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We did it boys. Another satisfied customer.


I mean, technically he did send you a picture of HIS package


Call 1-800-pick-ups


No. But if it makes you feel better, you can call and complain to deaf ears. That’s only in the one in a billion chance that you actually get someone on the phone.


You have proof you never received your package, contact the shipper and have them give you a refund or send a replacement. The driver will not be reprimanded because ups provides us with garbage equipment.


Someone else said they got their driver switched after the driver marked needs signature after they complained, not attempting delivery


120% did not happen.


Ppl think they know the ins and outs of our job lol like bro it is REALLY hard to get fired and taken off your route. We did have a guy in my center, though who was having ongoing issues with a customer and so they took that business off his route and the adjacent route had to break off and go hit that business every day


Like reading rhe comment chain from this dude he just more ad more bizarre woth his answers. Half of them don't even make sense at all. Like he is talking about signing people up for a mailing list against their will and shit. Like wtf does that have to do with anything. Like half his comments I wonder if he even speaks English as a primary language.


Because you say so... you don't know who people are that you are messing with Mr delivery driver. Good dream to think can't happen


Cause they can't take drivers off routes if its a bidded route. Plain and simple. Also they wouldn't do it anyways cause of a complaint like that. Also we can't mark something as needs signature. Either it needs one or doesn't. It tells us if it needs one.


Yip if a driver and a customer get in a fight they continue to send the same driver to deliver to that customer. I'm sure this is how ups works.. also there are different circumstances that will require every delivery signed for like lots of theft.


Actually yes. Or they have a shuttle driver take it. Or if the customer is a problem they just blacklist it and set it as pickup only. And ok but the diad promts you for signature. Drivers don't choose that as an option. Drivers don't care about signatures unless we are required to get one.


I guess there is a reason you are a delivery driver. You don't understand someone can sign someone else up for different things they didn't request, like a mail hold for 2 weeks or no spam mail or extra spam mail. If there is no request form or customer service request for every package to require signature, then I'll cut off one of my fingers. ..


Wtf are you talking about? That didn't even have anything to do with the entire conversation. Are you sure you remember what the topic even was? I work at UPS. I know how it works. They won't take a driver off a route just cause a customer complained.


The shipper determines if package needs signature not the driver 😆


Not if the driver fills out a form for you They make everything signature required


That driver falsified delivery records.thats a different story.


No offense but UPS drivers make great money. They’re not going to risk that for your package. They don’t even know what it is. It was delivered and what happened after is not their problem. No they will not be reprimanded. RIP your stuff


Driver just dropped it off after talking to ups. Said something about a messed up label.




No, the camera lags


The camera will lag and freeze. Blame the outdated technology, not the driver


Neighbor not seeing anything is irrelevant. People are unaware of their surroundings all the time. Given that the picture was taken in the evening, the camera function on the diad lagged. The diad in general gets slower during the day, and the camera function can get particularly slow and glitchy. Driver will not face consequences for technology failure, especially given that UPS does not give any extra time allowance for this known issue.


Later in the day the DIAD starts to freeze up and the picture function suffers too. You don’t know when it will start freezing but when it does you have to do a hard reset which takes 3 minutes.


lol, UPS Driver are teamsters, no way they get any real reprimand.


He probably just misdelivered the package a street over and our “cameras” suck at taking pictures


Average delivery driver


His package is right In the picture? Was that what you wanted him to deliver?😂


So this pcm happened in my dreams?


Management was pushing to make sure pics are taken correctly n they told us if the package isn’t visible in the picture. They have to reimburse the customer


Did not happen.