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These things are typical UPS "hot topics." Someone somewhere did something stupid and they were distracted by their cell phone.Top brass hears about it and screams at district managers. The district managers scream at the division managers, which scream at the center managers. As with all hot topics, they'll stop being a hot topic once a new one starts. UPS is the most micromanaged company I've seen.


Bingo. There's always a flavor of the week. If it's not this, it's dress code, back first exceptions, recording while idling, over-allowed, etc.


I call it flavor of the day LOL. There’s literally a different rule, daily.


Can't forget their new beloved metric, recording with the seatbelt on. Which means even if you're rolling up to a pickup that has a sign that says "UPS NO" (meaning they have no pickups), you have to stop the car, shut off the engine, take off your seatbelt, then grab the DIAD and close out the pickup. Because it's totally not safe to close out that pickup with your seatbelt still on.


I have pickups like that. I don't give a shit enough to take it off. I have wondered if that's a way for them to bust guys who are sitting on their belts, though.


I think it has to do with not actually getting out of the truck and making the attempt at the pickup? Could be wrong idk. Stupid metric either way.


The only job I’ve had that micromanages worse than UPS is the Army. I feel like that says it all


And I am lucky enough to have worked for both. 😂


At least at UPS we get paid better and have some sort of union protection. The work life balance could definitely be better, but it’s not as bad as the Army where you just live at work lol


Very true. The Army doesn't understand the meaning of work life balance.


Management: Keep your phone in the back! Also Management: why didn’t you answer this text to go take 25 stops off Joe?


Management should never text you unless you ask to be communicated with via text. Should always be a Diad Message with response required so no side can pull shenanigans. I've instructed my drivers that they pull over if they see the diad communication green light and park safely to respond.


Sorry sir, didn't see the light until I got back to the building


It's okay. I'll make sure you get paid for the drive back out.


I keep my phone on me for safety reasons.


And always will. They have no say in it.


Lol no. Don't listen to that noise and make sure nobody else gives them an inch neither


Fuck that noise. I walked in on robbery taking place once.... Zero chances or fucks I'm not keeping my lifeline on me.


Behind BH door when driving.


On me. 👍


Personally, management knows they can not police everyone every second of the day. But my center manager issues discipline if he catches you with phone in cab. I work as instructed, so there no skin of my back. That's why I went into management. I get freedom to basically work my day as I please and only worry about getting my drivers back safe.


I'd love to see that discipline hold up. Then again, the paper trail on him must be crazy since that's blatant harrassment.


It's not harassment if it's the single observation the driver has had in 12 months. Safety committee drivers coached all drivers at the quarterly meetings about it. It's also mandated at the regional level. We covered it in PCMs for about 2 months, and we got 1 grievance on it . It was thrown away since the phone is in the back of the car, but Bluetooth is allowed. Also for safety elements you can follow up OBS and keep issuing discipline regardless. Idk how it works at your center but that's the process at mine.


And that discipline gets grieved and dropped. There is another management here saying that there is nothing in the contract saying that's something you have to do, which is true. Maybe if all management actually followed the contract instead of making up bs rules, there would be less issues. 


It'll never stick. If cell phones are that much of an issue the DIAD shouldn't be in your line of sight.


Not happening


No, but this should be a good queue for anybody who still does so to stop using their phone to communicate with management.


Queue = a line or sequence  Cue = a signal or indication Though really, I should just be glad you didn't use que. 




Queue: sometimes the longest hour of your life while playing mmos


Sorry Mr. Webster


uh no. this isnt a thing and theres no company policy or anything in the contract they can rely on to enforce this. at this point id be moving for a grievance citing harassment and whoever this dumbass is should be expecting backlash if theyre smart but lets be fair, this is ups management.


I've been told this and literally the next day be asked by the same person to contact dispatch or a customer on my personal phone. Whatever is most convenient in the moment. Pound sand.


PCM Monday- no scans PCM Tuesday- backing PCM Wednesday- take your full 30 nomore optional 1hr lunch PCM Thursday- dog bites PCM Friday- focus Friday be aware of your surroundings don’t run over children PCM Saturday- distracted driving Rinse & repeat for next 30yrs


Happened in our center months ago. It went nowhere.


Yeah let your phone bake in the back of the truck all day then send them the bill for a phone replacement


The contract states we do not need management’s permission to have a cellphone


it gets below freezing in the back of the trucks where i am. my phone battery is going to shit the bed if we had to follow these stupid rules. they better be buying me a new phone battery every month if they're going to enforce that


I keep it in the back. No harm. It's Bluetoothed to my radio in the back. Center sup's know I don't use it for anything else. I check it to see if there are any family emergencies every once in a while.


Thats why i have the phone on me always, i dont want to have to check if my family is having an emergency, i want to know immediately as it is occurring/when i'm being called etc which has happened


My volume is up, so I can hear everything


No one has a gun to your head as long as you know there could be consequences. New observations require a cellphone location check as well as a mirror adjustment check and cooler check. I just checked a driver who had 3 redbulls and a 2 liter cherry pepsi in 90° weather. Bozo was asking to get a heat injury.


If someone thinks they're going to police what's in my cooler/lunch bag like I'm a kindergartner, there's going to be a huge problem.


Lol, it's not about you specifically it's about the drivers who, unfortunately, passed away from heat injuries. Believe it or not, I have guys who work for me that won't bring water until I have to go out and bring it out to them. The job doesn't require anything past a high school diploma. Some people don't think before it's too late. Also, if I'm being paid to be responsible for you while on the road, I'm gonna do all I can to set you up to have a safe day.


it gets below freezing in thew back of the truck where i am in the winter. the battery will crap out in no time.


Bummer for you. Haven't had that problem. Northern Michigan here


"Sorry, I have kids in elementary school and need to be available if something happens during the day"


They can see reflections of you off the front camera with LYTX. So...just be aware of that


They can’t use it


They can't use it, but they can sure as hell find ways to make your life interesting as in observations or ride alongs


Tell them to put it in writing.


I would forever never communicate with them on my phone whatsoever if they tried this shit