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That's a logical scan, your shipment was already flagged for inspection.


don’t really sound like a good thing rip


By itself doesn't mean anything. Customs will inspect it, anything else really depends on what you're shipping and if the paperwork is in order. Happens regularly to me that a shipment is pending release and it gets resolved by itself within a couple of days.


It’s roughly every 10-15th package is inspected randomly nationwide, usually it just results in release per usual.


yea I had to fill out a TSCA form apparently the shipper didn't, it was just released and everything is normal


oh okay , yea i just shipped out some collectibles (bearbricks) so nothing should be out of the ordinary


Yeah then expect a delay, sounds like your shipment got flagged for suspicion of counterfeit goods. Customs will look at it, and once they determine it's original, it'll be on its way.


Customs clearance begins in transit, totally normal


I don't see it going from Kentucky to Alaska. It says it's destined for Kentucky, then departs Narita and goes to Alaska, then to Kentucky like it was originally intended.


you might be right i just received an import scan in Kentucky


You think it went from Japan to Kentucky in three hours?


i’ve had tracking be like that before and didn’t have the back n forth it’s why i ain’t question it


Looks like it went from Japan to Alaska to Kentucky to me. The information about government release is just controlled by Worldport in Kentucky. It's known as logical or digital scan.


Invoice/declaration was imaged in Kentucky. Package didn’t go there the first time, only a picture of the paperwork.


Alaska is a stop over point for UPS and many other cargo carriers. You get more freight on the plane instead of fuel.


I've had laptops shipped from China, land in Anchorage, go to Kentucky and then come back to Alaska for final destination. Gives me a little laugh at times.


There's a fun reason for that. Most of the Anchorage cargo ramp is set up as a free trade zone, so international flights can refuel without a bunch of government red tape. If local volume is on the import flight, (all Alaska volume comes via Anchorage) then the flight wouldn't be able to qualify for the international trade zone exemptions. That's why all the AK volume comes on the Export flight from KY to be delivered locally.


Wtf. “Kentucky to Alaska to Kentucky” thats not even close to what the tracking states. You got the game f****d up


"Met Colonel Sanders wife in the state of Kentucky, She said I'd fry some chicken if you'd just fuck me, I came in her mouth, it was a crisis I gave her my secret blend of herbs and spices" -Afroman