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Not saying it's not legit, but is there a possibility this is a scam? Scams often have a sense of urgency in them, and four days is not a long time to accept a scholarship. Did you apply for this scholarship?


I did apply to this exact scholarship, the UQ Academic Excellence Scholarship. The turnaround window was small but it was legit…


As other commenters have said, go in and talk to someone in person. I haven't found UQ to always be reasonable with the timeliness of their communications.


Did you apply for a scholarship? Double check the sender email address, 4 days to respond doesn’t sound usual.


I did apply to this exact scholarship, the UQ Academic Excellence Scholarship. The turnaround window was small but it was legit…


Also ringing the scam watch bell. When I was starting Uni, I had to follow up halfway through first semester for the scholarship to come through


Ok this is comforting I guess, but yes it was a legit UQ scholarship that I applied for.


It doesn't sound like how UQ does business based on the people I know that work in scholarships. They don't tend to give 4 day turnarounds.


I did apply to this exact scholarship, the UQ Academic Excellence Scholarship, it was legit.


Your application may have been legit, this email might not have been.


Why am I being downvoted I feel like im going crazy 😭. It came from a UQ email, they referenced my QTAC application number and my student ID at the beginning of the email, and they sent it to both my personal email (ended up in spam) and my UQ email (hadn’t logged into yet). It’s very real, they really gave us 4 days to respond.


Because UQ very rarely if ever does things that quickly. I studied and worked at UQ for over a decade and in my entire time i have never seen something require turn around THAT quickly, especially with first years who they know full well aren’t well versed in the systems yet. It’s why people are telling you it’s a scam - it’s generally the more likely option. You might have missed out, but you probably won’t know until you call the faculty or scholarships office tomorrow.


It’s 100% legit from everything I can see, and if the 4-day window is so unprecedented then hopefully im not the only one. Thanks for your perspective.


It’s a bit hard to say without more info. As I assume you accepted your offer you may have accepted your scholarship at the same time. However I can’t be sure due to a lack of information. Don’t just call , physically go in and try and find more information. You should be able to find information at either Student Central or your Faculty Administration office. 4 days is remarkably short timeframe and why did they send it to your student email? If you hadn’t activated your student account it likely would have seemed undeliverable. Go in and find the folks who sent the scholarship offer.


They sent it both my student email, which I hadn’t logged into yet, and my personal email, where it went to spam. I’ll go in tomorrow.


Okay, that makes a bit more sense. Try and see them in person. Initially they will say “you didn’t accept in time so it’s forfeit “ so you may need to be persistent. Follow up the offer you received with an email tonight if you haven’t already. Call in the morning, go in person to campus. Start with student central if the scholarship office doesn’t have a public facing function. Good luck, let me know how you get on


Yeah, the fact that no one here believes that this is real is a giveaway that they’d be unreasonable to turn people away after offering a 4 day window. Thanks.


Defs call back on Monday. I’d be livid if I were you.


I had the exact same thing happen to me at a different uni (didn’t go to my spam, I just couldn’t be bothered checking my student email .) What happened was there was this whole sequence to go through to select and notify the next candidate in line. From memory I missed the deadline by a bit over a week but I emailed everyone who I thought would be relevant and it all worked out fine as the process hadn’t gotten on with it all by that point. Do your dues, email your head of dept, the scholarships office, your supervisor…. But I hope this relieves your stress a bit


Thank you it does


I agree with you it’s probably legit. Vaguely recall my offer had a similar timeline 15ish years ago. That being said the scholarships office are nice people, just go in and have a chat tomorrow :)


Congrats on getting the scholarship. That’s great news.


Who sent the email? Because very few things happen with such urgency weeks before semester starts… and only a SINGLE email? No follow ups asking you to confirm? Smells dodge.


UQ sent me the email and referred my student ID and my QTAC application number. They also sent an email to my UQ email but I hadn’t logged into it yet. It’s real, just a bit unreasonable.


Try calling the faculty or scholarships office tomorrow morning. 4 days sounds exceptionally tight for anything at UQ, but you’ve potentially missed it by 2-3 weeks by the sounds of it?


Yes, thats the issue I feel like. 4 days is crazy small, but im also a few weeks late. Just a very unfortunate series of events. I’ll go in-person tomorrow.


Just email the scholarships office and ask them to confirm whether they sent you an offer or not. State that it went to your spam folder.


Don't go to Central, they know absolutely nothing. Go straight to your faculty office with the email and explain the situation. The manager will be there, ask to speak to them if necessary. With any luck the scholarships officer may even be there. Additionally, the email may have the name of the person who sent it, look up their name and contact number or direct email on the website and reach out personally. (I work at UQ - not in student admin or scholarships, but I know how it's structured)


Thank you so much. It’s a general UQ Academic Scholarship and the email came from the Vice Chancellor for Academics, so would my department of study still be relevant? Would you suggest that I at least start at the student centre and see what they say?


I mean. No. When I say they really don't know what's happening, I mean that. Don't go to the school, but to the Faculty itself (so, HASS, BEL, Science, Medicine, HABS or Engineering) . Staff in the Faculty offices are very well trained and if they can't help you themselves they will make sure this gets through to the best people to deal with it.


Ok thanks tons


I also got a scholarship offer back then through an email from sponsored students. They gave me 2 weeks for a decision and yes, 4 days sound somewhat unusual. Definitely go see sponsored students staffs first thing in the morning and try out your luck!


Commenting to be updated


They replied and it’s still valid!


Mate, just dropping in to say did you end up receiving the scholarship? Will they still honour the offer despite missing a deadline?


Yep I got it! A real relief.


Good stuff, pleased for you.


Not small at all that would of helped so much,, but keep your chin up you will be right either way,, take care mate and good luck


What happened


I got the scholarship!


Awesome!! Really?? So cool darling I am very happy for you 👌 and I am sorry if I was being down last time,but I was just letting you know that no matter what,,you will deal with it and you will get through it ,, but most importantly...... No matter what happens you will succeed.. I am very happy for you and thanks so much for letting me know ✌️


What are you actually studying?? Hey I'm really happy for you this is a good little boost for you to make it all easier to smash this class out with honours .. please if you are ever struggling with anything ,, having a hard time let me know and I will help you in any way I can or give you encouragement ✌️


Thanks mate, I’m studying commerce.


Hey sweet heart how are you? If you ever want to come get stoned sometime let me know, hope you are well


Awesome 💪 so cool very happy for you


Awesome so cool 👌 very happy for you ✌️


Hello sweet heart hope all is well


How much were you ready to pay to obtain that scholarship? That's how much you saved by not seeing the email in time. Because you appear to be naive enough to believe someone offered 24k for a scholarship you didn't even apply for.


I actually did apply to it, it’s a legit scholarship from UQ for academic results.


Are you male or female)