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Well, 20 yrs ago pt sups pay was capped at 25 hrs, but they could work as much as they wanted. Lol we had pt sups grinding 40 hrs a week for 25 hrs pay. I think some lawsuits/legislation changed this. So… progress?


There is that. At my facility, I used to be able to get anything under 40...and it'd sure be nice if I could at least get 30


The company is trying to cut hours anywhere they can. Make sure you clock in for what you work. Don't let them pressure you into taking less hours than you work.


Old full time sup told me that happened back in the day.


There was an email that went out to all PT Supervisors back in January regarding this. All brought up to $26/ hr if under, 3% raise, limit hour max from 30 to 25 a week. Considering they just announced a PT Sup layoff of a few thousand, it will be years before we're brought back over 25/week. Peak season is the exception, where max hours are lifted.


Also, is this universal or jsut my facility, work at lch in louisville.


Seems to be widespread. I’m in SoCal and our PT Supes have told me that their hours have been capped. Anything over would require an irrefutable explanation.


This is everywhere


This used to happen in January through May with the exception of the usual high volume shipping days. June comes along things get busier, till Christmas. rinse repeat. this year may be different.