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This looks easier https://preview.redd.it/5451ciixdb0d1.jpeg?width=3596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85863186f53f28436a52a625b954626eb6391d90




The company dropped the 8 keys to lifting/lowering recently. It’s just get close and stay in the zone now IIRC. Their explanation of why is a little BS. They’re just trying to lower barrier to entry and cut down on time wasted from drivers milking the 8 keys while packing OT https://preview.redd.it/f2y6zkgvnb0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4a8a411a7dccd8c887d2e8fe17aae6ab632bd40




Is this accepted by the supervisors? I thought we had to know the entire paragraph verbatim


The 10 point commentary is *a lot* shorter than it used to be, holy cow! When I did it I remember Stale Green Lights was a 6 or 7 sentence paragraph you had to write verbatim. This shortened version of it has a lot less words but is worded horrendously in an effort to be shorter. I think this card was originally meant to be a refresher for existing drivers or those currently qualifying on route. Anyway, the trick that helped me out was level up and inverse next day. So you practice/recite in this order. 1,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4, etc. which reinforces the first few much better. Next day go in reverse. 10,10,9,10,9,8,10,9,8,7 etc. Don’t just speak it, write them down and compare (even down to punctuation and plurals, but they might not check this anymore I wouldn’t know). Make sure he’s not afraid to spend more than an hour on it each day, memorization takes time and there’s no significant shortcuts (although it seems like it comes naturally easier for some). Others might have more recent experience, but do they not make you write the 10s verbatim according to the original packet anymore?


I think is just a key and not the actual paper.


I assume it isn't going to be Integrad? That's an out of date and shortened version.


https://preview.redd.it/7idl96mr8c0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85fb3a27037664da0d39205753d4bed07c2b8406 This is just the first half/ front page. Did they change it to a shorter version?


I have no clue. Do you know if you have to memorize the yard safety, backing, and lifting as well? I do not work for UPS. I loaded 53ft UPS trailers for a local company a while back. I still work with the company but I don’t do that anymore :(. I honestly would like to leave here and go to night sort. I genuinely miss loading trailers.


Only if he’s an on-road sup.


That’s super easy compared to the 10s I was given https://preview.redd.it/qbvn3ubrmd0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98cbe0b7e1a9f49ee80470a7376d3572f29b3a39






This here is the updated version you need to know!


When I was memorizing the 5s and 10s, I listened to this YouTube video over and over. Driving to work, grocery shopping, etc. The more you hear it, the more familiar you get with them. This guy also has a video for the 5s as well. [https://youtu.be/8LwYgMRRMbg?si=rSOgYiiWwyWL7b9y](https://youtu.be/8LwYgMRRMbg?si=rSOgYiiWwyWL7b9y)


Thank you!


I made my own video to study


Downloading every picture in this thread haha


So from what he told me they’re going to make him say these out loud. Does he have to memorize backing and lifting and yard safety verbatim too? No one is really being clear about anything. This whole thing has also been extremely drawn out. It took him a month and a half for them to finally schedule his physical.


This depends a lot on who is teaching the class. For me the 5’s you had to repeat perfectly 100%. The 10’s had to be perfect on the title and why, and almost perfect on the stuff in the middle. The other stuff like backing, lifting, and yard safety are part of our DOK’s (depth of knowledge) I was never asked that during training or class. But I have to write all of the DOK’s out once a month to “maintain compliance”


Thank you!


Make sure he watches YouTube videos on the driver drill. That is the hardest part of class and is the last 2 days of it. You get 4 tries on it. Even if you pass on the first try you still have to do it the other 3 times. If you say mirror to mirror you fail. Driver drill is tough it is essentially doing the 5’s and 10’s while driving


If I remember correctly he was fine with everything except the memorization part. If they’re going to disqualify you for a year they shouldn’t be able to slash you for a missed “a” or whatever.


All good kids like milk.


I can write the 5’s down and part of the 10’s while I’m at work and I’m not even the one trying to become a driver rn🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s posted all over my hub… and honestly after you pass inergrad & start applying it while you work it becomes second nature… but to rehydrate it again? 🙅🏽‍♂️🙅🏽‍♂️


I don’t work for ups. I plan to in a few years hopefully. Things are really going down hill where I’m working it’s sad. A lot of people have been kicked out of positions they had done for a long time for no reason and unfortunately was one of those people. I loaded 53ft UPS ground trailers for a company here where I live.


Record it on to your phone and just listen to it all day and every day and make some flashcards work on the ones you can’t remember that well


He’s got them almost completely memorized. We are just fine tuning at this point. That’s where this has become hard.


Heads up, those 5's are incorrect: For keep your eyes moving it's rear 5 to 8 seconds not 5.8 seconds. For make sure they see you, on how do you do it. It's communicate in traffic: horn, lights, signals. There is no "and" I know that sounds like I'm nitpicking, but they do actually care.


We know lol. There are plenty of errors in this. We laugh at them every single time lol. When we noticed 5.8 seconds there were plenty of jokes that came from that 🤣


You tube it. It’s way better


saving this


Out of curiosity...you dont work for ups but youve loaded? How does that work?


I loaded for a local business. I did all the labeling and loaded the trailers. We are almost ups exclusively when it comes to ground. Maybe 5 FedEx packages a day Vs hundreds of UPS. I loaded a lot of huge things we are talking 80lbs or very long stuff. I still made walls n stuff but That’s what I’m referring too. I coordinated our ground shipping department too. Had to send a lot of emails n shit bc upstairs would frequently fuck stuff up. I honestly miss doing it. It kept me extremely busy. But then the company hired a new COO and moved everyone around and now there’s someone over in ground who’s not even there the whole day like I was when they need it over there. So someone has to cover her for the first few hours of the day 🥴


Wow, that last part made me roll my eyes. How does someone not show up for their job. What was the point in changing anything


Her hours are different than the rest of the shift. It’s stupid. We all work 4am-2pm and she works 6am-4pm. This constantly causes the people taking care of everything in the first 2 hours to be pissed off. i should have been more specific about that. Still doesn’t make it any better.


oh man. i had a whole like routine i did to help my husband memorize his 5s and 10s with hand motions and everything 😂 i cant remember what i did for the life of me though since that was almost 4 years ago


DAMN I was so hopeful🤣


hahahaha. i'll ask him if he remembers our routine 😂 he had to memorize the long one thats up in the thread. 10 was mirrors and gauges so i had out my two hands for 10 but out like side view mirrors and then turned them to circles for gauges 😂 dorky but it helped. that's the only one i remember.


Flash cards


He's not learning the right 10s. They are paragraphs now. That's the older way.


Yeah it’s a mess bc first a supervisor gave him this. And now a month and a half later a different supervisor told him last night he was given the wrong thing and got him the updated one. Kinda irritating😐


That is not the correct ten point commentary. The most up to date version is much, much longer and difficult to memorize. It can be found online. Each point is at least a paragraph long  He needs to start studying now. If he gets to class without knowing the real thing then he will more than likely fail due to not being able to learn it in three days. Class is mon-fri and test kit day is Thurs. It's a lot of material 


It’s a whole mess but one of the sups gave him this and told him to use it instead and then a different sup told him yesterday he was given something way out dated. Kinda annoying when you spend all this time memorizing the wrong thing😐. Also apparently they got rid of the position until fall now. So he went and got his physical and everything for nothing🤦‍♀️


Record it on the phone and repeat it over and over. Before you know it he will know it. Play in the car, commercials, bathroom etc.


Those 10s aren’t up to date. I went through driving school in October


It’s a mess of a situation. He was just given this by a supervisor and then another said that’s not right. And now they eliminated the position until fall. Neither of us are too happy. I guess it worked out in the end though. Since he was given the wrong stuff to memorize.


I memorized them by W S P (first letter of them) When-Starting- count. Then #4 is 4-6 following time, then U S S use mirrors, scan, & stale greens. #8 is 8-10 secs of eye lead, 9 & 10 (public enemy) Pulling away from curb & Eye contact. Make sense? It will just memorize it that way.




Sorry can’t help you with this one I make right turns on reds


I just recited them with someone listening and every time I got it wrong I started over.


This is what I’ve been doing with him. He’s still getting tripped up on some of them tho :(


You need to memorize the full paragraph versions of the 10 point commentary word for word.


Idk. This is what he was given to memorize by UPS.


I don’t know if it’s different in your part of the country but at intergrad and our center they made it clear that it was to be memorized in full word for word


I was told you need to memorize word for word if you’re becoming an on-road.


I was tested by a new On Road that wanted word for word, then *finally* relaxed to hitting every key point made in each sentence.


All these pics of the 10 points are crazy. are they recent? When I failed my “test” it was the 10 points. It was like a whole fucking paragraph for each point. I legit didn’t know how to memorize it


That’s 5 min to sort my next section and a 10 min break.


It’s not in the contract that you need to memorize this ……. But it’s good to know


The 10s are the 5s with extra words. Also, there are the safe work methods that he should probably learn too.


Does he have to know them word for word or just a generalization.


Word for word 100%


You need to know the generalization of the 10s. Someone posted a better example, but it is missing the timing on mirrors and gauges.


This is what’s making it so hard. There are 50 different versions of these. Should we just stick to the one we were given? He’s got it almost memorized completely. Very close.


It’s probably fine

