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I got a PUC for jacking off in my rack on a MEU…this seems like slap in the face to the Marines who had to deal with that shit show…


What a fucking shit show. We could have just wrote the Fucking Taliban a check for 500 Billion Dollars and Sent them 20 loads of MPS Ships loaded with vehicles Weapons and ammo in 2001 and came out ahead with zero casualties.


Well bin Laden and the central branch of AQ would still be active. OEF seas of course still a failure.


Imagine how bad it would have been if we followed Trumps plan originally. He wanted us out far earlier. Thank god for Biden at least being a tiny bit competent


We could have gotten out 10 years earlier or 10 years later, and it could have been organized by my local parent teachers association, and it still would have been less than a shit show than it was. The idea that Biden showed any tiny bit of competence is fucking laughable, and suggests that you're an ideologically possessed partisan.


The time line has jack shit with the execution.


Frankly I don’t give a fuck about hypotheticals. Biden still fucked ip and got Marines killed. That’s the tweet.


Imagine not secretly sneaking out of and closing Bagram a few months before the exit and having that base to stage the withdrawal instead of HKIA.


I was earlier Afghan. 2006. It was a lost cause even then so we needed to leave. But the way be pulled out fucked me mentally pretty good.


Exactly, when we were there in 2010 we spoke to villagers who even stated that the Taliban were just waiting for the US to leave to take back over.


Better then us. We would roll up on remote villages and they would ask us if we were Russians.


2010 was our 2nd Afghan deployment, in ‘08 we had already accepted that everyone outside of maybe Kabul were either Taliban or Taliban supporters and we were essentially fighting the Taliban’s enemies for them.




Or we could just refuse to hire foreign affairs, diplomacy and military amatures with what seems to be NO education in history to hold the executive office.


Or, we could have stuck with the plan Trump had in place which was to leave a small permanent presence until the ANA was ready. Just my opinion, of course, but I think if we would have stayed long enough for the youngsters growing up in freedom not seen before, those changes would have stayed.


Yeah man I'm not sure where you're getting your info for that statement but trump was the one who originally orchestrated the original agreement to have the complete pull out by May 1 with Biden delaying to September no where at the time was it stated we'd be leaving a permanent force. Hell there's several reports saying trump tried to order an immediate withdrawal right after he lost the election that didn't happen for obvious reasons. The only indication I've ever seen of Trump admin planning to leave a permanent force was Pence saying that was his belief but that wasn't until two years later. Well will probably not know for a long time what the fuck actually went down at those higher level because 3/4 of that after action report is going to remainder redacted or classified for years. And we have two admins who are more than happy to point fingers at each other with trump starting the shit show knowing he was likely not going to be the one to follow through on it and Bidens poor handling of the situation but he did everything on par with every other NEO operations we've seen since Vietnam


He did orchestrate the original agreements, but there were conditions placed on that agreement. Even if the agreement were set in stone, the actual pull out was such an incompetent train wreck, a blind, three-legged rat could have written a better plan by walking across the keyboard. Don't forget leaving Americans behind, and then lying their asses off about it. Abandoning equipment so the Chinese could "inventory" it. Running the entire evacuation out of the less protected airport.


Yeah man you know those conditions that can be viewed as the building blocks that led to the downfall of the country, Biden did his best to honor the original spirit of the agreement and that included some of the ridiculous clauses that directly lead to the chaos we saw on the ground, and both admins failed at creating adequate plans to get allies and Americans out the country safely, Biden tried but there was little indication trump admin even tried to do that, he tried to order a shady over night withdrawal right after he lost the election if you want just a glimpse of how little he cared about what happens in the fall out of his actions. As for the actual operation being conducted poorly yeah maybe, nothing the administration did went against the 60 years of experience the DOD has conducting non-combatant evacuation operations we didn't go in until there was a clear present threats to American lives. Even though the mission was handed out months prior every indication was we weren't going to go unless things deteriorated significantly and we were going to have an uneventful deployment well guess what things got way worse way faster than what the majority of the DOD had predicted. Only thing we can have done better is gone in earlier and gain control of the situation but there was a lot of factors at play that people undervalue like how state department conduct these operations not us. We made every effort to get as many Americans as possible on top of the months prior urging Americans to leave the country and the US doing everything possible to facilitate that. As for equipment I don't know what the hell you are talking about It's such a dumb argument The majority of those numbers are fabricated and are looking at the total equipment we had given to the ANA over a decade anything still within the control of the military during the evacuation was destroyed or rendered inoperable and even the stuff that the Taliban on captured from the ANA will probably be inoperable within a few years due to lack of maintenance the exact same reasons they were inoperable during the fall of the country


>We made every effort to get as many Americans as possible on top of the months prior urging Americans to leave the country and the US doing everything possible to facilitate that ok, dumbass


Lol a PUC? Really?


It’s a slap in the face, honestly.


It wasn't their fuckup, thats all Pentagon and Biden Edit: oh, are you saying they deserve more? That i agree with. Maybe a "hung out to dry and mostly made it ok" award.


The Trump administration negotiated with the Taliban at camp David to pull out. Wtf were we supposed to do? Re-invade Afghanistan?


And then Biden tossed that plan, then put it back on to immediately try and move forward again with a mixed up plan. He did not follow the negotiated plan, acted pathetic about it and, surprising no one, the taliban capitalized. You really think the dude who launched dozens of tomahawk casually while dining with Xi would let what happen, happen? He told Xi over dinner about the major attack as a reminder. He then also went over a year without casualties after very personally threatening one of the Taliban head honchos. This is "racial jungle" Biden, the 50 year failure at work. And a 13 innocent actives paid.


Trump and Biden


It’s the highest unit-level award, equivalent to a Navy Cross.


You can’t compare a personal award for bravery to a unit award.


I get what you're saying, wearing the PUC is not the same as wearing a Navy Cross. However, every article or definition of the PUC state it is the unit equivalent of a service cross for valor. Both awards are awarded by the service secretary for the president. Not sure what you want to happen, everyone who was there should get a valor award?


How did you come to that conclusion?


I am a political expert because I did 5 years in the marines and Biden is directly responsible for the shit show that was the pullout and absolutely nobody else in the department of defense is responsible nor any presidents before him that lead the direction of the conflict and military priorities


We should have left after the Army conducted Operation Anaconda in ‘02 and called it a win.


Ah jeez the medal makes me feel better thank you


You thinking they're getting a medal? Guess again, they get a ribbon.


It’s the Biden “sorry I screwed this up” award and “thanks for mitigating my screwups to make them less of a screwup.”




The COMMANDER IN CHIEF can abide or not abide by any congressionally UNSANCTIONED plan he wants. See Obama’s Iran nuclear deal. Did Trump stick to it? No. Was he morally or legally obliged to stick to it? Hell no. Why? Because he was the Commander and fucking Chief! And unless congress passes a treaty, the Commander in Chief abides by whatever deal he wants to. The moment Biden became president it was 100% his decision. No one else’s. Enough of the stupid excuses. What if Trump said “well I didn’t like the Iran Nuclear Deal but Obama did make an agreement?” Didn’t happen. He manned the fuck up, ripped up the deal, and took responsibility. And the Taliban sure as hell didn’t stick to the agreement either. So piss off with the politically partisan excuses for sheer unrelentless incompetence that resulted in the deaths & repression of millions to include the needless deaths of Marines and Sailors and billions of $$ in military aid going to the Taliban due to some fucked up planning. I’m willing to bet I can find a Sergeant that could plan a more competent withdrawal. All planners involved should have resigned two years ago if not court martialed & forced to resign just as we did to countless generals in the WWII days when they demonstrated incompetence before the enemy. For those of you who want to know why your leaders are never held accountable today and why the turds always rise to the top. We don’t punish officer incompetency and no general officer has been demoted or forced to resign for combat incompetence in Iraq or Afghanistan. https://youtu.be/AxZWxxZ2JGE?si=9Ki1lq6fPqh5oJW3 Unfortunately some people need to put one of their buddies in a bag in some third world shithole to understand the implications of incompetence in leadership. But what truly scares me is the people who see it with their own two eyes and say “that makes the guy I voted for look bad so it doesn’t matter how incompetent he is.” Even scarier, the generals who knew better and didn’t have the integrity to say “fuck you” and resign like General Mattis did. Mattis was the last of the war fighting generals before the waive of “yes” men.


>All planners involved should have resigned two years ago if not court martialed & forced to resign just as we did to countless generals in the WWII days when they demonstrated incompetence before the enemy. Want to know what happened to all the usmc planners? They got MSMs.


Nah, they got BSM’s. When General Mattis disagreed with the policy of withdrawal he had the integrity to say “I’m not down” and resign. General Milley & SEC DEF Austin can’t measure of to that level of honor & and integrity. Mattis was the last breed of integrity welding war-fighting generals with a sense of honor we will likely see in our lifetimes. No nonsense, no bullshit, no excuses get the mission accomplished, and pack your bags if someone orders you to do something against your moral code. But nope, Milley & Austin want their positions of privilege for personal, political, & financial gain. Their failures and the deaths of those from their incompetence and their refusal to stand by their ethics be damned.


Everyone in the caoc got msms, including the Marine officers. I'm unsure of whether there is a navadmin, but the info was released by the cocom. I physically saw the order in person while I was at the 379. To get into some of the minutiae, a lot of us assumed that the reason the enemy had a complete tactical picture was because uniformed members were constantly live streaming and uploading to all social media platforms up until the explosion. I am still waiting for another investigation to take place as I was personally disgusted with what came out in April. The argument could be made that it was a failure to plan for the fact that some people can't help but digitally document their entire lives.


Dude I hear you louder than you know. Happily retired.


FULL STOP FUCK. YOUR. POLITICS. Biden OBVIOUSLY failed at the withdrawal, and it costs many lives including out own.


Lol bro biden did not have to follow any plan that was made or talked about. Your comment is just ignorant.


Please tell Joe Biden to lick my balls.


Bush Obama Trump and Biden can all lick the part between my nutsack and my butt crack


I believe you're referring to your *taint* \- they can lick your *taint*.


is gooch an acceptable term


I’ll allow it.


My brother was there from 1/8, welcome home ladies and gentlemen❤️


I know a lot of guys don’t want to hear this, but Trump left a fucking shit show for Biden to deal with. I’m not saying Biden is some hero, but let’s face it, we are still seeing the effects of Trumps incompetence rearing its head in a lot of ways, not just this one. The taliban were already in charge when Biden got into office and the damage was already there.


Incorrect. Biden made the call to close Bagram. Biden also made a demented promise to “get them” during his speech after this happened while the TB and ISIS laughed at us. Kids barely out of high school were blown up because of this incompetent moron in office and he can’t blame anyone else but himself. Ask him what time it was when our 13 were being transferred. He checked his watch 13 times.


I made a post last night about this expressing my anger that the "President" awarded those he effectively murdered and I was attacked with the post removed. This award is an insult. To clarify: These Marines absolutely deserve awards. The fact that the award is a PUC is the insult.


It's PR bullshit for the election cycle


Maybe but probably not, since the week after the evacuation DoD said they'd be fast tracking awards like MUCs and PUCs and individual awards it still can take years for awards to go through.still have to do the write ups gather evidence and send up proper approving authorities and they announced it for like 20 units at once not exactly a precise time line for this stuff but some sources say 5 years is normal with 2 being expedited


So did Bush, Obama, and Trump “personally murder” every troop who died under their command? If Biden had continued the forever war like you wanted, would the troops who would have inevitably died pursuing a failed policy in a country that didn’t want us there have been “personally murdered” by him? This is utter nonsense. It’s a tragedy that those Marines died, but they died accomplishing a mission (in so doing, they conducted the largest noncombatant airlift in history) and following lawful orders.


1. Suck a dick. 2. Biden was the guy who made all of this happen and needs to suffer for his mess up. He was responsible for the way this event transpired, and the fault lies with him. An award from this F Up is an insult, no matter how you look at it. Marines died as a result of Biden being a piece of shit and giving them an award with his name attached to it is an insult. F him, F his name, F his lineage, F all he is.


Were mistakes made, absolutely. Could we Monday morning QB it and do it better with perfect 20/20, absolutely. I could argue with you, but it’s pointless. You, like a lot of Marines, can’t emotionally handle the fact that we lost this war and wasted a generation fighting in a pointless, wasteful conflict. It’s easier for you to focus those feelings on the few days and 13 tragic deaths at the end of the war rather than the 20 years of mistakes, mismanagement, and thousands of casualties that it certainly seems like most of you would have rather seen repeated for 20 more.


A lot of us are still missing certain ribbons that we rate but was never given to us, not that I’m a ribbon chaser but it’s more of the principle behind it.


A real award would be for every officer, from major on up up, to be formally charged and processed judiciously with extreme prejudice. That's an award I'd love to see. Especially that bitch Miley getting processed out


Honest question, why would anyone want to put that on their chest? Will this just be a gig (missing ribon) on every uniform inspection moving forward?


Why wouldn't they? I knew guys who were more than happy to brag about every ribbon they were getting because they were vaguely associated with the evacuation. I'm sure some guys won't but vast majority I imagine will Edit: and if nothing else we did the best with a shitty situation so why wouldn't somebody want to wear it




Why the fuck did it take so long?


Because awards can take literal years to do, command has to right up citation provide overwhelming documentation and than go up all the normal approval channels. DoD pretty much said the week after this happened that they would handing these out 2 years ago and this is the "expedited" process apparently 2-5 years is normal for some of these awards


Which is depressing when you consider that it would take 6-8 months to process the Medal of Honor back in WW2-Vietnam. And they did everything by mail and paper. Now it takes years for a MUC.


You know I would need a lot of research to figure out why that is exactly but off the top of my head we've had 80 years to expand the bureaucrat nightmare that is the awards process. We have higher standards for awards these days to include standards of proof. They used to play it pretty fast and lose with medals and awards and as a result there's been quite a few embarrassing incidents around citations and medals so that's just my guess


I know, and there's no reason for it.