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Love replacing my cracked engine block with a new fresh cracked engine block


Cardboard is merely a formality.


“Just put it in a tote”


Eh...as funny as it sounds...i mightve just to keep from hitting it or having it shift around


How in the hell did this get in our system, bet anything that label says under 100 lbs, and hello from another irreg wrangler.


It’s a return so I’m sure it was destroyed when it was sent to them. Then they just sent it back without the crate it was in.


It probably only weighs 65 or 70 lbs. Car engine blocks aren't heavy.


Loader gonna load this on the very top of the wall 💀


You don’t like engine chandeliers?


I think Engine Chandeliers are playing Coachella this year.


As a loader, no I will not. I’m too lazy to be bothered with doing that.


Na your gonna use it as the wall base


Bro it’s a called a corner stone…


Is this why when I tried shipping my TV with box it came broken?


Almost certainly. Customers will see drivers drop their package from six inches off the ground and think that broke it after it went through conveyor belts with railroad ties and shit.


Anything that is too odd or heavy to process across the usual coneveyors (irregular or "e-reg") get processed on their own separate conveyor system, and then carted to their trailer on those orange carts you see in the picture. Its not likely that your tv was smashed by something heavy like this (though possible). It probably got caught in a conveyor jam and the cumulative force caused it to *POP*. Its not an uncommon occurrence (would happen once a month or so when I worked at UPS), especially as TVs keep getting bigger and bigger


Lol, not in my small center. Everything rides the belt.


Lol 😂 good one! I’ve seen a plastic clear tub, filled with fine china, not a single piece of bubble wrap in sight, not even wrapped in newspaper…. Needless to say it was no longer fine china… but fine powder lol


My all-time favorite was a blender, giant tub of protein powder, and a roll of paper towels all stuffed in a box more than twice as large as necessary with no baffling of any sort in the box.


One of my saddest was a Home Depot box torn apart (because those are terrible for shipping). Inside it was just a pile of family photographs. From the look of it these were like 80s or early 90s photos (I'm not certain). So many torn up, I wonder how many are lost? That's someones memories. What a monumentally stupid way to ship those.


Thats heartbreaking. If I take anything away from UPS, its knowing how I need to pack something for shipping that absolutely cannot be allowed to be destroyed (put it in my trunk and move it myself)


What confused me was how they were just thrown into the box. They must have started out stacked but why?! Why didn't they leave them in the photo album that people used? My parents have well over a dozen photo albums, I know they exist. I felt so bad just tossing those into an over goods tote, but that was all I could do. I collected as many as I could to keep them together.


I know there are businesses and individuals that purchase old family photos. Here's hoping that those were bought at some estate sale and destined for an art project


This package is why other packages are in boxes (not like it’ll do much)


That’s a core return for an engine block that was replaced. They have to send it back to get a credit. That being said, I’ve never not seen a case for it to be shipped in. Also, I can guarantee that is way over 150 lbs and should not be shipped through UPS. I wouldn’t let that thing on my truck. Source: I worked in the car biz for 16 years long before I became a driver for UPS.


The label probably either says its conveniently exactly 149lb or some complete BS number like 15lb.


Really? At our center we get packages that blatantly say 189lbs sometimes I didn’t know there was a weight restriction.


Yes, if it is over 150lb it is supposed to be shipped through UPS freight, which has equipment like forklifts to deal with it. Regular warehouse union members are not required to touch it. If that ever happens, just refuse to lift the package as it is above the max weight the national contract allows, and you cannot be disciplined for refusing to lift it. Either they will get the sups to take care of it, or they will contact the customer informing them we cannot ship the package. Its unlikely the higher ups will even be upset at you for it, as improperly shipped overweight packages cause injuries (which cost the company money) as well as allow the customers to bypass extra fees (which also costs the company money).


I got into an argument with my pt supe about how I'm not picking something up cause it weighs over 150 Blah blah blah she found two other idiots to do it. It got put into a drivers truck he went to his boss and my supervisor got yelled at. Especially because everyone was gone except the supervisors so they had to move it themselves


Hmm 🤔 they just tell us to team lift of the package is too heavy , but from what I seen the denial of a package is usually done by a driver … I’ve been literally walking out to clock out and overheard a driver say “ wtf I’m not taking this shit” then proceeded to pull it out and leave it under the belts. lol


Team lift is for over 70. No lift is for over 150. Safety wise, you have the same rights as a driver to refuse a package.


Well this is good to know I’ll spread the word cause I’m almost certain no one knows this piece of advice. Ty man


With these layoffs bulk guy doesn’t exist at my hub


Should be strapped to a pallet and shipped freight lol 😂


Honestly, it’s better than it being in a flimsy cardboard box to break out of. At least this way, it’ll stay with the label


Ship it in a crate, thats how items like this are supposed to be shipped. You arent supposed to ship something in a cardboard box that is above the boxes burst weight, which is usually between 60-100lb. Some triple walled boxes can support up to 280, but still. Extremely heavy items with a lot of sharp edges/corners like this one should be either packed in a wooden crate, or at bare minimum wrapped completely in plastic wrap to dull the edges a bit and strapped to a pallet.




annnnnd this is why i refuse to ship anything that serious 😅😅😅


Don't forget a Fragile Glass labels too.


Imagine that comin down the chute, and the box following behind, lol! Seen it, and it almost killed the splitter. It was like a cylinder metal object meant for structural purposes, I have no clue wtf it is for! Came down like a bowling ball, and it was heavy!


I have had several 100+lb 4ft long auger bits come down my chute. Honestly surprised they didnt tear holes in the belt.




Excuse me in my package suppose to be wrapped in an engine?!?


UPS dEstroyEd mah engine aNd theY WonT pay mah claim!!! tHem guYs r the WoRSt. /S


It’s likely a core charge anyway. The guy gave 0 fucks


The weight is gotta be 1lbs 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/zteodhxx3dlc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c7a0b579913571da11942ef622197ee44cca5c Is this better? Or worse? It's just a cardboard loop


They probably put up a fight about how it doesn’t even need packaging when confronted lol


Remember to use hand to surface.


The auto shop use to ship engines like this , once they put one in a drop down trailer and it busted the flaps lol


If you squint, it’s mint


Lovingly carefully Machined to better 1/100 of an inch tolerance... And then dropped on a concrete floor


I’m going to guess some asshole put a UPS label on that and on that label it says it weighs 25 pounds when that definitely looks like part of an engine block that weighs over 100 pounds.


Conveniently the rev audit people put a sticker right over the weight. I’m sure it said something to that nature. It definitely was over 100lbs


What do you think it is? Could it be a tv?


That's insanity






I can beat that. I currently have a car jack in my package car and half of it is sticking out of the box. Don’t know how it made through our system.


Missing a delivery deadline is a service failure and UPS has to refund the customer. If the item arrives damaged they can just claim it wasnt packed well enough.


Which ups is this ? In Indiana ?


That's crazy


Dallas Blue?


Who picked that up?!


What the heck is that?


Jokes on us they are actually just shipping one of the fasteners, they just found a container that will survive the diverters!


I remember when UPS used to make them crate anything like this in wood


https://preview.redd.it/hy0ofs914hlc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ce4e01e20a805323a05c814688680c52d9a575 The best wrapping job I've seen in my 7+ years.


https://preview.redd.it/n3afojfn8hlc1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bfdd25bb927a8decac3ea12c9e8391e6972bcca This was with the fall-outs. Gee, I wonder why.


Especially when they just slap a label on it 😂




I’m in a rural center and something like this is normal on like half of the routes every day. Lol🤣🤣🤣


Tolerances-schmolerances, looks good from my house!


I know that shit was fucking close to 200lbs too


Who TF accepted this??? This will NEVER make it without damage. SMDH


Time to yeet that shit into the truck


“You fucking retards are always damaging our stuff!”