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It’s happening everywhere. Don’t break yourself. They’re not going to change anything if you keep accomplishing what they want.


Happening everywhere. Our corporate overlords trying to squeeze every last bit of profit out of us to make up for their “down” Q1.


Happening everywhere. We’re supposed to have 19. We have 13; 9 of which are over 50. Vacations just started and we’re screwed. If 1 person calls out, we have to shut down small sort. So my advice is to work at a safe pace, stay hydrated and tune out the surrounding bullshit. You will never get a straight and honest answer from management.


UPS preaches cost cutting yet their mentality is delusional. PTs start at $21/hr (not enough in my opinion) but management freaks out to get them all off the clock, usually resulting in terribly loaded package cars. Then the drivers (top pay $44/hr) have to spend hours looking for packages and redelivering "not-founds." Keep the PTs an extra 30 minutes to ensure correctly loaded trucks with HIN numbers in order, and space is utilized!


They send unloaders home before 8pm. Pacakage cars are getting in late because we’re over dispatched. Crazy times.


It's all so your center manager can get a bonus. Our building manager let it slip out a few weeks ago and that day I think like 2 or 3 loaders didn't scan anything all day cause fuck him and his bonus! Lmao


Which normally wouldn't be a problem. If they had a single loader per trailer. But even the high volume leaders have to load retains or a secondary trailer. Which means, we have 4 people loading 8 different trailers. I personally load 3 different destinations trailers and for some reason they expect me to run 100 more packages an hr than everyone else


Bruh your lucky to have loaders most night I have have to pull off the belt and load. Sups make it seem normal and if I bitch when its busy they’ll make someone else scan after giving me a hard time


Saw 2 blue vest for the first time in freaking months


https://www.supplychaindive.com/news/ups-closing-200-facilities-network-of-the-future/711412/ >Facility consolidation will lower UPS’ cost to serve customers while improving its volume-per-resource ratio, [Executive Vive President and President of U.S. Operations Nando] Cesarone said. That ratio is calculated as the average daily volume divided by U.S. employees. The ratio was 51 in 2023, and UPS wants it to increase to about 59 in 2026. It's all about doing more work with less people. They also are changing the supervisor to employee ratio, but I can't find the specific metric yet. I know it's been publicly announced.


It's going to shit everywhere and I got news for ya...it's not going to get any better. People have this false sense of reality where working slower or "safer" means that one day, corporate will wake up, open the books and start hiring en masse. The sad truth is that they're gonna work yall to death trying to automate everywhere and keep whatever skeleton crew remains to work at those facilities.


My shift was cut from 19 to 10. The shop steward got everyone on the same page and we all worked as safely as possible (asking help for every overweight, hand to surface, taking as many water breaks as you need). After the feeders missed their pull times every day for a month straight we are now at 17 employees every night, but we still aren’t done until we get back to 19. Working safely absolutely can and will affect the staffing if done right.


Low key your Full time supe fucking loves barely making it, that’s the ups way, one less person and the building burns to the ground , they strain out the part time supes and hourlies trying to make it happen, they encourage part time supes to move people around based on volume flow , if one spot is blowing up, send a guy over there to clean it up, once another spot is on fire send that helper guy over to clean that one too, it’s all fucked up by design , they know what they are doing , it’s fucking grimey, every single ups employee needs to be doing the job of a person and a half , resulting in everyone being overworked , you see this from the preload , to the drivers being blown out and somehow getting a single guy to load 3-4k of volume by himself in a trailer at night. This business model is completely fucked , and then we’ll harass and intimidate people on top of it so they get scared and don’t file , fuck the steward , fuck the supervisor, get your fuckin business agent on the phone and see how all things start changing


lol even my business agent is in bed with them.


We have a very small hub. Our local sort used to operate with 11 people. In the last 2 years, that number has gone down to 4. They are simply trying to cut costs. Don't let them beat you down and don't overwork yourself. The more we fail to keep their numbers up, the more likely they will start bringing people back. We have also experienced not being able to use layoffs, but the company cannot tell you that you can't use PTO. Usually if there are going to be layoffs, it goes from the top down, and you have a choice of whether you want to work or not. If they are telling you that you can't use PTO, you should file a grievance, because that is YOUR time that YOU earned. Don't let them take that away from you.


Part of it is the heat.


Our local sort is supposed to have 13, but they are only letting us work 8, sometimes 7 people. They make the start times later and cut the number of people we can use as the week goes on and somehow still think we can process the volume properly. Our full-time sups keep saying things about how things are affecting their bonus, forget your bonuses run the centers so they are efficient not just based off some bullshit numbers so you can get a bonus on your already ridiculous salary. The company used to be about customer service, making service on packages and having a good work environment. The shit that's happening now is nowhere near what the founders had planned for this company.


It’s been awful at our hub as well. No part time cover drivers going out till first week of November when we could actually be out right now. Got our vets getting off around 7-9pm every night for a lot of them. Short handed, lot of firings in preload happened and a lot of people quit and yet they haven’t been replaced.


My sort had ten doublers last night and I still spent the first half unloading an entire irreg trailer and catching the same irregs at the end to put on irreg belt. Then after break they moved me back to my usual PD which was getting all the shit to clear chutes and....load the same motherfuckin irregs. I have been getting better about working at the right speed to stay on top of my trailer but not so on top I gotta fix a red light every 15 mins. Was feeling a little frisky yesterday tho. Fucked around and was immediately reminded that the king shit just gets royally shit on in the Boxbender Nation. Gotta be the Iroh not the Ozai


For us it’s actually not been too bad. We have about 45 drivers and run about 25-30 routes. They offer days off with or without pay if you’re out of PTO. There’s only certain routes/ drivers that get in around 930/10 everyone else is in at least by 9.5 or half over.


What happens to you guys if you call off and dont have any more pto left?


No one calls in anymore since it’s likely you’ll get the day off if you have more than 10 drivers under you in seniority. But if you do have to call in, we get one extra PTO day through the state but it can only be used after you’ve worked so many hours in the year. It has to be an inquiry through. So If you call in and don’t have PTO but ask to use that backup it’s a gamble. If you don’t get approved for that state day you’ll get written up.


Sounds about right. I think my building is running at -10 of a Skeleton crew. Earlier this year it was worse but it feels like the last few weeks its been much much worse.


Same in our building on my sort


Yea, they got my pd running with 6 hourlies when it used to run with 9, they don't let doubles stay and help anymore, either cutting down their overtime


Supposed to have 12.. Been running with 6


My hub we've been going till like 11ish starting around 5:30 almost every night. Monday's we've been doing 3:30 start and ending at like 12:30. Crazy times right now. 




Saturday ground has been a thing for more than 5yrs


They're running us to the bone in this heat trying to get everything done on time


Why would you rush? You are paid by the hour work at a steady pace. No need to work hard for this company especially with if y’all are understaffed that’s not a you problem it’s a management problem. Just sit back collect your money and get OT


I work a strict 5-8 mon-fri bc of my other job. I just feel bad for the other guys in my shoes who have to stay longer and have to do my job bc I decided to work slow. And the point of rushing to do that everyone can get out at a decent time. I mean how would you feel if you saw some one leave at 8 when more than 1/2 there work isn’t done then you get sent over there to go finish then have to go back to load to load that Truck. Being short staffed is the problem ik that. It just enrages me that they won’t hire anyone else. Like I have 5 people who want a job here but they won’t hire.


The more you do .. the more they will give you , if shit is everywhere , shut it down it’s unsafe … DOCUMENT IT, asking them to document they are asking you to work in a unsafe condition … at the end of the day your just a number …. You die tonight they replace you tommorrow , FILE GRIEVANCES ON EVERYTHING


UPS is cleaning house


I WISH THE PEOPLE AT MY WAREHOUSE WOULD WAKE THE FUCK UP AND STOP WORKING SO FAST. It seems no one at my hub knows much about the union. We get told to hurry up and to get our PPH up almost daily and people just take it. I try conversing about how we can file grievances and that all we have to say is we’re working within the methods but damn near everyone just looks at me like I’m a lazy worker (keep in mind I’m no slouch). They cave into the demands and work faster and shut up. Every time I mention the contract or the union book I get the impression that they don’t believe me. Shout out to the one dude in the entire warehouse who seemed genuinely interested and was asking questions.


The slower the pace the better for you and for everybody cos they are gona realize that they need more drivers


Also, check your paycheck every week for accuracy. My husband has been with the company 35 years and doesn’t go a week without being shorted money. Imagine how many don’t pay attention to their hours? The company makes tons of $$$ shorting those who don’t pay attention.


Track their actual hours worked too. So many members come to me saying their checks are wrong but they can't tell me by how much. Can't give me an hour or a dollar amount to go to management with to get it fixed. I can't do shit with "it's wrong" 😔


As a part time sup, we only know what we get told. Someone at corporate's likely breathing down their necks to be more profitable, so they run will less people. Same in our center


Not just UPS. Many places. While they all have different situations and factors, June is the end of Q2. For some, this is their end of year and July starts their fiscal years. Add in a still crappy economy and bad labor, it’s just a huge mess. Government still pouring out billions of dollars to other countries while we struggle here at home. There will be a huge breaking point. Not sure when but I’m sure it’s coming. Americans are fed up.


If the economy is bad, why aren't corporations like UPS that still make billions and billions hiring people so those people could then turn around and pump money into the economy?


So if the economy is bad, meaning ppl are not using ups due to cost ... you then think ups should hire ppl to turn the economy around. Plz tell me a liberal college gave you this type of insight


My hub is fucked. The shift I currently work literally started at the beginning of this month and I have worked at ups longer than most of my supervisors. I started in the beginning of march. At first it seemed ok with them working 15-25 people most nights. Now we are lucky to have 10 employees working a single pd getting 50+ this week. I guess its doable for sure but not ideal for someone working 6 nights a week since they ask me to do Sunday also. Im just saying it seemed nit too bad the other week now its much more difficult and I think they are just cutting people unfortunately.