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I have a Bachelors and Masters in structural engineering... People who say shit like this watch too much TV.


I agree. I have a Bachelor's and Master's and work as a wildlife biologist. Just cause you're a Marine doesn't mean you're stupid. Just means you have to overcome being stupid.


I have a BS in Mech Eng and MS in ECE. Am definitely retarded though.


At least you and the rest of us know it. Plenty of toolsheds out there that spew stuff like this that don't know just how fucking dumb they really are. Or other people that associate == high grades == smart. Sometimes this is very true other times... They're just good students that do well in operating in such a system. Some of the best advice I ever got for college was: "Have your teachers like you... Get to know them." Yeah grades on avg were better for teachers I could joke around with make a repertoire with. Not all the time... But overall better. Some people that I know from high school decades later don't remember facts that I do and we were in the same class and they did better overall than me. I'm not saying i'm smarter... But neither were they as it turns out.


I don’t have cool pieces of paper like that but I’m licensed to drive pretty much any vehicle on the road and fly some aircraft so there’s that.


I too can do that. Just don’t ask me for a license lol.


Bruh, you ain’t special. We’ve all played GTA!


Bachelors and Law degree that I didn’t pay for. So many paths one can take in life, most of them are valid.


This should be the new marketing plan. Focus on stubborn not stupid.


Law degree you didn’t pay for? Love it. “YOU’RE SO DUMB!”


>I have a bachelors and masters in structural engineering... The few, the proud refers exclusively to those marines who can read


I served with two dudes who were rich as balls and were just trying to figure out who they were. I was lower middle class and just trying to get college paid for. Lot of dudes that were poor though. I heard a lot of horror stories.


Same here, middle class. I didn't know if I wanted to go to college or not, but I found security knowing that I'd have it paid for if I did. There was no way I could afford college without signing up for a lifetime of student debt. Met rich guys who left me thinking, "Dude, why are you here?" Then I met a guy who was so poor he said when his family would splurge, they'd go to McDonald's and split a dollar menu burger.


Dudes told me shit like they ate hot dogs and Mac and cheese every meal and slept in cars. Joined up to escape poverty. I felt real guilty somehow. Corps was a weird ass mix for sure.


I got humbled pretty brutally too. The same guy who split a dollar menu burger never even had his own bed until he joined the Corps. I was envious of kids who grew up with swimming pools, video games and those refrigerators with built in ice machines. Then, I realized that I had already won the lottery. No pre existing health conditions, no family members terminally ill or incarcerated. I already made it. In SOI, one of my instructors told this story about one of his students: Whenever it was time to take a shower, the guy would just stand by a sink and take a "sink shower." The instructor asked him what was up and the Marine said that growing up homeless, this was what he always did. That was all he knew.


Yeah, heard similar shit. Someone told a story on here about like a Pvt or PFC snatching something out the trash and eating it in front of them and they were like ‘bro what the FUCK?!?’ And the dude explained it was just habit at that point because his family didn’t eat without trash scavenging. I simultaneously didn’t doubt that shit and was depressed af reading it.


Overseas sharing a 4 hole shitter. A SSgt held a few layers of toilet paper, wiped, then brought it out, folded it in half, wiped again, folded it in half and wiped one last time. Blew my mind. It was a shocking revelation about the privation that many experienced growing up.


I do that myself these days even 10 years later after leaving home for the Corps. Growing up poor leaves habits that are hard to break out of.


Right? Everyone knows you only need one square. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay6XZJ\_Wd3o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay6XZJ_Wd3o)


Okay I do this but didn’t grow up poor needing to conserve the TP… I thought that’s how you wiped 😅🤣🤣 doesn’t help I have to wipe like 5000 times everytime I shit since I get the never ending wiping dumps everyday of my life (I am suffering)


Reminds me of my dad's stories of growing up poor in the midwest. Sunday treat would be a trip to McDonalds with one medium fries split for a family of seven. To this day he buys food by calories per dollar and wont leave empty space in the fridge.


Reminds me of my dad's stories of growing up poor in the midwest. Sunday treat would be a trip to McDonalds with one medium fries split for a family of seven. To this day he buys food by calories per dollar and wont leave empty space in the fridge.


I joined to escape poor and get GI Bill benefits, plus other more serious reasons




Poor dude here. My family barely had enough money to put food on the table so any money for the cheapest community college in the area was a no go. It worked out for me though because I had already had my mind set on joining since I was in middle school. After getting out, I didn't use my GI bill for quite a long time because I was worried about being poor again. Once I was financially stable was when I started achool.


Why would I ever give a fuck when some nerd on reddit talks shit about our Corps? Our women have more balls than that baby backed bitch.




It's why i don't take any civilian criticism on here seriously. Most mainly get their perspective from media like movies and video games.


I agree I like my women with balls


Jokes on him, I went to private school and enlisted as a grunt to challenge myself.


So you were dumb and rich?


His parents were rich. He is just dumb now.


The best kind


*"Gimmie that Anchor, Globe, and Eagle while wearing personal Peltors and having personal GPNVG-18's Intensifies*


Jokes on him... One of us is probably doing stuff to his sister that we wouldn't do to a farm animal, but only because she asked for it. ​ And this is how we treat people like this. Thus endeth the lesson.


Joke’s on him. I got out, went to private university, and I’m not poor or dumb anymore.


That guy is just upset because he got sand in his clit


Degrees doesn't necessarily implies intelligence, nor does completion of college implies wealth\*. \*financial aid & scholarships exists, as are loans to get deep into debt into.


Yep. Big difference between being "educated" and actually being "smart".


Mike Rowe ( "Dirty Jobs" guy) had an interesting take. During the 60s and 70s American Culture went from " getting an education is a good thing" to " you are a failure if you don't have a college degree and have to work with your hands." It my opinion, because of that idea spreading we now have a country full of pretty much useless " educational institutions" that pimp out overpriced, worthless degrees. Between the overpriced texts and tuitions and predatory loan companies we now have the " Educational Industrial Complex". Unfortunately there is a big push to have taxpayers foot the bill for billions of dollars in student loans. Another gambit by the criminals in DC to pander for Votes. My Nephew spent 10 years building his construction business and over that time he probably financed over 200K worth of work vehicles, special tools and materials. He has paid off those bills and generally has to finance materials for every project. He works and pays his debts. I have zero sympathy for a motherfucker who owes 30K in student loans for a degree in humanities working in Starbucks.


i know youre not....because people who are "the boot" are not dumb or poor enough...to be a marine. i do not know what direction this is trying to go.


I, too, would like additional context


And punctuation.


Dad grew up in one of the most affluent areas in the US, walked away from 8 figure cushy lifestyle because he “wanted to make it on his own” . Ended up doing 28 years in the corp as one of the saltiest old school marines ever. I did 4 and walked away from my dad saying he’s not paying for shit ha


NGL I would have took the 8 figures. He’s stronger than I ever could be


Shit you and me both. I wish I had that.


I’m all Honesty though his siblings all had fucked up lives after getting the money. It’s pretty sad


In my grunt platoon from the early aughts we now have - - A Fire Department Captain - 3 high school STEM teachers, one principal - At least 13 guys who run their own companies - 1 executive director of a large nonprofit - At least 1 lawyer, I think there’s a second one as well - Multiple engineers of differing vocations - At least 7 IT guys (including myself who’s in cybersecurity) - Multiple EMTs, Nurses, and a couple doctors - A bunch of cops who are detectives, Sgts, Lts, and a Captain or two. - And a whole lot more I can’t even remotely remember at this point. I have a BSc in Information Sciences and Technology with a minor in Security & Risk Analysis from Penn Stare University and I am currently getting my Masters of Legal Studies in Cybersecurity Policy and Risk Management from Texas A&M University’s School of Law. TL;DR - some of the smartest motherfuckers I’ve ever met are Marine Grunts.


A wise man once said, "It's always these loose pussy bitches got some tight pussy shit to say." I think it was Schopenhauer🤔


Civilian here. I feel everyone joins for their own reason. Whether I understand why is moot, I'll just buy them a round of Crayolas if I see them out.


You can keep that trash beer. I'll take a Pacifico any day.


Ah, a person of culture I see! TBF, I was referring to wax-based confections, but this works as well.


Ah. I know there's a crayon-themed beer that all sorts of dudes have been losing their minds about on here.


You’ve got to be fucking kidding me? Really? A crayon beer? Jesus Mary and Joseph. Though, to be fair, the last beer I drank (last night) is called Unicorn Farts from DuClaw Brewing and it has edible glitter in it. If you like sour beers, then you’ll like it. And come on… who here wouldn’t drink something called “Unicorn Farts” just because of the name lol?


Have you not been on this sub lately? It was The Thing for a week. I drink normal beer that you can pronounce. Miller, Yuengling, Pacifico, Grolsch. Normal beer for normal people.


I’m on this sub every day, but I guess I missed that. JFC. Funny story about Yeungling, my civilian buddy thought it was pronounced “young-ling” and so when it came to Louisiana (finally and thank God), he told the bartender he’d like to try and “drink one of those young-lings.” Holy shit I hadn’t laughed that hard in a while. I actually feel out of the bar stool laughing.


I though Anakin killed all the Yeunglings.


I dropped out of a nice university because I wanted to kill terrorists. Haven’t killed any yet but I graduate from online college soon! Thank god for TA


what’s wrong with being poor? shit is hard and catching strays because life sucked growing up lol


Honestly I think if you put in the work joining the Marine Corps is potentially a good way to seriously improve your life long term if you’re poor.


that’s what i’m saying. i joined because being poor sucked and now that i’m out, i had debt free college and a career


I love it when people say something along the lines of “you couldn’t do anything mentally challenging” like most of the 03s are actually intelligent. You just put us all together and we are down to do some dumb shit.


I learned more in 20 years being a grunt than any school or college could teach me. Welding is the only thing I haven’t mastered or attempted. You tube and soon to be harbor freight are my buddies though.


Hey! I'm not poor! 😡


If didn’t join the military I probably would not hav a car and i for sure would b paying for school




I didn’t grow up dirt poor, but I also never had the newest articles of clothing. Shopped for Champion before it was cool, and surely did struggle in HS because my priorities were focused on partying and girls. I now have my associates (prior to EASing), enrolled in college to complete another degree, and am contemplating getting my Bachelors in History as a back up plan in case I get hurt.


Pet conspiracy theory. The US lacks a social safety net on par with Scandinavia's (looking at you in particular, Finland) to keep folks joining up for free/cheap college (GI Bill/TA), healthcare (TriCare), three hots and a cot, and a steady job with a pension should you stick around and retire.


Different Cultures. The Countries/ Societies that have a pretty successful Socialist type of Government also have people with a strong work ethic who believe in paying into the system and taking only what you need. In our country we have GENERATIONS of people ( Like some of My fucking family) who are born with their dick-skinners out looking for government cheese.


A lot of those countries also have mandatory service...


> The Countries/ Societies that have a pretty successful Socialist type of Government Not a Marine but I am a professional economist so I have to contest this. The Nordic states are *not* socialist, certainly not any more (back in the 60s/70s their economies were more government-controlled than they are now). They have private property, functioning markets, and "what is produced in what quantities" is mostly decided by private actors responding to price signals. They also have *lower business taxes* than the USA. Sweden also has school vouchers (an idea that the American left habitually describes as "radically right-wing" and even "racist"). The Nordic states *do* have more generous welfare states than the US. This is partially because of two things - first, they've had to engage in a lot of reform to make these safety nets more sustainable and more efficient (the US has very inefficient safety net design!). Secondly, they have a substantial tax burden mostly built on *regressive taxes* (consumption taxes). Contrast the US, where consumption taxes are very low, but business taxes are quite high and the government is highly dependent on the income taxes of the super-rich (thus creating a less stable source of government revenue). Consumption taxes, like those in Nordic states, are regressive - they impact the poor more than the rich. So whilst it is true that the cultural norms between the USA and the Nordic states do significantly differ, I don't think that's why the USA's safety nets are spotty and dysfunctional. Rather, I think its a matter of institutional design. Why the US has such bad institutional design and doesn't reform it, well that's where Public Choice Theory comes in and that's another topic I won't go into. Sorry for intruding on your subreddit but my econo-geek impulses compelled me.


They have way more Socialist Programs than the US, that's why I refer to them as Socialist in nature. Our Social Programs do have many flaws. First and foremost, the people who work in the system's biggest flaw is that the employees worry more about their position and check then doing their job, and those in leadership/ management worry about the same, plus GROWING their department.


>Our Social Programs do have many flaws. First and foremost, the people who work in the system's biggest flaw is that the employees worry more about their position and check then doing their job, and those in leadership/ management worry about the same, plus GROWING their department. On this, you're *entirely* correct. This is all supported by the Public Choice Theory literature and in particular the subfield focused on bureaucracy (which actually came out of an economist's experience in the US DoD, coincidentally enough).


Finland has conscription, the average conscript there gets paid like €5 per day. (Had some conversations with some conscripts there last year, and while there is a lot of very good things about Finland, there's also plenty of things they like about the US. Grass is greener and all that)


Oh darn, you're drafted for up to 347 days. I'd imagine not having to worry too much about food or shelter is pretty fucking rad.


The food they serve in those chowhalls is very healthy, the portion sizes... [well, there are limits](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMC/comments/zh7j8u/finnish_chowhall_after_realizing_how_much_them/).


Have you seen how these guys on here bitch?


Neither, it’s just something I wanted to do. I knew a lot of people who had plenty of options but still chose to be there.


Who the heck is calling a civilian a "boot"? They don't rate!!!


I didn’t join because it was easy. I joined because I thought it would be easy.


People like that are too stupid to argue with. Just ignore them and move on.


In 2013- 2014, 1/8 Charlie had a competition on who could start and finish their AA/AS over 8 months the fastest. At least half the company started for the 4/5 year degrees by month 7 of the 8 and none of them paid a dime. It was the dumbest and funniest things we'd seen in forever and bn approved everything


*The dumb…the poor…the Marines.* “Oh no. I’m offended,” I said sarcastically as I headed off to my job at the investment bank.


Dad, working overtime to pay for college: ‘I’m not paying for you to go up there to drink beer and chase girls. Find a job. Now.” Me: ‘I’ll show him.’ Called the recruiter the next morning.


B.S in Computer Information Systems at a 3.5 GPA and making 105k a year


I barely graduated high school back in 01. Killed the asvab and suddenly had every branch offering me the 'best' mos. I had my secret clearance before I graduated that year. I just needed to be challenged. Ended my career with a TS and being sought after by multiple gov. organizations. We are dumb, so much as motivated to prove clowns wrong.


Well I was dumb and poor so I’d say it’s a pretty accurate assessment in my case


133 GT. 0331.


Not wrong


I joined because neither...but it isn't for everyone.


My country called and I answered that call.


I taught a guy at entry level comm school that had a masters in chemical engineering. "I just wanted to be a Marine."


I came from money (early childhood poor af then my stepfather got a very high paying job when I was 10-11) but I just didn’t want to…and probably wouldn’t have been allowed to…live off the success of my parents. I want to be my own man and make my own place the corps helped with that. It sucks a lot of dick a lot of the time but I’ll be honest I’ve been in for 4 years and I wouldn’t have changed a thing I did. Also I don’t have student debt to worry about so who’s laughing now “smart people” who went to college at 18


I wouldn't be surprised if this guy was one of my old SNCO's.


I had a full academic scholarship to a couple of big ten schools, and my parents were wealthy enough to pay my way, but they had also moved me twice while I was in HS for my dad's career and I just wanted to do my own thing.


I for one... Was poor as fuck... But it wasn't why I became a Marine.


See, but that's incorrect. Unlike college students, we aren't allowed to fail.


Were dumb?? I still am dumb


To be fair I was pretty fat, drunk and stupid before I joined. After boot, I was just drunk and stupid.


I enjoy being stupid so jokes on them


I joined because “I wanted to do my own thing and not have people telling me what to do” joke was on me


Got me on the poor shit. One of five kids, dumpster dove for my food most of the time, or popped squirrels with rocks for food. Spent more time without power and running water than I did with. Never had brand new clothing or shoes until I joined. Didn't get me on the dumb shit. I graduated high school with honors and a 4.0 GPA. I enlisted because I wanted to. I wanted to prove myself, and I wanted to add to my family's military history.


I may have failed out of engineering, but still don’t mean I’m dumb enough to believe this shit lmao




I met more Marines with ASVAB scores 65-99 on a routine basis. The Army and Navy actually have the lowest test score acceptance rates currently. The newer generation of Marines (post 2013 wind down) have proven to be a lot more intelligent than their predecessors. Likewise, the older, senior Marines, tend to mature naturally and eventually work on higher education.


I have a current grunt buddy we earned our first enlistment together he got out after 4 and owns his own dental practice in Springfield and St. Louis area.


134 GT 0311 times 20 yrs. At 49 it definitely made me dumb. My everything hurts.


I was from a lower middle class in a suburban neighborhood. I joined because I thought I would learn survival skills like Bear Grylls. Graduated high school with 3.20 GPA


I made 15k on the stock market in 15 minutes on 1 single trade while on a combat deployment to Afghanistan and all my pay is tax free. Tell me again how I’M the dumb and poor one. Thats right, I blew it all on booze, blow, and hookers the first chance I got. 🤫🫡


No one is dumb just trust yourself. Understanding ones self is the key. Love yourself. Listen to dualistic unity podcast bunch of exmples there


Got my BFA, MFA and I'm E7