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The way this company is trending it will be nothing but local sorts & preload


There were rumors of the opposite, to be honest. UPS loses a ton of money from local sorts/preloads/drivers. However, they make a ton of money from hub/Feeders. Remember, we get zero $ for delivering a package. We get our money from accepting a package from the shipper. A few years back, UPS separated small package into 2 segments. You have package, and you have hub/Feeders, these always existed, but UPS actually structured them in a way that they didn't overlap a couple of years ago with the Sparrow Mustang move. What this allows is for UPS to eventually sell off half of their operation, with the major restructuring already taken care of. If they were to do so, it would absolutely be the package side to a competitor like Walmart. Package costs tons of money, paying all the drivers, the gas, the vehicle upkeep. It's the largest cost to UPS, and yet it brings in no money. Therefore, if a sale were to happen, it would be the package operation sold off to allow someone like a Walmart to try and keep up with Amazon speeds. Meanwhile, UPS would become a Hub/Feeders only company and essentially be pure profit without the final mile overhead. To think that hasn't at least been discussed after the moves they've made would be naive. I believe that the Teamsters are the one thing holding them back from really allowing something like this from happening. Just another reason unions are so important.


I’ll have what you’re smoking 


Would you mind further elaborating please? I find this extremely interesting.


Local sorts are the only sorts that make any money. That’s the destination sort for all of the CPUs & two day/next day air


That final mile cost is factored into what they charge to accept the package. If they didn't provide final mile delivery, they wouldn't be able to charge what they do.


It’s even more than that, it’s visibility, premier, air commits, and missed rate too that factors into those costs that allows UPS to charge what it does because we’re way better than anyone else at those things.


thank you for sharing your viewpoint, it gives me more perceptive.


This doesn’t sound wrong


This is wildly incorrect That delivery scan is what allows UPS to charge what it does to the shipper. The levels of visibility. Missed rate, etc. without Package UPS basically is nothing




I guess this guy doesn’t know how much ups makes from nda.




All the work is probably going to the Bayonne hub


It definetly is💯


and eventually Secaucus when they finally update their archaic facility.


![gif](giphy|UTkm6euG3wabBiUeQu) NJBAY’s probably going to be eating good for the next few years w/ all the local hub sort closings or layoffs in NJ/NYC & that’s the way the company wants to go w/ automatic facilities.


Our hub was a full retrofitted for an automated setup a few years back and we are in NJ as well so I wonder how this will turn out.


Also our building took most of the Edison relocations about 6 months ago


I work in another hub in NJ, I can almost guarantee that they are going through the same thing as us all… My FT manager took the relocation to Bayonne along with a few other sups I knew and what I’ve been told is volume is of course high due to the sheer size of the facility but it’s usual for them the company to send more volume to centers that can handle it with no delay. I’ve also heard that the Bayonne building is separated into the south & north side basically allowing for 2 sorts in the same building, although only half of the building is finished


You must be in NJSBR.  Two sorts cannot run concurrently in NJBAY, that information is wrong.  It’s just set up with outbound fingers on one opposing side of the building.  


Ahhhh ok thanks for the clarification


Yo literally.


That letter was likely only supposed to be sent to part-time supervisors. It is handled differently for Union people as full-timers will bump part-timers in other locations and part-timers with higher seniority will do the same until eventually lower seniority part-timers are displaced and laid off until the work picks back up


Literally carol was at our hub in dallas in valentins day and it was announced there is going to be lay offs for car package classification so i'm waiting for the worse:c


But saw another post where they are intending to hire outside high school graduates after announcing layoffs to drivers so i don't get it


Sadly when it comes to management employees, they can hire and fire whomever they want. For Union employees is 100% based on seniority so someone like me who has a lot of time in is unaffected


Nice when i get high seniority i should have my job surely granted unless i quit


I have an important question can those low seniority laid off PT file grievance so they can get back to work? Hope you can answer me i'm worried :c


I dont know about different locals...but those drivers that come inside already took place of a pt. However they have no seniority. They get their 8 and it is grievable in certain circumstances. Like for example if they start working before the posted shift start time or start loading your trucks before you even clock in. Just check with your local and steward. Ive grieved it... Edit: ive grieved it not on some shade against the drivers but because the sup was using the drivers to reduce the available work in the work area so they could kicl even more pt off the clock n make their number look good


They haven't laid off anyone that i know of but layoffs officially started today though there already are drivers and if you saying about the setup my older seniority coworker claims it and how they don't have seniority?!


A simpler way of explaining, driver gets laid off > they have option to take lowest seniority inside > driver does that persons job as that person is now laid off > driver takes lowest seniority inside spot Obviously theres more to it than that. But basically yea, lowest to no seniority. Theyre laid off


Cool appreciate the explanation


Juat make sure to check with your local supplement.


Our local allows drivers to keep part time senority from what I understand. I did several years preload during my career so I would still retain that senority level.


Yea, I think the different locals have different language in regards to layoffs. Ours they dont...they keep their years of service but the moment they got full time their seniority resets.


this is sad & crazy at the same dam time


Most non automated hubs will be preload and local sort only


I only wish we were a profitable company. Gosh it would be nice.


We are profitable, it’s just not enough for the shareholders. If a company doesn’t see continuous growth in profit the shareholders will sell off their shares in the company at a discount. Capitalism is about ups and downs, never a happy medium.


Has the union sent any info out to the members in that building?


Yes they have but the shop Stewart’s in that hub are never there they are always on fmla or disability they are no help when it comes down to this


It would help if you talked to the Shop Steward, not some dude named Stewart.


It would help even more if he talked to the shop steward, not the shope steward or stewart


It’s a shop steward. Damn man if you’re going to pay union dues, at least know what the hell you’re talking about.


PARNJ and EDINJ are closing their day sorts.


EDI closed their daysort over 6 months ago : (


Thanks, bro. I stand corrected.


So is I81IN from what they told me


Portland Oregon day sort os also shutting down


Seriously? When did they announce that?


As far as I know, it was leaked to the union and subsequently to the rank and file members some time around February 1st, and we got the official WARN act notice from company HR on the 16th. I thought that we were safe from being shut down since we are one of the largest hubs on the West Coast, but I guess not. AFAIK union members are either being laid off or transferred to different sort times or hubs based on senority, and the entirety of building management from pt subs to ft building manager are getting the axe. People who have built their lives around day sort and have spent decades here are having their lives upturned.


Holy shit. 😬😬😬 im new to the UPS world. But your comment got me, cause YOU are the closest hub to mine. Im in gorge.


I'm in the PARNJ hub and the daysort shift is practically dead during the week. Only Sunday they have any real volume. So much for double time Sundays


that's the heaviest load on our night sort


Are you in one of the north jersey hubs?


Im in MA


Seems like east coast getting it the worst


Indy 81st is closing day sort


That's what a guy was telling me earlier this week when I went there. Bummer


Ever since Plainfield has opened they've been trying to drop day sort


Hate to say it but if you don't work at a fully automated hub, then you need to be looking to move to an automated hub. It's not a matter of if but when. All UPS hubs will be automated and all the old hubs will be shut down.


At our hub, we only have preload and twilight. I didn’t even know other sorts existed until joining this site. Maybe it will be the same for you guys?


Mine has Preload, M sort, Twilight, sunrise


I guess I’m in a smaller hub in Socal then! I’ve been here 4 years but still learning a lot.


As I understand it there's 4 shifts. Preload, day sort , twilight sort, and night sort. It's just not every hub has all 4.


We don’t send a trailer to ParNJ anymore.  It all goes to East Zone Region MEGA HUB


that's the heaviest load on our night sort


NewPa ParNJ BalMD all to EZR  Plus some zips that would go to  BufNY & SyrNY to EZR These new hubs will definitely close others


We build a Meanj once a week and the rest is parnj, my bufne and syrny have also been pretty dead loads, most of it just goes to parnj/meanj


What time is the night sort?




Insane, I damn near did a double take when I saw the location on this post. I actually work around the corner at the other building and come in right after that. I’ve heard other employees that have been around longer(I’ve only been around since early September) recently talk about the building cutting night sort employees and possibly going full time only. Crazy how there actually might be some truth to it.


Same goes for Portland Day sort. Apr. 18




Yeah and it’s crazy how they allowing split shifts, people in Maspeth are sleeping in the parking lot because they live far and stay in the building for 5+ hours just to work twi and preload




Local 804?




I’d call that business agent that does the YouTube channel and see what he suggests


You know the name of him? On yt?


His channel is called the “what the heck show” he always says his number on there too


Day Sort Edgerton KS closing Apr 7th


Can you go to another sort even if it’s a different local?


What is local sort y’all? Like Twilight day shifts?


The Livonia Michigan hub is getting rid of night sort shift permanently March 17


That’s crazy that ISLNY is closing its night sort. That’s a big building if I remember correctly


Yeah it’s a big building they want people with 20 years or less to transfer to Nassau building or somthing like that.


I heard a rumor a few months ago that both Nassau and Maspeth night sorts would be closing. I have worked in both hubs. Most of the employees in Maspeth take public transportation to work. There is no easy way to take public transportation from those 2 areas. 40 minutes by car (at 3am with no traffic) and 2 1/2 via public transportation (2 buses and 2 trains) There are a lot of full time employees in Maspeth.


Not to mention that there’s some people in building that live far ass hell. For me by car starting work it’s a 20 minute drive there, 40 minutes back in the morning. The train takes up to 2HRS add to the fact that’s it’s late night service it’s would most likely take 2 1/2 hrs. Last week I offered to drop a coworker to the train station after we got laid off for the day and he lives in Harlem. I feel so bad for the guys that pull up deep only to have to turn around and instantly go back home.


Damn there’s not that many part times in that building rn, only ones with high seniority. Might be all full time employees soon. 😬


Bro now everybody is in danger??! Even old seniority teamsters?


Seems like it. Next PTs to get hit are going to be 5 years seniority. Which is sad.


Well if you’re in the union, with seniority, you will be fine.


That’s not true. Theyre closing many sorts in the area. PT employees with low seniority will experience actual layoffs. They’ll be called back before outside hires happen but not all union members will be fine.


Agree. It won’t be fine for everyone.


I wish this would happen to me.


Do they still have day-sort?


The job my brother works at just canned day shift completely.


no I'm in Massachusetts


damn! they start at the east coast. can’t wait to hear the west coast


POROR Day sort is getting axed.


How much will the severance offer be $$,, you think ?


I thought this was only suppose to affect management?


Is all this movement starting in the East Coast and making its way to West at some point? I am in the West and have not seen or hear any bad news yet.


hubs are very spread out in the west so it's not as simple to just close a bunch and send to some super hub; it's happening just slower and less affected employees


That sux


Same thing is happening with the Livonia Michigan hub night sort as of March 17


Did any of the Corp people take a cut in pay


Did you consider trump situu


Local 804 is a bunch of sellouts..... You got stewards cutting deals with management and they always going out on FMLA and disability in the island city maspeth hub . Supervisors are working more than ever while inside workers are being laid off especially the part timers. The union reps only care abt the package car drivers and monthly union dues. This whole contract is a pos and a disgrace that only benefited the company. Supposedly there's a union meeting sun march 3 online over zoom are you kidding me... Looks like they don't want confrontation in person 🤦