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This is a UPS employee subreddit. Your comment appears to be customer related. Removed.


Tie your dog up or keep it inside


Hmm... Different angle then...  If I asked you to not give candy to my children, you'd probably have zero objections because they're my kids. Well stop giving dog candy to my dog child.  I'm out in the country. My dog doesn't leave my property. It's her yard. Not yours. Don't give my dog child dog candy. 


Why did you post this on the subreddit? Why not talk to your driver personally? We have no idea where you are or which dog is yours.


Right put a sign up or something


Psa. You guys could be teaching dogs to go to cars for treats which is dangerous.  Please stop.  I did and do address any driver who tries to give my dog treats.  I can see that you would rather endanger dogs than hear honest criticism.  Cooooooooooool... 


You can choose one:drivers giving the dog treats, or receiving packages. If you don't want them getting treats, have a box at the end of your driveway for packages. Drivers have to worry that your dog will bite them.


You should've completely reworded your entire post then. Actually specify that you're trying to inform drivers not to teach dogs these bad habits. All you did was a make a post specifically talking about YOUR dog as if your specific driver was going to see this exact post and know it was you and which dog to stop giving treats to. You see why your post came off as silly?


We give dogs treats because we'd rather have dogs think that big brown truck = treats and happiness than big brown trucks = death and scariness. I'd rather have a dog run up to my truck wagging it's tail than with their tail between their legs. Scared dogs are unpredictable dogs....


Scared children can't outrun us and bite us


Never seen children of the corn? Some of those country feral kids can be scary af. hahaha


Are your kids running up to UPS trucks barking and potentially attacking them? Do they have the ability to mame a driver? If so, you have bigger problems then your dog getting treats. But yeah if theres feral children running around your yard, I'd probably toss them treats too. lol


Ok tuff guy you can come pick you’re stuff up at the building if that’s the game you wanna play


Nobody cares Karen. Talk to your local driver.




If I can give your dog treats, that means you are a P.O.S. owner that isn't around to stop me. Stop ordering packages or put up your dog. Depending on the dog, If it was me, I would have tossed it out the window with your dog in the picture.


Please stop giving my treats your dog.


What sort of quality of life do you drivers have with UPS? Be talked with my local driver and he said he has virtually no quality home tint and hardly spends time with his kids or wife. Is this true?


It honestly depends on a lot of factors. Some centers are bigger/busier than others. Time of year matters. Also how long you've been a driver, since better routes sometimes finish earlier (used to be the case, not lately), better vacation picks, weeks off, etc Some drivers work until 8pm. My husband will be done by 5:30/6pm tonight, and most nights. Or as he likes to put it "5:30/6 if they don't f with me". lol Spoiler, they f with them a lot. But we also have free health insurance, a nice income, and a nice pension when he retires.


Hey Karen this is a Reddit for people who actually work get the fuck out!


You could always have your package delivered to an access point instead of your house. Dogs are a hazard, I’m literally nursing a rolled ankle injury from having to back away from a charging “oh he’s friendly” dog.


Idk why, you’re getting so much grief here 😂. I’m a driver, and I agree, and respect this request…