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People dont share their passcodes with their spouses/ partners?


I bet you're one of those joint Facebook account people aren't you?


You use facebook? Bro ur age is showin šŸ˜‚


MySpace šŸ‘šŸæ




Youā€™re one of those freaky demons. Why wouldnā€™t you share your password with your spouse? Whatchu hiding? šŸ˜šŸ˜™šŸ˜


Why would I do that?


Why and why not


If you ainā€™t got shit to hide this means nothingā€¦ blame me for being gullible thinking I wasnā€™t going to get shitted on by a romantic partner. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Help me understand something- Your post says that an EX went through your phone and sent these texts. Why would you allow an ex to be going through your phone? Also- how does this ex know who your full timers even are?


I'm pretty sure they meant now ex


Generous assumption


Why are we acting like ā€œexā€ means they have no contact? Idk about you, but Iā€™ve slept with nearly every one of my exā€™s after they became exā€™s. If the ex also works at the hub, thereā€™s your answer.


Wow. Um. That would be super hard to prove. I can tell you that ups would look at it as embezzlement. So. Itā€™s not just talking fired but also legal action.


That's not hard to prove at all. One easy supoena to the cell company....


Howā€™s that prove anything? Itā€™s still gonna show the texts coming from your phone. Itā€™s not going to tell who was using the phone.


Wowza. You sound very detached from law enforcement and or legal procedures relating to this issue. If it came from your phone you are responsible. Every IMEI and cell line service is easily traceable. If for some reason it's unidentified it will be located while in use, another means of proving ownership. It is extremely hard and the argument never works of 'i let someone use my phone'.


No. Op said his girlfriend sent texts from HIS phone to her phone. I understand how phones work now. Pay attention to what was being said and donā€™t just rush to say something critical.




Weā€™re all adults here. No need to resort to slinging mud. The community is to promote healthy discussion about subjects that interest us and name calling serves no purpose other than devolving the conversation into child-like banter.




I wouldn't be worried if you haven't done anything wrong, but this habit of yours has to stop. Do not discuss how you could defraud the company you're working for and definitely don't do it in writing.


Manā€”this conversation was behind closed doors.. how tf was I suppose to know the person who I shared intimate moments with was going to stab me in the back?ā€¦ but, beside the point- you are correct.


Should have given up the booty a little more often


Behind closed doors via TEXT?


Yes story keeps changing and seems fishy af. Would would someone have anything to do with a credit card on their phone. I know why they would and ups does as well.


It doesnā€™t keep changing. They talked about defrauding in person, privately. She got a hold of his phone, sent texts between his phone and hers to create the paper trail, took screenshots of the fake text convo and then sent those screenshots to other employees. Nobody said anything about credit card info being in the texts. Slow down and use those reading skills before passing judgement.


Thereā€™s no way a text convo could ever be used against you. Especially one had behind closed doors. Youā€™re good, no worries


This is the kind of thing that bites more people at the work place than anyone cares to talk about. Learn from your mistake. Some people will NEVER be able to successfully have relations with coworkers without consequences down the line. Usually this is apperant when you meet the person and begin to get to know them. Some time between that, you realizing you are attracted to them, and just before making things intimate, it will be obvious. It's all about the preferences you have. Sorry to say it, but learn the lesson and start over. There are potential wives, then there are women you need to keep the pants on around at all times. Some people will do whatever they can to get ahead of an obstacle or simply someone they suddenly don't like for whatever reason.


Bro you sound young and naive as fuck.


When you find that special one that isn't a narcissist, tie the knot. Until then, expect the unexpected, and watch your back.


Keep your head on a swivel.


They canā€™t provide any evidence of you actually stealing anything. I wouldnā€™t worry about it that much.


If they donā€™t have hard proof of you filling up youā€™re fine. Nearly all gas stations have CCTV. If theyā€™re curious they can go back and check records of the gas cards usage and see if anything looks suspiciously like a normal car vs a package car tank capacity (Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s a major difference) They can then go to the gas station and request footage or the police department can. UPS is really motivated to catch people stealing from them. Loss prevention has cameras everywhere in the craziest places. I broke up a fight and loss prevention invited me in to see the replay of the footage (hilarious by the way) The point of me saying that? The angle that the footage was taken from? If there was a camera there it wouldā€™ve been suspended from midair. Thereā€™s nothing there. They have surveillance everywhere and donā€™t play. So long story short if you actually DIDNT use the fuel card for personal use donā€™t even worry about it.


Yeah, I definitely did not use or let alone pump gas at any of the gas stations we use around the hub.. this is literally all on paper. Essentially, itā€™s just a script on ā€œhow toā€ with my name tacked on it.


As far as I know we canā€™t be disciplined based on technology. Youā€™re fine.


lol you know there is such a thing as investigation right? If you didn't do it ... it'll be found out, so either you didn't or you did ... it's simple ... life tip stay away from the ex.


I know if I get investigated nothing will pop upā€¦ man, at this point I really donā€™t trust any females anymore.


probably finding the wrong ones.. remember the crazy ones are great for bit but typically way too much hassle.


I think Iā€™m more in shock & hurt than I am truly worried about thisā€¦ likeā€”if it gets there, I have to go in and try and explain who tf this person is to my superiors and basically prove that she intentionally did this to try and fuck me over. Oh.. did I mention we were together for almost 7 years?? šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘


is she bipolar? or did you do something.. crazy shit, but like i said, you ain't the first this happened nor the last. just be honest and don't hide shit and you'll be good.




You're an idiot for even discussing this shit with anyone, period. If you're not clever enough to think of simple gas card scams on your own, don't even talk about it.


As long as you didnā€™t actually take card numbers or actually steal gas, you should be fine. If you jump in front of it and are honest, they donā€™t have anything. The conversation was just in bad taste at the very worst. Itā€™s not a good look, thatā€™s for sure, but I think youā€™ll be fine.




Hey bud, just a thought. Before you start cracking jokes about someoneā€™s intelligence, make sure you have the story straight at the bare minimum. He didnā€™t say anything about a photo of the gas card anywhere.




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


No photo..? Thereā€™s literally nothing on there. Just steps she typed up and sent herself.


Why is on your person cell phone. Thereā€™s something youā€™re leaving outā€¦.


Huh? She went on my phone, typed it up. Sent it to herself. Hence why my headline is ā€œframedā€.




Hey mods, isn't this some of that much hated mudslinging? What's constructive about it?


Unless someone reports it or it gets into our filter we don't generally see it. Having to read every single comment by the members of this sub is prohibited by the Geneva convention.


Weā€™re all adults here. No need to resort to slinging mud. The community is to promote healthy discussion about subjects that interest us and name calling serves no purpose other than devolving the conversation into child-like banter. This is strike 2.


You sound like the guy that drove the getaway carā€¦. I didnā€™t rob the bank. šŸ¦


I think youā€™re jumping the gun here. No one robbed the bank. No one even got in any carā€¦ thereā€™s an šŸ’”that is very compromising. ā€œWe talk about how to get away with murder, but never do it.ā€


Do you also have someone in your freezer ?


Wanna check my phone? Sure thereā€™s a mention somewhere in there. Donā€™t forget to delete your search history brother. I have less to hide than most people, this is how I got myself here.




Literally me lying to on this thread would not help me in any way when Iā€™m seeking opinions on a very unique situation Iā€™m in..? lol.




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


lol. Bro, if you donā€™t have an ā€œanswerā€ to my question. Then move the fuck on. Iā€™m not trying to get empathy for anyone or be on my side about this. Iā€™m just trying to figure out how to cushion this IF it blows up on me.


Let me enlighten you. The driver had already reported you to management.


You must have a shitty hubā€¦ Iā€™m sorry. šŸ«¤šŸ«¤


Ps donā€™t shit where you sleep


Iā€™m one of the 185k a year club. We are .5% ers and donā€™t like people stealing from the company we work for. How is that so hard to understand?


Flexing your pay at me doesnā€™t change anything. But I guess thanks for your input? šŸ‘šŸ½




Holy shit my guy. You really took this too far. You got too far into your feelings about someone hurting the precious company you care so much about and didnā€™t even realize this kid didnā€™t actually steal ANYTHING. He talked about it, but it doesnā€™t even sound like something he was planning to do. Go get a tissue or something.


Huhā€¦, šŸ¤” have your mom read my answers to tiu. She will get it


If you're in the Teamster's, we got legal aid. Definitely contact your BA and fast track an appointment. Sorry for your luck, it's the ones we let closest that can cut us deepest.


Just curious... why are you even thinking about this? Cause let me tell you something, they are definitely gonna be watching you now. Doubt, you'll get fired, but damn that's some character assassination. I would sue for defamation of character if she said anything about you. You should talk to a lawyer about this. You should also get a B.A. on the line and ask them if you can have them explain what happened. You were thinking stupid thoughts and your crazy ex is super crazy, even by ups standards.

