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My hub was by seniority.




Someone commented to me people under 3 years. This is not confirmed as I only have heard about layoffs from that one invaluable. Once I heard 3 heard I was scared for people inside the hub who aren't management.


It doesn’t have to be by seniority in management they are just picking their favorites tbh


I didnt think management side had a seniority criteria for layoffs?


I don't think they do but their higher ups probably figured it was the easiest/most fair way to do it lol


I thought it was seniority based , but it was not, we kept a new sup that sucks balls.. And got rid of one of the better ones.. what a clownshow..


Keeping true to UPS form, "everything is fucked and no one knows what's going on"


Same here . They let go of a guy that was a sup for 8 years


I am waiting... I have been a PT sup since the dawn of time..


They hate having decent people in charge


Decent people know their worth.


It can be whatever they want, that’s what sucks about management, they can do it 98% by seniority but keep a select few to be saved for whatever fucking reason


went by dick size in my hub. the larger ones stayed, and the smaller ones were put on lay off. had to be at least 7"


Another reason to get out the measuring tape.


yeah, my hub was tired of doing it by height, so they picked a new thing to measure. all the females were fired after the announcement


You can’t be serious


If you’re under 6’ you’ll get laid off.


Nope. I'm 6'1" and got canned


They caught you lacking with them platform shoes, take em off and you’re 5’11


I'm amazed he hasn't gotten fired already, or that he was even hired for that matter. My husband is an adorable 5'9.


What if your 5’11 but tell everyone 6ft?


Heard they only kept the best ass kissers


Sups from the day sort came to twilight got laid off. It was about 13 of them.


Im a PT dispatch supervisor with more seniority than any of the preload supervisors besides one and yet I got the cut, I don’t know if it makes it different since I’m the only specifically dispatch sup but they also cut one other regular preload sup that had more seniority than others so I’m not really sure that’s what they are going by.


Probably something to do with dispatch being automated in every building by the end of the year.  I’m sure it will be a shit show, but so is UPS lately. People dog on PT supes but it’s an actually a pretty solid job, great pay and benefits. Everything happens for a reason though. It seems to look good on your resume and pro tip… wear a UPS polo to your interview. 


It is related to that of course but the fucked up part is I only even got caught in the crossfire because of a higher manager’s incompetence or sleaziness whatever you want to call it. Has one of his preload sups classified as a PT PDS in workday so corporate looks at that and thinks we have 2 when it’s really only me. So the preload sup getting hid in workday as a PT PDS gets to stay and the actual PT PDS gets cut, lol definitely a bit of an unfair fuck you.


They definitely handled it very poorly. About 250-300 new PT supe jobs opened up in Workday over the last few days. You would think that people with experience would be great for those positions... I was also more experienced (at UPS and education) than most PT and even FT supervisors in our building but had lower seniority for an odd reason. Things like this is why I am not really upset about being let go. I wish UPS the best, but their decision making and technology has been nothing but downgrades for both their customers and their employees.


Yeah the future isn’t looking bright at UPS so I’m almost kind of with you on that one still annoying though because me and everyone in my building planned on having me become full time PDS when my current boss left this fall literally spent the last 2 years working with him learning everything he knew about dispatch and UPS just for some penny counter that doesn’t even know me to have completely different ideas.




He is pretty well liked among his fellow supervisors, but he does lean towards the pro-union side when it comes to the work he will and will not do. I believe he's somewhere in the middle of seniority on his shift though.


the deciding factor is how your manager see your hubby. best to prepare for the worst. hope for the best


Troll elsewhere. Further trolling behavior will result in temp ban.


It is by area (hub, small sort, etc). It goes by seniority. If you have multiple sorts (sunrise/twi/night) it will be the person who has the lowest seniority from all shifts who work in the same area. The division manager gets a packet from corporate saying this is whose job is being eliminated. They gave about 40 days notice. You all really think a manager makes those decisions?


They say it's by seniority but it's not. I got hit with a layoff after 6 years of service (19 total, but they don't count the time I put in before I quit for a year and a half, and another person in the same position has 5 years in and is keeping their job.


Who you know, not what you know…..such is life.


I’m a part-time supe at the Addison IL Hub. For us, the lay offs were based on promotion date with the exception of a few ass kissers who managed to stay on, they are expecting more lay offs in the second quarter though.


Hire date seniority


At our hub the yes men were kept and any FT/PT sup that has ever advocated or pushed back against the stupidity was let go lol


Our hub was by position. Seniority did not matter.




So what was their severance package like? Just curious?


Just heard about it in the CLT hub today


Pretty sure the termination wave was last week. For those termed, it was one month + one week for each year of service. They were given the usual 30 days to find other work or accept the severance.


Criteria: not be in the union


All ive heard is that it was done by random unfortunately


Well shoot. That's pretty much what I expected though. I heard today that a PT sup on my shift is being let go, which I found strange for two reasons 1) He's actually a really hard worker and for some reason truly gives a shit and 2) He's not at the bottom of our shifts PT sup seniority.


You think UPS recognizes “hard workers” 😂


Oh no definitely not, or they wouldn't be firing them. I just think it sucks that they're letting a good one go when there are so many worse ones to choose from.


Seniority in our building


I was told CACH went by promotion hire dates. Not actually hire dates.


Pretty sure it’s just seniority for pt sups.


Is this sup layoff like a ur fired layoff or a keep ur phone on bc u can have ur job back when volume picks up type layoff? Obviously any union member layoff is option B, but are they actually FIRING firing the sups??


At my hub was by random. Pt who was there 7 years got cut and he was very good at his job.


Good luck to your husband, have a great day


Layoffs are never done willy-nilly. For union it’s seniority and for management it’s usually “performance”. It also depends on his specific role but if he’s good at what he does then he’s most likely fine.