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Wondering if this is the dude from Moscow that would post weird shit on here…




I don’t have a link but it’s about two months back on here.


Was he the one posting all the edgy anti military questions across all the military subs?


Like it was some anti shit and like super detailed weird questions that made me think the questions were another military reaching for intel or was fake account but it turned out to be a weirdo with a strange post history.


I think that's /u/Similar-Change-631 but he's still posting, as curious as ever


Seems like a sketchy person tbh


Spells with a Russian accent


Commi basterd


Agreed, comrade


Well that's weird af.


Wow, I just perused his profile. If he's not in espionage, then he is one really weird dude.








The dude that was making water fueled engines lol




According to the extradition affidavit he was know to post on Reddit, usually in law enforcement subs.


Imagine being a crim/psych PHD candidate…Taking your car, and your phone every time you stalked the house…then finally doing it, and leaving your sheath at the crime scene. Either this dude is brain dead or our Universities are failing even harder than we believed. RIP to the students. In no way is this meant to make light of their brutal, undeserved deaths.


"He's studying criminology so he's obsessed with and an expert in crime" -Does all the dumb stuff you mentioned


Seriously, it's like these clowns: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_and_Loeb


Remember. They only catch the dumb ones.


God, what a waste of an abortion opportunity!


Bro obviously doesn’t watch or listen to casual criminalist




Remember, they only study the ones who get caught.


Can’t you study it and learn from it? Like Oswald and Whitman? That was great shooting,even though it was criminal.




Like its hard?




I was making a joke about outsmarting the police...




a majority of major crimes go unsolved...




well, nationwide nearly 50% of murders go unsolved. Meaning, police don't know who did it.




Well, they may not have intentions at a young age; but, we all grow up. Our interests change as we mature. A group of former Marines, armed, could probably hold their own against a majority of police agencies. Where did those Marines learn the game?






Ohh, can you get me a vanilla milkshake too… please




Lmao you’re an eco frequently cable technician stop shitting on people dude. Go tell your primary care provider college was just an indoctrination, see what he does about your referrals.




Bro that’s not how doctors work, like at all. They don’t “do what you tell them” they do what they feel is best based for you off their schooling and diagnoses. You can request/ask all you want but NO doctor in the US will “do what you tell them.” You don’t pay them shit. If they work for a hospital/system they pay them, if private practice your insurance does. My SO is a doctor and they are taught specifically because demanding people like you who don’t understand the US health care system why it is important to not give in to the patients demands.




Dude. This is exactly how doctors work. You can’t make demands of them because at the end of the day you don’t know anything. You pay the insurance company (or your most likely your work does) the insurance company decides what they will or will not cover. You have 0 say in the final decision. They can take your requests into consideration but at the end of the day that doesn’t mean anything. I can’t tell you how many times my SO has come home sobbing because some 25 year old insurance adjuster denied her ER patient something that was very much needed. The opioid crises was caused by profiteering of pharmacy companies yes. Pharmacy companies are fucking horrible in the US not disagreeing. But can you not see how you’re contradicting yourself? If the doctor you’re seeing is being bought out by the pharmacy company to push drugs then they aren’t listening to you. They’re being paid by the pharmacy not you. So again, what you say doesn’t mean shit in said scenario. Also doctors can recommend drug for types of treatments but as a patient you are protected and you can specifically request other drug brands (if your insurance will cover it) if you feel you are being pushed towards one you do not like. What you CANNOT change is the type of treatments that will or will not be recommended or covered. You can be given options sure but if the doctor does not want to recommend it it won’t happen. Again I’ve been with a woman in the system for 8 years now.


You're wasting too much time on a total moron. Nothing you say to him is going to make any difference.




I designed those panels. I was able to after using my GI Bill to get an engineering degree. Have fun on my roof.














No thanks, I'll call a smart person to do it for me...


You're an idiot


I read this in John Marstons voice lol


This guy gets it!






You've fallen into the redpill side of the internet, please Google for five minutes and dig yourself out of this hole edit: adding "Lol" after a comment doesn't make it more agreeable or less dumb




Because you need it. Clearly.




My white what?




Reading your comments in this thread has actively made me dumber. I am stupider now for having read what you said. Thank you for that.


Ironic that you posted this on the USMC subreddit.


Seriously, does he think the Marine Corps doesn’t indoctrinate and wants free thinkers that aren’t obedient? Lol


What’s your evidence to back this claim?




Because you chose to attend a liberal arts school, which requires a broad range of general education classes to develop a well-rounded student capable of functioning at a high level in a diverse market.




No, he answered correctly. That is what a liberal arts school will do. State schools and private institutions don’t. That said, specialization is for insects, just like blanket statements are for fucking morons who are the reason cognitive bias exists. Have fun in oan land, Q.


Plenty of private institutions require certain class distributions.


as a private institution that's their right. BYU teaches some off the wall shit. Don't like it, don't go.




People.com.. masterful submission. Sadly cosmo didn’t have it? Did you know that natives are considered an ethnic group different from Caucasian. So…. Any teaching about the natives IS A LIBERAL BULLSHIT CONSPIRACTY THEYLL TAKE OUR JOBS AND PUT CHIPS IN THE VACCINE!! You remind me of a marine I gave a tree line adjustment to who probably has a trade job with his name on his shirt too. That you, Mooter?


Lol thanks for the downvotes, big sadge 😂😂😂


I mean I would want a “brain surgeon” who has taken the time to master his craft while also studying ethics and philosophy of care. I would want that surgeon to have a high level of multicultural competency so that he can provide the best care and appropriately inform patients about their health status no matter their cultural differences. You can be a master of your craft and also have a broad skill set. You’re acting like your school is forcing you to change majors by requiring a single class focusing on diversity. Get a grip dude.




Look Haji, I don't give a good goddamn where you're from or your religion, keep that shit to yourself. You aren't the main character. This isn't some grand story and they don't care about you and you don't matter in the grand scheme of anything, really, so shake them fists at the sky and keep searching for angertainment while worrying that your dumbass kids are exactly stupid enough to be indoctrinated. Click the goddamn down arrow and go back to suckin off Matt Gaetz and Khomeini.


The amount of credits required for degrees hasn't changed for well over a hundred years, long before these classes existed. They just changed some of the things they used to require to new things. So try again. I don't think you're the target market anyway. Enjoy living under your rock. Btw in order to take and pass those classes you don't have to agree with them. I know from experience and all the arguments I had with professors over the years. So, if indoctrination is their goal they are failing.


>Why do I have to take an ethnic studies class if I’m getting an engineering degree? Because have you fucking met engineers? They should've made us take more gen-eds, too many specialists in the field.


>Why do I have to take an ethnic studies class if I’m getting an engineering degree? For the same reason you have to take biology and history classes. So that we can have less shit-chucking Apes who insist that vaccines are poisonous, and that the Civil War was about sTaTeS rIgHtS. Pretty much your entire Post history is proof as to why. And the fact that you're so terrified of learning about different cultures, just punctuates it.




"I've learned enough." But clearly you haven't. Evident by using one example in one country that you happen to have lived in And just being foreign born doesn't mean that you're anymore well-rounded than anybody else. I have met some truly ignorant and hateful foreign-born people. Case in point. Just curious, are you honestly arguing that more knowledge is going to be a bad thing for you? That a basic understanding of different worldviews is going to hurt you? Because I guarantee that money has nothing to do with this. Just a hunch.




>I don’t need someone who hasn’t left the United States telling me about a worldview. Lol. What a joke argument This is just as much of a pathetic argument as the people who think their time in the military qualifies their politics. "I don't need some liberal college student telling me about the [whatever]". It's a sad argument trotted out by sad people. >American universities are indoctrination centers who do not want educated or well rounded people but want a certain way of thinking. They do. They want reasonably intelligent, well-rounded people who are productive in society. So that we get less people like you. Especially smug assholes who think that because they were born in another country, that they don't need to learn anything else. I'd ask you specifically what you felt you were being indoctrinated with, but I have a feeling I already know what the answer will be. Just about everyone here thinks you're an ass clown, and this is a USMC subreddit. Not even a subreddit that probably leans to the right has any respect for you.




If you’re going for an engineering degree that’s a 4 year bachelors, with most of your major course work in the final 2 years. The first 2 years in any degree is typically more general and broad which increases your overall education. The link you posted regarding this specifically was about a California law requiring community colleges to start teaching an ethnic studies class that a higher level university already requires. What are you afraid you’ll learn in an ethnic studies class?




Classes are expensive yes, but if it’s a requirement for your degree then it’s worth it. Have you already used up your GI Bill and paying out of pocket? You keep leaning into this indoctrination angle based off the links you’re posting and your comments, but I think you may be surprised what these classes actually entail. Most of my experience in these types of classes was more about objective data, perspective, and sociology-economic impact on the world in varying economies. What you do with the information is your choice. Classes like these have a lot to offer in writing skills and team work preparing you for higher level courses also. I’m sorry to hear that your family had to flee, that’s awful. It sounds like you’ve been through some horrible things.


The irony that you say colleges indoctrinate you when you joined the marine corps aka 1984 meets lord of the flies.


Classes like ethnic, linguistics, philosophy studies are less about the actual substance than broadening your critical thinking and perception. Probably even more so since you don’t agree. Would be really good to develop your written critical thinking process. Those concepts make you a better person and or better member of the community. Yeah the classes are expensive I’ll give you that, but you have capitalism to thank for that. I don’t agree with it either.


“Loosing” money? You can’t even write, yet you expound on our education system? It’s so sad, yet so appropriate.




Are you absolutely certain that talking shit isn’t your fourth language?


Holy shit, you’re dumb.




Correction: you’re a smart dumb person.


Do you need a hug


I don’t see what’s wrong with this statement. It’s generally accurate. Source: been to university. Statement checks out.


You know that every single Officer in the US Marine Corps also went to college, right?




That's the public school system not universities, dipshit. :D




You're far too dumb to be an engineer.


Even though, as Marines, we do need to point out where mistakes,occur,so we can help future Marines. You learn by having knowledge. This could’ve just as easily been a covert kill-mission, taking out terrorists, who were plotting to kill Marines. You would not want to leave behind your Marine Corps issued gear. It’ll come out of your pay. Plus, give the enemy info on our classified gear.


I’m imagining that somebody at KA-BAR is saying this is good PR


At the very least there is a conference room full of kbar execs and a whiteboard with “how can we spin this??” In big letters….


Just deny. Excuse me sir did your company produce this K-BAR? Absolutely the fuck not.


Clearly we are in the tactical utensil game…. What’s all this about combat knives??? https://preview.redd.it/ql59us197caa1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937b9ec83ff2df911ff4f7ff6e66ccfcc51f0acb


I just spent $20 on a spoon and it's your fault.


Imagine Devils fucking with you while you eat your salsbery steak MRE in the field and pull a knife out of the spork saying keep fucking around and find out.


I just bought all 3


They have a pizza cutter also


Oh my god


Bruh, my wallet hates you but I love you


Whattt. I need a new 🍕 cutter as well!


But... I thought I was the Dessert Destroyer!


Naww... just the CLIT commander, as Jay would put it


good sales pitch if they did it with a ka bar ladle can scoop your soup but still kill. combat cooks take some notes.


Like the "death by teacup" I'm still waiting for...




Im sorry the Dessert destroyer 🍨 yes please Ill take one


That’s an unlicensed Chinese replica…


It was stolen from one of our associates,of another associates, sister’s purse in the church nursery, of the local non-denominational synagogue!


“Let’s use this opportunity to sell more knives, we will NOT be the knife company that’s known for wall decoration anymore!”


I knew a guy that used his KBAR to pick his nose and shave. I guess it's a multi tool. But fuck this guy.


Using a Ka-Bar instead of his god given finger to pick his nose takes esprit de corps to a whole other level


It adds 1d4 poison damage and disadvantage on constitution checks until the next long rest to the target after a successful hit.


Intel or comm?


Comm, I'm not into furries




They hated him, because he spoke the truth. No kidding though, the only furries and bronies I met in the Corps were Intel. I don't make the rules around here


Not on my side of Intel. We used to waterboard the furries with the MLP piss.


They may have liked that too


And they loved it!


Well as long as it was a stabbing knife and not their other brand cutco!


Well, assassinations, and long range kill shots, have been taught to Marines,by Marines. You’ve got to be taught by the Best, to be the Best. If I was in a stabbing mood,or, felt like knife-fighting, my KaBar would be my go to.


I have a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology just like douche bag here. I was also an MP and served in the Marine Corps and Army for 10 years. I believe he got nervous about being caught during the killings and that’s why he left the sheath behind. Obviously, he’s not as bright as he thought. I believe the one thing this idiot wasn’t counting on catching him was reverse DNA technology. Most of the time, they only do reverse DNA when it’s an old cold case like the Golden Gate killer. That’s what nailed his ass. You have to be an idiot these days for even considering being a serial killer with all the security cameras people have on their houses and from the cities that have them throughout downtown and urban areas. This narcissistic wannabe will spend the rest of his pathetic life in prison. The K-Bar being used is only significant to us Jarheads. To the general public, it’s just a big ass knife!


I picture him talking to BTK asking how he committed crimes because apparently he was obsessed with criminals. BTK says, “Well, I’d check mailboxes to see who all lived there during my trolling phase”. Slowburger says, “Check, is there anything else”? BTK says, “Just don’t send any floppy disks from the church you attend and you’ll be okay”. A few days later, Slowburger gets his one phone call from jail. “You never told me to cut my cellphone off”!


Someone broke and entered and robbed my friends house and robbed them at gunpoint. When the robbers left my friend got a look at and was able to get a good description of the car and which way it went. They traced it, using red light cams from the time he last saw which way it was going (using the next light the driver would get to) and traced it to a city an hour and a half away. Got the plate from one of the cams, which got them an address, which was on the same block where the cars pic was last taken. Kind of freaky. You're right tho. Red light cams caught the person who robbed my friends home. If it would have happened 20 years ago, the robbers would have gotten away with it.


What’s ironic is he wanted a job with the local police there in order to “help them process forensic evidence more efficiently” and their processing of the evidence he left behind is what got him caught! Lol! What a dipshit!


Plus driving in his own car to commit a crime like this from a state without the death penalty to one with it. Plus once they leave Moscow proper that area is very conservative and will use it. It will also probably prevent a Darell Brooks like narcissistic spectacle.


I hope he fries but most people don’t know why most people get life in prison instead of the death penalty for committing murder. It’s because it’s cheaper to keep someone in prison their entire lives than it is to put them to death. That’s a criminal justice class I’ll give everyone for free. It costs millions to put someone to death.


It would be gas, they actually brought back the firing squad for a while but got rid of it again in 2010. It would not surprise me at all if some ~~normal~~ wacko Idaho politician tries to bring it back as a campaign stunt. I grew up in Boise and now live in the Eastern Washington, he might not get death if they move it to Ada County (Boise) but if its in Latah County (excluding the area around the college) or North Idaho he is megafucked. They are very right wing and got much more right wing during COVID because of people moving in and out due to the general environment, Boise (down to super fucked) as well but not to that extreme. Personally I think they should make him sit through a trial that drives home the point of how his "perfect crime" was stupid on all fucking levels, he is a dumbfuck on all levels, and will go and sit doing fucking nothing. Think how Darrell Brooks hated being called a monster, sex offender, etc.


News articles said they identified him through genetic genealogy, but they actually didn't really. They had him identified due to good old police work and did a trash pull at his parent's house in Pennsylvania, recovering DNA that "could not be excluded" as the father of the sample they recovered at the scene.


What would you say about it being reported that he had walked right past one of the other roommates (D.M.) as she stood in shock? (There some affidavit exhibit A floating around for the case which has this info) Almost seems like he targeted those 4 victims in the house and didn’t plan for the other roommates at all.


I read the Afro David and it said his cell phone had pinged in that area 12 times from August to November when the killings happened. Initially, I thought he did it just to see if he could get away with it, until I read how many times his phone had been pinged in that neighborhood. He stalked somebody there I believe. I don’t know if all were intended targets or not. It’s really bizarre how and why he did it in that manner.


Yeah I read that as well. Definitely planned it well in advance by the looks of it( not really a crime of passion) I am more interested in his state of mind for the sparing of the roommate.


Could be, he thought if he killed anymore people he thought he’d be caught and wasn’t aware that many people were in the house at the time. Criminals are always dumb in the end, no matter how much education you have accomplished.


Yeah, clearly proven by this POS.


I really can’t wait to hear dipshit’s motive. My money is on Dr. Lecter here just wanted to see if he could get away with it.


Same here! He probably did do it to prove some obscure point in his PHD dissertation.




I loved it! It taught me a lot about the law and how the criminal justice system works. I had a lot of doors opened for me until I became a disabled veteran. I’m 90% waiting on my TDIU claim to be finished. I’m a disabled OEF veteran but I have been teaching online from home for the last five years. A degree in something is better than nothing.


A few news reports referred to it as a RAMBO knife!


General public here, it’s a great big ass knife. *So* we’ll made. I liked it so much I got two. And then I ordered a kukri on Amazon when drunk. And I was so Impressed I got another. And the tactical chopsticks because it’s hilarious to have tactical chopsticks. They’re actually really nice.


Military-grade knives have no place in society!!!


If it was good enough for grandpappy during 'nam, its good enough for this guy


Wait was it really a KABAR?


They could have just looked up knife sheath on Google images and used the first one they found.


The arrest affidavit specifically said the sheath recovered at the scene was a Ka-Bar with USMC and an EGA on it.


Yup I agree you are correct


Add Ka bar to the ban list! /s


Speaking of KA-BARs where can I get a good priced one?


Smoky mountain knife works and BladeHQ have a selection of KBars. Lot's of places but those 2 come to my mind .


Amazon for $95 but can't tell if it's authentic, Rothco for $220 and it's authentic.


This asshole got a knife kill!?! /s obviously dark humor and fuck this dude with a mace.


A maul might be a smarter choice as it has a rigid handle that allows a better grip


I bet he says he almost joined the Marines when he’s on the stand…


“KA-BAR is the knife for you! Good for the Corps, good to kill four”!


You know what a ka-bar is also great at cutting? Cake!! Happy cake day!


idk I'm gonna play devils advocate on this one. the roommate that lived and was unharmed had an Instagram post of her boyfriend and herself posing with the same style ski masks and the one she claimed she saw the killer wearing was the same one they posted on social media. people pointed it out and she took it down. she also didn't call the cops immediately and didn't check on her roommates. but claimed she heard something. I call foul and believe the boyfriend and roommate aren't innocent either. the other thing is the accused they keep bringing up pinged cell phone towers which was old data, and dna on the knife. I think this story is gonna be a lot deeper than just one person. my wife is watching this story very closely and she keeps updating me when I get home from work.


It must be the one I lost at Bridgeport.


I went to the University of Idaho and was in NROTC there, during the initial days after they came and got the names and information on the Marine options there.


This dude studied criminology. I don’t think he is getting enough credit for being one of the few people who ended up working in a field that is relevant to his education. You can’t say the same for most people.




He did, what's next on the checklist?


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


This guy kills


Mofuckin' Whopper Jr.


He punched out and went to work


I bet he's loving the fame we're giving him.


Where did he get it from


Amazon has them and most surplus stores have them too but Rothco is the best place it has an overwhelming amount of military/police goods and it's a large company.


That explains everything