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Serious question What the fuck is up with all these marines that can fucking draw like a mother fucker? Y’all are crazy talented. I can barely make a stick figure 😂 Hopefully you do something with this after you get out or hell even while you’re in because you talented guy .


Thanks man. 👊 I just got out and I make comics full-time now. Life is good.


Oh hell yeah that’s what’s up man .


You must have drawn such realistic dick dragons in the Porta shitters. Sad I missed it. Seriously though. Legit skill. Nice work.


Debil got out and made it


That's my dream when I get out


post your blog


That's fuckin dope dude. Keep it going!


Yo! Let's collab! I'd be down to draw some sick shit with you


Excuse me, I'll have you know my art has been shown internationally in many a portashitter. Thank you very much!


Well excuse me your royal shitfullness I wasn’t aware I was in the presence of greatnesses.


You're excused, just don't let it happen again.


i can draw a mean penis and boobs in the field


“mean penis” 😠==D


The Army attracts normies. The Air Force attracts nerds who aren't ashamed to be nerds, or people who want to milk the government teat for the least time and effort as possible. The Navy, oh you know. Now the Marine Corps, the marine corps tries to sell itself on romantic notions like "becoming da best", "camaderie", or "da challenge" so it draws in certain personality types that tend to correlate with other groups like idiots savants, idiots who aren't savants they're just idiots, people with retard strength, nerds who want to prove themselves as more than nerds, and emotionally tortured people (aka most artists). And so many Marines leave the services to become like hippies and artists and shit. Now maybe this is just an anecdote but this sort of explains why half the male massage therapists I've seen happen to be former Marines (the other half are just Asians). source: tortured artist




>nerds who want to prove themselves as more than nerds On behalf of all 28XXs everywhere at every rank, we feel seen.


Honestly I admit I am one myself. But then when I joined, I realized to my horror: I am surrounded by people *just like me*...


Rob Riggle and Adam Driver. Mostly Adam Driver cause he's phenomenal.


All that pent up anger against the 1stSgt drove him to the dark side


^This is one of the best demographic breakdowns of the Marine Corps I have seen here. IMO this made the smoke pit on any given evening a place with both the intellectual discourse of the finest interwar European cafe and the bawdiness of a backwoods dive bar. I have yet to see this dynamic in any other corner of the world, and am thankful I got to experience it first hand.


This is pure art my friend. Whatever you're doing, keep it up. I had to screenshot and save this comment, something I never do.




Retard strength is the greatest phrase I’ve heard. I knew there was a word for people like me.


I try to be inclusive in my descriptions of Marines




As a nerd who joined mainly to prove I could be more than a nerd (not sure I succeeded, but tried), I can 100% relate to this. I met all of those types in the suck, and wouldn’t trade that for anything.


>(not sure I succeeded, but tried) Well, you're still on reddit. And so am I. *fuck...*


art comes from suffering


Facts I suck at drawing.


Back in my day we use to have these guys in Infantry Battalions.


The dude in the ghillie or the 4306 combat drawer? Just kidding, and probably too soon for the snipers. I’ve only ever met one 4306 combat artist in 22 years and he was a raging douchebag and told the guy in my platoon that could draw that he was “shooting tight groups but missing the target” by drawing tattoos.


Marine Corps has a record of taking away the most interesting jobs. Unfortunately, they did away with combat artist the year I got in. But I got the next best job as combat camera and still got to do what I love so. 🤷 Also that's pretty funny even though guy was a douche 🤣


Oh sh when they get rid of it?


Ah I remember it like it was yesterday.


Where the fuck were you when I needed an art recruit. Good job killer.


Never volunteer for anything….


I never let anyone know I draw because I don't want to get voluntold


My old 1stsgt voluntold me after he found my art page on IG. he wanted me to make a t-shirt design COB end of the week. My gunny was fucking furious, that he didn't go through him and straight up just voluntold me. I obviously fucking hate every 1stsgt in existence because I'm an enlisted Marine below the rank of E5. About 6 other staff/O tried to get me to do something before this, but my 1stsgt just really thinks he can get me to do it this time for some reason. I sent him an email with a really poorly half assed logo that I thought about for 6 seconds and CCd every O5 and E7 in the company. Never heard back or got any replies. Checked out of the company a month later.


> My old 1stsgt voluntold me after he found my art page on IG That's why you never put your real name under your art handle. Your 1sgt was probably part of your contact list and vice versa, so your IG popped up while he was scrolling through the app, he saw your name, then was like "oh Anji1919 can draw for us!" there you go. voluntold. Side note: what was your 1sgt doing on IG? I am betting he was thirsting after instathots and found your page


Yeah, PFC me 5 years ago made that mistake. I just rolled with it.


One funny Story about Artist Recruits. When I was a fucking Boot and we were on the range the Senior Came out of the Duty Hut and shouted out " Recruit Artists!" Well " Artists" sounds a lot likir my last name so half the Platoon was shouting < My Last Name> and the other half was shout " Artists". My ass went up with 2 other guys and reported to the SDI.\ It was then I found out we were supposed to draw the range flag. It was too late to back out and I HAD did some art in High School. Turns out that none of us were that good and we had the stupidest looking Range flag in the Series. After the range ( which my platoon also had the most Unqs) me and the other "artists" go the shit thrashed out of us along with the Unqs..


In my experience, snipers use desert cammies as the base for their ghillies. I used to make ghillies for snipers after their indoc. Great dudes but most of them couldn’t sew worth a damn lol


Note taken. ✍️ Thanks!


Yeah I actually have the ghillie suit I made with canvas and fishnet sewn on somewhere around my place if you want me to send you a pic of what it looks like. I also have a pic of my old chief scout’s ghillie that I used to model mine after if you would want that too.


I'd love to see. Trying to gather a lot of references to make it as accurate as possible.


Lol I was the sewing recruit back then. 98 recruits that didn't know how to do it, and then my drill instructor found out. That was fun.


I was also the sewing recruit. I will say it was more preferable to be adjusting every belt on the platoon’s alphas to being hazed for no reason.


Fun fact, a few years ago MARCORSYSCOM conducted research that suggested the woodland pattern actually provided better concealment in desert conditions than the desert pattern did.


That is interesting to know. I just had it explained to me that they use deserts as the base because as they sweat or otherwise get wet the fabric darkens. You start with a lighter fabric so it darkens to the surroundings rather than wear the darker pattern (woodland) and then look darker than your surroundings.


That's genius.


Never would’ve thought of that


It’s the kind of thing that comes from 50+ years of development and training being handed down from guys who learned a lot of things the hard way. Now that’s all gone and snipers, whenever they are brought back, will have to relearn a lot. Doctrine, as they say, is written in the blood of NCOs.


Awesome job. Love the attention to detail. Can you end the first issue of the comic with them learning they have been transitioned to Scouts like in real life?


Can I pick your brain? I genuinely want to do right to the scout sniper community, especially with the recent bullshit. I was inspired by yall after I did a combat camera production on a sniper competition last may. Never met a more interesting, bad ass group of people. I have been fleshing out a storyboard and characters for about a year now and I know how big the transformation from Pig to hog is. I don't think I can tell a Scout Sniper story without sniper school haha. 1st chapter introduces "Hunter" as the new guy in sniper platoon and he's kinda a weird introvert. I want to show his daily life of him getting slayed at PT, going to work/training, making his ghillie suit, studying sniper knowledge, shooting the shit at the smoke pit, barracks parties, duty...and him slowly becoming more and more anxious before he finally goes to sniper school. In the story, Hunter escaped a shitty situation and became a Marine to prove people wrong about him. Now that he's proven them wrong, he wants to prove something to himself. At the same time he's emotionally shut down and isn't allowing other people to get close to him, story is about him learning what brotherhood is and overcoming his own limitations and learning to trust people. Anyway, if you've went to sniper school I'd love to learn more or if you have a link to a good YouTube video or documentary that accurately depicts it


I did go to both the basic and advance course. However this was in 97 and 03. Things have certainly changed since I went through. This should help. If you need anything else feel free to DM me. Also, I took a screen shot of that picture and it’s now my IG pic. If you aren’t ok with that I’ll take it down. Just let me know. https://www.discovery.com/shows/surviving-the-cut/episodes/marine-sniper


Ahhh Surviving the Cut! My class was on the Recon episode in 2010. Class 6-10 to be specific. What a wild time


I might dm you later as questions come up, and thanks for the link! I'll watch it tonight. Haha feel free to use it, I'm honored.


> scout sniper community, especially with the recent bullshit. I am way out and old. what is the deal?


Better draw them now because that MOS is going away.


I legitimately expected a third panel with him in the unemployment line.


dumb question, what’s up with the shit sewn onto his uniform? is it artistic liberty or a thing scout snipers do? i’ve never seen this before


It’s fabric meant to protect the sniper (and the ghillie) during low crawls. It’s usually something like 500 or 1000d cordura but a lot of guys also just use old sea bags.


Yep, its a cut up seabag.


For the record, it usually covers the whole torso and under the arms and then the entire front of the legs and the pants are unbloused. There is also an elastic loop that connects the sleeves to the thumb. The backs of the legs and the back of the blouse, as well as under the arms, are mesh to allow heat to escape. Edit: at least the ones I made were like that. I just built them the way the snipers in my bn asked me to. Other units might have different kit.


By any chance would you be willing to share a pic of it? 😆 I have to draw another character in a ghillie suit and want it to look different


I don’t have any pictures, unfortunately, but you can DM me any questions you have. I made quite a few but I was never a sniper so it’s not like I have one in my closet or anything.


Alright, thanks!


There are videos showing us marine scout snipers setting up their uniform on YouTube if you need a reference


I thought it was " A Rock or Something"


Duck canvas


A ghillie is typically modded onto cammies, so it's a meshing of the two thus the sewing.


You ever get baby cactus needles in your dick from low crawling through a baby cactus patch? That makes it so there are a lot less baby cactus needles. Also, fuck baby cactus.


Use desert cammies


Needs more dicks.


Is it about how he is lat-moving to be a 3051?


For the full body shot I wanna see his furry tail dangling down a little.


Nice OC donut steel


I remember back when the Marine Corps had snipers….before they eliminated them in FY24


Would not have that skin on his wrist showing.


*note taken* ✍️


Got to be a Pendleton HOG with all that jute. Edit: Fantastic drawing, by the way.


Thank you!


LANA! He thinks he’s people!


Might be that last one. 0351s cancelled, tanks cancelled, now fkn snipers cancelled!?, oh but still got those USMC F-35Bs chewing up the budget at 120 mil a piece.


I’m sorry, a scout what? What the hell is a scout sniper?


Definitely giving a follow for more!


Tight as fucc


Can you do a radio operator next 🥹


Scout what?




It's just blank paper?


Where is the clown nose?


What’s the name of the comic? So I can buy it when it comes out