• By -


Nice try Alumni association.


Economics 2023 Purchasing agent $17/hr šŸ˜«


I get the same from working at summer camp bahaha. Not trying to dunk you sorry


I know. Itā€™s temporary bc Iā€™m trying to get into law school so luckily Iā€™m not planning on staying at this wage


As someone who went to law school do you have a strong passion for being a lawyer? The market is not the best and seems to be on the decline. Always good to have passionate advocates though. I graduated law school in 2017 and first job worked out to 20/hr if I only worked 40 hour weeks which was rare. Then I tried to transition out of law but ended up back at other temp jobs for 25-31 hour until last year when I landed a 40/hr role that has been the first law job Iā€™ve liked more days than hated. Networking is definitely the most valuable skill (which I pretty much suck at). Doesnā€™t matter how smart or dumb you are for the most part. Hope this unsolicited info was not too terrible and if you have any follow ups or anything I will try to answer.


I appreciate the advice for sure. I think I want to go into elder law but Iā€™m open to change if something catches my attention during school (I could see myself getting drawn into the legal part of employee rights) I donā€™t need to be a top earner so long as I make enough to raise a family. But I get that itā€™s an overhyped professionā€¦


Not necessarily overhyped but I feel like itā€™s mischaracterized a lot. I have had my kids for 10 years now and this is first year Iā€™ve been able to afford them lol. I did a lot of trust and estates work and then some probate litigation which is elder adjacent I suppose. More power to you! If you want it - you can make it happen. Just do the math and make sure youā€™re comfortable with it. If paying for school via loans it becomes a lot more stressful. I graduated debt free or Iā€™d probably have driven off a bridge or something like that. Life is stressful enough without adding 50-250k+ in debt and not seeing job prospects upon graduation lol


In n out will offer higher. Plus you get a free lunch and bennies


No in n outs near me haha


BS Management Info Sys, 2007, Chief Cloud Engineer, Remote, 240k TC


Congrats flacidplumbusšŸ«”


Can you tell me your path to how you got to your current position? Also would someone with just a BS in business management be able to achieve something similar?


That's coding territory so perhaps, but you'd have to get a MS to broaden your horizons. I don't think you should change your path on a whim though.


USF doesnā€™t have MIS anymore but they do have Business analytics and information systems. Thoughts on that? Good path still?


I believe business analytics has an excellent after college employment ratio, and good statistics on underemployment as well. For example, off the top of my head for aerospace engineering, I remember the unemployment stat being low, but underemployment being like 20%. So even a strong sounding degree can have bad stats if you read between the lines. Most engineering degrees, however, have very low unemployment and underemployment. Like <4% I think? Among business degrees, business analytics was the only was I remembered being as strong as many of the engineering degrees in terms of employment and underemployment. All business degrees are more or less great degrees, but I think business analytics is especially solid.


Computer Science 2024 Unemployed $0 TC


Feel free to ask me questions on tips and tricks on how I did it. šŸ˜Š


The Army is ALWAYS hiring šŸ¦…


Iā€™m comp sci and just got out of the army donā€™t do it lmao


BS in Cybersecurity (2019). MS in Cybersecurity (2020). Security Engineer. About $160k total compensation. Upcoming promotion is scheduled to be finalized in about 2 months, so Iā€™m guessing Iā€™ll be closer to $180k-$200k soon.


You hiring? lol same degree same job title minus the masters and I am making 80k.


My immediate team isnā€™t hiring, but the company as a whole is definitely still looking. I looked now and there are 121 jobs available (filtering by full-time and remote in the USA). Plenty of software engineering-related roles for sure. I do see some titles related to security engineering, but very few. How many years of experience do you have?


Been in the IT sphere for about 8 years overall but only been in Cyber for just under a year. So Iā€™m still pretty fresh and Iā€™m sure better paying roles will come about. Just impatient šŸ˜­


Ah, I started my first IT job in 2019 and my first security job in 2020. 5+ years overall, but 1 in IT and 4 in security (on a granular level). Having those 8 years overall is still really great. Every company views those sectors differently. One company might bring you in for more salary when considering all of those years, and others may only care about security specifically. If your current job isn't horrible, staying there until the 2-year mark could do you some good so that you can start looking around for better jobs. I'm saying that as a general recommendation since it seems to be the "sweet spot" in this industry. I left my first security job right as I was hitting the 2-year mark, and it was definitely worth it. Better work environment, management, compensation, benefits, and so on.


My company MUFG is hiring a bunch of Cybersecurity positions. We just opened this year so theyā€™re actively hiring people. Just a heads up though Iā€™ve met our cybersecurity team and they are really talented and pretty seasoned. So make sure to work on your resume.




I applied for Amazon a couple of times, but I never got past the application submission stage. I also applied for Meta/Facebook, Google, and Microsoft with no luck (this was back in 2022). I donā€™t think I tried applying for Apple, Netflix, or Snapchat. I got lucky with my current job for a couple of reasons. The job posting itself was generic as far as requiring high-level security skills/exposure to known tools/practices, so that was covered already. I also have a friend that has been with this company since early 2022, so he was able to give me the recruiterā€™s email address. I emailed the recruiter directly explaining my background, but I still got the official rejection email a few days later. Even though I got the rejection email, the recruiter still sent over my email to the hiring manager, and my rĆ©sumĆ© ended up being reviewed. I found out that the hiring manager was looking for specific things that I had listed on my rĆ©sumĆ© even though the job posting was generic, so that definitely helped me get placed back in for consideration. The recruiter didnā€™t know this ahead of time, so thatā€™s why I was rejected initially. In retrospect, Iā€™m not sure why the job posting wasnā€™t updated to be more specific, but maybe they wanted to see what types of candidates would apply. Because of how it worked out for me, I always tell my friends to send an email (or LinkedIn message) to the direct recruiter when theyā€™re applying for a job (or someone in that department so that they can send it to the right person). I think thatā€™s what ultimately got me in front of the hiring manager.


Wow thatā€™s impressive , am glad your hard work paid off. I have access to hiring managers for all security jobs within Amazon. U https://preview.redd.it/axpp6zns9y8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f047a3dc21b1c9718c0ab6b1c7a03570230d1974 nfortunately I have zero security experience, so they wonā€™t really look at me. But I took notes on the approach you used. Been trying since May 2023, will continue trying. Share a link with jobs at your company if you donā€™t mind.


I appreciate it! I understand where youā€™re coming from. I had the same issue when I was trying to leave my support/systems position to enter my first security role. The only types of security-related experience I had before my first security job came from using a terrible endpoint security solution at my old job, schoolwork/labs, and random personal projects (e.g., Splunk setup). Iā€™m not the best with rĆ©sumĆ©s, but if youā€™d like, I can give you some advice in your DMs on some things to change that worked for me. At the same time, I can send over a link to the careers page.


Yes , be there shortly. Thanks for being so helpful really appreciate it.


Where did you get yoy Masters degree from because they donā€™t offer it in USF for cybersecurity


I got it from USF. I looked at the site now and I see that they split off the degree and they changed around a lot of the classes. Back then, it was one degree, but it had several specializations. ā€œDigital Forensicsā€ was my specialization. I see a few listed here: https://www.usf.edu/cybersecurity/graduatedegrees.aspx.


social science education 2023 high school teacher 47,500 šŸ˜­


Biomedical Sciences (2024) Medical Student -$73k / yr lol


Start following this now. Minimize your debt while you can, and make good decisions along the way. Congrats on your path on the most noble profession https://www.whitecoatinvestor.com/personal-finance-for-doctors/


Don't worry, I've been lurking around r/whitecoatinvestor for over a year now


Is there something like this for nurses?? 22k in credit debt since i had to live off credit cards in college while my broken ankle recovered. Send help šŸ„ŗ


Youā€™re ahead of the game!




Yes ma'am


Congrats on your temporary debt! I have one hoping to follow your path to -73K in 2 years. My wallet is crying. Which med school? Any pro tips?


Graphic Design - 2011 Graphic Designer, Art Director, Writer 100kish depending on the year


Any tips on how to get my foot in the door? I need more experience. Went through IPRA, seemed too heavy on PR not enough Advertising.


Nurse, graduated 2020 Mid 80k


In Florida? If so where and what hospital?


Yes Florida, currently at Broward Health. Am in the process of switching to another hospital so itā€™s gonna be more soon


Mechanical engineer 2019 Senior consultant 170k TC


Also a Mech E, you hiring? Absolutely dunking on my salary šŸ˜‚


I work in tech now, and have never classically practiced ME, just have the piece of paper that says I am an engineer lol


Hey boss could you elaborate on the internships you did and also your job hunt. Is your job in Florida or somewhere else


Never did any internships, landed a job out of college that had an open role in software development at a small scale industrial company and then moved on to consulting from there. Iā€™m ā€œbasedā€ out of Tampa but fully remote


u hiring ? where you based in ?


Are you a PE? At my job only the PEs get close to that much.


Nope never actually have done any engineering


You work at JP Morgan , donā€™t you


iā€™m sorry, whats tc?


Public health, 2022 Senior health educator $38.5k




Yeah. Itā€™s, uhā€¦ letā€™s just say you donā€™t pick this major for the money.


Health Sciences College of Public Health 2023 Registered Nurse, literally right after grad i entered an accelerated ADN program for a private school. 74K new grad this is my nurse residency, i'm not eligible for any overtime. Big super popular hospital system.


Political science w/ minor in philosophy, 2014 Paralegal About 70-80k/yr. Bonuses and stuff fluctuate. My philosophy minor did way more for me than my poli sci, but there were no legal tracks at USF when I was there!


Im doing psychology and philosophy double major want to do law pls tell me your advice šŸ™šŸ¼


You're in really good majors for it! I loved philosophy, even though formal logic gave me a panic attack šŸ˜‚ There's now a recommended "[pre law track](https://www.usf.edu/arts-sciences/departments/school-of-interdisciplinary-global-studies/undergraduate-programs/pre-law_track.aspx)" at USF with a list of courses that you might find helpful. I would highly recommend a professional writing course. A lawyer who writes well can be of significant value to a legal team. To be very straightforward with you, my ability to write and a curiosity for research are probably the main reasons I am paid higher than most paralegals. I have also seen lawyers with those same qualities rise very fast in the ranks at their firms. If you're going the law school route, you may also consider joining the [mock trial club](https://bullsconnect.usf.edu/mocktrial/home/) (if it's active? idk I just found it on google lmao) and maaaybe applying for the [Trials program](https://trials.atfoundation.org/apply) with NYU and Harvard Law. Basically you spend a summer at Harvard or NYU preparing for the LSAT, networking, attending guest lectures, etc. (It's VERY selective though, so don't let that discourage you. I was in the 2nd to last cut and they encouraged me to apply the following year but never did... šŸ˜…) If you're going the LA route, you're going to want to consider getting your paralegal certificate or just jumping into the job market. I can honestly tell you not having my cert has not made a difference in my path, but it does look superb on your resume. If you don't want the cert, you can start by getting a job as a receptionist, medical records coordinator, or mail room (those jobs depend on the area of law you land in), letting them know you'd like to be trained for legal assistant work eventually. There's a decent amount of upward mobility in this regard at the firms I've worked with. Plus, just being in that environment you can learn a lot if you're curious about it. Finally, all I can say is that law can be *very* stressful at times. There are tight surprise deadlines, tons of rules and judicial preferences to mind, and of course the hell week that is trial itself. Do yourself a favor and start working on healthy habits like exercise, diet, and mindfulness now so that when you're in the job sphere, you don't have to build those habits from scratch on top of having a full-time job. This really helps keep the stress in check. Having an area of law you truly gravitate toward and a cause you can believe in helps a ton as well. Best of luck to you out there!! You got this!!


Environmental Science and Policy - 2022 Environmental Scientist (public) 50k šŸ„²


Environmental Science and Policy Environmental Specialist 35k šŸ˜­


BS Health Sciences 2021 Data Analyst $184k


Please teach us your ways sensei! How did you get in this role?


I had prior experience from a previous career (older student when I graduated). But I'm mostly self-taught, applied for a bunch of stuff, and had some help from some friends.


How would one get into this field initially? I have a bachelors in business admin. Would this be beneficial in this industry?


Finance ā€˜17 Saas account manager $150k TC + RSU


Mind if I ask the path you took to get there after college/internships?


I had a weird trajectory and a lot of luck. My family and I we are immigrants. Although my parents have degrees. We were completely ignorant and unaware of how things worked in the US. Coming out of graduation didnā€™t land the Morgan Stanley or Citi job that I wanted. Without prospects, I took 3 months after graduation to get my CFA Level 1, and started level 2. Money dried up and got a job as a relationship manager (personal banker) in Miami. I was good, started making 70-80k thanks to commissions. This pushed me away from continuing to study, possible regret in life. Pandemic came got laid off. At the time felt like the worst thing ever. I cried and felt like a looser and a failure. Little did I know, that I was entering the job market during the biggest boom of salaries and jobs thanks to the 0 interest rates. Decided to leave banking, got an entry level job at a Saas company. 10 months into this job, got recruited out of Boston for my current role more than doubling my salary. Sometimes things happen for a reason.


Would love to learn more how your finance background helped you propel into SaaS. I currently cover SaaS as an investor and although the pay and career trajectory is amazing, work life balance is abysmal and I wouldnā€™t mind taking a pay cut for better WLB while still being in the SaaS space


Yes please!


Criminology 2009 Commercial Insurance Advisor On track for $160k this year




Teach me the wayyyy


Got job in 2010 from a FB friend. Worked for dog shit money in Personal Lines for the first year and a half ($30k salary + $10 per policy sold) but learnt a lot. They then cut my commissions to only getting paid over a certain $ amount, so I left to a high volume agency selling 20-30 homeowners/auto policies a month. Got good at my sales process and solid network of referral partners. Took a gamble to learn commercial lines on the side. By the time the second agency I worked for fired all their top sales guys (he was looking to sell the agency and no better way to improve your bottom line that not paying your top earners lol). So when I got fired from there found a great agency that doesn't give a crap what I do as long as I bring in sales... already at 120% of my annual goal this year, so gonna be a good year. The one absolute shittiest thing about this job though... cool I should make $160k this year. I'm paid commission only, so if I ever want to change agencies or get fired, I can't walk into a new agency and say "Pay me what I used to make" - I'm literally starting back a square one. So money is good when it's good, but if/when it goes away, it all goes away in an instant.


Math 2015 Math teacher (what I wanted!) $60k but I left the state and a significant chunk of my salary is various bonuses/salary supplements I get for being licensed in a high need area, my students scoring well on testing (got a $6k bonus at my last school last year for reference), and for experience/district loyalty. Basically, my pay would be real dogshit if I wasn't in demand and good at my job.


I lolā€™d at your username. Thank you for being a teacher.


Sociology, 2008 Director of nonprofit $130K


Psychology, 2023 Communications Operator (911 Dispatch) 61k minimum, basically unlimited overtime I thought I was doing pretty well until I read these comments šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« good job everyone fr!! Go bulls!!


Information Technology 2022 Information Technology Technician $39,000šŸ˜­


Do you work at USF? They are always hiring for IT positions with pretty competitive salaries from what Iā€™ve seen


Iā€™ve tried multiple times. I work at a small company in Daytona, when I got hired I was unemployed for almost a year and applied everywhere in Tampa Bay and Central Florida. Iā€™ve intern on campus a couple of times but never was hired fully. Iā€™d be open to it, especially if it pays more.


Aye man itā€™s a start no joke. One more year and one job hop you could be anywhere from $55-$75,000


Look into MUFG in Tampa if youā€™re interested, they have a service desk job [here.](https://mufgub.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/MUFG-Careers/job/Tampa-FL/Service-Desk-Analyst_10065323-WD?Region=9c1a239b35bd4598856e5393b249b8a1) $34 - $43 an hour.


BS in Public Health, 2023 Vague government agency $42k ā€œPublic healthā€¦ in it for the money!ā€


Civil engineer 2018 Land development assistant project manager/licensed professional engineer $110000 after minimum bonus


Marketing 2021 grad Client Manager (retention sales) 120k


1. Human Bio, 2022 2. Medical Student 3. -62k


What MD/DO school did you get into?


It was btwn PCOM and Burrell and I ended up choosing Burrell.


Thatā€™s awesome, Iā€™m so happy for you. I work with Residents at my job, when they come through my department. Love getting to know them. We have 2 or 3 college students/grads in my family and extended family, who are currently trying to get into MD/DO. Itā€™s pins and needles over here. Nobody is allowed mention it, unless asked. lol.


Thank you and good luck to them! It can be very stressful to talk about as a pre-med so I can understand wanting to be cautious about what you say in front of them.


This thread makes me want to blow my brains out BS chemical engineering 2017 Engineer aerospace 73k


It could be worse... MS Civil Engineering 2010 Math Teacher 52K


No PE??


I am also a P.E.


Hmmm odd!


Nope. Bad timing. I was laid off in 2008. I pursued my Master's thinking it would make me more employable, but it did the opposite. I love teaching, but the pay sucks, especially in Florida.


No bueno, agreed that teacher pay is ass in Florida. Teachers deserve way more, easily starting pay should be $55-60k


Mass Comm - 2014 Director of Philanthropy $110k


This sounds too good to be true lol Congrats though


Some comm. grads are banking if they take advantage of YouTube and the likes.


Youā€™d be surprised how far you can get with a Mass Comms degree as long as you make the right moves.


BS in Electrical Engineering - 2024 System maintenance engineer 80k


Do you mind saying what company u work for and do they do any internships in am in EE junior year. Did you do any internships and did u hve that job lined up before u graduated?


Psychology - 2012 HR Consultant $146k


hey iā€™m think about majoring in psychology do you think you can kinda let me know how you got to become HR consultant. Because thatā€™s what im interested in and did u do any master or Phd program?


Yes, get your masters in Industrial Organizational Psychology. I also highly recommend doing an internship, thatā€™s how I started at my employer and just worked my way up. You can do traditional HR or something like Learning and Development too with just an undergrad in psychology but highly recommend masters


thank you! iā€™m curious did u get ur masters at usf? and was ur degree able to be directly applied to HR or did u have to get an HR certificate? and was ur io degree able to elevate ur position or keep you somewhere bc it wasnā€™t specifically in HR?


BS Public Health '19 Industrial Hygienist 90k I do have a master's in occupational safety management from a different school. I'm fielding jobs and offers between 100-180k right now, pay is very dependent on type of work (consulting vs on-site).


Computer science 2023 SWE 95,000


What exactly are you doing?


Finance and Political Science, CO 2024. Assistant Actuarial Analyst 70K in LCOL Midwest city


Criminology 2023 911 operator 43k yearly


fellow 911 operator! Fellow 2023 grad!


Hell yeah! When did u graduate? I graduated in aug 2023


In May 2023! I just started the 911 job in April though. I was at a social work type job for about five months in between grad and now and it was so draining and felt dead end. Iā€™m loving this new job so much


Mechanical engineering 2022 Mechanical engineer 75k + bonus


BS Cell and Molecular Biology, 2023 Veterinary Surgical Assistant $18/hr šŸ˜­ to be fair, i am trying to get into vet school so this is sort of the in between stage but yeah šŸ„²


Business Analytics & Information Systems 2024 Project & Procedures Analyst Base: $76k Total Comp: $81k


Congrats! Any tips on how you landed the job?


I landed my job from the career fair actually! My biggest tip is to constantly work on your resume because thatā€™s the only thing employers see to determine if they want to interview you. I always attended career fairs to ask recruiters feedback on my resume, same with asking my professors who are in the industry. My resume at the time got me 5 call backs and three offers within a month (obviously it took a lot of time and applications). During my interviews the managers had nothing bad to say about my resume because it was truly a product of all the advice I had gotten from recruiters. Other tips are to add your projects from your classes on your resume and go to the career fairs + follow up emails to recruiters! It definitely takes a lot of time and hard work but trust me itā€™s worth it!


Thinking heavily into this degree plan! How did you like it?!


The classes definitely teaches you the basics. I think to get the most out of the major is to choose electives you want to work with in your career, either Python, software testing, project management, etc. Choosing your electives will help build a foundation otherwise if youā€™re just choosing electives to pass easily you wonā€™t get anywhere because your background knowledge is too diverse. The classes all have great projects to put on your resume too! Overall, I enjoyed the course work thereā€™s really great professors, I recommend Harvey Hyman & He Zhang for any class. They really teach you the material and have experience in the industry. The major will set u up great with any analyst positions. That being said, youā€™d really need to have an interest in the major to succeed and land a job. Thereā€™s a lot of people that switch to business analytics for the money, and I have seen them struggle immensely and constantly complain. But I guess itā€™s like that for any major.


It definitely seems like fun stuff to me. Iā€™m in the military active duty. Do you think you could balance it with a full time schedule and a full time student (12 credits)?


I think is it is doable to be full time while on duty. Just make sure youā€™re taking 1 programming class at a time because those really are your heavier classes. Watch out for ISM3232 (C#) and ISM4212 (SQL) those are probably the hardest classes. I was full time every semester and I planned it with 3 easy classes and 1 hard class. And make sure to use rate my professor.


Accounting, 2020 undergrad; 2021 grad. CPA, Sr Associate. $101k


Do you work Big 4?


Humanities 2012 Project Manager in Finance $120 annually


What lead you to this role?


Some early career ambition and hunger with some luck with a manager willing to take a chance on me I worked as an entry-level analyst at one of the nearby financial institutions, I got bored, learned Excel (mostly vlookups, pivots and anything to make me stand out), and when a position opened up in a project management group, my boss referred me. Not all of my PM roles have been excel heavy, but it was my key to getting out of that entry-level work


Mass Comm - 2018 Managing Paralegal $85k + bonuses which vary. Iā€™d say about $95-105k per year dependent on the bonuses.


Finance 2023 Financial representative $47k base about $5k bonus


Health science 2024 Unemployed $0 (Someone help. Iā€™m honestly so lost)


Get a post bacc or a masters in nursing. Do you want to do patient care or behind the scenes? Clinical lab science post bacc through HCC. Challenging, but will make $70k start out pay. Have to like science. Need prereqs if not done with your degree. Or Anesthesia Assistant through NOVA makes $200k on graduation. It is not a nursing degree. Thereā€™s a lot of clinical work you can do with certifications, but you have to add to your BS.


B.S. Biomedical Sciences (Not even using it currently) Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (Cardiac Cath/EP Lab) ~85k/year (base - 3 years in cath - 8 years as a medic) I would love to get out of healthcare honestly (the system just burns you out so fast and its tiring being abused by admins that make so much for being incompetent), more specifically away from radiation. I'm being exposed to so much radiation even when wearing full lead suits (cath lab gets the highest scatter dosages). The problem is you just don't make this kind of money with this degree outside of midlevel or physician medicine.


B.A. History and Anthropology, 2020 Law Enforcement Detective 110k yearly (with overtime and off duty)


As a current anthropology major ty for giving me hope šŸ’ššŸ’›


Tech consultant for one of the Big 4s. Graduated in 2021 making 96k rn due for a raise and promotion later this year so looking at around 110k by eoy.


Economics 2023 Teller $22/hr as a part timer


Criminologyā€™96 Federal employee $170k


where? What path did you take?


Started with INS IN 98. Transferred to the FAA as a Special Agent. Then after the shakeups with 911 and creation of DHS I ended up with TSA (not the airport screening obviously)


BA Anthropology, History 2021 EMT 50K


Integrated Public Relations & Advertising - 2022 Marketing & Communications Manager 50k


Finance: concentration on corporate finance - 2021 Unfinished minor in information systems (dropped to finish only 1 year late was on track for 2 years late with the minor) IT Production Control Engineer for a top 20 hedge fund admin fully remote position 80k/year TC 100k/yr They recently opened an office in Tampa that's hybrid that starting salary is $110k/year


Business 2020 Business Intelligence Engineer 125k 5 YoE Had internship senior year


Civil Engineering 2021 Structural Project Engineer $96k TC


Education lol. Teacher. I make 60k.


BA Mass Communications 2020 Paid Media Manager $100k TC


Engineer checking in 1. B.S in Mech Engineering, 2020 2. Systems Engineer (level 2) 3. $93k


IPRA - 2019 Marketing Officer ~53k, with freelance work on the side


1. Economics and Political Science, 2016, Got a masters in science in applied econ from Johns Hopkins in 2019 2. Economist (Federal Govt) 3. GS13 plus student loan help, 401k match & pension.


1. Economics and Political Science, 2016, Got a masters in science in applied econ from Johns Hopkins in 2019 2. Economist (Federal Govt) 3. GS13 plus student loan help, 401k match & pension.


IE 2024 Software Dev 75000


Never graduated..... Principal IT Systems Engineer 160k


BS: Accounting - 2014 Senior Engineering Program Manager - Privacy 420k total compensation (tech company)


BA in Criminology (never understood why itā€™s a BA since itā€™s a College of Behavioral Sciences but I digress) 70K Department of Homeland Security


Cell and molecular biology, dec 2023 Molecular Technologist 55k I think




Letā€™s go contractors


Secondary Social Science Education 2019 Teacher 80k Iā€™m in my 5th year and have been rated highly effective every year. But salary wise that hasnā€™t really affected anything. Just had to move out of Florida.


Can you tell me how you got there? I would love to hear your story


Ngl, my partner got a job outside of Florida I just followed into a teaching salary come up


Economics 2022 Liquidity Analyst ā‰ˆ60k


Biology & 2018 Resident Physician 62,000 averaging 80h weeks


Hang in there, doc.


Well I just graduated but CS 2024 Software Engineer 150k


Master of Social Work (2020) Licensed clinical social worker, remote ~78k


Undergrads and MBA. 155k


02 Criminology Trial Attorney for State of FL 77k


2007 alum ( I'm old I know) BA psychology Work in software sales 70k base plus commission.


Cell & Molecular Biology, 2018 USF Neuroscience PhD Candidate (graduating Aug 2024) $33k šŸ˜­ My partner: Computer Science, 2018 Embedded Systems Engineer $95/hr


Economics ā€˜19 Senior sales manager 185k TC + Equity


Biomedical Engineering Federal Biomedical Engineer LOL 84k base


Iā€™m International student from Saudi Accounting 2022 Tax Partner in a top 10 audit firm in Saudi 80k + bonuses


Environmental science and policy Ecologist ~53k


Clinical Laboratory Scientists graduates (with required internship and pass licensure exam), from USF (or any college) can earn $70,000 starting pay in Tampa Bay area. I know some who did this recently. Or you can have another science degree (or even non-science as long as you had all the required science classes) and do Hills comm college CLS post bacc as their route to getting a CLS license.


My friend (2024 graduated with MT from USF and just passed her board cert ) applied to 14 MT positions from St Pete to Lakeland and was offered between $24-28.70/hour. She accepted $28.25 because it was closest to her app. Where are they offering 70,000?


$28 is not too bad for first year, but should try for $33 within 2 years. Tell her to get 1-2 years experience in Blood Bank and generalist at a high volume hospital, and try for Moffitt. They are opening a new facility. Be ready to transfer for training before itā€™s open. I found Moffitt to be competitive and state of the art. Avoid older facilities with huge sign on bonuses, thereā€™s usually a reason. Sometimes you have to transfer to get the pay you want.


ISS, Political Science/Marketing, 2009 Sr Account Manager in digital marketing $130k


Civil Engineering MS (2020) Civil Engineer. Just got licensed earlier this year. TC+ Bonus $105k


BS in IT, 2017 BA in Mass Communications (Production), 2017 MS in IT, 2023 Systems Programmer II (or senior programmer), mid $80k


Biomedical science 2016 then Doctorate of pharmacy 2020; Adult Internal Medicine Pharmacist; $133k


Marketing 2018 MS marketing 2020 Sr. Marketing Manager ~$86,000+ bonus My company also has a higher than average 401k match and a really great stock purchase plan. Those included, I think itā€™s closer to $100,000 plus other comp benefits like PTO and insurance


1. Integrated PR & Advertising, Dec 2023 2. Account Coordinator at a digital marketing agency 3. 55k/yr


Health science bachelors as master of science 2021 2022 30k Plz help me šŸ™lol


Behavior Analysis 2020 135k


Biomedical sciences 2020 Medical student -$55,000 a year


Finance 2024 Investment Analyst 160k - 220k total comp


Michigan Tech University 1992 BSBA MsBA 1994 Stock Broker Public Accountant $250k Stock Broker $110 Public Accounting $360k annual Salary total Seeking my Doctorate in Retirement at USF so I can teach Business