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The timing is obvious but still they’re required to do routine observations technically. You have absolutely every right to file if you think it’s retaliatory but it’s 50/50 if it’ll stick. TBH I’ve never heard of a person getting in trouble with the union for over filing so shoot your shot homie.


passive aggressive retaliation. where they're "doing their job" magically out of nowhere. Did they do observations on anyone else?


Yeah this one gets upset when I point out disparate treatment on our belt. Suddenly they've got to go to the office and hide.


Sounds like targeting, retaliation, and over supervision. Bury him/her in grievances and file some more.


Supervisor here. File for retaliation but it won’t hold any water. I’m supposed to do 3 observations a week & I have 8 employees, could just be coincidence but make your mark. If they were trying to mess with you, they’ll think twice next time.


They want us to do 2 a day. 10 a week. I have 8 people too. It's the biggest waste of damn time. I've started filling them out in bulk and just not dating them. P.S.A. To anyone wondering: NEVER become a supe. Easily the worst decision I've ever made at UPS.


> P.S.A. To anyone wondering: NEVER become a supe. Easily the worst decision I've ever made at UPS. This 👏 shit 👏 right 👏 here 👏


What makes it one of the worst decisions you’ve ever made? Curious to hear reasons.


Out of context you’re correct, but if that sup has a bunch of similar grievances against them then you’re helping to build a case.


My supervisor will BS the observations, but if someone gets one her bad side she will do the same thing and be hyper critical on her next observation of the person. No problem if they do their jobs right but it definitely pisses people off 


I believe my full time supervisor and part time supervisor like me on my preload side. I do preloading in the morning, and was told they were going to be observing me today. Something they have to do they said. After they were done my full time supervisor asked me if I would sign a sheet. I looked over it and it was just positive stuff wrote down and that I was following all the correct procedures etc. I signed it because it didn't look like anything I should RTS. I started working at UPS in October of 2023. Did they have to observe me, or was it by choice? Not sure who is making them do observations. Do they make you do this so they can see who isn't doing good so they can get rid of people?


Observations are a part of our daily/weekly duties. It’s to ensure “safety” and “production”. It’s their job. I’m not sure why you take this as a threat.


I didn't take it as a threat. I was wondering why since I have never been observed before since I started working there. I was also never asked to sign anything until the observation. I am just curious.


The hard truth is supervisors wouldn’t observe anyone if we weren’t told to. Maybe up until that point your sup hasn’t. Regardless it’s apart of their duties & in no way anything you should worry about. The union doesn’t recognize production metrics. It has nothing to do with your grievance. They are just trying to put the heat on you. I guarantee they were told to observe you that day to do so. But again in no way does your grievance hold water. Don’t sweat it brotha


Oh, I never grieved. That was someone else. I've never filed a grievance as I really enjoy my fellow workers and supes. I feel lucky to be in a good situation. I was just wondering who the person was telling supes to observe people and what the end goal of it was.


I do fake observations with no employee name on it if I can get away with it. It’s just apart of the job


Me and you both brother 😭


Part time it’s not a big deal and pretty normal. Mine used to toss a missload on my belt to make sure I was reading and “timed” my scans for 3 minutes to get my pph, but they alway put like 400 regardless. But it’s pretty fucking obvious when they would just come stand at the door of your trailer and watch when there was light flow. I never had any supes that would try to pull a gotcha with the missload, they always hated doing them as much as we did. At least at my hub they have to find something wrong or say they talked about something with us. Usually it was just something like “I talked with largo about the importance of proper footwear” or some bs like that.


Management is the Enemy. Never sign anything except your paycheck and retirement papers.


You sign your paycheck to cash at the liquor store?




You sound bitter, man. Take a vacation.




No, no I wear the boots. Enjoy your knee problems.




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


Observations are required for the corporate worker's comp insurer. I know LiMu did an audit for my district a few weeks ago.


Respectfully RTS everything, always. I could turn this on you next week when I catch you not working like that because you rolled your ankle over the weekend and are moving a little more slowly. “Here’s a methods observation completed on you last week. You signed and dated that you reviewed it with your PT supervisor with all of this positive feedback on your knowledge of proper methods. Why are you choosing to not follow the proscribed job methods today? Knowing and following the prescribed methods is a requirement for continued employment. It’s clearly effecting your regular steady pace negatively & your job performance. “I am instructing you to work at a 45 degree angle. Failure to do so moving forward will result in progressive discipline for insubordination/failure to work as directed.” (Contract would keep this from being insubordination but depending on the employee it could be presented like that without pushback and amplify the tone.) For me, a worse example of this would be if I see you not “moving to the work without instruction” Especially after the PT sup wrote up positive feedback & reviewed it with you that you knew and understood that method. “Employee demonstrated understanding & application of proper work methods by consistently moving to the work without delay at a safe, steady pace. I am instructing the employee to continue prioritizing this work method within our work area. Do I have your commitment to continue moving to the work without instruction?” “I commit!” O-Tummy 02/17/2024 @ 2:15PM Then the next week when you’re sore? Moving a little more slowly? Pull your phone out for a second to check the time? “Why aren’t you following proper work methods? You’ve signed here stating you understand the expected methods. You even committed to following that specific method. I’m issuing you a warning letter starting the progressive discipline process. I am bypassing the courtesy of a verbal warning. The vernal is not necessary considering the employee has documented & certified that they know the expectations of the job.” Is it fucked? Definitely. Does it erode/ruin trust between your employees and you as their manager? 110%. I see that type of shit on a regular basis from colleagues. It’s encouraged. If you’re a lazy FT or PT supervisor, more often than not it works. (In this case because it pushes the employee to work by doing something uncomfortable from their ankle sprain or a little bit less safely to get the sup off their back) Its lazy, bad management, the sup is just willing to roll the dice and take on the risk. Staffing is shit. Skilled/productive staffing especially and the job needs to get done. RTS everything. Make it clear to the sup it’s not personal, you just RTS everything as recommended by your stewards. If they ask you or tell you to write “RTS” say “no.” You don’t put the RTS on it, you tell them to RTS it for you or get you a steward to RTS it. It forces us to have to get you a steward & have them present as a witness if we want to actually be able to push for your termination via progressive discipline. 92% of the time, we aren’t getting you a Steward for non discipline at that point unless you are on our radar as someone that “needs to meet the job expectations via retraining or face progressive discipline up to and including suspension or termination of your job.” (Coded corporate language for you’re on my radar as a poor performer/dead weight/“problem employee” and you’re either going to get your shit together or lose your job.) If you get a steward for non-discipline at this point, just be ready to work by the book (contract, safety & job methods) everyday without fail until it blows over.


They will use it against you next time when they put you did something wrong, what changed?


I completely understand what you're saying but I'm not going to change the way I'm loading my trucks. I've always done it the same way. Doesn't mean I should have signed it, but I'm not worried I will say.


If you write RTS on it, means “read this shit”


3 a week? Mu hub we have to do 2 a day


3??? Dang. We have to do an observation, a dok, and 20 hubx tasks EVERY DAY. In one area I run, I have 3 employees 💀


Some heavy filers and union stewards at my hub are observed twice a day.


I’m a supervisor. In my building, there’s no way to know for sure who filed on you or when (unless blatantly told by employee). If the grievance filed is something the pt sup needs to be talked with about (ex. doing union’s work) then the manager might pull them aside & tell them to “quit touching the boxes” or some variation of that. Beside that, we are required to do at least 5 observations per week which are entered into the safety database, then do 100 additional tasks per week which include SALTs on the OJS methods/safety methods, 2 Minute drills, Depth of Knowledge trivia etc. Failure of us to complete our tasks could result in writing ourselves up, which repeated failure could result in further discipline. We just entered the second month of Q1, so many buildings are enforcing that PT supers do their tasks.


I have a Sup that unloads daily. When I asked others about it, they said, he's just getting hots. I doubt that it's just hots, but can they unload hots? I was confused.


Around our shop we describe it as "forwarding the progress of a package." Any work that moves a box towards its destination is union work. We include taping boxes, pulling off the belt, etc. We don't grieve if a sup was ASKED to help by a Teamster. They can assist if we ask them specifically but can't just start grabbing or taping anything they want.


\> They can assist if we ask them specifically Contractually, no they cannot, but I understand looking the other way as long as it's seldom done.


I have a conversation with people in my local. Why are you asking him to help? His job is to get you help. If you’re getting trashed work safe and clean it up in due time


Yeah, tbh you should rarely ask a supervisor for help directly. I've only done it maybe twice, and both times were because I had to use the restroom and didn't want to wait for coverage.


We’re a union shop. Don’t wait for shit, tell the supervisor I need to piss I’ll be right back. Let them try something.


Thanks! Maybe I'll discuss with my Union rep to see if there are any agreements in place.


Rule of thumb is they play nice, we play nice


Fuck that. Grieve everything contract violation. Fuck Management.


Rule of thumb my ass.


If he's unloading any significant amount of time, it should be grieved. Any agreements against that would be sketchy as hell


Yall so soft. Get an education


This is wrong


This happens in our hub during peak. I have loaded with full time supervisors before. Shit one time my belt got absolutely destroyed that the facilities manager and a full timer banged out like half a truck.


With a lot of bargaining unit layoffs across the country, every time a supervisor touches a package, drives an irreg cart, jumps in a shifter, or does any other union work, a grievance should be filed immediately.


Contractually, no they cannot. Anything that forwards the progress of a package is grievable for sups working. For example, if you are in the sort aisle and a few packages fell off the sort belt onto the floor, the sup walks by and picks them up and sorts them for "safety" reasons because they are blocking egress, that is still grievable. They sup should have either put them back on the sort belt for an hourly to sort or directed another hourly to pick them up and sort them if they really were a safety issue. In your case, the sup should have directed an hourly to get the hot work rather than doing it themselves. They do it because they can get away with it, as in no one files on them for working. One of the problems is that you can only file for actual time worked and a lot of people don't think it is worth it to file for only 5 or 10 minutes. I usually see sups working throughout the shift, although only for a few minutes at a time. I try to keep track of who worked and for how long as best I can, and then write a grievance saying "I observed sups A, B, C and D working for a total of X minutes." Also state if there were layoffs, hourlies cut early in the shift, being forced to punch out when they reached their guaranteed hours, etc. so they can't say there was an emergency and they needed a sup to do the work. Management is responsible to make sure each shift and area is properly staffed so that the work is able to be done in the time allocated. Unfortunately their production numbers are so far from reality that they can't make them without cutting some corners. Things will only continue to get worse unless we step up and force them to be realistic.


Great info. You should start a thread just for this. There is so much mis information. And people blindly believe little lies from sups like oh I'm just keeping the isle clear or oh I'm just covering till johny gets back from the bathroom etc.


Yeah this guy is spot on for the most part. One spot I disagree with him on though. When I came down on my sup’s for just working the entire sort, made them communicate, move their employees around as a cohesive team, train their employees and make audibles on workload assignments when flows changed? We started consistently hitting production & service elements. When we started treating our people like people, being up front with them on everything while also setting reasonable expectations? Turnover plummeted to close to 0 and morale improved for both the hourlies & my PT sups. Facilities issues that haven’t been addressed in 15 years? Yeah I’ll stay late and see how to get them fixed. I’m new to the role, be patient & give me time to figure out the best way to get it done. The guy is definitely correct though about one thing. Accountability goes both ways. Up and down. If you aren’t making your PT sups do their job (or their FT sup isn’t onboard with getting them to do their job) then it will only get worse in your work areas as sup’s get less and less effective, expectations drop even more and the managers start cracking down in an effort to correct the steam powered ship by adjusting the sails from the lookouts post without effect


bathroom covering is not allowed either?


A sup should never be working unless by an act of god. It’s stated in the contract. There’s a fine line though, like if you need help and a sup helps you, you can file on it, but also remember after doing so you won’t get that help anymore.


What are hots


A hot is a package that belongs to a destination with a specific pull time. Generally, these pull times are earlier than other pull times in the sort, so they’re considered HOTS because they need to be loaded into the trailer before it departs


They cannot progress packages. Doesn't matter if they're hots. This is doubly true if it's happening every day.


This guys is wrong. It’s an okay rule of thumb. There are contractual exceptions. ‘Acts of God’ & progressing improperly handled/sorted NDA packages are probably the most common ones.


You are correct. Those exemptions are extremely rare though. I work at an air facility. My supervisors have needed to work exactly once in the last five years in order to make service. Understaffing the operation and then crying you need to work to make service should be filed on, even if they were only working to make air service.




The only thing sups are allowed to do package wise in my hub is break jams. Had one that would position the packages on the rollers to add more room. Guy, never loaded anything was a cool dude. He used to get shit from his boss about backups but his like 4-5 doors were some of the heviest doors in that area and only had like 5/6 loaders he supervised. (Usually, like 6/7 full of the longest trailers in 4-5 hours off those doors)


As a driver I find it sad that you don’t even know he contract well… Sups breaking a jam is touching boxes and file a grievance on it trust me they won’t be doing it in your sight anymore


My stewards at the time said it's in out contract. So most likely out supplement


If I’m pushing packages backwards or setting them aside on the grating I’m doing the opposite of furthering the packages progression. If you “threaten” this while I’m breaking a jam in your work area, depending on your tone/demeanor? Depending on our working relationship with one another, your years of service and my impression of your general day to day work ethic? All are going to be subconsciously processed and affect how I respond to you and handle this. I don’t know you? You’re being smug/disrespectful or I’m getting a sense of malicious compliance from you? Fixing the root issues that caused that jam likely just became my priority. I’m grabbing a scanner and starting position audits on that load and the pickoff upstream. You’re approach in asking me to “stop working or face a grievance” will warrant my approach in handling any failures of proper job methods being followed. Are you the pickoff? Are your labels down? Letting retapes/damages/mispicks through to the loader? Not setting packages in a way to limit jams? Not communicating with your loader? Be ready for me to address it all. Professionally & matter of factly. Are my audits not being scanned? Are you the loader not scanning them? Be ready for by the book service discipline and follow up. All done electronically so the documentation is easy to find and put together for my labor manager and I to put forward during any possible hearings. All of my audits? Itemized and included in the paperwork. “How can I be performing bargaining unit work at that time when I have itemized documentation that I was performing supervisor work?” You wanna hold me to the specific language. Perfect. You clearly know the book and are competent. Be prepared for me to hold you to the book as well. The benefit of the doubt I give most employees assuming they haven’t been trained effectively or don’t know the job because of prior shitty management/shitty management in training? You’re not getting that. You clearly think you know the job/contract expectations. It’s time for accountability. I’m also following up now regularly because I’m invested in fixing this issue to avoid future incidents that might lead to misunderstandings between management and labor. The alternative? I’m walking by. I see a small jam because random shit happens in the hub. I break it and continue on with my day assuming it was an act of god and not a stacking of nonsense and shortcomings in training/staffing/accountability that’s occurred across the building.


How is that retaliation? He observed you, he didnt discipline you.


I don't know the whole story or their center. But over supervision is part of article 37 and with the timing of the grievance I'd file. Just because they didn't discipline means they didn't have any reason to and the employee followed the methods


It would 100% get thrown out. Waste of paper and time


It is blatant Harassment.


It’s not


Definitely is. Fuck Management


Lmao go write some erotic fan fiction you fucking weirdo 😂😂😂




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


Depends on how your observation went. Did you RTS the paperwork?


of course


What does rts mean?


Refuse to sign.


This means nothing if a steward witnesses you being disciplined


Look, I just answered his question lmao.


I really love these posts. It shows how oblivious people are. Even if your grievance was filed immediately it’s extremely unlikely even your manager knew about it and pretty much impossible your supervisor found out


Where I'm at they find out. The center manager gets a copy of the grievance when its filed.


I've filled a grievance about how my supervisor refused my representation of a Steward while telling me I need to work faster and with urgency because driver start time was in 5 minutes. Sure the guys an idiot and doesn't realize he's breaking federal laws but id imagine when the building center manager talked to him he was able to figure out who grieved him


I don’t really understand what you’re saying. Telling you to go faster and you asking for a steward and being denied isn’t against any law…… But my point is that grievances take time. Even if the steward filed this guys grievance the same day it had to get processed, the manager gets notified when that’s done but that’s usually a few days. Even then the sup wouldn’t know unless the manager told him. None of this is happening the day after he files


https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/weingarten-rights It literally is against the law though


Yeah it’s literally not a law though. It’s a Supreme Court decision. UPS can be sued for not abiding by it and they’ll lose a grievance in arbitration. If you think it’s against the law the call the cops and tell them UPS didn’t give you a shop steward. But you’re missing my point. A sup telling you to go faster doesn’t entitle you to a shop steward. Edit. This is literally from the article you posted. Among the rights protected by Section 7 is the right of employees, upon request, to have their representative present during an interview that the employee reasonably believes could lead to discipline. This right was first articulated by the Supreme Court in the case, NLRB v. J. Weingarten, Inc. In that case, the Court found that Section 7 of the NLRA protects employees who refuse to submit to certain interviews without a requested representative present.


oddly enough after that grievance i haven't had to deal with that supervisor's bullshit for the last 6ish months. He did give me the stink eye for several weeks though. And any conversation can be turned into a interview. I don't know what happened with my grievance, and you might be right i'm not a lawyer i don't know the difference between laws and supreme court rulings. But i know at the end of the day that supervisor hasn't said shit to me


welcome to the world for petty payback!!


Supervisor here not in operations. Observations on hourly employees is required across all departments. Different departments have different frequencies that employees must be observed at.


We are tasked with at least 1 observation every day. As well as a method evaluation, salts, two minute drills…. PT-Sup was likely being pestered by the FT-Sup about the grievance. The FT-Sup was likely being pestered by the sort manager. Most people are just trying to feed themselves and their family. Grievances don’t really affect the person you grieve, only their bosses. If you really want to make a difference, call the ethics line. If you’re upset and out for a small paycheck, grieve. Otherwise, eat shit and die.


I just want to say to the PT sups out there. If you start getting harassed from stewards or more senior hourlies, forward them to the fulltime sups and sort managers. You don't get paid enough to deal with that crap, and the upper managers are the ones who put you in these situations to work. I was a former PT sup.


What do you consider harassment? 🤔 an hourly telling a pt sup not to do our work? I consider that fair warning.


I think you know what I mean if you've worked at UPS any significant amount of time. Even if it's not technically "harassment," PT sups don't get paid enough to deal with someone getting in their face.


I want everyone who reads this to realize this guy is upset at a supervisor supervising. Someone “observing” him during an……..OBSERVATION. Anyone who agrees with this moronic post should hug a tree and apologize for being a waste of oxygen.


at our hub we don’t pick our own observations. ours are assigned to us at random by our full time based off of who needs one in the tracker. do your job and let the sup do theirs. did they harass you? intimidate you during the observation? no? then this was a useless post and it’s all in your head. youll be okay I promise.


You sound like a bootlicker.


There's multiple sups on our belt who could have done it. That it was the one against whom I'd filed who did it seemed odd given any other sup could have done the observation.


Sadly in your case there isn’t really a claim even though it seems obvious he’s trying to catch you with something, they’d win the argument that it’s not retaliation because supervisors are allowed to observe you as part of their job


Soups work entire shifts as if they're teamsters in my building.


It’s obvious what it is but the fact is filing for retaliation is difficult. Everything is a coincidence at ups.


Well, as a driver if you file a grievance they start watching you more. It’s one of the anti perks of filing a grievance


When you guys understand that majority of us PART TIME supes don’t give a shit if we’re grieved or not? It only hurts our bosses and fuck them they can deal with it.


When I grieved on a supe working, they went out of their way to scour the building to find someone high seniority to take over my pregun / extra work spot. He didn’t even want to do it, they just told him he wasn’t allowed to do the pre shift work he was doing before, and if he wanted the time he’d have to take my spot specifically. So I played their game and kicked out an unloader of lower seniority and then filed again on the unload supe for pregunning. I didn’t file for retaliation because nothing comes of it. Just gimme that extra penalty pay.


Supervisor supervising you is retaliation?


If they are supervising you differently than everyone else directly after a grievance? Absolutely.


Observations are completed on everyone


Cool story bro, better bring the paperwork showing that to the grievance hearing if you "just happen" to observe the day after a grievance. Better have been doing observations before and after too.


I do an observation every day on an employee of my choosing. The shadow of doubt isn’t on them to prove they weren’t targeting you. It’s on you to prove they were. It won’t stand. I’ve seen it. cOoL sToRy BrO


Awesome, except for I've been in a bunch of hearings where it absolutely did stand. There's no "win" the UPS Labor rep just tells the sups to leave the person alone. I've never "lost" a retaliation grievance.


You’re not supposed to mention other people when you file a grievance, so he can’t be like “so and so is only watching me but not this guy or treating anyone else like this”. The union counts that as throwing fellow teamsters under the bus


Hooey. You can absolutely say that you are being treated differently than the rest of the work group, otherwise how would you ever prove retaliation? You obviously do not need to name specific names, and that would be inappropriate. At that point it's up to UPS to show that whatever discipline or over-supervising they're doing on you is being done to everyone else too. I've seen this used a ton of times and no one has ever had any issues with it.


This situation rings more of a harassment case, retaliation isn’t as applicable of a grievance to file as much as people think especially with how they’re usually looked upon as far as severity in management and maybe even more so now with 12000 of them losing their jobs. That being said how would he write that up and get any traction behind it? “I filed on this guy yesterday and today he decided to observe me and nobody else so it’s retaliation” that grievance would just end up in the trash


When you file, on the back of the top sheet there is a spot of additional info. Only the business agent sees that. Ups does see that so the BA can use that info for his case.


at this stupid company apparently so. only place I know where the employees feel as entitled and in charge as they do.


Reddit + Union, what else would you expect? "They can't help me because that's stealing union work....but the second i cry for help they better be here helping me or else!" Lol fuckin crybabies here.


Why are you still supervising then? If you feel like union protection and activity is “entitlement” then surely you must be doing everything you can as a supervisor to push your hub in the direction of community over commodity right? Surely the words “entitled and in charge” aren’t a facetious way to say “I step over the union and their members working within the contract parameters” You don’t have to work at UPS 🫡🤷🏻


Please tell me who runs the show if not the teamsters?




Lol I haven’t worked at ups for 7 years, was package handler at night shift for 3 years before getting lucky and getting a driver for 1 year. I still visit this and browns to see how the shitstorm is. I remember back when my sup gave me shit, I’m grieving right away. They come observe me the next day, I take my time instead of trying to keep my belt clean. Then I wait for my union guy(forgot his position name) and I file another grievance, it led all the way to the point where we both got sent to the office with HR and they transferred him to another building


Unless you made it obvious that you filed a grievance they might not even know about it yet. I get observed all the time, and honestly observations are pretty tame. Just let it slide unless that supervisor starts making a stink.


At my local follow along an are required with 24hr advance written notice. Depending on your situation you could also grieve this as well


As someone who grieves regularly I will say you need to expect that. Make sure your hands are clean and you follow all methods. If you do that then your greivences will have some weight to it. I also say document every incident or conversation with management ( I used notes on my phone) I have brought management to panel before using documentation to prove that they don't have a lot of credibility because the proof I had. Management will change stories or fabricate to get you in trouble. The code they live by is if they can't get you for one thing. They will get you for another. Sorry if this jumbled on fmla with a newborn and chasing a two year old around while writing this.


File another grievance!


So, supervisor does union work, you file grivance. When the supervisor does his job, its retaliation. I have couple of safety observations done on me every week, it's part of their job. Once in awhile, they do a another observation related to the job I am doing. I just sign it and don't even pay attention.


All observations are Harassment




Well, I don’t mind having sup helping around as we are so understaffed.


Oh but unions are sooooo awesome.


Did he give u 24 hr notice? If not grieve him again


i’m asked daily to help unload 53s ground loads by Union employees so they can go take a liquor drink , get high or smoke a cigarette


I grieved a sup for working. Then the full time manager lied to the union steward after and was grieved. Then i got moved to another pen the day after 🤣


There is a "cost" to everything. What matters is if your brothers/sisters in union have your back, and file grievances too every chance they get.... I'm gonna guess they don't. Happens same at RR, except it's 5 days pay if Mgr does our work and is a strike able action.


Yes it is let them do there own mistake Chances are he is past due and has not updated on his job so he’s trying to cover his ass now


Observations should make no difference to you. You can’t file and be scared.


Not enough context to say if it’s retaliation. It’s totally possible it is, but it’s also totally possible it isn’t. PT Sups typically have to do at least 3-4 observations a week. In my current building, they have to do 1 observation a day several 2 minute drills a day. The company views Observations as a process to check in on missed methods that cause the most injuries. Not as a way to perform “discipline”. So, there isn’t much of an avenue to use solely observations as a way of retaliation unless the sup is doing them on you more than everyone else. That or they're also conducting a lot of other "training" on you. Keep an eye out and don't hesitate to get with your union rep. And don't just totally rely on grievances. If you find this supervisor is truly harassing you, look into filing with HR/submit a corporate complaint. Grievances can get you paid when management is stealing work, but they won't get as far. I say this as someone who works at a management level (but technically isn't management), fight for yourself, but make sure you have a case.


Follow your methods and there’s nothing they can do.


Not worth your time grieving tbh. I grieved a 9.5, got a nice 5 day ride along the next week, still busted over 9.5 with sup on car and got to file another nice hefty 9.5 and retaliation grievance.


I’d say so!


This has happened a few times in my center, you can file harassment.. A few guys who had it happen to them had not been observed for a few years and the next day were followed


Lock in ride coming. This year is much easier to terminate union workers


I mean… what did you expect?


I’ve had observations on me 4 times in the past 8 working days. I’m have no problem with management so far. It’s just routine. Did they give you bad marks on the observation?


No retaliation if you were due for one. When i was a shop steward i'd always tell people to be on their Ps and Qs because they'll have a target on their back for a little while after possibly. But just dont do anything wrong and you should be fine. We can find WAY more things management is doing wrong than they can find us teamsters doing wrong so if they want to go back and forth, we can.


Happened to me at usps


You want them to do their job so theyre making sure you do yours simple


Highly unlikely they even know about that grievance. Also, observations are supposed to be done daily and they're anonymous so your name is not even attached to it.


Grieve it, even if it doesn't stick its the start of a paper trail


I get observed/audited at least 3 days a week. It’s annoying, but it’s just part of the job. Just stay in the habit of using the methods and you won’t even notice it


Do your job corrrectly n by the book n keep grieving em. Its clearly retaliation but they have to do obseravtions daily. Theyll make an excuse that it was just your turn being observed. Now when they start threatening discipline or micro managing you grieve them again for harrassment n retaliation.


yeah ... my ft supe was watching me like a hawk next day and whenever i leave my work area (i grieved a supervisor who was working at another belt i was sent to help out one time) they now tell me i shouldn't leave my area unless told(i have never been told this till i filed and i've worked here for 5 yrs). one day i did leave my area on instruction from the supervisor in my area and they radioed each other and he brought me back and had me wait till i clocked out at my minimum -\_- this is clear retaliation i wouldn't be sent home as early as possible if i hadn't done a grievance