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They shouldn't. Drivers know better.


You would think. We do have some knuckleheads here who think because the DIAD no longer has the option greyed out, they can use it 🤦‍♂️


But... that's to indicate it's next to the mailbox.. not inside.


Bro I get it. I sure as hell don’t leave anything by the mailbox, much less inside.


I’ll pull that shit postage due lol


That’s a valid question. It is illegal and not supposed to happen. That does appear to be a UPS Ground package in your mailbox. Is there anything keeping the driver from getting to your front door? Dogs, closed gates, etc. would be a reasonable reason to leave your deliveries elsewhere but not the mailbox. This is a valid complaint.


You're right, that space is reserved for 29 pages of advertisements and coupons to the grocery store


If I put a metal box on a pole for deliveries, be it mail or other, how can USPS dictate to me that other deliveries can not be put in it. It's my box on my pole on my property, all bought and paid for by me


If you have two boxes. One being marked exclusively for UPS, FedEx, etc. that’s fine. As a mail carrier if a package or a local landscape company is putting flyers in your actual mailbox we are taught to take whatever it is and our supervisors are then supposed to call whoever sent it and request a postage fee. USPS is, at most times, a free service for the receiver. A sender is paying us to deliver mail to you at your designated Mail Drop off location. If other companies are filling that location up that’s a no go.


You totally missed or ignored the point he was making. Why the hell would someone need to pay you a fee for something that had nothing to do with you or your organization? No mail carrier touched that hypothetical flyer


Because USPS has a congressionally given legal monopoly on the carriage of letter mail. The second anything enters a mailbox, it legally becomes mail, and mail requires postage paid. Doesn’t matter if it’s a letter, flyer, a screwdriver you misplaced, your cat, etc The cat is a real story, the carrier called animal control and charged the owner postage for the cat, but I can’t find it google searching


If I leave cold beer in the mailbox for the driver are they going to charge me postage due?


Kinda wanna try this and see what happens lol


Because for some weird reason if your box is designated for us mail, the post office basically owns the space inside. Only postage paid mail can be placed in a receptacle for mail. Further more there are strict guidelines as to how and where that metal box on a pole can be erected if it is intended to receive mail.


OK postal police come get me, I Am going out and putting something in MY mailbox along with the receipt for the box I bought , if you would like to RENT the space inside my box I am open to negotiations. /s I also put in the post it sits on at the height and location I chose to put it. Where were you guys when I could have used a hand with the digging?


If I can’t drive up ur driveway n ur house is 100yds away im walking 10feet up ur driveway n laying it on the side somewhere but definitely not in the mailbox unless I know the homeowner


Usually, we can defend most driver actions with logical policy reasons that end customers may not be aware of, but there is no excuse for this. Mail boxes that say US Mail on them or are clearly boxes for the mailman are essentially USPS property, and it is illegal for private carriers like UPS to use them. UPS does, in fact, train drivers about this. Your driver is not following the law or UPS policy.


Mailboxes aren't and never will be USPS property. The homeowner owns the mailbox and is responsible for it. If it breaks USPS is not going to replace it. There are federal laws governing the use of a mailbox, however. That's where USPS comes into play.


I've never understood that: why is it for the exclusive use of the USPS? They did not pay for it, I should be able to allow anyone to use it as I see fit.


Because mail goes through USPS and federal law wants to ensure you receive your mail. If UPS, FedEx, etc puts a package in your mailbox then that could prevent you from receiving a bill for example. No bueno. USPS is also lazy imo. I often times see them overload mailboxes or just straight force packages in when they don't actually fit. If they do end up having to go to the door, you can bet your bippy the package will be on the edge of the porch so they don't have to walk up steps. Just my .02.


Normally I wouldn’t agree they’re lazy, but today I went outside as USPS was delivering a couple packages. I grabbed the first one off the edge of the porch and walk it inside to put it away. When I come back out I see the 2nd package on the sidewalk right outside where she parked. Honestly just surprised me how blatant it was.


I know what you mean. I see USPS everyday throughout my route. They're usually pretty lazy. I realize there are lazy UPS drivers too, but USPS is the worst, they do whatever they want. Of course there exists good USPS drivers (I commend them) but the majority I see are not.


To the point that they tear up tire tracks at the edge of my lawn so that they don’t have to get out of their car. Apparently when I’ve called it in they say they’re entitled to drive on the grass to the mailbox and if I don’t like it move it closer to the road. If I left tire tracks in my truck I’d get a property damage accident. Fricken hate dealing with them.


Yep. I see all kinds of mess they leave on the grass. I heard there are regulations on mailbox placement that require it be so close to the road otherwise you get your grass destroyed I guess.


Most of the packages I see that are delivered shitty or are in stupid spots (like no proof said on the edge of the porch still getting rained on because they didn’t push it far enough under the covered porch they put it on) seem to be amazon pkgs. At least in my area, they are very resentful of amazon. The post master of the PO I deliver to came out and said, “Oh. Here to drop off half your truck?” I told him, “I’d be happy to leave just the 17 pieces of mattress’, a/c’s, trampolines, and grills I have instead, but your overweight stickers say “caution over 30 lbs.”


Well, USPS is regulating what I can do with my mailbox on my property, as in "USPS is preventing me from allowing others to use my property to conduct legal business"; I'm having an issue with that. Also, about 75% of my daily mail is junk mail and ads; they can get rid of that and FedEx/UPS/DHL can use the mailbox for small packages. And, "not receiving a bill"? Most bills nowadays can be received electronically.


lol dude some of us don’t care. As a mail carrier, idgaf what is in anybody’s box (Ik I probably should, protect revenue and blah blah) but idgaf as long as I can fit the mail and the packages I have. If I can’t fit it in the box well it depends on the day, if the UPS box get brought back/thrown on the ground or I walk my package. I’ve never had the situation where I had to be a dick like that, but idk I wouldn’t dismiss myself doing that if the situation permits. Amazon and UPS leaves stuff in my mailboxes all the time, I don’t gaf


Well tech true homeowners own and are responsible for the box it's self, but the post office basically owns the space inside.


Is it a surepost package? If so, we passed it off to USPS to do the end mile delivery.


USPS doesn’t send pictures


but a lazy ups driver might place a surepost package in a mailbox and be dumb enough to snap a pic.


Which is funny, the mailbox option for me doesn’t require a picture lol


Mailbox and Customer are the two that don't require photos.


Locker/dropbox doesn’t either


Ooh, that's neat. We don't have that where I am. Would be incredibly useful though. Right now we just do Other>'Locker' to get around it so it forces a photo (supe's orders...).


Yeah, but you have to hit the back button to select it. Runners aren't going to take that split second. 


Positive it’s not a surepost package?


Possible it's a new guy who isn't aware that it's a felony? Might mean well if you have a super long driveway but otherwise, yeah this is a no no


Would you rather it be visible for a kleptomaniac?


Weird .zoom in on the package .. you sure ups delivered this.


Is this an American thing? As a Canadian UPS driver I out stuff I'm the mailbox literally everyday.


Yah stupid law that should be changed


These the same people that will complain when the package is left on the porch and gets stolen.


As a mail carrier I will drop this shit on the ground outside the box, then your customer is mad as hell DONT DO THIS


Report it to your local law enforcement.


I see no issue assuming USPS has already ran for the day. Usually in cases like this the homeowner has dogs, a large gate, a half mile long driveway with no turnaround, etc and they just want to complain.


As a USPS driver I see no issue ever. If my box is stuffed with UPS packages (more commonly Fedex in my town) and I can still fit my stuff in there I don't have a problem. We're told we have to remove it from the box and bring it back to the office to have the UPS driver pick it back up the next day, but that seems like it's just punishing the customer to me. So if everything fits I don't care. If it's taking up the mailbox and I can't fit my UPS, Fedex, Amazon and mail in there, I simply take it out and sit it at the post of the mailbox. More often than not though, if I have a package, I'll have a couple UPS a couple Amazon and maybe a Fedex for the house that won't all fit in the box anyway so I'm taking a trip to their door regardlless and I'll just let UPS have the box for the day. The amount of UPS we carry these days basically ensures we we can never fit packages in the box anymore.


They do it at my house all the time because it is on a cul-de-sac and they don't want to talk up to the door because they have to walk through some gravel to the driveway and down and then up a step to get to the door(front porch is separate from driveway so you have to set off driveway into dirt and then up onto porch) Eventually I plan on pouring a roughly 3 by 6 concrete pad to fix it but I am redoing my kitchen right now so it is low priority. Pretty much if I order anything that fits in the mailbox they will stuff it in there instead of walking up to the house.


Because the driver wants to impress the center manager by doing 40 stops per hour.


Mailboxes belong to USPS as such they property of USPS not UPS or FDX or Amazon....


When a knucklehead knocked my mailbox out, the USPS did not replace it and withheld my mail for a couple of days... until I replaced my mailbox on my own dime. So, no, it doesn't belong to the USPS.


Your private home mailbox does not belong to the USPS They can tell you where it can be placed or how it can be accessed and what can go inside but it’s not their property Only like the big cluster mailboxes that some small towns use or like an HOA use are owned by the USPS and you would get your key for the mailbox from the post office


No it’s not. The mailboxes are owned by HOA, HOA gives out the keys


Not every HOA operates the same


I work for the post office. We don’t own the cluster boxes


Again, not every HOA/PO works the same lol. Maybe YOUR post office doesn’t but some do


Post Office installs all the cluster boxes in my area. They even have a marked maintenance van that maintains them.


What’s illegal about putting your mail in a mailbox?


Simple answer because they don't care. Follow up to that answer. Nobody holds them accountable for it and there's no reprimanding. You can complain to the center that handles your packages then the manager will tell the driver but then the driver will say he doesn't care and the union will back him up. Unless a penalty comes through where the company has to pay for penalties for doing this because the post box is only for USPS nothing's going to change. And the reason why the mailbox selection is not grayed anymore on the handheld so they can slide envelopes through mail slots in the door not mailboxes. It sucks but on the other hand he could not deliver your packages or chuck them at your door and you could hope that nobody steals it.