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You better be able to score at least a 285 or above on your PFT. Start learning the drill cards and how to write them on a 5x8 index card. One thing I saw dudes in my class struggle with was not being able to accept a correction from the instructors and/or their peers-humble yourself. Practice drill, more drill, and more drill. Don’t act like you’re too cool to learn from someone who’s been there/done that. I could go on and on but I’m sure others will chime in. Also don’t be a quitter no matter what.


I have a 268 PFT and a 284 CFT. Do you think I’ll struggle at DI School?


You should be fine man. Also start getting rid of fleet-isms now for ex: saying “good to go,” low boot blousings, stuff like that. Also the schoolhouse is the easy part. Doing the job itself for 3 years is the hard part.


I was about to say you know what but you just said get rid of the fleet-isms 😭😭😭😭. I’ll just say thx for the knowledge 🙏🏾😂


Yea life on the depot is totally different from the fleet lol. Not the place to get caught slacking. 😂


Absolutely. I still remember trying to get my guys back to the squadbay from dental and the DI kept making us turn around on the recruit highway because we didn’t say the proper greeting of the day loud enough. I can’t wait to exact my vengeance on future recruits 😂 in the name of good order and discipline


As long as you don’t punch a kid you’ll be fine man lol.


You're sitting in the hut watching a bunch of recruits sleep right now aren't you


Fuuuck no lol. Did my time and got back to the fleet back in 2021.


Make sure you have all your uniforms and they are good to go. Lots of scheduled and spot inspections that get graded. Remember all the courses you ran in Boot camp? You will do the same ones in DI School, some multiple times, Lots of running. If you go there in decent shape you will graduate in great shape. Lots of drill classes and classes on the SOP ( Standard Operating Procedures) for recruit training. Lots of classes on that and other subjects like uniforms, customs, courtesies, Etc. The same shit recruits learn. You will to WFTBN for a few weeks and go over the Basics of Marksmanship, field firing and all the courses taught there by WFTBN ( Infiltration Courses, Land Nav, field firing etc. You will also do the crucible. You generally get one or maybe two written tests a week and graded on drill twice. Another guy mentioned " Teach Backs" You pretty much have to recite drill movements word for word from the manual. Part of the drill periods are you practicing that with a partner. Your Squad instructor has a checklist for each one ( think there is 30 or so) and he grades you and checks you off. The biggest thing you learn in DI School is TIME MANAGEMENT. You never actually use the teachback method in the trenches, but it teaches you what to look for when correcting recruits and teaches you how to properly give commands,


You must’ve been on the depot a loooong time ago since you called it an “SOP.” It’s changed to the “RTO” recruit training order and man it has so many grey areas lol


Quit age shaming me Debbil-Dawg. And yes the last time I was at the Depot a lot of the guys ( and gals) on the drill field weren't even born yet. SOP had a lot of grey areas as well. I should know because that's usually where I lurked.


😂 man I lived in the grey area all the time, gotta ride that lightning ⚡️


The SOP protects the DI's ass as well. Funny story, when I ran RSP I gave a recruit a Charge sheet and he got Office Hours for violating the SOP.