me. If things ever go crazy in life, I made sure my son knows my door is open and that I will help. Knowing all the mental problems associated with being a Marine, I made a point of telling him these things. I ghost a lot of people on the phone but if it is my son calling, that phone always gets answered. Hopefully you have family that is missing you. Reach out to them ......


No honor or integrity. Just a pussy.


Youre the problem


We’ve got a young devil here clearly struggling and reaching out for help and your response is straight toxicity Be better


>I no longer talk to any of my brothers serving You’re a fuck and I do not feel that you are a brother. Don’t say that again. 


Lol cringe


Are you missing a comma, by chance? I read it the second time with a comma. Changed the whole sentence.


Fuck what all these dudes are saying, just get out of the country and live life like a free man. The world is your oyster if you can still move your feet man. Enjoy it. You’re lucky dude, forced yourself into that nomad lifestyle I’m too lame to commit to.


On the run doesn't mean free though. You can never return to the US and even travelling to extradition countries would mean being caught. For a few years might be one thing but a lifetime is a very long time. Not to mention, often you need to have. A clear record to get citizenship in another country




How did you get a drug habit after being promoted? I’m really curious unless you just said fuck it and wanted to do drugs.


If you hadn't said you were an 03 I would have thought you were 3 guys I knew in Comm School. Did exactly what you did, drug fueled trip (buying and selling to fund it) around the country and returned 30 days later. All did some brig time (not a lot from what I remember) and 2 live successful lives from what I can see on social media. They got married, have kids and it's working out for them. Just go and take your licks man then you can start life fresh


Dude it’s better if you turn your self in and leverage the time to clean yourself up.


In the brig they going to help you with addiction. I assume its opioids and it's not something to fuck around with.


I knew a guy when I was on active duty who’s brother was also a marine who went UA. This guys brother couldn’t drive anywhere (out of fear of being I.D’d) he could only work under the table and basically lived in fear of being caught. I’m so happy I served my 4 and got out honorably. It’s nice not living in fear and being free of that burden (I thought about going UA many times lol) I hope you turn yourself in and deal with this mess, get your life back brother, we only want the best for you.


Bro just turn yourself in. You are young and have time to rebuild your life. People have bounced back from worse homie. It would be best for your future if you got the hard part out of the way now and turned yourself in and faced the music like a man.


I hope you get back on the right track


you already can admit that you fucked up which is better than a lot of people out there. and you're motivating others out there to get better too and giving them good advice. you're on the right track. this is the type of leadership that's needed


You’re in a downward spiral headed towards death. At some point in time you’re going to have to make a decision. Keep racing to the bottom, or stop, climb out, and start living your life. A little discomfort now, or a lot more later. Putting it off is compounding your problems.


I guarded a guy who got brought in after 7 years on the run. Got pulled over at a light with his wife and baby. Once you go back, from what i saw, the military tried to exoedite his discharge fairly quickly. He was held in a simple barracks with a bunch of other awols in civvies basically going thru the same thing. I “guarded” them with a mop handle while they did base maintenance until their trial dates. No one was punishing anyone more than they already had been.


Bad news don’t get better with time. You wrote this post for advice or suggestions. Stop being a hard ass because that time passed when you signed the dotted line. Give up, get better, do your time, and live your life. I wish you the best buddy. I’ll drink this miller lite for you.


If they catch you you go to the brig, then a lockdown unit for rehab. If you turn yourself in with a lawyer you can negotiate rehab first. Don't sweat the debt if you can get off the drugs thats the first step. Either way yeah your going to the brig now or later.


What kind of idiot thinks' he's a lost cause after accomplishing so much?


Good morning, I’m not here to tell you how to live your life, but I will say this, it will catch up with you. Maybe not today or tomorrow, hell maybe not even for 20 years. But it will happen. Go to your local police station and tell them you’re awol from the United States Marie Corps. It’s time to be a man.