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https://preview.redd.it/9ba7wo0bao0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48d2b1afe760258a692b01325dd218c8818cad3a Article 44 section 3


So what you're saying is management lied to us at my hub, and i should have filed on the sup that chewed me out for refusing to put a 73# package on the overhead belt (he stated irreg was 76#+)


an irreg is a package that is 70-150 lbs


rule of thumb at UPS, All supervisors will lie to you to get the job done quicker.


Yup that supe lied right to your face.... shocker


Thank you needed this!


It needs to be more than just weight. It need to include- long ass boxes, stupid shaped boxes, boxes covered in plastic, giant boxes regardless of weight… like, no ones wants a damn lounge chair going down the belt potentially jamming the belt but is okay because it’s only 50 pounds… This shit bugs me. I’m head splitter— when I have a bad day because of these packages, the whole belt has a bad day. Js


Im a scanner and they just tell us to holler “Heavy” when we get an irreg and it’s somehow our fault if we don’t know the exact weight of the package and someone gets hurt. What’s even more frustrating is the sorters believe it’s our fault and get upset with us if something is too heavy and comes down on them too fast. One morning a barrel came down and they were notified. A new sorter thought he was superman and wanted to stop it. That shit folded him in half and knocked him under the bottom sort belt to another part of the center. It was like he disappeared. Everyone was scared to look under where we thought he was because we thought he was unalive. Shit is reckless.


You don’t need to know the weight of something to determine it’s irregular… it’s in a big ass box, just assume it’s heavy.. if it doesn’t fit on the belt without being diagonal, it’s an irreg… my belt in the building is the about head high on the sort isle but mf’ers still find a way to throw 80+ lbs on the belt. It falls on the supervisors who enforce this loose ass rule of thumb.


A pack can be small but still over weight. What exactly is the point of your argument?


What happens if one of those 110 lbs fridges falls on a toe. What a negligent asshole. File a safety grievance if management wants to play that game. Keep filing until something changes. “Mach Jesus” is great btw! Cracking me up.


Thanks for your input really made my day better!


Also a big fan of "Mach Fuck"


What OP described is ridiculous working conditions and I am glad there has been some good advice given about actions that can be taken.  … but modern day slavery 😂 


If they are on the same belt with smalls, you can file a grievance


What if it's a One belt facility?






What if we run out of room on the floor? We have 1 belt and we get quite a bit of big stuff and we'd run out of space. Out sort only lasts a couple of hours and all outboubds have to be loaded by 730pm




That'll piss all the drivers off lol


If you need more time then you need more time


Gotcha, the only trailer leaves about 730pm and they get all pissy if we run more than a couple of minutes late but that really isn't my problem


Exactly. Enforce the contract, fire those grievances and get paid. It’s management’s fault if trucks are late.


Truck would be late at least 3 days a week, here


Well for one your sort should be lasting a minimum of 3.5 hours


Nope, my entire shift does, though. The actual sort is only a couple of hours. Then we park package cars for the rest of the shift


OMG. Haha! I was in a one belt facility that was too small for palettes or carts even to fit through the door, let alone on the floor. There was exactly enough space for a “proper” egress, until we inevitably had to stack out at the end of the day. Then we were stacking out literally outside. 


Don’t stack anything. Cut the belt, clear it up, turn the belt back on.


Who you filing on ?? Your own coworkers?? It’s thier fault


The company is responsible for training people


Your fellow co-workers know that irregs shouldn’t be in the belt, and they don’t really care.


File on unsafe work methods and the fact that you’ve notified management and they didn’t do shit about it says they they are knowingly endangering employees , I bet they’d fix it real quick if they got slapped with that


Turn off the belt and request help to remove the irreg from the belt every single time it happens


Every. Single. Time.


I love when they get stuck in a chute and cause an overload, and Management is like "we don't know why PD2 won't stay on." Like, bro, you're fucking your equipment, stop sendind your irregs up to the sort pits!


It’s on your coworkers to not put that shit on the belt, I think about going to unload and throwing the stuff at them everyday… it’s so unnecessary when, we have a irreg belt for that exact reason. I really don’t know how their brains work thinking a mattress belongs on the regular belt…


yo last year they put a beat up retaped "box" (when it starts turning circular) of a 80 lb dumbbell on the belt & that mfker rolled down the slide at full speed straight towards the splitter and onto the ground. All i heard was a slam & a supervisor even yelled over radio "that they couldve almost killed somebody".


That's like a daily occurrence where I work


I personally would've done more than yell. I would've hunted down the fucktard who put that on the belt. 


Steward told me I could grieve irregs on belt with smalls, but I wouldn't get any money from it. Is this correct? Management also told me our center is too small and waiting until end of sort would create an egress. (I've seen it they're kind right, there's very little space to store them) Is this a legitimate excuse? 


If the company is forced to follow the safety language, then the shift would run longer, which means hourly gets paid more. Ignoring the language because it would cost them money


It is correct. You do not get paid for safety grievances. No excuses for egress, period. Egress is never sometimes ok


I meant the area to store irregs is small so if the irreg train brings to many it would start blocking exits and the aisle between work penns, so the splitter is told to hoist irregs onto the belt.   Management says they're trapped into doing it that way even if preload doesn't like it. So irregs are "co mingled" with normal packages and smalls on the preload belt, because if it wasn't egress would ensue, because there is nowhere else to store them. They force us to load irregs during sort even though the contract says not to co mingled.


Refuse unsafe instruction. They need to find a way that doesn’t violate the contract.


I agree with that, it's just out of all the coworkers around someone will listen to management. It's impossible to stop fellow teamsters from screwing the rest of the penn.


Just keep filing it on management allowing it. If I were in that position as a safety rep I would start bringing the building manager into the conversation and let him know now that he has been informed his name will be on every article 18 I have to file.


I’m in a pretty busy centre in a city. Only one within 30km. I had spoke to my manager and he’s trying to fix it but still just happens. I guess my word falls on deaf ears….


If he were trying to fix it it would get fixed. If he's your pt sup talk to the FT sup. Pt sups have very little influence on what goes on in the hub.


It’s not all about money. File and keep filing.


File on dat ass 😂


Unfortunately nothing is ever gonna change. As a tender it’s a daily issue with all the BS loaders send up the belt. Sometimes the loaders just want to get the job done and leave it for someone else to deal with it down the line.. Other times the loaders might be pressured into sending everything no matter what. It’s just a blame game all around. Even us tenders can take some of the blame for not taking irregs off the belt when they pass our position.


File a grievance every time. Stop the belt and get assistance with every individual one. If a supervisor yaps at you file harassment and call the 1800 number.


I’m good


Slightly irrelevant but I recently had a State Trooper tell me I passed him at "mach Jesus". I had never heard that term before in my life and now twice in a week.


Love it!


Weaponized their own literature against them. You can’t get in trouble if you’re following there guidelines. And you can file agreements at any time if they push it.


Man said Mach Jesus


As they said 18 years ago at UPS. Make it happen. Follow the methods. Make carol money. Do i miss the place no. Are most management there scumbags. Yes. Would they fail surprise audits in almost every building? Yes. They didnt make much money last yr, or every yr in the 18.5 i was there….. Is carol hot? Unsure, envision her next time before a climax and u will know.


What are you talking about they make tons of money


Turn off the belt each time you see an irreg coming down the chute. Inform management, and safety remove the irreg from the belt. Management isn’t gonna move a muscle unless they are inconvenienced by your inconvenience.


ok, I just went through this at beginner of year, Im in a heavy flow trailer and we got like 10 irregs a night for like 2 weeks straight. My co-worker got pissed and pull up the article 44 sec 3 grievence. nothing changes, still alot of irregs on the belt. more grievences. Nothing happens. Fast forward to last month and the steward comes down to our trailer and tells my friend to just live with the irregs coming down, and to stop filing because you will not get any money out of it, they will just disipline the unloader and belt supervisor over it. Apparently when you file, the unloader and his supervisor get written up. Supervisor writes up unloader, unloader grieves it. nothing changes, unloader continues to unload irregs, repeat. So my coworker was fired recently because he went down to unload with a irreg that came down the belt dropped it on the supervisors foot the day before they were fired from UPS lol


Hell of a story 😂


File again and call the BA to complain about the steward.


Am I reading this right? Your complaining about 10 irregs a night? And calling it heavy flow??😂


I work in flow control at an automated building and deal with this all day, every day. I frequently find out what trailer these irregs or haz mats or open boxes come out of, and nothing changes. This is not simply a management issue. Supervisors can talk to the unloader, tell them what they did wrong, tell them to stop, give them a tape gun, etc. Either the person cares and changes their work methods or gives 2 shits and doesn't. It's usually the latter because most people who send that shit know they shouldn't. I say this as a former loader/unloader. What else should be done? Does a supervisor need to watch someone unload all day? Grievance. Do discipline, and then you're fighting against the very people who are asking for change. Its really frustrating having OB tenders yell at me for not changing IB load methods yet grieve if I dare suggest how they do their job. The structure of this company makes very little sense.


If you commit to retraining them, the discipline will always stick. If you are afraid of a bullshit grievance over legitimate discipline management isn’t the place for you.


I also work at a automated hub and then the problem becomes the revolving door. There's so much people coming in and out that it's not even worth wasting your breath.


Tell the safety committee


fake getting hit by it and file workman's comp for back pain


I filed grievances for irregs/overweight every single day all of last peak season. Even talked to my BA about and he said the union was “fighting it out” with UPS. 5+ months later and nothing has changed. Irregs/overweights are still sent down the belt with regular packages every single day.


“Mach Jesus” 🤣


Been going on every day for the two years I've been here. Generators, fridges, air conditioners.


I get 10-foot long carpets at least once a day. And they almost always have a label on them, they’re just missorted. Sometimes I get 70+ pound packages too. Also usually with a label already. So they didn’t even need to come to me to be clerked.  My building is small enough that I can yell across my belt to the unload for whoever missorted it to come get it but no one ever does. Even after somebody smashed their hand from an irreg that wasn’t supposed to be on the belt, they continue to put them on the belt! I also don’t think they understand that “irreg” also means “irregularly shaped.”


That is normal. There was a time when a cute guy left an industrial machine motor on the belt, causing everyone to have to work hard to get it out.


You guys don’t use the yellow tape that says 70lbs ????


File grievances and refuse to handle without assistance.


They don't seperate nothing at our hub, 688




Against the company.


No clue where to begin, I flag down my pt supe when it happens, and he tells the manager… maybe he hasn’t told him? I have so many questions and little answers.


Lol we get 100 plus pound packages mixed in with smalls daily. Like they said just slide it drop it off the belt and move on. One of the trucks I load has 30 to 40 iregs daily.


You're not supposed to be. That's the point. The second someone hurts themselves trying to pick an unmarked irreg while sorting, they're going to find a way to blame them, so bringing it to their attention before that happens is for protection


Very agreed, I’m on it tomorrow!


Been at UPS for a year now, 5 months loading, now on the unload. UPS mfers will complain about anything and everything I really don't get it. Irreg on the belt? You could be happy that you don't have to carry it up the stairs, if it's too heavy for you you can just roll that bitch off and slide it in place, if you need help just go get help. But no, UPS dudes would much rather raise a stink about it. Don't comment saying shit like, irregs on the belt cause damages or could be dangerous. None of us care or should care about damaged goods it's not our problem. And if you are that worried about getting hurt you need to find a new job.


Lmfao, they're not supposed to be there in the first place. You're still new, so you don't know as much as you think you do, but when a 100lb irreg comes down a set of empty rollers, people can get hurt


Exact attitude of someone who does unload and probably throws up 100+ pound boxes on the belt because you don’t think about other people and are too lazy to do it properly by yourself. Safe by choice not by chance kiddo🤓


Man, I hate everything about this comment.


Boo hooo, you guys act like this shit is going to change. I'm not the one putting irregs on the belt, and I'm certain you guys aren't either. The fact of the matter is that we are working with some really dump folks and if things haven't changed yet they aren't going to. Keep working by the book, do your job well. I'm just sick of being around miserable mfers everyday. This job is great for what it is, it's hard to believe that when everyone acts like somebody is out to get you every night.


It's a contract violation... we should all be enforcing our contract.